Gukesh D - Partidas de ajedrez

Gukesh D - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 26/11/2024 10:29:38 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: ON
Nombre del jugador: Gukesh D (IND) IND
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 19 años (nacido en 2006)
Fide ID: 46616543 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 2794
Gukesh D - Partidas de ajedrez: 0
2654 (Rápido)
2615 (Blitz)

Gukesh D - Gráficos



Gukesh D - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2024-09-11 to 2024-09-22 45th Chess Olympiad Budapest 2024 Open Hungary 312 4 [+308] 3056
2023-10-11 to 2023-10-20 Qatar Masters Open 2023 Qatar 4 8 [-4] 2674
2021-06-10 to 2021-06-13 Julius Baer Challengers Chess Tour 2021 - Challenge #2 13 1 [+12] 2693
2021-05-26 to 2021-05-30 AICF WORLD CUP QUALIFIER India 11 2 [+9] 2693
2023-09-08 to 2023-09-09 TATA STEEL CHESS INDIA BLITZ 2023 India 3 8 [-5] 2624
2023-09-05 to 2023-09-07 TATA STEEL CHESS INDIA RAPID 2023 India 3 6 [-3] 2692
2023-08-26 to 2023-08-28 2023 World Rapid Team Championship Germany 57 6 [+51] 2683
2023-07-10 to 2023-07-20 2023 TÜRKİYE İŞ BANKASI SATRANÇ SÜPER LİGİ Turkey 1 6 [-5] 2789
2023-07-08 to 2023-07-09 2023 GCT SuperUnited Rapid and Blitz Croatia - Blitz Croatia 2 6 [-4] 2770
2023-07-05 to 2023-07-07 2023 GCT SuperUnited Rapid and Blitz Croatia - Rapid Croatia 1 4 [-3] 2774
2023-05-17 to 2023-05-25 6th Sharjah Masters 2023- Masters Section United Arab Emirates 2 3 [-1] 2781
2022-12-18 to 2022-12-20 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Rapid Azerbaijan 6 8 [-2] 2554
2022-12-22 to 2022-12-23 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Blitz Azerbaijan 6 7 [-1] 2564
2022-11-29 to 2022-12-01 TATA STEEL CHESS INDIA RAPID 2022 India 4 5 [-1] 2678
2022-10-03 to 2022-10-09 37th European Chess Club Cup 2022 Ecuador 410 60 [+350] 2639
2022-07-14 to 2022-07-22 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Classical Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 8 4 [+4] 2733
2022-07-29 to 2022-08-09 44th Olympiad Chennai 2022 Open India 24 4 [+20] 2867
2022-07-12 to 2022-07-12 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Rapid Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 8 5 [+3] 2643
2022-07-03 to 2022-07-08 XIV Cerrado "Ciudad de Gijon" Spain 8 1 [+7] 2800
2022-04-13 to 2022-04-17 48º Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez de La Roda 2022 Spain 2 1 [+1] 2691
2022-04-06 to 2022-04-12 Kvika Reykjavik Open 2022 Iceland 2 17 [-15] 2613
2022-05-21 to 2022-05-29 5th Sharjah Masters 2022 United Arab Emirates 9 6 [+3] 2732
2022-03-22 to 2022-03-29 19th DELHI INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT New Delhi, 22-29 March 2022 India 6 2 [+4] 2540
2022-04-29 to 2022-05-08 I SUNWAY FORMENTERA INTERNATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL Spain 4 1 [+3] 2755
2022-02-25 to 2022-03-03 MPL 58th National Senior Chess Championship 2022 - Feb. 25 to March 03 @ Kanpur India 7 2 [+5] 2666
2021-12-26 to 2021-12-28 World Rapid Chess Championship 2021 - Open 174 9 [+165] 2753
2021-12-29 to 2021-12-30 World Blitz Chess Championship 2021 - Open 119 32 [+87] 2664
2022-04-20 to 2022-04-24 I Open Chess Menorca Grupo A Spain 5 1 [+4] 2784
2021-11-28 to 2021-11-29 Dubai 2020 World School Tournament KO Phase United Arab Emirates 2 39 [-37] 0
2021-11-20 to 2021-11-21 TATA STEEL CHESS INDIA BLITZ 2021 India 9 5 [+4] 2683
2021-10-11 to 2021-10-15 Chess Super League 2021 - League Stage India 11 13 [-2] 2612
2021-10-14 to 2021-10-22 3rd Yerevan Open Tournament A Armenia 2 12 [-10] 2570
2021-09-18 to 2021-09-24 36th European Chess Club Cup 2021 Ecuador 80 10 [+70] 2815
2021-10-04 to 2021-10-12 ChessMood Open - Tournament A Armenia 2 20 [-18] 2505
2021-08-26 to 2021-08-29 FIDE Online Rapid World Cup Cadets & Youth - FINALS - U16 1 12 [-11] 0
2021-09-26 to 2021-10-03 Junior U21 Round Table Open Chess Championship 26.09.21 - 03.10.21 Plovdiv Bulgaria 5 5 [0] 2594
2021-07-26 to 2021-08-04 Master Tournament (MTO) Biel International Chess Festival 2021 Switzerland 15 5 [+10] 2600
2021-08-08 to 2021-08-08 Riga Technical University Open 2021 - G Opening rapid tournament Latvia 58 17 [+41] 2328
2021-06-26 to 2021-07-04 Meltwater Champions Chess Tour - Goldmoney Asian Rapid Preliminaries 3 12 [-9] 2676
2021-08-19 to 2021-08-24 II Open de Xadrez Terras de Trás-os-Montes Portugal 4 2 [+2] 2747
2021-04-08 to 2021-04-11 Julius Baer Challengers Chess Tour 2021 - Challenge #1 11 3 [+8] 2676
2021-08-09 to 2021-08-15 Riga Technical University Open 2021 - Tournament A Latvia 13 26 [-13] 2522
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C Ecuador 20 4 [+16] 2483
2021-03-21 to 2021-03-21 Yugam 2021 - International Open Online Blitz Chess Tournament; Cash Prizes : Rs. 1,00,000/- India 6 245 [-239] 0
2021-03-19 to 2021-03-29 Mujib Borso SAIF POWERTEC Premier Division Chess League-2020 Bangladesh 34 1 [+33] 2598
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 Ecuador 268 268 [0] 0
2021-08-24 to 2021-08-29 GUIMARÃES CHESS OPEN 2021 - 24/08 - 29/08 Portugal 4 12 [-8] 2528
2020-12-08 to 2020-12-08 Super Juniors Cup by ChessBase India Foundation - Pre Quarters India 5 9 [-4] 2436
2020-12-06 to 2020-12-07 Super Juniors Cup by ChessBase India Foundation - Eliminator Round India 5 2 [+3] 3193
2020-12-19 to 2020-12-22 FIDE ONLINE WORLD CADETS & YOUTH RAPID CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS U14 Open Finals Georgia 1 1 [0] 2347
2020-10-02 to 2020-10-02 Shri.Manohar Parrikar International Open Online Blitz Chess Tournament Cat A No more corrections- 09:00 P.M. -07/10/2020 final prize list India 4 5 [-1] 2238
2020-09-24 to 2020-09-26 Joytu Sheikh Hasina International Online Chess Tournament 2020 Bangladesh 48 3 [+45] 2498
2018-08-17 to 2018-08-26 XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 192968 42 53 [-11] 2420
2020-08-30 to 2020-08-30 Sundays with Unity : Monthly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 30th August - Mega Event ) United States 58 58 [0] 0
2020-07-26 to 2020-07-26 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 26 th July ) United States 45 45 [0] 0
2020-07-19 to 2020-07-19 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 19th July ) United States 44 44 [0] 0
2020-07-12 to 2020-07-12 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 12th July ) United States 54 54 [0] 0
2020-07-05 to 2020-07-05 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 5th July ) United States 37 37 [0] 0
2020-06-28 to 2020-06-28 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 28th June ) United States 49 49 [0] 0
2020-06-21 to 2020-06-21 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament United States 50 50 [0] 0
2020-06-13 to 2020-06-13 C'Chartres Blitz Master France 2 14 [-12] 2451
2020-06-06 to 2020-06-06 I Copa Naciones Ordum 2020 - Absoluto Portugal 14 292 [-278] 2407
2020-06-06 to 2020-06-06 VII Torneo Día de Canarias Online 2020 (Sub 18) - con Bandera ESP en la FIDE Spain 2 2 [0] 0
2020-06-12 to 2020-06-12 2 ABC Grand Prix Arena Blitz Tournmanet starts at 17:30 GMT+2 United States 9 9 [0] 0
2020-06-06 to 2020-06-06 I Copa Naciones Ordum 2020 Portugal 14 14 [0] 0
2020-05-15 to 2020-05-16 Sukooon Resort 1st Indian League (ICL) India 11 19 [-8] 2568
2019-12-29 to 2019-12-30 2019 King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Championship Blitz Open Russia 185 182 [+3] 2382
2019-12-26 to 2019-12-28 2019 King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Championship Rapid Open Russia 207 66 [+141] 2581
2019-12-13 to 2019-12-22 VI Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A (Id.234911) Spain 31 20 [+11] 2591
2019-10-10 to 2019-10-21 FIDE Grand Swiss 2019 United Kingdom 119 48 [+71] 2683
2019-09-04 to 2019-09-10 "Shanghai Haiwan Cup" New Star International Chess Tournament 2019 China 8 8 [0] 2377
2019-07-27 to 2019-07-27 Swiss Blitz Chess Championship (BTO) Switzerland 36 33 [+3] 2292
2019-07-22 to 2019-07-31 Master Tournament (MTO) Switzerland 28 26 [+2] 2527
2019-06-10 to 2019-06-10 Match between the national teams of schoolchildren of Russia and Velammal India Russia 2 2 [0] 2347
2019-06-02 to 2019-06-09 Match between the national teams of schoolchildren of Russia and Velammal India Russia 1 3 [-2] 2371
2019-12-03 to 2019-12-11 elllobregat Open Chess Group A 215081 Spain 7 19 [-12] 2428
2018-12-30 to 2019-01-07 IIFL Wealth 4th Mumbai International GM Chess Tournament 2018 Rtg - 2100+ India 14 4 [+10] 2573
2019-03-07 to 2019-03-13 9th HDBank International Chess Tournament 2019 - Masters Vietnam 15 4 [+11] 2700
2019-03-22 to 2019-03-30 3rd Sharjah Masters International Chess Championship - 2019 United Arab Emirates 26 47 [-21] 2393
2019-06-18 to 2019-06-25 2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A') India 16 10 [+6] 2476
2019-02-20 to 2019-02-27 Aeroflot Open 2019 A Russia 74 84 [-10] 2414
2019-12-14 to 2019-12-14 Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Blitz Nocturno día 14 (Id.234921) Spain 19 80 [-61] 0
2020-01-21 to 2020-01-30 Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2020 - Masters United Kingdom 57 51 [+6] 2540
2018-01-27 to 2018-02-04 Moscow Open 2018_A Russia 82 45 [+37] 2515
2018-06-02 to 2018-06-08 Открытые Всероссийские соревнования по шахматам "Белая ладья"_White Rook 2018 Russia 78 1 [+77] 2652
2018-05-14 to 2018-05-22 3rd Kolkata International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2018 India 33 23 [+10] 2462
2019-01-22 to 2019-01-31 Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2019 - Masters United Kingdom 80 27 [+53] 2650
2019-07-15 to 2019-07-21 CN Equipas 2018-2019 1 Divisao Portugal 53 4 [+49] 2628
2017-10-07 to 2017-10-11 First Friday IM Oct17 Malaysia 5 1 [+4] 2499
2018-10-05 to 2018-10-12 1st GUJARAT INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT - Category A AICF Event Code: 185065/GUJ/2018 India 18 20 [-2] 2373
2018-05-25 to 2018-06-01 11th KIIT International Chess Festival - 2018 (Category - A) Event Code : 184430/ORI/2018 India 26 76 [-50] 2350
2018-01-09 to 2018-01-16 DELHI OPEN 2018 Category "A" Cash Prize 27,77,777, IGI Stadium, New Delhi 09-16 January 2018 India 47 42 [+5] 2318
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-28 Isle of Man International Chess Tournament - Masters United Kingdom 81 70 [+11] 2505
2018-07-25 to 2018-07-25 CZECH OPEN 2018 "AUTO IN OPEN" - Q2 - Open blitz tournaments series Czech Republic 23 1 [+22] 2511
2018-07-18 to 2018-07-19 CZECH OPEN 2018 PARDUBICKY KRAJ OPEN - G1 - open Championship of the CR in rapid chess, part of ACP TOUR Czech Republic 147 14 [+133] 2466
2018-07-20 to 2018-07-28 CZECH OPEN 2018 "PARDUBICE OPEN" - A - open grand master tournament, part of ACP world series Czech Republic 57 33 [+24] 2465
2018-08-08 to 2018-08-14 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Juniors United Arab Emirates 1 1 [0] 2176
2018-07-08 to 2018-07-08 14. Memorijalni turnir "Uroš Dinić" Serbia 145 57 [+88] 2214
2019-04-08 to 2019-04-16 GAMMA Reykjavik Open 2019 Iceland 22 32 [-10] 2393
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 55 46 [+9] 2539
2018-08-17 to 2018-08-26 XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 192968 Spain 42 53 [-11] 2420
2017-11-17 to 2017-11-17 CBSE NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CHESS TOURNAMENT - 2017-UNDER-14 MIXED India 9 2 [+7] 1825
2018-04-13 to 2018-04-21 Bangkok Chess Club Open 2018 Thailand 27 3 [+24] 2582
2019-08-05 to 2019-08-11 Riga Technical University Open 2019 - Tournament A Latvia 21 18 [+3] 2558
2019-08-03 to 2019-08-03 Riga Technical University Open 2019 - F Opening blitz tournament Latvia 29 3 [+26] 2502
2019-08-04 to 2019-08-04 Riga Technical University Open 2019 - G Rapid Open tournament Latvia 118 12 [+106] 2494
2017-11-15 to 2017-11-18 CBSE NATIONAL TEAM CHESS TOURNAMENT 2017 - UNDER-14 MIXED India 11 6 [+5] 2031
2017-11-22 to 2017-11-30 31st UNDER 11 NATIONAL OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 AICF EVENT CODE 170040/170041/MAH 2017 India 1 1 [0] 2014
2018-04-08 to 2018-04-08 Asian Youth Chess Championships 2018 - U12 Blitz Thailand 7 1 [+6] 2028
2017-12-21 to 2017-12-28 Bhopal International GM Chess Tournament- 2017 Organised by: Sports-Youth Welfare Dpt & Academy of Chess Edu,Bhopal,MP,INDIA. India 15 6 [+9] 2300
2017-09-22 to 2017-09-24 31st Andhra Pradesh state U11 open Chess Championship 2017 India 1 1 [0] 2075
2018-07-06 to 2018-07-13 International Tournament "Paracin 2018" - OPEN A July 6-13 Serbia 19 22 [-3] 2452
2018-04-01 to 2018-04-01 Asian Youth Chess Championships 2018 - U12 Rapid Thailand 47 1 [+46] 2505
2019-01-09 to 2019-01-16 17th DELHI INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT (Category 'A') Prize Fund Rs 1,01,00,000 @Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium New Delhi, 9-16 Jan 2019 India 22 15 [+7] 2546
2018-12-14 to 2018-12-23 V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A (Id.202144) Spain 35 24 [+11] 2530
2018-12-03 to 2018-12-09 GM Round Robin,Orbis-2 2018 Paracin, December 3rd-9th Serbia 10 1 [+9] 2665
2018-04-02 to 2018-04-09 Asian Youth Chess Championships 2018 - U12 Standard Thailand 1 1 [0] 2176
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 55 46 [+9] 2539
2017-12-30 to 2018-01-07 IIFL Wealth 3rd Mumbai Junior (U-13) International Chess Tournament (EC: 168266) India 1 1 [0] 2105
2017-12-30 to 2018-01-07 IIFL Wealth 3rd Mumbai International Chess Tournament (AICF EC: 168265/MAH/2017) India 31 64 [-33] 2173
2018-02-20 to 2018-02-28 Aeroflot Open 2018 B Russia 80 52 [+28] 2354
2018-12-30 to 2019-01-07 4TH IIFL Wealth Mumbai International Chess Tournament 2018 - Junior U13 India 1 6 [-5] 1937
2018-06-17 to 2018-06-17 Блицтурнир в рамках Мемориала Алехина Russia 91 22 [+69] 2529
2018-08-10 to 2018-08-10 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Blitz United Arab Emirates 55 108 [-53] 1777
2018-06-12 to 2018-06-21 Master Open Alekhine Memorial 2018 Russia 40 58 [-18] 2398
2017-09-03 to 2017-09-03 Malaysian Chess Festival 2nd Blitz 2017 Malaysia 89 49 [+40] 2290
2018-06-11 to 2018-06-11 Турнир по быстрым шахматам в рамках Мемориала Алехина Russia 154 26 [+128] 2465
2018-09-11 to 2018-09-19 ANOGIA 2018 GM NORM TOURNAMENT '5th Capablanca Memorial' Greece 8 4 [+4] 2426
2017-08-14 to 2017-08-22 24th Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival - Masters Tournament United Arab Emirates 63 107 [-44] 2229
2017-08-28 to 2017-09-03 14th IGB Dato Arthur Tan International Open Chess Championship 2017 Malaysia 43 90 [-47] 2296
2017-08-18 to 2017-08-18 24th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Family Tournament United Arab Emirates 34 3 [+31] 2049
2017-08-02 to 2017-08-10 XLIII Obert Internacional Ciutat de Badalona 163554 -Memorial Miquel Castella Spain 28 32 [-4] 2348
2016-11-04 to 2016-11-04 AP U-15 Open State Chess Championship 4th to 6th Nov 2016 India 1 4 [-3] 1707
2016-04-10 to 2016-04-17 16th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2016 Thailand 80 121 [-41] 1977
2017-08-14 to 2017-08-22 24th Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival - Masters Tournament United Arab Emirates 63 107 [-44] 2229
2015-04-03 to 2015-04-07 2nd ACCF Fide Rating Chess Tournament-2015 India 46 30 [+16] 1743
2014-11-23 to 2014-11-27 Nipani Grand FIDE Rated All India Open Chess Tournament, Nipani India 41 28 [+13] 1536
2014-11-16 to 2014-11-16 2nd Ping Blitz International Fide Rated Chess Tournament-2014 India 56 85 [-29] 1565
2017-06-12 to 2017-06-21 Master Open Alekhine Memorial 2017 Russia 70 84 [-14] 2352
2017-05-26 to 2017-06-02 10th KiiT International Chess Festival - 2017 (Category - A) India 44 168 [-124] 2307
2017-05-18 to 2017-05-22 3rd SCS FIDE Rated Tournament - Sivakasi India 4 7 [-3] 2068
2017-04-27 to 2017-05-01 44th Selangor Open Chess Tournament 2017 Malaysia 9 5 [+4] 2331
2017-06-17 to 2017-06-17 Блицтурнир Russia 130 29 [+101] 2393
2017-06-02 to 2017-06-08 Всероссийские соревнования по шахматам "Белая ладья" Russia 337 2 [+335] 2647
2017-05-13 to 2017-05-17 Hatsun Idhayam Open rated tournament Virudhunagar India 4 6 [-2] 2091
2017-04-03 to 2017-04-11 19th Dubai Open 2017 United Arab Emirates 96 123 [-27] 2280
2017-01-18 to 2017-01-25 9th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2017 for Sakthi Group Dr.N.Mahalingam Trophy India 48 38 [+10] 2240
2016-12-26 to 2017-01-03 IIFL Wealth 2nd Mumbai International Chess Tornament (GM Open) India 51 37 [+14] 2215
2016-12-26 to 2017-01-03 2nd IIFL Wealth Mumbai Junior (Under-13) International Chess Tournament India 1 3 [-2] 2025
2017-01-05 to 2017-01-07 6th National School (U-11 Open) Chess Championship-2016, Nagpur India 1 1 [0] 2276
2017-03-23 to 2017-03-31 1st Sharjah Masters international Chess championship 2017 United Arab Emirates 121 58 [+63] 2198
2017-01-09 to 2017-01-16 15th Delhi International Cat: A India 71 112 [-41] 2088
2016-11-20 to 2016-11-28 42nd National Under-15 Open Chess Championship-2016 Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Near ITO, New Delhi from 20th - 28th November 2016 India 11 13 [-2] 2139
2016-11-10 to 2016-11-14 2nd BRDCA International Fide Rating Chess Tournament 2016 Event Code-142852/KAR/2016 India 5 5 [0] 2157
2016-07-31 to 2016-08-06 COMMONWEALTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 Under 10 Open Sri Lanka 1 1 [0] 1989
2016-08-11 to 2016-08-15 Grihapravesh Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament-2016 India 32 56 [-24] 2010
2016-09-12 to 2016-09-18 13th IGB Dato Arthur Tan International Open Chess Championship 2016 Malaysia 71 78 [-7] 2217
2016-09-24 to 2016-09-29 Shri Maheshwaranand Saraswati Mem. All India Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament India 28 23 [+5] 2172
2016-08-27 to 2016-08-31 Fomento All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament Event Code 138892/Goa/2016 India 13 4 [+9] 2009
2016-05-01 to 2016-05-05 Mineral Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament 2016, Vadodara India 8 13 [-5] 2059
2016-06-28 to 2016-07-06 SURESH AGRAWAL MEMORIAL 30th NATIONAL U-11 OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP-2016 India 2 18 [-16] 1698
2016-05-23 to 2016-05-30 9th KiiT International Chess Festival - 2016 (ELITE Category) India 95 96 [-1] 2052
2016-06-02 to 2016-06-09 9th Mumbai Mayor's Cup International Open GM Chess Tournament 2016, Category A India 83 86 [-3] 2128
2016-05-14 to 2016-05-18 The Heritage Schools' Rating Chess Championship 2016 /AICF EVENT CODE: 133669/WB/2016 India 6 14 [-8] 1861
2015-11-18 to 2015-11-22 Chess Club Live Fide Rating Open Chess Tournament-2015,Vadodara,Gujarat India 37 25 [+12] 1908
2016-01-18 to 2016-01-25 8th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2016 for Sakthi Group Dr. N. Mahalingam Trophy India 99 71 [+28] 1917
2015-10-30 to 2015-11-03 Trichy All India Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament-2015 India 19 8 [+11] 2050
2015-12-12 to 2015-12-12 CBSE NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 (U 10 MIXED) India 5 1 [+4] 1655
2016-01-28 to 2016-02-05 IIFL Wealth Mumbai International Open Chess Tournament India 35 21 [+14] 2023
2016-01-28 to 2016-02-05 IIFL Wealth Mumbai Junior (U-13) Chess Championship India 4 4 [0] 1864
2016-01-05 to 2016-01-07 5th National School Chess Championship-2016 U-11 Open Category India 2 1 [+1] 1789
2016-01-09 to 2016-01-16 14th Delhi Open International Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2016 (Category 'A') India 112 83 [+29] 2171
2015-06-04 to 2015-06-04 11th Asian Schools Blitz Chess Championships 2015 - Open Under 9 Singapore 2 2 [0] 1451
2015-09-11 to 2015-09-17 4th Keshabananda Das Memorial All India FIDE Open Rating Chess Championship-2015 Event Code:115650/ORI/2015; 10th Round (FINAL)- 09:30 A.M. on 17 Sep India 74 49 [+25] 1902
2015-07-15 to 2015-07-19 17th Tamil Nadu State Under-25 FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2015 India 16 14 [+2] 1703
2015-05-31 to 2015-06-07 11th Asian Schools Chess Championships 2015 - Open Under 9 Singapore 1 1 [0] 1409
2015-10-21 to 2015-10-25 7th AIM All India Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament-2015 India 3 7 [-4] 1700
2015-06-11 to 2015-06-19 29th National U-9 Boys Chess Championship 2015 - Ahmedabad India 1 5 [-4] 1636
2015-09-20 to 2015-09-20 6th SWENSEN Age Group Chess Championship 2015 (Under 10) UNDER 10 Malaysia 1 1 [0] 2180
2015-08-17 to 2015-08-27 GLOCAL SQUARE 53rd National Challengers Chess Championship 2015 India 190 147 [+43] 1855
2015-09-21 to 2015-09-27 12th IGB Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysian Open 2015 Malaysia 127 101 [+26] 2117
2015-06-23 to 2015-06-30 COMMONWEALTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 India 199 164 [+35] 1844
2015-05-18 to 2015-05-22 VELAMMAL'S 28th Tamil Nadu State Under 9 Boys Chess Championship 28 வது தமிழ்நாடு மாநில U 9 செஸ் சாம்பியன்ஷிப் போட்டி 2015 India 1 1 [0] 1752
2015-05-01 to 2015-05-06 63rd Tamil Nadu State Open FIDE Rated Chess Championship For V.J. Brahmaiah Rolling Shield. India 48 30 [+18] 1747
2015-05-24 to 2015-05-28 28th Tamilnadu State Under-11 Boys Chess Championship 2015 India 2 163 [-161] 0
2015-01-17 to 2015-01-18 Lotus & Little Raju Chess Academy TN State Level Children's Tournament U-10 Boys India 1 5 [-4] 1420
2015-02-05 to 2015-02-09 3rd Kanyakumari Open Fide Rated Chess Tournament 2015 India 28 15 [+13] 1743
2015-03-25 to 2015-03-29 3rd Chess Specific Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament-2015 India 100 62 [+38] 1730
2014-12-30 to 2015-01-03 7th Chennai Open FIDE Rating Tournament (Category B) India 109 119 [-10] 1655
2015-01-22 to 2015-01-26 ​6th AIM All India Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament-2015 India 40 18 [+22] 1714
2015-01-29 to 2015-01-31 4th National Schools Chess Championship 2015 U-9 Open India 4 1 [+3] 1713
2014-11-01 to 2014-11-04 Vishy Anand International Rating Chess Tournament 2014 (Below 2000) India 32 28 [+4] 1566
2014-11-05 to 2014-11-09 ALL INDIA OPEN FIDE RATING CHESS TOURNAMENT FROM 05-09 NOV 2014 NEW DELHI AICF Event Code: 102014/DEL/2014 India 120 79 [+41] 1481
2014-09-20 to 2014-09-29 World Youth Chess Championships 2014 u8 Boys South Africa 5 5 [0] 1449
2014-08-14 to 2014-08-17 1st Royal Fide Rated Chess Tournament-2014 (Below 1700) India 91 13 [+78] 1638
2014-08-18 to 2014-08-21 2nd Chess Specific Fide Rated Chess Tournament-2014 (Below 1599) India 102 214 [-112] 1202
2014-08-01 to 2014-08-03 1st Dragon Chess Academy FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 1600) Special Prizes: 6 TABS, Con: B Rajkumar - 98940 74820 India 25 4 [+21] 1671
2014-01-02 to 2014-01-05 Sri A Murganantham Memorial International FIDE Rating Chess Tmt(Below 1800) India 73 66 [+7] 1220
2014-02-14 to 2014-02-16 5th AIM All India FIDE Rated Chess Tournament (Below 1600 Rating) India 110 101 [+9] 1289
2014-04-17 to 2014-04-22 Shree Niketan 62nd Tamil Nadu State FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2014 ஸ்ரீ நிகேதன் 62வது தமிழ்நாடு மாநில பிட்டே ரேட்டட் செஸ் சாம்பியன்ஷிப் போட்டி 2014 India 152 138 [+14] 1284
2014-01-31 to 2014-02-02 8th KCF FIDE Rating Chess Tournament-2014(Below 1600) India 183 215 [-32] 1099
2014-07-18 to 2014-07-20 1st Arasan Chess Academy All India FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 1600) India 62 4 [+58] 1671
2014-04-22 to 2014-04-25 Ist Mysore Professional Chess Academy All India Below 1800 FIDE Rating Chess Tmt India 121 126 [-5] 1315
2014-06-11 to 2014-06-13 3rd National Schools Chess Championship 2014 - Open Under-9 India 12 11 [+1] 1296
2014-05-20 to 2014-05-28 28th National Under 9 Open Chess Championship-2014 India 38 24 [+14] 1357
2014-02-21 to 2014-02-23 7th ACA All India Fide Rated Tournament(Below 1600)-Trivandrum India 78 139 [-61] 1082
2014-07-26 to 2014-07-28 6th KCA FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 1600)- Kottayam,Kerala.. India 79 28 [+51] 1481
2014-05-01 to 2014-05-05 Shri Vidhyaa Giri 27th Tamil Nadu State Under–9 Boys Chess Championship 27 வது தமிழ்நாடு மாநில U 9 செஸ் சாம்பியன்ஷிப் போட்டி 2014 India 11 10 [+1] 1289
2014-06-27 to 2014-06-30 2nd BDCA Open Chess Tournament (Below 2000) India 148 79 [+69] 1425
2014-02-21 to 2014-02-23 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadd Afghanistan 78 139 [-61] 1082
2013-12-15 to 2013-12-17 1st Chess Shoots FIDE Rating (Below 1600) Chess Tournament India 146 129 [+17] 1141
2013-09-01 to 2013-09-05 9th Asian Schools Chess Championship 2013 Under 07 Open Sri Lanka 2 5 [-3] 1192
2013-09-05 to 2013-09-05 9th Asian Schools Blitz Chess Championship 2013 Under 07 Open Sri Lanka 2 11 [-9] 1050
2013-06-29 to 2013-07-03 3rd St.Joseph's International Fide Rating Chess Tournament2013 Organised by Mount Chess Academy India 541 410 [+131] 1213
2013-07-05 to 2013-07-07 5th KCF FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 1600) India 397 264 [+133] 1344
2013-12-27 to 2013-12-30 1st ARRVINDURGA FIDE RATING CHESS TOURNAMENT 2013(Below 1800) India 102 131 [-29] 1279
2013-10-08 to 2013-10-11 1st CSCA FIDE Rating Chess Tournament-2013 ( for Players of 1899 & Below ELO rating) India 143 210 [-67] 946
2013-05-01 to 2013-05-09 XXVII National U-7 Open Chess Championship 2013 Pune India 32 24 [+8] 1065
2013-06-09 to 2013-06-11 VELAMMAL 2ND NATIONAL SCHOOLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2013 - UNDER O7 BOYS India 12 11 [+1] 1125
2013-08-31 to 2013-08-31 9th Asian Schools Rapid Chess Championship 2013 Under 07 Open Sri Lanka 2 8 [-6] 1168

Gukesh D - Partidas de Ajedrez

Gukesh D - Partidas de Ajedrez

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