Harikrishnan A - Partidas de ajedrez

Harikrishnan A - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 02/09/2023 09:22:13 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: OFF
Nombre del jugador: Harikrishnan A (IND) IND
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 27 años (nacido en 1998)
Fide ID: 25063685 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 1591
Harikrishnan A - Partidas de ajedrez: 0
0 (Rápido)
0 (Blitz)

Harikrishnan A - Gráficos



Harikrishnan A - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2019-02-07 to 2019-02-11 39th National Team Championship Kolkata - 7 to 11 Feb 2019 India 194 164 [+30] 1240
2017-11-19 to 2017-11-19 Cochin Royal Challenge State Open Chess Tournament - 2017 India 53 70 [-17] 1378
2017-10-15 to 2017-10-15 മഹാത്മാഗാന്ധി യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ടീം സെലെക്ഷൻ - 2017 MEN India 6 10 [-4] 1245
2017-10-07 to 2017-10-07 M.G. University North Zone Team Chess Championship -2017 India 46 6 [+40] 1336
2018-09-01 to 2018-09-05 Albertian Intnl. Open Fide Rated Chess Tournament on 1st Sep.to 5th -2018 at St. Albert's College,Ernakulam,Kerala.Total Prize fund 721000/- Contatct:9249269997 India 110 118 [-8] 1363
2017-11-05 to 2017-11-11 6th National Amateur Chess Championship -2017(AICF Event Code :167300/ DEL/2017) India 140 174 [-34] 1267
2018-02-03 to 2018-02-03 Albertian All kerala Inter Collegiate/School Open Chess Tournament 2018 India 15 18 [-3] 1436
2016-09-26 to 2016-09-26 മഹാത്മാഗാന്ധി യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ടീം സെലക്ഷൻ -2016 MEN India 5 9 [-4] 1259
2014-05-16 to 2014-05-20 SILVER JUBILEE EDITION OF CUSAT INTERNATIONAL RATING CHESS TOURNAMENT-2014 [AICF EVENT CODE- 92467 / KER / 2014] India 138 75 [+63] 1474
2014-05-09 to 2014-05-11 1 st EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL RATING BELOW 1600 CHESS TOURNAMENT 2014 India 80 89 [-9] 1169
2012-04-28 to 2012-05-01 1st KCA Fide Rating Chess Tournament (Below 2200) India 131 135 [-4] 1460
2011-09-10 to 2011-09-13 5th Thrissur International FIDE Rating Open Chess Tmt (Below2200) India 125 123 [+2] 1345
2011-05-25 to 2011-05-30 22nd CUSAT FIDE Rated International Open Chess Tournament-2011 India 191 172 [+19] 1378
2010-09-20 to 2010-09-25 DBFS Securities RSC International Rating Chess Tournament - 3rd Edition-2010 India 135 146 [-11] 1196

Harikrishnan A - Partidas de Ajedrez

Harikrishnan A - Partidas de Ajedrez

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Harikrishnan A - Otras partidas posibles del jugador

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Harikrishnan A, partidas de ajedrez en PGN

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