Vasil Krustev - Partidas de ajedrez

Vasil Krustev - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 03/09/2023 06:43:10 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: OFF
Nombre del jugador: Vasil Krustev (BUL) BUL
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 32 años (nacido en 1993)
Fide ID: 2912414 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 2132
Vasil Krustev - Partidas de ajedrez: 16
0 (Rápido)
0 (Blitz)

Vasil Krustev - Gráficos



Vasil Krustev - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2014-11-05 to 2014-11-09 National Students Championship Sofia 5-9.11.2014 Bulgaria 2 10 [-8] 1991
2014-11-09 to 2014-11-09 NSA Blitz Sofia 09.11.2014 Bulgaria 5 7 [-2] 2049
2014-11-05 to 2014-11-09 National Students Championship Sofia 5-9.11.2014 Bulgaria 2 10 [-8] 1991
2013-11-06 to 2013-11-10 National students championship 2013 Sofia 06-10.11.2013 Bulgaria 9 7 [+2] 2286
2012-11-07 to 2012-11-11 BUL Championship for students Sofia 07-11.11.2012 Bulgaria 6 11 [-5] 2137
2011-06-25 to 2011-07-03 INTERNATIONAL OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT ALBENA 2011 Bulgaria 129 112 [+17] 1950
2011-07-15 to 2011-07-21 European Youth Team Championship - Open U18 Romania 3 39 [-36] 2101
2011-09-11 to 2011-09-20 European Youth Chess Championship Albena 2011 - Boys Under 18 Bulgaria 67 43 [+24] 2226
2011-04-01 to 2011-04-07 Bulgarian Individual Championship for B18 Plovdiv 2011 Bulgaria 5 1 [+4] 2356
2011-04-07 to 2011-04-08 Bulgarian Individual Championship for B18 RAPID Plovdiv 2011 Bulgaria 5 5 [0] 2073
2011-04-08 to 2011-04-09 Bulgarian Individual Championship for B18 BLITZ Plovdiv 2011 Bulgaria 5 8 [-3] 1827
2011-01-30 to 2011-02-06 33th Bulgarian Open Chess Championship 2011 Bulgaria 98 129 [-31] 1923
2011-02-07 to 2011-02-13 75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship Semi-final, 07-13.02.2011 Bulgaria 33 37 [-4] 1819
2010-08-18 to 2010-08-18 25th open TETEVEN Blits Bulgaria 19 12 [+7] 1999
2010-08-14 to 2010-08-22 25th open TETEVEN Bulgaria 43 20 [+23] 2115
2010-04-21 to 2010-04-27 Memorial Venka Asenova&Antonia Ivanova Bulgaria 27 20 [+7] 2093
2010-01-31 to 2010-02-06 32nd Bulgarian Open Championship - Georgi Tringov Memorial, 2010 Bulgaria 114 99 [+15] 2218
2009-02-01 to 2009-02-07 31st Bulgarian Open Chmpionship - Georgi Tringov Memorial 01.02.2009-07.02.2009, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Bulgaria 115 50 [+65] 2022
2009-02-01 to 2009-02-07 31st Bulgarian Open Chmpionship - Georgi Tringov Memorial 01.02.2009-07.02.2009, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Bulgaria 115 50 [+65] 2022
2007-08-14 to 2007-08-19 22-ðè îòêðèò òóðíèð ÒÅÒÅÂÅÍ Bulgaria 49 53 [-4] 2149
2007-10-25 to 2007-10-27 2nd International chess tournament for young players from Greece and Boulgaria Greece 5 7 [-2] 1872
2008-08-16 to 2008-08-22 23-th INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT "TETEVEN" Bulgaria 55 47 [+8] 2161

Vasil Krustev - Partidas de Ajedrez

Vasil Krustev - Partidas de Ajedrez

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Fecha Jugadores & Apertura Resultado ECO Ver
2013.11.10 Bozilov, Dragan (1968) vs (2106) Krustev, Vasil
National students championship 2013
Siciliana Nimzovich
0-1 B29
2013.11.10 Krustev, Vasil (2106) vs (2286) Ivanov, Stojan Lubomirov
National students championship 2013
Apertura del Alfil Berlin
0-1 C24
2013.11.09 Kirov, Dimitar (2120) vs (2106) Krustev, Vasil
National students championship 2013
Siciliana Cerrada
0-1 B24
2013.11.09 Krustev, Vasil (2106) vs (2211) Tsekov, Svetozar
National students championship 2013
Siciliana Cerrada
1/2-1/2 B24
2013.11.08 Raev, Rostislav (2253) vs (2106) Krustev, Vasil
National students championship 2013
Siciliana Paulsen - Reti
1/2-1/2 B41
2013.11.07 Krustev, Vasil (2106) vs (2338) Ivanov, Borislav
National students championship 2013
Inglesa Mikenas - Francesa
1-0 A18
2013.11.06 Diklyovski, Ivan (1719) vs (2106) Krustev, Vasil
National students championship 2013
Francesa Avance
0-1 C02
2011.02.13 Krustev, Vasil (2019) vs (1674) Roydov, Plamen
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
India Irregular - Blumenfeld
0-1 E10
2011.02.12 Asparuhov, Parvan (2068) vs (2019) Krustev, Vasil
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Caro-Kann - Dos Caballos (Mindeno)
1-0 B11
2011.02.11 Krustev, Vasil (2019) vs (1717) Slavov, Hristo
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Gambito de Dama Rehúsado - Semi-Eslava Antigua
1-0 D31
2011.02.10 Shalamanov, Vladimir vs (2019) Krustev, Vasil
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Caro-Kann Caballo (Nimzovich) - Caro-Kann Caballo (Nimzovich)
0-1 B16
2011.02.10 Krustev, Vasil (2019) vs (1772) Urilski, Vladimir
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Peón de Dama Zukertort - Simétrica
0-1 D02
2011.02.09 Rafailov, Radostin (1963) vs (2019) Krustev, Vasil
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Pirc - Checa
1-0 B07
2011.02.08 Janchev, Petar (2161) vs (2019) Krustev, Vasil
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
India Irregular - Gambito Blumenfeld (Dus Chotmirsky)
1-0 E10
2011.02.08 Krustev, Vasil (2019) vs (2378) Kukov, Velislav
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
0-1 A41
2011.02.07 Krustev, Vasil (2019) vs (2367) Filev, Georgi
75th Bulgarian Individual Chess Championship
Semi-Eslava Anti-Merano - Semi-Eslava Anti-Merano
1-0 D44

Vasil Krustev - Otras partidas posibles del jugador

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Vasil Krustev, partidas de ajedrez en PGN