J Saranya - Partidas de ajedrez

J Saranya - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 03/09/2023 02:22:29 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: ON
Nombre del jugador: J Saranya (IND) IND
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 30 años (nacido en 1995)
Fide ID: 5031931 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 2168
J Saranya - Partidas de ajedrez: 0
2033 (Rápido)
2115 (Blitz)

J Saranya - Gráficos



J Saranya - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2012-07-01 to 2012-07-01 Asian Youth Blitz Chess Championship 2012 Under 18 Girls Sri Lanka 5 1 [+4] 2283
2012-06-26 to 2012-07-01 Asian Youth Chess Championship 2012 Under 18 Girls Sri Lanka 6 3 [+3] 2224
2022-12-05 to 2022-12-07 36th All India Postal Team Chess Tournament, 2022-23 India 83 21 [+62] 1873
2022-10-05 to 2022-10-09 Veranda RACE 51st Tamilnadu State Women Chess Championship-2022 India 2 147 [-145] 0
2021-12-25 to 2021-12-29 Tiruvarur District Chess Association 25th Silver Jubilee celebration ONGC 50th Tamilnadu State Women Chess Championship-2022 India 4 4 [0] 0
2021-11-27 to 2021-11-28 Sivakasi Chess Club FIDE Rated Rapid Chess Tmt 27th & 28th November - Rs 50000/- ***FIRST ROUND PAIRINGS UPLOADED*** India 7 18 [-11] 2117
2020-02-19 to 2020-02-27 Aeroflot Open 2020 C Russia 56 60 [-4] 2099
2020-01-02 to 2020-01-06 ONGC 48th Tamilnadu State Women Chess Championship-2020 Total Prize Money:75000 (Selection for National Women Chess Championship) India 2 1 [+1] 2028
2019-04-14 to 2019-04-17 5th SCS fide Rated Tournament Sivakasi India 9 8 [+1] 1931
2019-09-28 to 2019-10-02 15TH KCM INTERNATIONAL OPEN FIDE RATED CHESS TOURNAMENT India 12 17 [-5] 1887
2019-08-02 to 2019-08-10 26th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Open United Arab Emirates 10 14 [-4] 1930
2019-05-15 to 2019-05-19 3rd IGMSA Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament 15th-19th May 2019 Prize Fund 6Lakh Event Code : 192226/TEL/2019 India 4 4 [0] 1811
2019-01-18 to 2019-01-25 11th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2019 for Sakthi Group Dr. N Mahalingam Trophy AICF Event code 202945/TN/2019 India 76 73 [+3] 1868
2019-05-01 to 2019-05-01 One day Rating "FAMILY CHESS" - ONE Day Rapid FIDE Rating Tmt@ KARUR Ct:Revathi C-7299971127,Shanmugam C-9943147227,Chellamuthu C-9047062148 India 11 23 [-12] 1648
2019-04-06 to 2019-04-07 Chennai District Selection for Senior Open Chess Championship 2019 (Only for Chennai District Players) India 1 4 [-3] 1641
2019-12-10 to 2019-12-19 National Senior Chess Championship - 2019 India 87 92 [-5] 1876
2019-08-02 to 2019-08-10 26th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Open United Arab Emirates 10 14 [-4] 1930
2019-01-02 to 2019-01-06 ONGC 47th Tamil Nadu State Women Chess Championship-2019 @ Tiruvarur India 2 4 [-2] 1872
2019-08-21 to 2019-08-25 Talent Chess Academy 1st Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament Contact 96266 90367 India 16 12 [+4] 1788
2019-07-19 to 2019-07-27 46th National Women Chess Championship 2019 Sponsored by Chettinad Public School India 25 34 [-9] 1883
2019-02-23 to 2019-02-24 3rd Shaastra Rapid FIDE Rated Tournament, IIT- Chennai India 27 61 [-34] 1666
2019-04-26 to 2019-04-30 67th Tamilnadu State Open FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2019, Coimbatore; ROUND 9 STARTS AT 9.30 A.M (30.04.19) India 18 7 [+11] 2033
2019-05-26 to 2019-05-30 27th Tamil Nadu State FIDE Team Chess Championship-2019 India 15 6 [+9] 1924
2017-11-30 to 2017-12-03 3rd KARUR Open Rating Tournament-2017 India 4 8 [-4] 1970
2018-06-03 to 2018-06-10 11th Mumbai Mayor's Cup 2018 Category A India 96 98 [-2] 2039
2018-06-21 to 2018-06-24 26th Tamil Nadu State Team FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2018, India 290 5 [+285] 1884
2018-10-05 to 2018-10-12 1st GUJARAT INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT - Category A AICF Event Code: 185065/GUJ/2018 India 107 91 [+16] 2090
2018-05-25 to 2018-06-01 11th KIIT International Chess Festival - 2018 (Category - A) Event Code : 184430/ORI/2018 India 104 91 [+13] 2158
2018-07-12 to 2018-07-15 Surya Collage FIDE Rating Chess Tournament-Open India 8 1 [+7] 1934
2018-01-18 to 2018-01-25 10th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2018 for Sakthi Group Dr. N. Mahalingam Trophy India 71 66 [+5] 2128
2018-09-29 to 2018-10-02 13th KCM INTERNATIONAL OPEN FIDE RATED CHESS TOURNAMENT;29 SEPT-2 OCT 2018; Contact 9944420399 India 8 4 [+4] 1951
2018-01-02 to 2018-01-06 CA Honda 46வது தமிழ் நாடு மாநில மகளிர் சதுரங்க போட்டி 2018 AICF Event Code: 176378/TN/2018, TNSCA Approval No: S01/TRR/18-19 India 1 7 [-6] 1737
2018-10-13 to 2018-10-20 1st Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2018. Cat A ( GM OPEN) India 120 147 [-27] 1883
2018-06-21 to 2018-06-24 26th Tamil Nadu State Team FIDE Rated Chess Championship 2018, India 290 5 [+285] 1884
2018-07-26 to 2018-07-29 1st Gnana Vidhya Open FIDE Rated Chess Tournament India 14 21 [-7] 1849
2018-04-10 to 2018-04-14 7th Keshabananda Das Memorial All India FIDE Open Rating Chess Championship /Event Code : 184594/ORI/2018 India 8 12 [-4] 1836
2018-02-08 to 2018-02-14 16th National Team Chess Championship for Women - 2018 Event Code : 170804/ORI/2018 India 38 21 [+17] 2002
2018-11-18 to 2018-11-26 National Women Chess Championship-2018 18th Nov to 26th Nov 2018 India 22 5 [+17] 2162
2017-08-25 to 2017-08-26 ASTRO Merdeka Rapid Open Team Chess Championship 2017 Malaysia 139 141 [-2] 1800
2016-04-08 to 2016-04-12 Karippaparambil K.C.Sebastian Memorial 11th KCA Open FIDE Rating Tournament 2016 India 14 20 [-6] 1917
2013-03-30 to 2103-04-06 Asian Junior Girls 2013 United Arab Emirates 5 2 [+3] 2166
2017-04-23 to 2017-04-27 45th Tamilnadu State Women's Chess Championship-2017 Ct No:9442115117;[email protected] India 1 5 [-4] 1867
2017-02-02 to 2017-02-08 15th National Women Team Chess Championship 2017- Bhopal India 43 8 [+35] 1701
2016-12-05 to 2016-12-10 8th Penang Heritage City International Chess Open 2016 Penang Open 2016 Malaysia 40 16 [+24] 2280
2016-11-10 to 2016-11-14 Veltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University-All India Inter Zonal Inter University Chess Tournament for Women -2016/17 India 18 2 [+16] 1800
2016-08-10 to 2016-08-15 2nd Kanchi Chess Academy Open Fide Rated Chess Tournament@Kanchi from 10-15 Aug. India 4 4 [0] 1870
2016-06-28 to 2016-07-03 G H Raisoni PCA Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament 2016, Nagpur India 20 13 [+7] 1967
2016-06-17 to 2016-06-25 43rd National Women Challengers Chess Championship 2016 India 17 44 [-27] 2063
2016-05-11 to 2016-05-15 CA HONDA 44th Tamil Nadu State Women's Chess Championship-2016 (FIDE Rated Tmt) 11th-15th May 2016 India 1 2 [-1] 1851
2016-07-06 to 2016-07-10 3rd Arrvindurga All India Open Fide Rated Chess Tournament-2016 India 4 5 [-1] 1953
2016-07-13 to 2016-07-18 St. JOSEPH's 6th INTERNATIONAL FIDE RATING CHESS TOURNAMENT India 17 14 [+3] 1915
2016-01-18 to 2016-01-25 8th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess Tournament 2016 for Sakthi Group Dr. N. Mahalingam Trophy India 79 97 [-18] 2064
2016-02-27 to 2016-02-28 31st RACHEL PARANJOTHY MEMORIAL CHESS TOURNAMENT FOR WOMEN TNSCA Approval No: C55/15-16 India 1 3 [-2] 1892
2016-02-04 to 2016-02-08 Kamaraj 50 Chess Fest -3rd Teekay International FIDE Rated Chess Tournament 2016 India 9 27 [-18] 1712
2015-10-03 to 2015-10-11 Asian Girls U20 Championship 2015 Kyrgyzstan 3 4 [-1] 2155
2015-07-02 to 2015-07-11 RamRatna 42nd National Women Challengers Chess Championship 2015 India 17 22 [-5] 2138
2015-09-02 to 2015-09-15 FIDE World Junior U20 Championship (Girls) Russia 29 20 [+9] 2119
2015-06-23 to 2015-06-30 COMMONWEALTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 India 95 95 [0] 2047
2015-01-09 to 2015-01-16 13th Delhi International Open 2015 India 103 68 [+35] 2212
2015-02-21 to 2015-02-22 Open-Trichy State Level Children & Open Chess Tournament India 3 1 [+2] 2180
2015-05-07 to 2015-05-10 CA Honda 43rd Tamilnadu State FIDE Rated Women Chess Championship 2015 India 2 16 [-14] 1757
2014-12-30 to 2015-01-06 7th Chennai Open International Grandmaster Tournament India 109 75 [+34] 2243
2015-01-24 to 2015-01-25 U-25 SCF-NSIT State Level Inter School-College Chess (TV) Tournament-2015 Contact@ 9994655586,9344972276 India 3 4 [-1] 1841
2014-11-29 to 2014-12-04 ASIAN JUNIORS & GIRLS UNDER-20 CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS GIrls Philippines 5 2 [+3] 2160
2014-10-06 to 2014-10-19 World Under 20 Girls Chess Championship 2014 India 28 22 [+6] 2090
2014-12-25 to 2014-12-29 2nd Arrvindurga All India Open Fide Rated Chess Tournament-2014 India 2 6 [-4] 1933
2014-08-20 to 2014-08-24 Jawahar Engineering College Girls U 25 Fide Rated Chess Championship India 1 1 [0] 2038
2014-04-01 to 2014-04-03 24th PSPB Inter Unit Chess Tournament (Individuals) 2014 India 24 27 [-3] 1908
2014-07-10 to 2014-07-18 29th National Junior (U-19) Girls Chess Championship 2014 India 6 1 [+5] 2191
2014-06-19 to 2014-06-23 4th St.Joseph's International FIDE Rating Chess Tournament 2014 India 23 24 [-1] 1866
2014-02-23 to 2014-02-23 Lightning Chess Tournament as part of the 66th Birthday Celebrations of "Thanga Tharagai" Puratchi Thalaivi Amma Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu India 48 111 [-63] 1573
2013-11-25 to 2013-12-03 2nd International Grandmaster Chess Tournament- Hyderabad 2013 India 100 95 [+5] 2120
2013-07-26 to 2013-08-03 Sakthan Thampuran College of Mathematics & Arts 40th National Women Challengers Chess Championship-2013 India 9 9 [0] 2030
2013-06-29 to 2013-07-03 3rd St.Joseph's International Fide Rating Chess Tournament2013 Organised by Mount Chess Academy India 19 81 [-62] 1776
2013-12-17 to 2013-12-29 WYCC U18 Girls Classic United Arab Emirates 32 24 [+8] 2020
2013-12-24 to 2013-12-28 WYCC U18 Girls Blitz United Arab Emirates 14 11 [+3] 1967
2013-10-25 to 2013-10-29 6th RSC International Fide Rating Chess Tournament 2013 India 19 13 [+6] 1829
2013-11-06 to 2013-11-14 Women Grand Master Chess Tournament-2013 India 24 29 [-5] 1896
2013-11-06 to 2013-11-14 Women Grand Master Chess Tournament-2013 India 24 29 [-5] 1896
2013-07-10 to 2013-07-18 28th National Junior (U-19) Girls Chess Championship-2013 for Dr.K.L.Garg Memorial Trophy (76936/UP/2013) India 3 9 [-6] 2081
2013-08-20 to 2013-08-22 SSN Trophy 2013 India 19 20 [-1] 2068
2013-05-25 to 2013-05-30 41st Tamil Nadu State FIDE Rated Women's Chess Championship 2013 JCI Tiruvarur Royal and CA Honda India 1 1 [0] 2152
2012-10-24 to 2012-11-03 Bhavarlal & Kantabai Jain Multipurpose Foundations 39th Premier National Women Chess Championship 2012 & Zone 3.7 India 13 24 [-11] 1999
2012-11-23 to 2012-12-01 Apollo Engineering College Commonwealth Chess Championships 2012 India 81 67 [+14] 2170
2012-09-03 to 2012-09-11 27th National Junior (U-19) Girls Chess Championship-2012 India 5 2 [+3] 2196
2012-12-18 to 2012-12-19 24TH PSPB INTER-UNIT INDIVIDUAL CHESS TOURNAMENT India 25 20 [+5] 1880
2012-11-08 to 2012-11-18 World Youth Championships 2012 - U18 Girls Slovenia 17 18 [-1] 2211
2012-04-04 to 2012-04-08 1st KSC Cup All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament India 23 33 [-10] 2016
2012-04-04 to 2012-04-08 1st KSC Cup All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament India 23 33 [-10] 2016
2012-05-19 to 2012-05-24 CA HONDA 40th Tamilnadu State Fide Rated Women's Chess Championship 2012 India 1 1 [0] 2110
2012-07-17 to 2012-07-25 KARAM DEVI MEMORIAL 23rd National Under 17 Girls Chess Championship 2012 India 2 2 [0] 2106
2012-06-25 to 2012-06-25 Asian Youth Rapid Chess Championship 2012 Under 18 Girls Sri Lanka 3 3 [0] 2105
2012-04-22 to 2012-04-28 NMDC All India FIDE Rated Chess Tournament, Hyderabad India 17 12 [+5] 1896
2012-08-18 to 2012-08-26 Amity 39th National Women Challengers Chess Championship-2012 India 5 3 [+2] 2147
2011-10-29 to 2011-11-09 VELAMMAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST 38th Premier National Women Chess Championship 2011 India 17 14 [+3] 2171
2012-02-09 to 2012-02-13 TN State fide Rated Team Chess Championship 2012 India 3 23 [-20] 1983
2012-03-07 to 2012-03-07 Lightning Chess Tournament To celebrate the 64th Birthday of "Thanga Tharagai" PURATCHI THALAIVI AMMA, HONORABLE CHIEF MINISTER OF TAMIL NADU India 54 52 [+2] 1988
2010-08-02 to 2010-08-07 Modern Sr Sec School 3rd International Rating Chess Championship 2010 India 7 9 [-2] 2149
2011-11-18 to 2011-11-26 World Youth Chess Championship - U 18 Girls ID FIDE - 59419 Brazil 22 32 [-10] 2099
2011-07-02 to 2011-07-10 38th National Women Challengers Chess Championship-2011 India 4 12 [-8] 2044
2011-06-02 to 2011-06-08 Asian Junior Girls Chess Championships 2011 Sri Lanka 4 3 [+1] 2075
2011-09-06 to 2011-09-14 26th National Junior (Under -19) Girls Chess Championship-2011 India 5 23 [-18] 1953
2011-08-02 to 2011-08-15 SDAT - Ramco 29th World Girls U-20 Chess Championship India 25 26 [-1] 2134
2011-06-13 to 2011-06-18 TP Textiles TN State U 17 Girls Chess Championship 2011 India 1 4 [-3] 1907
2011-07-18 to 2011-07-26 22nd National Under 17 Girls Chess Championship 2011 India 1 2 [-1] 2050
2011-08-21 to 2011-08-26 2nd DDCA All India Open FIDE Rating SWARNAA CUP Chess Tournament (Below 2200) India 9 14 [-5] 1982
2011-08-29 to 2011-08-30 SGFI Tamilnadu State Chess Tournament 2011-2012 Under 19 Girls India 1 2 [-1] 1825
2010-12-25 to 2011-01-05 37th Premier National Women Chess Championship 2010 India 9 20 [-11] 2015
2011-05-15 to 2011-05-20 Asian Youth Blitz Chess Championship 2011- Girls Under 18 Philippines 7 11 [-4] 1951
2011-05-15 to 2011-05-21 Asian Youth Chess Championship 2011- Girls Under 18 Philippines 7 13 [-6] 1980
2010-04-09 to 2010-04-15 2ND TATA ALL INDIA OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT 2010 India 29 35 [-6] 2097
2011-04-24 to 2011-04-29 JCI Mannai 39th Tamilnadu State FIDE Rated Women's Chess Championship 2011 India 2 1 [+1] 2137
2010-11-03 to 2010-11-11 XXI National Under-17 Girls Chess Championship-2010 India 1 2 [-1] 2057
2010-10-01 to 2010-10-09 25th National Junior (Under-19) Girls Chess Championship-2010 India 5 3 [+2] 2182
2010-09-04 to 2010-09-12 27th National Sub-Junior Chess Championships Girls 2010 India 1 11 [-10] 1886
2010-10-20 to 2010-10-30 World Youth Chess Championships 2010 Girls Under 16 Greece 11 7 [+4] 2165
2010-09-20 to 2010-09-25 DBFS Securities RSC International Rating Chess Tournament - 3rd Edition-2010 India 13 3 [+10] 2228
2010-08-20 to 2010-08-28 37th National Women Challengers Chess Championship 2010 India 3 8 [-5] 2052
2009-06-24 to 2009-07-02 V Obert Internacional d'escacs Vila de Sort Spain 37 17 [+20] 2209
2009-07-03 to 2009-07-12 XXIX OPEN INTERNACIONAL DE AJEDREZ "VILLA DE BENASQUE" Spain 244 185 [+59] 2220
2010-05-01 to 2010-05-06 CPCL 38th TN State Women FIDE Rating Chess Championship 2010 India 1 1 [0] 2193
2010-05-10 to 2010-05-18 Commonwealth Chess Championships-2010 India 116 108 [+8] 2188
2010-06-15 to 2010-06-23 Asian Junior Girls Chess Championship 2010 India 8 15 [-7] 1907
2010-07-24 to 2010-07-30 IOB 24TH TAMILNADU STATE JUNIOR (UNDER 19) GIRLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP India 2 1 [+1] 2221
2010-01-25 to 2010-02-03 CHENNAI OPEN 2010 INTERNATIONAL GRANDMASTER CHESS TOURNAMENT India 140 73 [+67] 2087
2009-12-02 to 2009-12-12 36th National Women Premier Chess Championship 2009 India 16 20 [-4] 2036
2009-11-01 to 2009-11-09 26th Natioanl Sub-Junior (Under 15) Girls Chess Championship 2009 India 2 6 [-4] 2073
2010-01-14 to 2010-01-22 8th Parsvnath International Open Chess Tournament India 134 111 [+23] 2118
2010-02-19 to 2010-02-24 R.Muthusamy Memorial Trophy International FIDE Rating Chess Tournament (Below 2200 Rating) India 9 5 [+4] 2017
2009-11-12 to 2009-11-22 WORLD YOUTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2009 (14G) Turkey 4 3 [+1] 2067
2009-10-07 to 2009-10-14 XX National Under-17 Girls Chess Championship-2009 India 4 1 [+3] 2348
2009-09-07 to 2009-09-15 NMC Cup 36th National Women "B" Chess Championship India 9 5 [+4] 2027
2009-09-20 to 2009-09-28 24th National Junior Girls Chess Championship - 2009 Stree Seva Mandir Diamond Jubilee India 6 7 [-1] 2047
2009-07-13 to 2009-07-22 XIV Obert ciutat de balaguer Spain 53 33 [+20] 2213
2009-07-13 to 2009-07-22 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Gambia 53 33 [+20] 2181
2009-07-13 to 2009-07-22 54 53 33 [+20] 2213
2009-06-06 to 2009-06-12 1st Manali International FIDE Rating Chess Championship India 19 8 [+11] 2062
2009-01-11 to 2009-01-19 7th Parsvnath International Open Chess Tournament 2009 India 192 180 [+12] 1900
2007-10-02 to 2007-10-10 24th SUB JUNIOR GIRLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2007 India 17 19 [-2] 1794
2008-06-16 to 2008-06-23 56th Tamil Nadu State FIDE Rated Chess Championship, India India 64 59 [+5] 1898
2008-06-06 to 2008-06-14 35th NATIONAL WOMEN "B" CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 India 42 31 [+11] 1995
2008-07-22 to 2008-07-28 3rd S.K.Narasimhan FIDE Rated All India Open Chess Tournament India 22 20 [+2] 1992
2008-07-15 to 2008-07-21 22nd Tamil Nadu State Under 19 Girls Chess Championship 2008 India 4 1 [+3] 2221
2008-08-07 to 2008-08-13 TN State U13 Chess Championship - Girls, 2008 India India 1 2 [-1] 1890
2008-10-08 to 2008-10-16 XIX National Under - 17 Girls Chess Championship 2008 India 7 5 [+2] 1909
2008-09-25 to 2008-10-01 21st SPIC Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament - 2008 India 31 22 [+9] 1888
2008-11-14 to 2008-11-22 22nd National Under 13 Girls Chess Championship 2008 India 1 1 [0] 2112
2008-11-03 to 2008-11-11 23rd National Junior Under-19 Girls Chess Championship - 2008 India 10 15 [-5] 1916
2008-12-23 to 2008-12-28 All India FIDE Rating Open Chess Tournament - 2008 India 12 28 [-16] 1821
2008-11-26 to 2008-12-04 25th Girls National Sub-Junior Chess Championship 2008 India 3 6 [-3] 1961

J Saranya - Partidas de Ajedrez

J Saranya - Partidas de Ajedrez

Fecha Jugadores & Apertura Resultado ECO Ver
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J Saranya - Otras partidas posibles del jugador

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J Saranya, partidas de ajedrez en PGN

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