Sushma Reddy B - Partidas de ajedrez

Sushma Reddy B - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 04/09/2023 03:44:58 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: ON
Nombre del jugador: Sushma Reddy B (IND) IND
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 23 años (nacido en 2002)
Fide ID: 25616943 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 1506
Sushma Reddy B - Partidas de ajedrez: 0
0 (Rápido)
0 (Blitz)

Sushma Reddy B - Gráficos



Sushma Reddy B - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2021-12-11 to 2021-12-12 UCCF TELANGANA STATE UNDER -19 GIRLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP - 2021 National Junior Chess Selection Tournament 2022 - 11th & 12 Dec 2021 India 4 22 [-18] 1165
2020-01-13 to 2020-01-15 65TH SGFI CHESS NATIONALS FOR U 19 GIRLS 2019-20 India 95 26 [+69] 1170
2019-06-16 to 2019-06-20 केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन 50वां राष्ट्रीय खेल समारोह 2019-20 - (U-19 GIRLS CHESS) India 5 6 [-1] 1299
2019-07-01 to 2019-07-07 COMMONWEALTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP-2019 (U20G) India 13 15 [-2] 1179
2018-11-28 to 2018-12-06 National Junior ( U-19 ) Girls Chess Championship 2018 196683/DEL/2018 India 89 79 [+10] 1281
2018-05-24 to 2018-05-24 24th Karimnagar U-19 Chess Tournament India 2 3 [-1] 1288
2018-10-19 to 2018-10-20 TELANGANA STATE JUNIOR CHESS (Under 19) GIRLS Champion Ship India 2 3 [-1] 1237
2018-11-04 to 2018-11-08 Maynu Chess Festival All India Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament 2018 AICF Event Code: India 134 167 [-33] 1222
2018-11-23 to 2018-11-25 Narenn Convention International Below 1500 FIDE Rated Chess Tournament 23 -25 Novmeber 2018 India 179 460 [-281] 0
2018-10-07 to 2018-10-08 TS Women Chess Championship Oct 7th 2018 India 5 7 [-2] 1022
2018-02-16 to 2018-02-16 The Hindu &Thyro Care U15 Chess Tournament Karimnagar - 2018 India 1 2 [-1] 1240
2018-05-26 to 2018-05-27 NANO CUP TELUGU STATES CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP MAY 26TH AND 27TH 2018 RS 50,000 CASH PRIZE CONT SAMPATH B 9492027919 ( No Spot Entries) India 143 240 [-97] 727
2018-08-24 to 2018-08-26 Samreddy Agi Reddy Centenary All India Below 1500 FIDE Rating Chess Tournament AICF Event Code:183466/TEL/2018, NEW FIDE ID'S ADDED!!! India 82 90 [-8] 1289
2017-10-01 to 2017-10-09 34th National Under-15 Girls Chess Championship 2017 Rajpath Club, S G Highway, Ahmedabad. India 65 69 [-4] 1374
2018-11-10 to 2018-11-12 Mannu Chess Festival All India FIDE Rating Chess Tournament -(Below 1350) India 162 309 [-147] 1156
2018-11-18 to 2018-11-26 National Women Chess Championship-2018 18th Nov to 26th Nov 2018 India 77 86 [-9] 1417
2017-08-20 to 2017-08-20 Czar - IM Coaching Camp Selections Tournament 2017 India 6 3 [+3] 1426
2017-09-25 to 2017-09-29 HYD OPEN ALL INDIA FIDE RATING CHESS TOURNAMENT 2017 Aicf event code:161821/TEL/2017 India 244 258 [-14] 1235
2017-05-16 to 2017-05-21 1st Charminar All India Fide Rating (Below 2000) Chess Tournament 2017 AICF Event code: 152734/TEL/2017 India 70 109 [-39] 1238
2017-07-21 to 2017-07-29 44th NATIONAL WOMEN CHALLENGERS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP- 2017 21st July to 29th July, Mysore, Karnataka India 100 99 [+1] 1370
2017-04-22 to 2017-04-27 1st Mahaveer Trophy All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament Hyderabad (AICF 152733/TEL/2017) new FIDE IDs Inserted. India 66 52 [+14] 1295
2017-01-25 to 2017-01-25 Telugu States Open To All Chess Tournament Jan 28th,29th 2017 cont 7671823626 Warangal Total Cash prize Money 45,000 /- India 41 36 [+5] 1327
2016-12-23 to 2016-12-25 HYDERABAD BELOW 1500 FIDE RATED CHESS TOURNAMENT 2016 AICF EVENT CODE 147876/TEL/2016 India 259 332 [-73] 1114
2016-12-18 to 2016-12-18 U-17 GIRL TELANGANA STATE SCHOOL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP-2016 India 2 4 [-2] 1061
2016-11-20 to 2016-11-28 33rd National Under-15 Girls Chess Championship-2016 Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Near ITO, New Delhi from 20th -28th November 2016- India 79 72 [+7] 1270
2016-10-22 to 2016-10-24 u15 telangana state girls -2016.karimnagar. India 8 4 [+4] 1246
2016-08-13 to 2016-08-15 KCA's 12th Fide Rating Chess Tmt below 1500. at RSC Cochin,13th to 15th August. Total Prize Money Rs.6,50,000. For Entries contact: 08943857644, 09447100071. India 445 358 [+87] 1169
2016-06-17 to 2016-06-25 43rd National Women Challengers Chess Championship 2016 India 99 91 [+8] 1321
2016-07-02 to 2016-07-04 Below 1600 Fide Rating Chess Tournament, Hyderabad ; 2-4 July 2016 Event Code : 136809/TEL/2016 ........all New FIDE IDs Inserted...... India 145 67 [+78] 1321
2016-04-07 to 2016-04-09 1st SURESH AGRAWAL Memorial All INDIA Fide B-1600,RAIPUR,CHAT.(Dt:7-9th APR'16) India 86 61 [+25] 1117
2016-05-08 to 2016-05-13 Brilliant Trophy 1st Decade All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament 2016 8-13 May 2016, India 92 166 [-74] 1038
2016-01-05 to 2016-01-07 5th National School Chess Championship-2016 U-15 Girls Category India 26 24 [+2] 1196
2015-12-24 to 2015-12-28 Lions Club Kakinada Elite All India Open Fide Rating Chess Tournament 2015 24-28th Dec 2015 Kakinada Andhra Pradesh India 111 122 [-11] 1330
2016-02-05 to 2016-02-07 1st East Godavari Trophy All India Below 1500 Fide Rating Chess Tournament 2016 5-7Feb Rajamundry India 197 176 [+21] 1312
2015-11-15 to 2015-11-20 4th National Amateur Chess Championship-2015 India 197 232 [-35] 1009
2015-10-18 to 2015-10-22 10th Telangana All India Fide Rating Open ChessTournament 2015 India 184 160 [+24] 992
2015-10-23 to 2015-10-25 11th Telangana All India Fide Rating Below 1600 ChessTournament 2015 India 417 116 [+301] 1358
2015-09-21 to 2015-09-29 32nd National Sub- Junior (U-15) Girls Chess Championship-2015 India 77 61 [+16] 1093

Sushma Reddy B - Partidas de Ajedrez

Sushma Reddy B - Partidas de Ajedrez

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Sushma Reddy B, partidas de ajedrez en PGN

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