Richard Rapport - Partidas de ajedrez

Richard Rapport - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 03/09/2023 02:21:04 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: ON
Nombre del jugador: Richard Rapport (ROU) ROU
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 29 años (nacido en 1996)
Fide ID: 738590 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 2776
Richard Rapport - Partidas de ajedrez: 245
2709 (Rápido)
2687 (Blitz)

Richard Rapport - Gráficos



Richard Rapport - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2014-08-16 to 2014-08-24 Riga Technical University Open 2014 - Tournament A Latvia 2 2 [0] 2809
2022-12-18 to 2022-12-20 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Rapid Azerbaijan 5 5 [0] 2572
2022-12-26 to 2022-12-28 2022 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship Rapid Open Kazakhstan 2 8 [-6] 2727
2022-12-22 to 2022-12-23 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Blitz Azerbaijan 5 2 [+3] 2730
2022-12-29 to 2022-12-30 2022 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship Blitz Open Kazakhstan 31 9 [+22] 2753
2022-12-12 to 2022-12-14 The 13th China Hainan danzhou superchess greandmaster tournament China 8 4 [+4] 2717
2022-10-03 to 2022-10-09 37th European Chess Club Cup 2022 Ecuador 409 304 [+105] 2579
2022-03-09 to 2022-03-13 Grand Prix 2022 Belgrade - Semi Final 2 1 [+1] 0
2022-03-01 to 2022-03-07 Grand Prix 2022 Belgrade - Pool C 1 1 [0] 2831
2021-12-26 to 2021-12-28 World Rapid Chess Championship 2021 - Open 10 10 [0] 2709
2021-12-29 to 2021-12-30 World Blitz Chess Championship 2021 - Open 13 75 [-62] 2533
2021-06-18 to 2021-06-20 Paris Grand Chess Tour Rapid France 6 8 [-2] 2713
2021-06-21 to 2021-06-22 Paris Grand Chess Tour Blitz France 10 5 [+5] 2793
2021-04-29 to 2021-04-30 The Belt and Road 2021 Shenzhen Evening News Cup Shenzhen Longgang Chess Mas Rapid China 3 2 [+1] 2723
2021-03-29 to 2021-03-29 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C Ecuador 31 10 [+21] 2658
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 Ecuador 488 488 [0] 0
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A Ecuador 51 2 [+49] 2809
2020-12-03 to 2020-12-09 11th China Hainan Danzhou Super Grandmaster Chess Tournament China 7 1 [+6] 2855
2021-01-22 to 2021-03-14 1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021 Austria 118 3 [+115] 2812
2019-05-17 to 2019-05-18 2019 IMSA World Masters Championship Men Blitz China 15 3 [+12] 2776
2019-05-14 to 2019-05-16 2019 IMSA World Masters Championship Men Rapid China 6 10 [-4] 2670
2019-07-13 to 2019-07-21 47 Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting Germany 1 4 [-3] 2750
2019-06-30 to 2019-07-07 The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament China 1 1 [0] 2828
2019-11-10 to 2019-11-16 35th European Club Cup Montenegro 240 155 [+85] 2831
2019-08-13 to 2019-08-14 2019 Saint Louis Blitz United States 10 7 [+3] 2785
2019-08-10 to 2019-08-12 2019 Saint Louis Rapid United States 10 8 [+2] 2749
2019-04-09 to 2019-12-07 "众弈杯"2019年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 沈阳站(19-22轮) China 105 50 [+55] 2792
2019-04-09 to 2019-12-07 2019 Chinese Chess League Division A R19-R22 China 105 50 [+55] 2792
2019-03-06 to 2019-03-15 Prague International Chess Festival - Masters Czech Republic 2 8 [-6] 2670
2017-10-21 to 2018-05-01 deutsche Schach-Bundesliga 2017/18 Germany 67 62 [+5] 2828
2018-03-09 to 2018-03-09 Reykjavik Fischer Random 2018 - European Fischer Random Cup Iceland 2 4 [-2] 2656
2017-11-16 to 2017-11-25  FIDE Grand Prix Series. Palma 2017 Spain 15 4 [+11] 2762
2018-09-17 to 2018-09-28 Premijer liga Beograda - 2018 Serbia 56 74 [-18] 0
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-28 Isle of Man International Chess Tournament - Masters United Kingdom 11 14 [-3] 2728
2018-03-06 to 2018-03-14 GAMMA Reykjavik Open 2018 - Bobby Fischer Memorial Iceland 1 7 [-6] 2687
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 2 5 [-3] 2745
2017-10-28 to 2017-11-06 21th European Team Chess Championship 2017 Open Greece 68 27 [+41] 2753
2017-09-23 to 2017-10-01 Isle of Man Open - Masters United Kingdom 19 10 [+9] 2732
2017-12-29 to 2017-12-30 King Salman World Blitz Championship 2017 Open Saudi Arabia 73 31 [+42] 2767
2017-12-26 to 2017-12-28 King Salman World Rapid Championship 2017 Open Saudi Arabia 17 39 [-22] 2691
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 2 5 [-3] 2745
2018-01-23 to 2018-02-01 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2018 - Masters United Kingdom 12 4 [+8] 2763
2018-01-02 to 2018-01-07 II Vergani Cup - Elite Open Italy 1 1 [0] 2718
2018-02-01 to 2018-02-01 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2018 - Masters - Rapid Playoff United Kingdom 4 4 [0] 0
2017-04-18 to 2017-12-05 2017 Chinese Chess League Division A Round 19-22 China 114 94 [+20] 2571
2017-04-18 to 2017-12-05 “映美杯”2017年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 第六站(三乡盛桐站) China 114 94 [+20] 2571
2015-08-23 to 2015-08-31 22nd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament United Arab Emirates 4 5 [-1] 2749
2014-10-18 to 2015-04-12 deutsche Schach-Bundesliga 2014/15 Germany 142 102 [+40] 2837
2015-03-27 to 2015-04-04 Aeroflot Open 2015 A Russia 3 48 [-45] 2562
2014-08-30 to 2014-09-09 Prva liga Srbije 2014 muskarci Serbia 36 4 [+32] 2756
2015-09-19 to 2016-04-24 deutsche Schach-Bundesliga 2015/16 Germany 109 10 [+99] 2873
2017-05-18 to 2017-05-26 36th Zalakaros Chess Festival Sax Gyula Memorial Hungary 1 2 [-1] 2680
2017-07-06 to 2017-07-15 FIDE Grand Prix Series 2017 Switzerland 15 16 [-1] 2539
2016-10-15 to 2017-05-01 deutsche Schach-Bundesliga 2016/17 Germany 70 132 [-62] 2581
2017-02-18 to 2017-02-27  FIDE Grand Prix Series. Sharjah 2017. United Arab Emirates 14 9 [+5] 2726
2016-12-07 to 2016-12-16 The 1st Hainan International Chess Open Tournament China 2 12 [-10] 2536
2016-04-12 to 2016-12-05 “映美杯”2016年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 第六站(深圳华阳体育站) China 104 70 [+34] 2766
2016-11-06 to 2016-11-12 32nd European Club Cup 2016 Open Section Serbia 16 100 [-84] 2670
2016-09-02 to 2016-09-13 42nd Chess Olympiad 2016 Open Azerbaijan 14 614 [-600] 2527
2016-06-13 to 2016-06-21 Checkmate London United Kingdom 2 1 [+1] 2912
2016-03-08 to 2016-03-16 Reykjavik Open 2016 Iceland 3 4 [-1] 2705
2015-12-07 to 2015-12-08 ACP Masters 2015 Group B Israel 6 3 [+3] 2688
2016-01-26 to 2016-02-04 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2016 - Masters United Kingdom 9 16 [-7] 2682
2015-10-13 to 2015-10-21 Checkmate Gozo Malta 9 1 [+8] 2873
2015-03-06 to 2015-03-06 Vladimir Petrov memorial blitz 06.03.2015 Latvia 3 22 [-19] 2396
2015-03-07 to 2015-03-08 Vladimir Petrov memorial Latvia 7 4 [+3] 2751
2015-01-27 to 2015-02-05 The 2015 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival - Masters United Kingdom 8 16 [-8] 2675
2014-12-26 to 2014-12-30 38. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Meisterturnier Switzerland 2 5 [-3] 2523
2014-08-02 to 2014-08-14 41st Chess Olympiad 2014 Open Norway 34 227 [-193] 2660
2014-07-06 to 2014-07-06 10. Memorijalni turnir "Uroš Dinić" Serbia 1 1 [0] 2696
2014-07-04 to 2014-07-11 International Championship of Central Serbia 2014 - OPEN A Paracin, July 4-11 Serbia 1 1 [0] 2728
2014-07-12 to 2014-07-13 Štiavnica rapid open 2014 Slovakia 1 1 [0] 3110
2014-03-04 to 2014-03-12 N1 Reykjavik Open 2014 Iceland 4 12 [-8] 2625
2014-01-28 to 2014-02-06 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2014 - Masters United Kingdom 11 11 [0] 2705
2014-05-23 to 2014-05-31 33th Zalakaros Chess Festival HUN Open Ch. over 2400 Hungary 1 10 [-9] 2603
2014-07-21 to 2014-07-29 Politiken Cup 2014 Denmark 2 6 [-4] 2638
2013-11-01 to 2013-11-02 2nd Rapid Chess Tournament of Danube Countries 2013 Bulgaria 1 3 [-2] 2722
2013-10-05 to 2013-10-14 Torneo Entrefaros 2013 Spain 2 3 [-1] 2662
2013-05-22 to 2013-05-28 Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2013 Sweden 8 1 [+7] 2699
2012-10-05 to 2012-10-06 Rapid Chess Tournament of Danube Countries 2012 Bulgaria 5 4 [+1] 2630
2012-12-15 to 2012-12-16 European Rapid Chess Championship 2012 Poland 39 10 [+29] 2631
2012-08-02 to 2012-08-15 World Junior Chess Championship 2012 Boys (Open) Under 20 Greece 4 2 [+2] 2698
2012-05-23 to 2012-05-23 Pungor János Emlékverseny Pünkösdi rapidverseny Szombathely Hungary 1 1 [0] 2631
2012-03-20 to 2012-03-31 13th European Individual Chess Championship 2012 Bulgaria 131 132 [-1] 2528
2012-01-24 to 2012-02-02 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2012 - Masters United Kingdom 39 49 [-10] 2568
2011-11-29 to 2011-12-06 Ragger Markus vs. Rapport Richard Ragger Markus - Rapport Richard Match 62963 Hungary 1 2 [-1] 2619
2010-08-02 to 2010-08-02 Savaria Summer International Chess Tournament 2010 - Rapid Hungary 1 2 [-1] 2644
2011-06-12 to 2011-06-13 Korcsoportos Rapid OB U18 csapat Hungary 1 15 [-14] 2495
2011-03-22 to 2011-04-02 European Individual Chess Championship - Aix les Bains France 132 56 [+76] 2580
2011-05-07 to 2011-05-07 41st IT Bosna 2011 Blitz Tournament Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 19 [-3] 2511
2011-05-03 to 2011-05-12 41st International Tournament Bosna 2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 32 [-13] 2452
2011-01-25 to 2011-02-03 2011 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival - Masters United Kingdom 41 65 [-24] 2566
2011-01-04 to 2011-01-11 Balogh Csaba vs. Rapport Richárd Hungary 1 2 [-1] 2561
2010-10-20 to 2010-10-30 World Youth Chess Championships 2010 Open Under 14 Greece 1 12 [-11] 2290
2010-02-22 to 2010-03-03 Gotth' Art Kupa Hungary 5 3 [+2] 2638
2010-07-11 to 2010-07-11 Open OBERWART 2010 Blitzturnier Austria 3 1 [+2] 2666
2010-05-05 to 2010-05-14 40th International Tournament Bosna 2010 Bosnia and Herzegovina 42 17 [+25] 2393
2010-07-05 to 2010-07-13 60. Magyar Férfi Bajnokság döntő – HUN Individual Chess Final Man Hungary 7 7 [0] 2470
2010-07-04 to 2010-07-14 60. Magyar Férfi Bajnokság döntő – HUN Individual Chess Final Man „B” Group Hungary 5 4 [+1] 2470
2010-04-24 to 2010-04-25 Országos Csapat Diákolimpiai Döntő Felsős fiúk Hungary 26 1 [+25] 2711
2009-11-28 to 2009-12-05 Open 'Mediterranean 2017' Rijeka (CRO) 2009 Croatia 20 127 [-107] 0
2010-01-16 to 2010-01-23 Open Marianske Lazne 2010 - A - velmistrovsky turnaj 9. rocnik mezinarodniho sachoveho festivalu Czech Republic 10 3 [+7] 2508
2009-12-21 to 2009-12-23 V. Csatár Kupa - 61. Vas Megye Egyéni Sakkbajnokság Hungary 2 1 [+1] 2514
2009-10-04 to 2009-10-10 25th European Club Cup 2009 Ohrid, FYROM Macedonia Macedonia 126 222 [-96] 2349
2009-08-22 to 2009-08-22 Savaria Summer International Chess Tournament 2009 - Blitz tournament Hungary 4 5 [-1] 2390
2009-10-26 to 2009-10-30 MAGYAR NEMZETI IFJÚSÁGI SAKK CSAPATBAJNOKSÁG 2009. Miskolc Hungary 214 12 [+202] 2515
2009-07-11 to 2009-07-19 Open O B E R W A R T 2009 Turnier A Austria 12 21 [-9] 2304
2009-05-31 to 2009-06-01 Korcsoportos Rapid Sakkbajnokság 2009. Szombathely U18 csapatok Hungary 18 20 [-2] 2344
2009-05-01 to 2009-05-02 Országos Csapat Diákolimpiai Döntõ - Szombathely Felsõs fiúk Hungary 100 1 [+99] 2614
2009-05-09 to 2009-05-17 28rd MITROPA Cup 2009 Slovenia 29 40 [-11] 2483
2009-05-30 to 2009-05-31 Korcsoportos Egyéni Rapid Sakkbajnokság Szombathely U14 fiúk (95-96) Hungary 1 1 [0] 2412
2007-09-14 to 2007-09-23 17th European Youth Championship 2007 - Boys U12 Croatia 10 17 [-7] 2001
2007-12-26 to 2007-12-31 OÖ Donau Open Aschach Gruppe A Austria 19 23 [-4] 2358
2007-12-26 to 2007-12-26 Budapest First Saturday IM Austria 7 9 [-2] 0
2008-08-14 to 2008-08-22 Szombathelyi Nyár IM csoport Hungary 2 9 [-7] 2332
2008-10-27 to 2008-10-31 MAGYAR NEMZETI IFJÚSÁGI SAKK CSAPATBAJNOKSÁG 2008. Miskolc Hungary 313 27 [+286] 2358
2006-08-09 to 2006-08-17 U10 4. European Union Youth Championship 1 1 [0] 1931
2006-09-10 to 2006-09-19 European Youth Chess Championship 2006 - Boys U10 8 8 [0] 1610

Richard Rapport - Partidas de Ajedrez

Richard Rapport - Partidas de Ajedrez

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Fecha Jugadores & Apertura Resultado ECO Ver
2022.10.09 Saric, Ivan (2668) vs (2754) Rapport, Richard
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
Española Berlin
1/2-1/2 C65
2022.10.08 Santos Latasa, Jaime (2677) vs (2754) Rapport, Richard
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
Francesa del Avance Winawer
1/2-1/2 C18
2022.10.07 Rapport, Richard (2754) vs (2710) Vidit, Santosh Gujrathi
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
Española Berlin Abierta
0-1 C67
2022.10.06 Kryvoruchko, Yuriy (2658) vs (2754) Rapport, Richard
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
Siciliana - Rossolimo
1/2-1/2 B30
2022.10.05 Rapport, Richard (2754) vs (2645) Shevchenko, Kirill
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
Reti Simétrica - Barcza
0-1 A05
2022.10.04 Rapport, Richard (2754) vs (2459) Nemeth, Miklos
37th European Chess Club Cup 2022
India - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2021.03.29 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2618) Moranda, Wojciech
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C
Inglesa Agincourt - Neo-Catalana Aceptada
0-1 A13
2021.03.29 Azarov, Sergei (2604) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C
Española Berlin
1/2-1/2 C65
2021.03.29 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2674) McShane, Luke J
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C
Inglesa Asimétrica
1/2-1/2 A34
2021.03.29 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2706) Tomashevsky, Evgeny
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C
Inglesa Agincourt - Neo-Catalana Aceptada
1/2-1/2 A13
2021.03.29 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2688) Matlakov, Maxim
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff C
Inglesa Anglo-Eslava
1-0 A11
2021.03.28 Finek, Vaclav (2361) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Holandesa - Rubinstein
0-1 A84
2021.03.28 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2360) Celik, Hasan Huseyin
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Inglesa Anglo-Eslava
1-0 A11
2021.03.28 Valdes Escobar, Alvaro (2355) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Inglesa - Anglo-Holandesa
0-1 A10
2021.03.28 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2418) Zavgorodniy, Sergiy
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Caballo de Dama
1-0 A16
2021.03.28 Jakubowski, Krzysztof (2497) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Española Cuatro Caballos
0-1 C48
2021.03.27 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2610) Hera, Imre Jr.
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Inglesa Simétrica Fiancheto - Ultra-Simétrica
1-0 A36
2021.03.27 Deac, Bogdan-Daniel (2625) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Giuoco Piano - Pianissimo
1/2-1/2 C54
2021.03.27 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2709) Artemiev, Vladislav
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Gambito de Dama Aceptado
1/2-1/2 D25
2021.03.27 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2183) Horvath, Laszlo
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group A
Caballo de Dama
1-0 A16
2021.03.14 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2664) Abasov, Nijat
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
Siciliana Cerrada
1/2-1/2 B25
2021.03.12 Haba, Petr (2433) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
Francesa Avance
0-1 C02
2021.01.24 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2442) Horvath, Dominik
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
1-0 D70
2021.01.23 Dragnev, Valentin (2564) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
Pirc Dos Caballos
1/2-1/2 B08
2021.01.23 Rapport, Richard (2763) vs (2598) Markus, Robert
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
India Antigua
1-0 A53
2021.01.22 Shengelia, David (2533) vs (2763) Rapport, Richard
1. BUNDESLIGA 2020/2021
Gambito de Dama Rehúsado - Cambio
0-1 D35
2019.11.15 Dominguez Perez, Leinier (2762) vs (2752) Rapport, Richard
35th European Club Cup
Dos Caballos - Alfil Moderno
1/2-1/2 C55
2019.11.14 Rapport, Richard (2752) vs (2648) Mamedov, Rauf
35th European Club Cup
India de Rey - Larsen
1/2-1/2 E90
2019.11.13 Efimenko, Zahar (2601) vs (2752) Rapport, Richard
35th European Club Cup
Siciliana Barnes (Bastrikov)
0-1 B47
2019.11.12 Rapport, Richard (2752) vs (2625) Hammer, Jon Ludvig
35th European Club Cup
Reti India de Rey - Pachmann
1-0 A07
2019.07.07 Wei, Yi (2741) vs (2735) Rapport, Richard
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Española Berlin Abierta
1/2-1/2 C67
2019.07.06 Rapport, Richard (2735) vs (2707) Vidit, Santosh Gujrathi
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Reti India de Rey
1/2-1/2 A08
2019.07.05 Inarkiev, Ernesto (2693) vs (2735) Rapport, Richard
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
India de dama - Petrosian
0-1 E12
2019.07.03 Rapport, Richard (2735) vs (2707) Amin, Bassem
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Gruenfeld Kemeri (Bogolubov) - Gruenfeld Kemeri (Bogolubov)
1-0 D78
2019.07.02 Yu, Yangyi (2738) vs (2735) Rapport, Richard
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Nimzo-India Clásica
1/2-1/2 E32
2019.07.01 Rapport, Richard (2735) vs (2737) Wang, Hao
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Reti India de Rey
1/2-1/2 A07
2019.06.30 Rapport, Richard (2735) vs (2761) Artemiev, Vladislav
The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament
Reti Simétrica
1/2-1/2 A05
2019.05.18 Rapport, Richard (2674) vs (2699) Le, Quang Liem
2019 IMSA World Masters Championship
Nimzovich - Moderna
1-0 A01