Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Partidas de ajedrez

Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Información del jugador de ajedrez

Última actualización: 04/09/2023 12:37:14 GMT+2
Actividad del jugador: ON
Nombre del jugador: Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon (ROU) ROU
Foto del jugador: (Buscar en Google Imágenes)
Edad: 47 años (nacido en 1977)
Fide ID: 1263161 (FIDE card)
Mayor ELO conseguido: 1771
Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Partidas de ajedrez: 0

Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Gráficos


Actividad (partidas estándar)

Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Torneos de ajedrez

Fecha Torneo de ajedrez Posición inicial Posición final Performance
2023-01-28 to 2023-01-29 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a VI a - 28-29 Ianuarie 2023 - Turneul A - Open - ELO<2000 Romania 12 28 [-16] 1266
2022-08-12 to 2022-08-14 Festivalul de sah Pro Logos Galati, U1800, 12-14 august 2022 Romania 4 20 [-16] 1494
2022-06-22 to 2022-06-29 Festivalul International de Sah FISCA 2022 - D - Open PREMIEREA INCEPE LA ORA 16.00 LA TEATRUL DE VARA!! Romania 34 33 [+1] 1697
2022-05-07 to 2022-05-08 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Editia a IV a - 7-8 mai 2022 - Turneul A - OPEN Sah clasic Romania 15 16 [-1] 1666
2022-03-05 to 2022-03-06 Festivalul International de Sah Florin Gheorghiu - Turneul A - Open - 5-6 martie - sah clasic Romania 10 35 [-25] 1352
2022-01-22 to 2022-01-23 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a V a - 22-23 ianuarie 2022 Turneul A - OPEN - ELO<2400, sah clasic Romania 13 16 [-3] 1794
2021-08-20 to 2021-08-22 Festivalul de sah Pro Logos Galati, U2000, 20-22 august 2021 Romania 15 15 [0] 1567
2021-06-05 to 2021-06-06 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Editia a III a - Turneul A - OPEN - 5-6 iunie 2021, sah clasic Romania 15 8 [+7] 1757
2021-06-18 to 2021-06-20 CUPA ROZMARIN OPEN TURNEU ANULAT DIN MOTIVE TEHNICE Romania 4 4 [0] 0
2021-02-26 to 2021-02-28 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 35 (26-28 februarie 2021) Hotel Marshal Garden***** Romania 16 28 [-12] 1445
2021-02-19 to 2021-02-21 SEMIFINALA CAMPIONATULUI NATIONAL SENIORI 19-21.02.2021 BUCURESTI Romania 15 17 [-2] 1758
2020-12-04 to 2020-12-06 MEMORIALUL REVOLUTIEI DIN DECEMBRIE 89 SI MEMORIALUL DAN NEGUREANU Romania 32 15 [+17] 1685
2020-03-07 to 2020-03-08 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a IV a - Turneul A-Open, ELO<2200 Sah Clasic, 6 runde, 7-8 martie 2020 Romania 26 37 [-11] 1443
2020-02-15 to 2020-02-23 Semifinala Campionatului National Bucuresti 15.02-23.02.2020 Romania 37 28 [+9] 1679
2019-03-10 to 2019-03-10 Trofeul Moreni Seniori Romania 5 5 [0] 1657
2019-02-16 to 2019-02-16 Memorialul PAUL DIACONESCU - Cupa Hotel Central - editia 2019 sah rapid - Open - Ploiesti, 16 februarie 2019 Romania 59 64 [-5] 1540
2019-07-13 to 2019-07-13 Cupa AUREL ZAMORA - editia a V-a Turneul de BLITZ Romania 23 30 [-7] 1404
2019-09-28 to 2019-09-29 Festivalul International de Sah Florin Gheorghiu, A-OPEN, 28-29.09.2019 Ed. a II a, Sah rapid, 11 runde Romania 42 24 [+18] 1749
2019-01-05 to 2019-01-13 First Saturday - Bucharest C1 + C2 - combinat Romania 9 2 [+7] 1951
2019-01-05 to 2019-01-11 First Saturday - Bucharest C2 - U1750 Romania 2 1 [+1] 2285
2019-08-09 to 2019-08-11 Pro Logos Galati, 2019, U2000 Romania 29 23 [+6] 1754
2019-04-13 to 2019-04-14 Trofeul Moreni Aprilie Blitz Seniori Romania 5 4 [+1] 1680
2019-01-12 to 2019-01-12 First Saturday - Bucharest G - Simultan Mihail Marin Romania 5 5 [0] 0
2019-11-09 to 2019-11-10 Sah Dambovitean Editia a I-a Romania 14 17 [-3] 1599
2019-04-06 to 2019-04-07 Cupa Academiei de Sah - Editia a V a - 6-7 aprilie 2019 - A - OPEN, Sah clasic ELO<2.200 Romania 24 9 [+15] 1920
2019-06-27 to 2019-06-27 Festivalul International de Sah FISCA 2019 turneul H - Echipe 3 jucatori 28.06.2019, Hotel DELTA. rapid, 5 runde. Ultima inscriere cu 1h inainte de start Romania 20 79 [-59] 1212
2019-06-22 to 2019-06-29 Festivalul International de Sah FISCA 2019 turneul D - Open Romania 72 92 [-20] 1679
2019-11-24 to 2019-11-24 Weekend Sahist Dambovitean, ed.XVIII, Targoviste Romania 19 18 [+1] 1600
2019-11-24 to 2019-11-24 Weekend Sahist Dambovitean, ed.XVIII, Targoviste Romania 19 18 [+1] 1600
2019-10-19 to 2019-10-20 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open, Ed. a II a - Turneul A - Open - 19-20 Oct. 2019 Sah rapid, 11 runde Romania 23 24 [-1] 1535
2019-05-19 to 2019-05-19 Trofeul MORENI Mai Seniori Rapid Romania 5 7 [-2] 1475
2017-11-05 to 2017-11-05 Memorial Dr. Victor Tacu - editia a II-a Romania 45 49 [-4] 1714
2018-11-18 to 2018-11-18 Central Chess Club Trophy - Autumn Cup (open) Romania 25 30 [-5] 1572
2017-12-10 to 2017-12-10 Memorialul "Corneliu Butnariu" editia 2017 Open de sah rapid - 10 decembrie 2017 - Hotel CENTRAL - Ploiesti Romania 48 42 [+6] 1735
2018-02-24 to 2018-02-25 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean Editia a II a 24-25 Februarie 2018 - A - OPEN Romania 30 37 [-7] 1787
2017-11-12 to 2017-11-12 ChessCraft - Editia a III a - 12 Noiembrie 2017 - Turneul D - OPEN GENERAL Romania 20 19 [+1] 1603
2017-11-19 to 2017-11-19 Memorial Maria Firescu-Nadejde - open Romania 26 16 [+10] 1672
2018-12-14 to 2018-12-14 "Cupa Orasului Comarnic" - editia a VIa - 14-16decembrie 2018 Romania 14 12 [+2] 1549
2017-12-01 to 2017-12-03 Cupa 1 Decembrie Galati Open Romania 10 9 [+1] 1594
2018-06-10 to 2018-06-10 Week-end Sahist Dambovitean, Blitz, ed.a-XVI-a, Targoviste, 10 iunie 2018 Romania 22 6 [+16] 1807
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-21 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Turneul A - Open - 20-21 Oct. 2018 Romania 36 45 [-9] 1587
2018-08-13 to 2018-08-18 Trofeul Carpati 2018 - OPEN Romania 24 12 [+12] 1997
2018-09-14 to 2018-09-14 Cupa Gresu - concurs de Blitz Romania 11 16 [-5] 1604
2018-06-27 to 2018-06-27 FISCA 2018 - G Recompensa Romania 19 72 [-53] 1237
2018-06-24 to 2018-06-24 FISCA 2018 - E Fischer 960 Romania 18 39 [-21] 1487
2018-06-23 to 2018-06-30 FISCA 2018 - D - open Mesele 41-80 se joaca la RIO (langa Delta) Romania 91 105 [-14] 1625
2018-03-17 to 2018-03-17 Cupa Hotel CENTRAL - Memorial "Paul Diaconescu" - 2018 SAH RAPID open - Ploiesti 17 martie 2018 Romania 42 45 [-3] 1798
2018-06-09 to 2018-06-09 Cupa HOTEL CENTRAL - open 9 iunie, Ploiesti, Hotel Central Romania 27 39 [-12] 1408
2018-05-12 to 2018-05-13 Cupa Academiei de Sah Editia a IV a 12-13 Mai 2018 - Turneul A - OPEN Romania 26 23 [+3] 1587
2018-11-10 to 2018-11-11 ChessCraft - Editia a IV a - 10-11 Noiembrie 2018 - Turneul A - OPEN Sah clasic Romania 25 30 [-5] 1762
2018-07-06 to 2018-07-08 Cupa AUREL ZAMORA - editia a IV-a turneu sah rapid, 6-8 iulie, Busteni Romania 31 39 [-8] 1498
2017-09-30 to 2017-09-30 Cupa Orasului Comarnic - editia Ia - 30septembrie 2017 Romania 13 18 [-5] 1477
2018-09-29 to 2018-09-30 International Chess Festival "Florin Gheorghiu" - A Open Romania 41 49 [-8] 1665
2017-11-24 to 2017-11-26 Week-End Sahist Dambovitean ed.XV-a 24-26.11.2017 Romania 20 16 [+4] 1701
2018-08-24 to 2018-08-26 Festivalul de sah PRO CHESS GALATI, elo sub 2200 Romania 16 8 [+8] 1709
2018-09-07 to 2018-09-09 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 12 Romania 21 26 [-5] 1444
2018-11-30 to 2018-12-02 CAMPIONATUL CAPITALEI 2018 – SAH CLASIC OPEN Romania 18 18 [0] 1611
2018-06-10 to 2018-06-10 Week-end Sahist Dambovitean, Blitz, ed.a-XVI-a, Targoviste, 10 iunie 2018 Romania 22 6 [+16] 1807
2018-11-18 to 2018-11-18 Trofeul Clubului Central - Cupa de Toamna (IBIS - Palatul Parlamentului) Turneul F - Open (omologat FIDE) Romania 25 29 [-4] 1572
2018-11-21 to 2018-11-21 OPEN ROMGAZ BLITZ PREMII 14.000 LEI FARA TAXE PARTICIPARE Romania 77 91 [-14] 1592
2018-09-13 to 2018-09-16 Cupa Gresu ed. a IX-a U1800 13-16 septembrie (Gresu Cup 2018 - U1800) Romania 9 17 [-8] 1596
2017-12-22 to 2017-12-22 Random Chess 22 decembrie 2017, Targoviste Romania 9 13 [-4] 1434
2017-12-22 to 2017-12-22 Week-end Sahist DB ed.a-XVI-a, Blitz 22 dec.2017 Romania 17 14 [+3] 1590
2017-09-17 to 2017-09-17 Sah Rapid FIDE ,,Zilele Cetatii,, ed-a-XII-a, TARGOVISTE, 17 sept.2017 Romania 19 26 [-7] 1728
2018-08-16 to 2018-08-16 Trofeul Carpati 2018 - Turneul F Romania 19 12 [+7] 1574
2017-09-10 to 2017-09-10 Sah Rapid 10 sept.2017 Zilele Cetatii-Proiect Sahul pt.Toti Romania 16 18 [-2] 1691
2017-12-16 to 2017-12-16 Cupa Orasului Comarnic - editia a IIIa Romania 6 6 [0] 1629
2018-06-10 to 2018-06-10 Week-end Sahist Dambovitean, Blitz, ed.a-XVI-a, Targoviste, 10 iunie 2018 Romania 22 6 [+16] 1807
2017-09-19 to 2017-09-24 Open Bucuresti Romania 48 37 [+11] 1751
2017-08-14 to 2017-08-14 TROFEUL CARPATI - Tandem Romania 21 21 [0] 0
2017-08-18 to 2017-08-18 TROFEUL CARPATI - 960 Romania 7 20 [-13] 1325
2017-08-18 to 2017-08-18 TROFEUL CARPATI - RECOMPENSA Romania 7 15 [-8] 1459
2017-08-14 to 2017-08-19 TROFEUL CARPATI - OPEN Romania 32 29 [+3] 1719
2017-06-24 to 2017-07-01 FISCA 2017 - Turneul D - open general Romania 98 86 [+12] 1578
2017-06-25 to 2017-06-25 FISCA 2017 - Turneul E Sah Tematic Romania 32 19 [+13] 1754
2017-07-14 to 2017-07-16 Cupa AUREL ZAMORA - editia a III-a Romania 49 62 [-13] 1653
2017-05-13 to 2017-05-14 Cupa Academiei de Sah - Editia a III-a Turneul A - open general Elo<2200 Romania 25 27 [-2] 1444
2017-06-28 to 2017-06-28 FISCA 2017 - Turneul G Sah Recompensa Romania 35 27 [+8] 1535
2017-06-10 to 2017-06-10 Weekend Sahist DB ed.a -XIV-a. Targoviste 10 iunie 2017 Romania 18 7 [+11] 1674
2017-06-10 to 2017-06-10 Weekend Sahist DB ed.a -XIV-a. Targoviste 10 iunie 2017 Romania 18 7 [+11] 1674
2017-03-11 to 2017-03-12 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - editia I Turneul A - open general Romania 39 43 [-4] 1620
2017-03-05 to 2017-03-05 Weekend Sahist DB, Blitz, 5 martie 2017 Romania 17 21 [-4] 1483
2017-01-04 to 2017-01-08 "Cupa de Iarna" - editia a IVa - Ploiesti 4-8.01.2017 Romania 25 16 [+9] 1746
2016-12-05 to 2016-12-16 MEMORIALUL "CORNELIU BUTNARIU" editia 2016 Romania 27 23 [+4] 1602
2016-12-05 to 2016-12-16 MEMORIALUL "CORNELIU BUTNARIU" editia 2016 Romania 27 23 [+4] 1602
2016-10-23 to 2016-10-23 Memorialul EMIL MACARIE - editia 2016 Concurs de Sah Rapid - OPEN Romania 65 46 [+19] 1686
2016-07-22 to 2016-07-24 Cupa AUREL ZAMORA - editia a II-a open de sah rapid pentru toate categoriile sportive si de varsta Romania 62 41 [+21] 1781
2016-09-10 to 2016-09-11 Zilele Cetatii ed. XI-a, Sah Rapid, Targoviste, 10-11 sept. Romania 19 26 [-7] 1576
2016-09-17 to 2016-09-25 Open Bucuresti - Turneul A Romania 67 79 [-12] 1571
2016-08-14 to 2016-08-14 Trofeul Carpati - 960 Romania 4 2 [+2] 1848
2016-08-14 to 2016-08-19 Trofeul Carpati - Turneu de Blitz Romania 10 7 [+3] 1487
2016-09-10 to 2016-09-10 ZILELE CETATII ed.XI-a, Blitz, Targoviste 10 sept.2016 Romania 21 24 [-3] 1399
2016-09-10 to 2016-09-10 ZILELE CETATII ed.XI-a, Blitz, Targoviste 10 sept.2016 Romania 21 24 [-3] 1399
2016-08-14 to 2016-08-19 Trofeul Carpati - OPEN Romania 30 34 [-4] 1637
2016-06-25 to 2016-07-02 Festivalul International de Sah CAP AURORA 2016 FISCA turneul D - open Romania 82 90 [-8] 1533
2016-07-16 to 2016-07-16 Weekend de Sah Rapid ed.X-a, Targoviste 16 iulie 2016 Romania 27 25 [+2] 1689
2016-07-16 to 2016-07-16 Random Chess 16 iulie 2016 Romania 12 15 [-3] 1618
2016-05-29 to 2016-05-29 Weekend Dambovitean De Sah Rapid ed.IX-a 29 mai 2016 Romania 27 33 [-6] 1374
2016-03-26 to 2016-03-27 Memorialul PAUL DIACONESCU - editia 2016 Sah rapid Romania 60 61 [-1] 1575
2016-03-19 to 2016-03-19 Weekend Sahist Dambovitean Ed.VIII- sah rapid Romania 25 30 [-5] 1510
2016-02-06 to 2016-02-13 Semifinala Campionatului National - Galati Romania 21 22 [-1] 1577

Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Partidas de Ajedrez

Mihai-Zoltan Spiridon - Partidas de Ajedrez

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