Vincent Keymer Chess Games

Vincent Keymer - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 12:09:26 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Vincent Keymer (GER) GER
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 21 years old (born in 2004)
Fide ID: 12940690 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2743
Vincent Keymer Chess Games: 1546
2649 (Rapid)
2585 (Blitz)

Vincent Keymer - Charts


Activity chart

Vincent Keymer - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-04-24 to 2023-04-25 Satty Zhuldyz (blitz) Kazakhstan 3 3 [0] 2707
2022-12-26 to 2022-12-28 2022 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship Rapid Open Kazakhstan 54 2 [+52] 2822
2022-12-29 to 2022-12-30 2022 FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championship Blitz Open Kazakhstan 59 13 [+46] 2779
2022-07-14 to 2022-07-22 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Classical Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 3 8 [-5] 2525
2022-07-29 to 2022-08-09 44th Olympiad Chennai 2022 Open India 23 176 [-153] 2766
2022-07-12 to 2022-07-12 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Rapid Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 3 7 [-4] 2494
2022-06-08 to 2022-06-17 Prague International Chess Festival 2022 - Challengers Czech Republic 1 1 [0] 2766
2022-03-22 to 2022-03-28 FIDE Grand Prix 2022 - Leg 3 Pool B Germany 1 1 [0] 2805
2021-11-12 to 2021-11-21 23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open Ecuador 59 32 [+27] 2666
2021-10-10 to 2021-10-10 37. Deutsche Mannschaftsmeisterschaft im Blitzschach Wissen 2021 Germany 102 7 [+95] 2561
2021-09-18 to 2021-09-21 Julius Baer Challengers Chess Tour 2021 - Challenge #4 12 1 [+11] 2766
2021-09-08 to 2021-09-10 2021 FIDE Online Olympiad Top Division Pool C 24 9 [+15] 2292
2021-07-25 to 2021-07-25 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Rapid Biel International Chess Festival 2021 Switzerland 7 5 [+2] 2540
2021-07-31 to 2021-07-31 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Blitz Biel International Chess Festival 2021 Switzerland 4 4 [0] 2611
2021-07-13 to 2021-07-18 48. Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage Deutschland Grand Prix Germany 3 4 [-1] 2675
2021-08-26 to 2021-09-05 European Individual Chess Championship 2021 - Reykjavik Open Ecuador 32 2 [+30] 2751
2021-05-17 to 2021-05-30 EUROPEAN HYBRID QUALIFICATION Ecuador 76 127 [-51] 2462
2021-04-08 to 2021-04-11 Julius Baer Challengers Chess Tour 2021 - Challenge #1 12 6 [+6] 2650
2021-03-30 to 2021-03-31 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR Ecuador 57 6 [+51] 2812
2021-03-29 to 2021-03-29 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff B Ecuador 35 8 [+27] 2768
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 Ecuador 473 473 [0] 0
2021-03-27 to 2021-03-28 European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C Ecuador 57 1 [+56] 2647
2020-12-18 to 2020-12-18 European Online Blitz Championship - Qualification stage Ecuador 110 77 [+33] 2480
2020-12-05 to 2020-12-06 Karabakh is Azerbaijan! International online blitz chess tournament, all players Azerbaijan 2 2 [0] 0
2020-12-19 to 2020-12-22 FIDE ONLINE WORLD CADETS & YOUTH RAPID CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS U16 Open Finals Georgia 1 5 [-4] 2338
2020-10-31 to 2020-11-08 Tegernsee Masters 2020 Germany 5 10 [-5] 0
2020-08-21 to 2020-08-21 II OPEN MANABI CHESS CLUB Ecuador 22 22 [0] 0
2018-08-17 to 2018-08-26 XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 192968 26 34 [-8] 2461
2020-08-30 to 2020-08-30 Sundays with Unity : Monthly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 30th August - Mega Event ) United States 56 56 [0] 0
2020-07-21 to 2020-07-29 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Classical Biel International Chess Festival 2020 Switzerland 3 4 [-1] 2671
2020-07-18 to 2020-07-18 ACCENTUS Chess960 Biel International Chess Festival 2020 Switzerland 3 2 [+1] 2781
2020-07-19 to 2020-07-19 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Rapid Biel International Chess Festival 2020 Switzerland 3 3 [0] 2791
2020-07-25 to 2020-07-25 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Blitz Biel International Chess Festival 2020 Switzerland 2 7 [-5] 2477
2020-07-21 to 2020-07-29 Grand Master Triathlon (GMT) - Classical Biel International Chess Festival 2020 Switzerland 3 4 [-1] 2671
2020-10-31 to 2020-11-08 24. Offene Internationale Bayerische Meisterschaft Tegernsee Germany 12 12 [0] 0
2020-07-12 to 2020-07-12 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 12th July ) United States 61 61 [0] 0
2020-07-05 to 2020-07-05 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 5th July ) United States 40 40 [0] 0
2020-07-05 to 2020-07-05 XX Magistral Internacional Ciudad de Río Grande Domingo 5 de Julio 18 hs. por Lichess - Participacion especial de David Anton y Alexei Shirov Argentina 9 9 [0] 0
2020-06-28 to 2020-06-28 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 28th June ) United States 52 52 [0] 0
2020-06-21 to 2020-06-21 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament United States 52 52 [0] 0
2020-06-13 to 2020-06-13 C'Chartres Blitz Master France 10 15 [-5] 2427
2020-05-16 to 2020-05-31 European Online Chess Championship 2020 Group E Elo 2300+ - knock out finals Switzerland 11 11 [0] 0
2020-05-16 to 2020-05-31 European Online Chess Championship 2020 Group E Elo 2300+ - day 2 Switzerland 134 15 [+119] 2554
2020-05-09 to 2020-05-10 International "Tehsil" Cup - All players, Dedicated to the 97th anniversary of national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan 3 3 [0] 0
2020-05-16 to 2020-05-31 European Online Chess Championship 2020 Group E Elo 2300+ - day 1 Switzerland 134 2 [+132] 2679
2020-04-18 to 2020-04-19 FIDE Candidates Countries Youth Online Chess Tournament China 8 5 [+3] 2536
2019-10-10 to 2019-10-21 FIDE Grand Swiss 2019 United Kingdom 121 119 [+2] 2593
2019-07-20 to 2019-07-20 Schweizer Fischerschachmeisterschaft 2019 (SFM 2019) Switzerland 3 1 [+2] 2685
2019-06-08 to 2019-06-08 36. Deutsche Blitz-MM Germany 32 11 [+21] 2466
2019-07-27 to 2019-07-27 Swiss Blitz Chess Championship (BTO) Switzerland 15 19 [-4] 2424
2019-07-21 to 2019-07-21 Swiss Rapid Chess Championship (RAP) Switzerland 18 5 [+13] 2592
2019-07-22 to 2019-07-31 Master Tournament (MTO) Switzerland 31 15 [+16] 2564
2019-03-18 to 2019-03-29 European Individual Chess Championship 2019 Macedonia 133 79 [+54] 2569
2019-04-20 to 2019-04-29 GRENKE Chess Classic 2019 20. - 29.04.2019 Germany 5 10 [-5] 2527
2019-05-26 to 2019-06-01 German Masters 2019 Germany 2 7 [-5] 2430
2019-08-09 to 2019-08-15 17th Open Int. di scacchi Spilimbergo 2019 Open Master (Elo >2000) Italy 11 46 [-35] 2355
2017-10-21 to 2018-05-01 deutsche Schach-Bundesliga 2017/18 Germany 271 87 [+184] 2433
2018-07-21 to 2018-07-29 Xtracon Chess Open 2018 Denmark 31 10 [+21] 2590
2018-07-12 to 2018-07-18 EUROPEAN YOUTH TEAM CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP >>>U18 Open<<< Germany 2 6 [-4] 2530
2017-11-13 to 2017-11-25 World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309) Italy 60 62 [-2] 2399
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-28 Isle of Man International Chess Tournament - Masters United Kingdom 72 64 [+8] 2575
2018-08-17 to 2018-08-26 XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A Code 192968 Spain 26 34 [-8] 2461
2018-12-14 to 2018-12-23 V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A (Id.202144) Spain 29 35 [-6] 2435
2018-05-11 to 2018-05-11 1. Bamberg-Open >>> Blitzturnier <<< Germany 3 2 [+1] 2480
2017-09-17 to 2017-09-25 36th MITROPA Cup 2017 Hungary 12 25 [-13] 2372
2018-05-09 to 2018-05-13 1. Bamberg-Open >>> A-Turnier <<< Germany 9 3 [+6] 2596
2018-01-23 to 2018-02-01 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2018 - Masters United Kingdom 126 175 [-49] 2270
2017-07-29 to 2017-08-06 FIDE-Open Dresden 2017 Gruppe A Germany 15 22 [-7] 2293
2017-08-17 to 2017-08-23 EUROPEAN YOUTH TEAM CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP - OPEN SECTION Poland 55 62 [-7] 2334
2017-06-23 to 2017-07-01 88. Deutsche Schachmeisterschaft Germany 13 4 [+9] 2585
2017-07-29 to 2017-07-30 Challenge zum UKA German Masters 2017 Germany 15 9 [+6] 2487
2017-06-25 to 2017-06-25 Einladungsblitzturnier Bernd Vökler 50+ Germany 5 7 [-2] 2435
2016-10-19 to 2016-10-30 World Cadets U8, U10, U12 Championships 2016 Open U12 Georgia 3 5 [-2] 2328
2016-08-16 to 2016-08-23 Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A (A-Turnier) Austria 38 3 [+35] 2586
2015-11-28 to 2015-11-28 Deutsche Meisterschaft im Blitzschach 2015 -- 150 Jahre SK Mannheim-Lindenhof 1865 e.V. Germany 6 21 [-15] 2273
2015-10-25 to 2015-11-05 World Youth Ch 2015 - Open under 12 Greece 4 17 [-13] 2189
2016-02-05 to 2016-02-09 7. Pfalz-Open 2016 A-Turnier Germany 24 205 [-181] 1981
2015-08-20 to 2015-08-22 Jugendmasters 2015 - Zweikampf GM Roland Schmaltz - Vinzent Keymer 4 Runden Germany 2 2 [0] 2174
2015-08-07 to 2015-08-14 Open Letní Praha 2015 - A 2. ročník mezinárodního šachového festivalu Czech Republic 14 12 [+2] 2398
2014-09-20 to 2014-09-29 World Youth Chess Championships 2014 u10 Boys South Africa 2 6 [-4] 1968
2013-09-29 to 2013-10-08 23rd EUROPEAN YOUTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2013 - OPEN U10 Montenegro 2 4 [-2] 1931
2012-08-17 to 2012-08-25 European Youth Chess Championship B8 Prague 2012 - Boys Under 8 Czech Republic 2 11 [-9] 1325

Vincent Keymer - Chess Games

Vincent Keymer - Chess Games

Filter by color:
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Filter by opening:
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Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2022.08.09 Keymer, Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Gukesh, D.
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.08.08 Keymer, Vincent (2686) vs (2551) Boruchovsky, Avital
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
English Agincourt - Exchange
1-0 D35
2022.08.07 Laurusas, Tomas (2561) vs (2686) Keymer, Vincent
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2022.08.06 Keymer, Vincent (2686) vs (2688) Abdusattorov, Nodirbek
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2022.08.05 Indjic, Aleksandar (2620) vs (2686) Keymer, Vincent
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Capablanca
1/2-1/2 A28
2022.08.03 Keymer, Vincent (2686) vs (2584) Moroni, Luca Jr
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
1/2-1/2 D45
2022.08.02 Subelj, Jan (2498) vs (2686) Keymer, Vincent
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2022.08.01 Keymer, Vincent (2686) vs (2400) Baburin, Alexander
44th Olympiad Chennai 2022
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2021.11.21 Keymer, Vincent (2639) vs (2570) Can, Emre
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Queen's Pawn Zukertort
1/2-1/2 D02
2021.11.20 Keymer, Vincent (2639) vs (2553) Georgiadis, Nico
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
1-0 D32
2021.11.19 Piorun, Kacper (2634) vs (2639) Keymer, Vincent
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Caro-Kann Knight Classical
1/2-1/2 B18
2021.11.18 Tisaj, Domen (2369) vs (2639) Keymer, Vincent
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Catalan Irregular - Closed
0-1 E01
2021.11.16 Parligras, Mircea-Emilian (2576) vs (2639) Keymer, Vincent
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2021.11.15 Keymer, Vincent (2639) vs (2624) Martirosyan, Haik M.
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1-0 D37
2021.11.14 Mamedov, Rauf (2673) vs (2639) Keymer, Vincent
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
1/2-1/2 B19
2021.11.13 Keymer, Vincent (2639) vs (2569) Bjerre, Jonas Buhl
23rd European Team Chess Championship 2021 - Open
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.09.10 Keymer, Vincent (2542) vs (2445) Sonis, Francesco
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.09.10 Coro, Lucas (2020) vs (2542) Keymer, Vincent
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
0-1 B19
2021.09.10 Keymer, Vincent (2542) vs (2233) Bronstein, Or
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2021.09.09 Allo Collante, Enrique (1619) vs (2542) Keymer, Vincent
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
English Anglo-Indian
0-1 A15
2021.09.09 Keymer, Vincent (2542) vs (2030) Finek, Vaclav
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.09.09 Golubovskis, Maksims (2244) vs (2542) Keymer, Vincent
2021 FIDE Online Olympiad
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1/2-1/2 B15
2021.08.27 Keymer, Vincent (2602) vs (2466) Loiseau, Quentin
European Individual Chess Championship 2021 - Reykjavik Open
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2021.08.26 Player, Edmund C (2172) vs (2602) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2021 - Reykjavik Open
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2021.03.31 Timofeev, Artyom (2594) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
0-1 B10
2021.03.31 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2619) Ponkratov, Pavel
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Irregular Indian - Semmering (Breyer)
1-0 D30
2021.03.31 Teclaf, Pawel (2507) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2021.03.31 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2421) Socko, Monika
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Queen's Indian Classical - Opocensky
1/2-1/2 E17
2021.03.30 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2620) van Wely, Loek
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.03.30 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2647) Sasikiran, Krishnan
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2021.03.30 Cheparinov, Ivan (2667) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Final ten RR
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.03.29 Kuzubov, Yuriy (2642) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff B
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
0-1 E41
2021.03.29 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2598) Safarli, Eltaj
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff B
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.03.29 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2413) Shahaliyev, Ismayil
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff B
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.03.29 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2647) Sasikiran, Krishnan
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Playoff B
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.03.28 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2021) De Vries, Leon
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
1-0 A04
2021.03.28 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2247) Bouget, Alexandre
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.28 Skuhala, Jernej (2351) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2021.03.28 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2423) Reuker, Jari
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.27 Krejci, Jan (2540) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2021.03.27 Vitiugov, Nikita (2715) vs (2591) Keymer, Vincent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Indian Knight - London
1/2-1/2 A46
2021.03.27 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2069) Gallevci, Yagiz
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.27 Keymer, Vincent (2591) vs (2120) Kirsch, Laurent
European Online Chess Club Cup 2021 - Group C
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.10.31 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2451) Parvanyan, Ashot
Tegernsee Masters 2020
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
1-0 E97
2019.10.21 Piorun, Kacper (2643) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Sicilian Paulsen - Polugaevsky
1-0 B42
2019.10.20 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2624) Huschenbeth, Niclas
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2019.10.19 Zvjaginsev, Vadim (2644) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
English Agincourt
1/2-1/2 A13
2019.10.18 Mareco, Sandro (2634) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1-0 B90
2019.10.17 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2651) Motylev, Alexander
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2019.10.15 Le, Quang Liem (2708) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2019.10.14 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2670) Leko, Peter
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Slav - Classical Exchange
1/2-1/2 D10
2019.10.13 Eljanov, Pavel (2663) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2019.10.12 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2662) Sjugirov, Sanan
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2019.10.11 Saric, Ivan (2667) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.10.10 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2669) Kryvoruchko, Yuriy
FIDE Grand Swiss 2019
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.03.29 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2347) Pogosyan, Stefan
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2019.03.28 Georgiev, Kiril (2595) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2019.03.27 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2393) Ozen, Deniz
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2019.03.26 Semjonovs, Ilja (2401) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
0-1 B90
2019.03.25 Edouard, Romain (2658) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B51
2019.03.24 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2682) Eljanov, Pavel
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
1/2-1/2 E11
2019.03.22 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2384) Badelka, Olga
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1-0 D25
2019.03.21 Grandelius, Nils (2694) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Poisoned Pawn)
1-0 B97
2019.03.20 Movsesian, Sergei (2627) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2019.03.19 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2635) Lysyj, Igor
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.03.18 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2132) Risteski, Emil
European Individual Chess Championship 2019
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno) - Gruenfeld
1-0 E63
2018.10.28 Sutovsky, Emil (2633) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B96
2018.10.27 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2701) Gelfand, Boris Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2018.10.26 L'ami, Erwin (2639) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2018.10.25 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2380) Hoefelsauer, Thomas Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
1-0 D10
2018.10.24 Fridman, Daniel (2600) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
English Agincourt - Neo-Catalan Accepted
1-0 A13
2018.10.23 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2345) Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2018.10.22 Artemiev, Vladislav (2706) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
1-0 B50
2018.10.21 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2664) Kovalev, Vladislav Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
English Hedgehog
1/2-1/2 A17
2018.10.20 Burrows, Martin P (2121) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent Isle of Man Intermational Chess Tournament - Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2018.12.23 Xu, Xiangyu (2565) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2018.12.22 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2258) Solozhenkina, Elizaveta
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2018.12.21 Raja, Rithvik R (2415) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2018.12.20 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2346) O`donnell, Conor
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
English Agincourt - King's Knight
1-0 A13
2018.12.19 Krishna Teja, N (2340) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2018.12.18 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2336) Lillo Castany, Victor
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2018.12.17 Indjic, Aleksandar (2620) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Mieses opening
1-0 A00
2018.12.16 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2302) Bobadilla Viera, Jorge Samuel
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2018.12.15 Garcia Ramos, Daniel (2304) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
V Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1/2-1/2 B90
2018.08.25 KEYMER, Vincent (2493) vs (2389) VEINBERG, Nimrod
XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2018.08.21 BOFILL MAS, Alejandro (2323) vs (2493) KEYMER, Vincent
XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2018.08.20 KEYMER, Vincent (2493) vs (2670) DEMCHENKO, Anton
XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A
Indian - Saemisch (Marienbad)
0-1 A50
2018.08.18 KEYMER, Vincent (2493) vs (2231) ARIAS BOO, Guillermo
XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno) - Gruenfeld
1-0 E63
2018.08.17 LACASTA PALACIO, Joaquim (2102) vs (2493) KEYMER, Vincent
XX Open Internacional d'escacs de Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta Group A
Benko's opening
0-1 A00
2017.11.25 Zarubitski, Viachaslau (2344) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2017.11.24 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2321) Xu, Yining
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Dutch Queen's Knight - Krause
1/2-1/2 A85
2017.11.22 Sanal, Vahap (2557) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2017.11.21 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2306) Sukovic, Andrej
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1-0 E63
2017.11.20 Vaibhav, Suri (2560) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2017.11.19 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2322) Brazdzionis, Andrius
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2017.11.17 Signorelli, Gaetano (2193) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Sicilian Paulsen
1/2-1/2 B43
2017.11.16 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2567) Donchenko, Alexander
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
0-1 A41
2017.11.15 Silva, David (2285) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
0-1 B40
2017.11.14 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2543) Xu, Xiangyu
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Reti Zukertort - Schlechter
0-1 D90
2017.11.13 Zenari, Marco (1997) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior under 20 Championship 2017 (150309)
Sicilian Paulsen
0-1 B43
2016.08.23 Hertneck, Gerald (2469) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Slav Czech - Krause
0-1 D17
2016.08.22 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2572) Shengelia, David
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 E15
2016.08.21 Arkell, Keith (2464) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2016.08.20 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2457) Stanec, Nikolaus
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1-0 D36
2016.08.20 Williams, Simon (2443) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2016.08.19 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2236) Stigar, Petter
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical - Rubinstein
1-0 D27
2016.08.18 Marzaduri, Riccardo (2128) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Chess Open 2016 Group A
Sicilian - Snyder (Queen's Fianchetto)
0-1 B20
2015.11.04 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2432) Abdusattorov, Nodirbek
WYCC Open 12
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2015.11.03 Geshko, Aleksey (1976) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
WYCC Open 12
0-1 B40
2015.11.02 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2046) Vettese, Nicholas
WYCC Open 12
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1-0 E11
2015.11.01 Yang, Kevin S (1904) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
WYCC Open 12
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E32
2015.10.31 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (1956) Kacharava, Nikolozi
WYCC Open 12
Queen's Gambit Declined Ragozin
1-0 D38
2015.10.29 Budisavljevic, Luka (2093) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
WYCC Open 12
Indian Knight - Rubinstein
1-0 A46
2015.10.28 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2065) Gines Esteo, Pedro Antonio
WYCC Open 12
Slav Alapin - Soultanbeiev
1/2-1/2 D16
2015.10.27 Wang, Wesley (2032) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
WYCC Open 12
Sicilian Center Game - Smith-Morra
0-1 B21
2015.10.26 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (1965) Huang, Andy
WYCC Open 12
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2015.10.25 Nilsen, Tobias Lang (1779) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
WYCC Open 12
Nimzo-Indian Classical
0-1 E32
2015.08.14 Gevorgyan, Irina (2206) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
0-1 D10
2015.08.13 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2225) Chkhaidze, Nikoloz
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
English Ultra-Symmetrical (Mecking)
0-1 A39
2015.08.12 Kociscak, Jiri (2462) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1-0 E32
2015.08.11 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2383) Studnicka, Tomas
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
1/2-1/2 D70
2015.08.10 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2475) Teske, Henrik
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Queen's Gambit Declined - Janowski
1-0 D31
2015.08.09 Vyskocil, Neklan (2376) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2015.08.09 Bogumil, Tatiana (2139) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2015.08.08 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2191) Chekletsov, Ilya
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2015.08.07 Bassetti, Danilo (2004) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Open Letní Praha 2015 - A
Reti Zukertort - Catalan
0-1 D02
2013.07.05 Koci, Tomas (1382) vs (1861) Keymer, Vincent
3-Countries-Tournament for Kids Stroebeck 2013
Sicilian Paulsen
0-1 B43
2013.07.04 Keymer, Vincent (1861) vs (1863) Teclaf, Pawel
3-Countries-Tournament for Kids Stroebeck 2013
Gruenfeld Exchange
1/2-1/2 D85
2013.07.03 Keymer, Vincent (1861) vs (1645) Niemann, Alexander
3-Countries-Tournament for Kids Stroebeck 2013
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23

Vincent Keymer - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2022.07.09 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2781) Caruana,F
Bundesliga 2021-22
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.07.08 Grandelius,N (2663) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1/2-1/2 B90
2022.05.29 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2611) Huschenbeth,N
Bundesliga 2021-22
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A08
2022.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2642) Niemann,Hans Moke
Bundesliga 2021-22
Reti Symmetrical - Whimpey
1/2-1/2 A13
2022.05.28 Jones,G (2672) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2622) Sadhwani,Raunak RCC Wk25 Swiss
Reti - Wade
0-1 A04
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2435) Matinian,N RCC Wk25 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical - King's Fianchetto
1-0 A15
2022.08.13 Vokhidov,Shamsiddin (2552) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk25 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1-0 B15
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2604) Bortnyk,Olexandr RCC Wk25 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2022.08.13 Bok,B (2616) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk25 Swiss
Nimzo-Indian Berlin (Pirc)
1/2-1/2 E39
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2615) Jumabayev,R RCC Wk25 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2506) Vasquez Schroeder,R RCC Wk25 Swiss
0-1 A04
2022.04.10 Seel,C (2486) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
0-1 D43
2022.08.13 Kravtsiv,M (2598) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk25 Swiss
0-1 B10
2022.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2581) Shimanov,A RCC Wk25 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.10.11 Pasti,Aron (2350) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 11th Oct Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1-0 B15
2022.07.05 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2378) Sargsyan,Anna M.
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.04.09 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2499) Haria,R
Bundesliga 2021-22
English Mikenas (Sicilian) - Nei
1-0 A19
2022.07.05 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2512) Halkias,S
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
0-1 A17
2022.10.11 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (1066) Eisa Mohmood,Alkhoori
Titled Tue 11th Oct Late
Anderssen's opening
1-0 A00
2022.10.11 Principe,G (2229) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 11th Oct Late
Queen's Pawn Closed
1/2-1/2 D05
2022.03.06 McShane,L (2647) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2022.07.05 Andreikin,D (2729) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1-0 E21
2022.03.05 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2623) Nguyen,Thai Dai Van
Bundesliga 2021-22
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
1/2-1/2 A15
2022.07.05 Makarian,Rudik (2533) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Mieses opening
0-1 A00
2022.10.23 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2615) Svane,R
Bundesliga 2022-23
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.07.05 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2428) Mikhailov,Vi
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.10.22 Bjerre,Jonas Buhl (2612) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2022-23
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1/2-1/2 B11
2022.10.11 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2341) Barria Zuniga,D
Titled Tue 11th Oct Late
Reti Gambit
0-1 A09
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2572) Zhigalko,S
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.07.05 Souleidis,G (2426) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.10.18 Matinian,N (2425) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
1/2-1/2 B12
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2461) Bortnyk,Mykola
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2468) Maksimovic,Bojan
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2711) Dubov,Daniil
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
1-0 A04
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2647) Bluebaum,M
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.07.03 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2550) Yoo,Christopher Woojin RCC Wk19 KO
0-1 A04
2022.07.02 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2753) Kramnik,V RCC Wk19 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.10.11 Hirneise,J (2313) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 11th Oct Late
Queen's Pawn Closed
0-1 D05
2022.07.02 Grischuk,A (2745) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk19 Swiss
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2022.07.05 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2128) Leve,Nitai
Titled Tue 5th Jul Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.07.02 Sevian,Samuel (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk19 Swiss
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
1-0 B19
2022.04.05 Mkrtchyan,Mariam (2300) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2022.07.02 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2773) So,W RCC Wk19 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.09.13 Sarana,A (2662) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
English Four Knights (Fianchetto)
0-1 A29
2022.07.02 Maghsoodloo,Parham (2701) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk19 Swiss
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.07.02 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2611) Sadhwani,Raunak RCC Wk19 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2373) Yuan,Qingyu
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.07.02 Priasmoro,Novendra (2494) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk19 Swiss
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2022.07.02 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2668) Sarana,A RCC Wk19 Swiss
Reti King's Indian - Barcza
0-1 A07
2022.07.02 Shyam,SM (2526) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk19 Swiss
Indian Knight - Zukertort
0-1 D05
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2628) Sadhwani,Raunak
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E68
2022.06.28 Yoo,Christopher Woojin (2548) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Nimzo-Indian Spielmann
0-1 E22
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2544) Kobo,Ori
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Symmetrical - Three Knights
1-0 A34
2022.10.18 Papasimakopoulos,Alexandros (2312) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Nimzo-Indian Berlin (Pirc)
0-1 E39
2022.04.05 Jobava,Ba (2588) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Nimzovich - Classical
0-1 A01
2022.09.13 Tari,A (2656) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2022.06.28 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2445) Preotu,Razvan
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
1-0 A04
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2413) Erdogdu,M
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Anderssen's opening
1-0 A00
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2578) Jobava,Ba
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.06.28 Maksimovic,Bojan (2453) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.04.05 Hamidi,Amir Mohammad (2276) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
0-1 E42
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2346) Abdyjapar,Asyl
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1/2-1/2 E63
2022.06.28 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2716) Maghsoodloo,Parham
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.09.04 Shevchenko,Kirill (2645) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Spanish Morphy - Moller
1/2-1/2 C78
2022.10.18 Jaracz,P (2463) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
0-1 B15
2022.02.27 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2633) Martirosyan,Haik M. Rapid Wk3 Swiss
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.09.03 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2549) Kempinski,R
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
English Anglo-Slav - Alekhine
1-0 D45
2022.02.27 Maghsoodloo,Parham (2701) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2572) Zhigalko,S
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.27 Aronian,L (2772) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk3 Swiss
1-0 B50
2022.06.28 Sadhwani,Raunak (2619) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2022.02.27 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2516) Shuvalova,Polina Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.27 Niemann,Hans Moke (2642) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk3 Swiss
1-0 A45
2022.02.27 Bacrot,E (2642) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D40
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2486) Quintiliano Pinto,R
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.27 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2640) Rakhmanov,Ale Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.02.27 Demchenko,A (2654) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Advance
1/2-1/2 B12
2022.09.13 Ibrahimli,Murad (2416) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
0-1 D40
2022.02.27 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2736) Nakamura,Hi Rapid Wk3 Swiss
Irregular Queen's Pawn - English (Perrin)
0-1 A40
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2153) Wan,Joseph
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.04.05 Karas,Marek (2301) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2022.06.28 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2688) Xiong,Jeffery
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2392) Timmermans,M
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Saragossa opening
0-1 A00
2022.06.28 So,W (2775) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.05.15 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2652) Nisipeanu,LD
Bundesliga 2021-22
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1/2-1/2 E15
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2299) Le Goff,R
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.10.18 Riehle,Marco (2367) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Sicilian - Mengarini
0-1 B20
2022.09.13 Tayar,J (2344) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
0-1 B12
2022.09.11 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2582) Tomczak,J
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
0-1 A17
2022.05.14 Braeuer,F (2428) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2022.09.10 Pechac,Jergus (2620) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2022.04.19 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2638) Bacrot,E
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.04.05 Javakhadze,Z (2483) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Irregular Indian - Moscow
1-0 D38
2022.09.09 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2614) Lupulescu,C
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.06.28 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2281) Aggelis,N
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Nimzovich - Indian
1-0 A01
2022.09.13 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2102) Shpanko,Nadiia
Titled Tue 13th Sep Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.09.08 Lagarde,Max (2613) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
0-1 B12
2022.06.28 Djokic,Mihailo (2194) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Advance
1/2-1/2 B12
2022.04.19 Nakamura,Hi (2750) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
1-0 A06
2022.09.07 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2651) Grandelius,N
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
English Sicilian
1-0 A20
2022.09.06 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2364) Luch,M
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
English Agincourt - Exchange
1-0 D35
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2247) Dilanian,G
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Clemenz (Mead's, Basman's or de Klerk's) opening
1-0 A00
2022.04.05 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2353) Migot,T
Titled Tue 5th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.09.05 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2623) Piorun,K
Enea TCh-POL Ekstraliga
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2022.02.12 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2651) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk1 Swiss
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight)
1-0 A16
2022.04.19 Ahmadzada,Ahmad (2480) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2606) Hansen,Eric
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.12 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2674) Matlakov,M Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.02.12 Vidit,S (2727) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.06.28 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2331) Janaszak,Daw
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
1-0 A04
2022.10.18 Poliakova,Varvara (2013) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
0-1 B15
2022.05.07 Kosteniuk,A (2513) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk13 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2022.04.19 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2405) Leiva,G
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2022.02.12 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2623) Dreev,A Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.07 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2688) Xiong,Jeffery RCC Wk13 Swiss
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2022.02.12 Nepomniachtchi,I (2773) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Modern
1-0 B19
2022.05.07 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2674) Matlakov,M RCC Wk13 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2549) Rychagov,A
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.12 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2676) Robson,R Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.07 Alekseenko,K (2698) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk13 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.05.07 Donchenko,Alexa (2599) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk13 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2022.02.12 So,W (2772) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2022.05.07 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2604) Bortnyk,Olexandr RCC Wk13 Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.24 Wachinger,Nikolas (2401) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2022.05.01 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2685) Sarana,A
Bundesliga 2021-22
Reti King's Indian - Barcza
1-0 A07
2022.02.12 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2708) Tomashevsky,E Rapid Wk1 Swiss
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.05.07 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2645) Tabatabaei,M RCC Wk13 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.02.12 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2680) Sjugirov,S Rapid Wk1 Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.07 Andreikin,D (2729) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk13 Swiss
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2530) Pranav,V
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Reti Symmetrical - King's Fianchetto
1-0 A15
2022.06.28 Rios Escobar,A (2276) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 28th Jun Late
0-1 A45
2022.05.07 Sarana,A (2675) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent RCC Wk13 Swiss
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 E41
2022.04.30 Stern,R (2510) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Bundesliga 2021-22
Semi-Slav Meran - Wade
0-1 D47
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2596) Kobalia,M
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2022.04.19 Kazakouski,Valery (2524) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Nimzo-Indian - Kmoch
0-1 E20
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2685) Xiong,Jeffery
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
0-1 A04
2022.05.17 Pichot,A (2652) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Caro-Kann - Breyer
0-1 B10
2022.04.19 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2661) Kamsky,G
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2581) Shimanov,A
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.24 Griffith,Kyron (2341) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1-0 B15
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2690) Salem,AR
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2022.10.18 Jakubowski,K (2473) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
0-1 B10
2022.04.19 Sarana,A (2675) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Nimzo-Indian Berlin (Pirc)
1-0 E39
2022.05.03 Fedoseev,Vl3 (2701) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2562) Livaic,Leon
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Symmetrical - Yates
1-0 E16
2022.05.17 Tristan,L (2548) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2589) Paravyan,D
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.04.19 Najer,E (2659) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2382) Domingo Nunez,Ruben
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
King's Indian Fianchetto
0-1 E67
2022.05.03 Piesik,P (2431) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2608) Puranik,A
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti Symmetrical - Three Knights
1-0 A34
2022.05.24 Hamitevici,V (2482) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
0-1 A06
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2355) Tisaj,Domen
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2729) Andreikin,D
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2555) Dardha,Daniel
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.04.26 Moskalenko,A (2508) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Nimzo-Indian Berlin (Pirc)
0-1 E39
2021.10.12 Gelman,A (2403) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
1-0 A45
2021.10.02 Tanenbaum,Zachary (2135) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2022.04.26 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2581) Shimanov,A
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.17 Grischuk,A (2742) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
1-0 B12
2022.06.21 Wagner,De (2584) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2397) Riff,V
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1-0 A17
2022.04.19 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2393) Siddharth,Jagadeesh
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2413) Fishbein,A
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Reti Symmetrical - Szabo
0-1 E62
2021.10.02 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2322) Kushko,Dmitriy
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.03 Vlassov,N (2294) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Van der Wiel)
0-1 B12
2022.10.18 Dubov,Daniil (2708) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Caro-Kann - Advance
1/2-1/2 B12
2021.10.12 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2604) Bortnyk,Olexandr
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2022.06.21 Leiva,G (2389) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2021.10.02 Shimelkov,Vas (2159) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2523) Makarian,Rudik
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.05.24 Pershin,Denis (2397) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Late
1-0 A45
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2617) Paravyan,D
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Reti Symmetrical - Three Knights
0-1 A34
2022.04.26 Caruana,F (2781) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
1-0 B12
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2518) Nagy,Ga1
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
0-1 A04
2021.10.02 Christiansen,Johan-Sebastian (2582) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1/2-1/2 B15
2022.05.10 Moussard,J (2651) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Bird Dutch
1-0 A03
2021.10.12 Ozen,Bahadir (2369) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2022.04.26 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2431) Babazada,Khazar
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.04.19 Tregubov,P (2539) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2658) Kamsky,G
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1/2-1/2 D26
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2413) Fishbein,A
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.10.02 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2485) Yoo,Christopher Woojin
Speed Chess GP3 2021
0-1 A04
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2525) Rustemov,A
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.03 Stoleriu,George (2415) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2022.05.10 Maksimovic,Bojan (2445) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
0-1 B15
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2461) Golubev,M
Titled Tue 24th May Late
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1-0 E68
2022.10.18 Martinez Alcantara,Jose Eduardo (2599) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Caro-Kann - Breyer
0-1 B10
2022.04.26 Mardov,Dimitar (2402) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.04.19 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2304) Omariev,M
Titled Tue 19th Apr Late
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2022.03.08 Thavandiran,S (2420) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
0-1 B15
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2320) Pinheiro,I
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
1-0 A04
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2304) Omariev,M
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
1-0 A04
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2411) Stoleriu,George
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1-0 A17
2021.10.02 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2646) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1-0 D41
2022.05.17 Izoria,Z (2602) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D40
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2781) Caruana,F
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2021.10.12 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2388) Yaksin,O
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1-0 A17
2022.04.26 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2502) Makarian,Rudik
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.03 Fishbein,A (2428) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Caro-Kann - Knight
1-0 B15
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2572) Zhigalko,S
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
English Sicilian
1/2-1/2 A20
2021.10.02 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2621) Yakubboev,Nodirbek
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Reti Symmetrical - Szabo
1-0 E62
2022.05.24 Adewumi,Tanitoluwa (2305) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Late
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2022.06.21 Christiansen,Johan-Sebastian (2594) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B94
2022.05.10 Petre,NT (2297) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2022.03.08 Riehle,Marco (2341) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Sicilian - Mengarini
0-1 B20
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2380) Abarca Gonzalez,N
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
0-1 A04
2022.05.24 Ibrahimli,Murad (2437) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.05.17 Mikhailov,Vi (2428) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2021.10.02 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2464) Popilski,G
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2570) Wagner,De
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
English Anglo-Indian - Symmetrical
1-0 D40
2022.05.03 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2092) Hamley,Ryan
Titled Tue 3rd May Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2384) Lewtak,Da
Titled Tue 10th May Late
0-1 A04
2022.04.26 Rozman,Levy (2334) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
0-1 A45
2021.10.02 Seemann,Jakub (2299) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2365) Bashirli,Nail
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2085) Rozovsky,Daniel
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.10.12 Golubev,M (2461) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.05.24 Vasquez Schroeder,R (2506) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
0-1 B10
2022.06.21 Cabarkapa,N (2466) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Irregular Queen's Pawn
0-1 A40
2022.03.08 Svane,R (2637) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.10.02 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2123) Ferreira,VitorH
Speed Chess GP3 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.10.25 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2465) Gokerkan,Cem Kaan
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
0-1 A04
2022.04.26 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2328) Yurovskykh,Oleksandr
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2598) Martinez Alcantara,Jose Eduardo
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
1-0 A04
2021.10.12 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2514) Zarnicki,P
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
0-1 A17
2022.05.10 Song,Guannan Terry (2145) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Late
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2022.05.17 Kim,Se (2295) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Late
Nimzo-Indian Berlin (Pirc)
0-1 E39
2022.10.25 Ozen,Bahadir (2369) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Benko's opening
0-1 A00
2022.06.21 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2398) Tsvetkov,Andrey
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.17 Shipov,S (2541) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Irregular Queen's Pawn
1/2-1/2 A40
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2661) Kamsky,G
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2022.10.18 Goryachkina,A (2584) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2022.04.26 Martinez Reyes,P (2401) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Bird Dutch
0-1 A03
2022.05.10 Kazakouski,Valery (2524) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.04.26 Wieczorek,O (2500) vs (2654) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1-0 B15
2022.03.08 Goltseva,Ekaterina (2327) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
0-1 E20
2022.05.24 Nakamura,Hi (2766) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2022.06.21 Golubev,M (2461) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 21st Jun Late
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2022.10.25 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2283) Filgueira,H
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2341) Barria Zuniga,D
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.10.18 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2200) Zeynalov,R
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2500) Mitrabha,G
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.04.26 Keymer,Vincent (2654) vs (2367) Nozdrachev,L
Titled Tue 26th Apr Late
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.03.08 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2179) Denishev,M
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2702) Dubov,Daniil
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2021.10.12 Perez Gormaz,M (2404) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.05.17 Ohanyan,Emin (2366) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Poisoned Pawn)
1-0 B97
2022.05.10 Kamsky,G (2661) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Indian Knight - London
1/2-1/2 A46
2022.10.18 Estrada Nieto,J (2264) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Oct Early
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
0-1 B19
2021.10.12 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2437) Aloma Vidal,R
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2022.10.25 Molina,Rob (2382) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Queen's Pawn Closed - Zukertort
1-0 D05
2022.03.08 Tymrakiewicz,R (2202) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 8th Mar Late
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2504) Lazavik,Denis
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2384) Tarigan,Gilbert Elroy
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.05.10 Wagner,De (2586) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Capablanca
0-1 A28
2022.05.24 Bortnyk,Olexandr (2604) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
1/2-1/2 A45
2022.05.17 Postny,E (2563) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Carls (Smyslov)
0-1 A22
2022.10.25 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2442) Blanco Ronquillo,H
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Nimzovich - Classical
1-0 A01
2021.10.12 Plotnikov,P (2297) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th Oct
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2380) Ceres,Dragos
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1-0 A17
2022.10.25 Bagrationi,A (2454) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Indian Knight - Catalan
1/2-1/2 D02
2022.05.10 Prieto Aranguren,A (2259) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2433) Schekachikhin,Maksim
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Reti Symmetrical - Yates
1-0 E16
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2427) Vignesh,N R
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2369) Sokolovsky,Yahli
Titled Tue 10th May Early
King's Indian Fianchetto
0-1 E62
2022.05.24 Goltsev,Dmitry (2293) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
0-1 B15
2022.05.17 Petrova,I (2127) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.10.25 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2295) Kim,Se
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1-0 E68
2022.05.17 Moksh,Amit Doshi (2398) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
1-0 D43
2022.05.10 Santos Ruiz,Miguel (2586) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2022.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2387) Perez Gormaz,M
Titled Tue 24th May Early
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.10.25 Yaniuk,Volodymyr (2223) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Oct Early
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
0-1 E00
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2305) Jarovinsky,A
Titled Tue 10th May Early
1-0 A04
2022.05.24 Ingebretsen,Jens E (2328) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 24th May Early
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
0-1 A15
2022.08.08 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2551) Boruchovsky,A
44th Olympiad 2022
English Agincourt - Exchange
1-0 D35
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2371) Raahul,V S
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.05.17 Csonka,B (2498) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2022.05.10 Aaditya,Dhingra (2042) vs (2667) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tue 10th May Early
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2022.05.10 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2399) Di Nicolantonio,L
Titled Tue 10th May Early
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.05.17 Keymer,Vincent (2667) vs (2402) Sirosh,Ilja
Titled Tue 17th May Early
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.10.29 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2666) Kamsky,G
Salamanca Uni Masters
Reti - Dutch
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.10.29 Kosteniuk,A (2521) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Salamanca Uni Masters
Sicilian Alapin
1-0 B22
2022.10.28 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2454) Socko,M
Salamanca Uni Masters
English Sicilian
1-0 A20
2022.10.28 Topalov,V (2728) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Salamanca Uni Masters
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2022.10.27 Vega Gutierrez,S (2361) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Salamanca Uni Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2022.10.26 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2333) Gara,T
Salamanca Uni Masters
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.10.26 Santos Latasa,J (2677) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Salamanca Uni Masters
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C88
2022.08.07 Laurusas,T (2561) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
44th Olympiad 2022
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2022.08.24 Svane,Frederik (2547) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent
German Masters 2022
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Capablanca
1/2-1/2 A28
2022.08.23 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2464) Rosner,J
German Masters 2022
English Anglo-Slav
1-0 A11
2022.08.01 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2400) Baburin,A
44th Olympiad 2022
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2022.08.06 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2688) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
44th Olympiad 2022
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2022.08.05 Indjic,A (2620) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
44th Olympiad 2022
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Capablanca
1/2-1/2 A28
2022.08.22 Kollars,Dmitrij (2643) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent
German Masters 2022
English Four Knights (Fianchetto)
1/2-1/2 A29
2022.08.21 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2640) Svane,R
German Masters 2022
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
1-0 A15
2022.08.20 Fridman,D (2606) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent
German Masters 2022
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.08.19 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2607) Huschenbeth,N
German Masters 2022
Tarrasch - Schara
1/2-1/2 D32
2022.08.18 Engel,Luis (2557) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent
German Masters 2022
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2022.08.17 Keymer,Vincent (2672) vs (2594) Braun,A
German Masters 2022
Irregular Indian - Dzindzikhashvili
1-0 E10
2022.08.16 Koelle,Tobias (2433) vs (2672) Keymer,Vincent
German Masters 2022
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.08.03 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2584) Moroni,L
44th Olympiad 2022
1/2-1/2 D45
2022.07.11 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2688) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Yu Yangyi (2720) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Salem,AR (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2664) Naiditsch,A
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Gukesh,D
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Kamsky,G (2655) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2022.07.11 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2722) Le,Quang Liem
55th Biel Chess960 2022
2021.11.21 Keymer,Vincent (2639) vs (2570) Can,E
23rd European Teams
Queen's Pawn Zukertort
1/2-1/2 D02
2021.11.01 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2654) Oparin,G
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Gruenfeld Spassky - Seville
1/2-1/2 D87
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2682) Esipenko,Andrey
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.07.17 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2688) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2022.10.17 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2713) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Nimzo-Indian Saemisch - O'Kelly
0-1 E26
2022.07.17 Naiditsch,A (2664) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Salem,AR
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.10.17 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2717) Harikrishna,P
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.11.20 Keymer,Vincent (2639) vs (2553) Georgiadis,N
23rd European Teams
1-0 D32
2022.07.17 Le,Quang Liem (2722) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
0-1 E21
2022.10.17 Gukesh,D (2732) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
0-1 E00
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2655) Kamsky,G
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
1-0 A84
2022.10.16 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2710) Vidit,S
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Queen's Pawn Closed - Symmetrical
0-1 D04
2022.07.17 Gukesh,D (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2022.07.17 Esipenko,Andrey (2682) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2688) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
1-0 A04
2021.11.15 Keymer,Vincent (2639) vs (2624) Martirosyan,Haik M.
23rd European Teams
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1-0 D37
2022.10.16 Erigaisi,Arjun (2728) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Nimzovich - Classical
1-0 A01
2021.10.31 Wojtaszek,R (2691) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
English Anglo-Indian
1/2-1/2 A15
2022.10.16 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2655) Anton Guijarro,D
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2664) Naiditsch,A
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E68
2022.07.17 Salem,AR (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Nimzo-Indian Saemisch
0-1 E24
2022.07.22 Naiditsch,A (2664) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM 2022
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1-0 B90
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2722) Le,Quang Liem
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
2022.07.21 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Salem,AR
55th Biel GM 2022
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1/2-1/2 D37
2022.07.17 Kamsky,G (2655) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Indian Knight
1/2-1/2 A46
2021.11.07 Howell,D (2658) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2022.06.13 Michalik,P (2577) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
4th Prague Challengers
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2022.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Gukesh,D
55th Biel GM Blitz 2022
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2022.10.16 Rapport,R (2754) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2022.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2486) Aditya,Mittal
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2022.07.20 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Gukesh,D
55th Biel GM 2022
English Agincourt - Exchange
0-1 D35
2022.07.19 Le,Quang Liem (2722) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM 2022
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
1-0 E00
2022.06.11 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2678) Niemann,Hans Moke
4th Prague Challengers
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.07.16 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2688) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
55th Biel GM 2022
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.06.10 Pechac,Jergus (2598) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
4th Prague Challengers
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.07.15 Kamsky,G (2655) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM 2022
Sicilian Closed
1/2-1/2 B23
2022.06.09 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2635) Sasikiran,K
4th Prague Challengers
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.07.14 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2682) Esipenko,Andrey
55th Biel GM 2022
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2022.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2764) Giri,A
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
English Sicilian
1/2-1/2 A20
2022.10.15 Hansen,Eric (2613) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1/2-1/2 B11
2022.06.08 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2564) Hracek,Z
4th Prague Challengers
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2022.07.12 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2664) Naiditsch,A
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2022.07.12 Salem,AR (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2022.07.12 Gukesh,D (2684) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2022.07.12 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2722) Le,Quang Liem
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2022.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2747) Mamedyarov,S
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.10.14 Duda,J (2731) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
0-1 D41
2022.07.12 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2688) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Indian Knight - Torre (Nimzovich)
1-0 A46
2022.07.12 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2655) Kamsky,G
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2022.07.12 Esipenko,Andrey (2682) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
55th Biel GM Rapid 2022
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
1-0 E00
2021.10.30 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2664) Sargissian,G
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.10.14 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2856) Carlsen,M
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
English Sicilian
0-1 A20
2021.10.16 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2618) Praggnanandhaa,R
Challengers Tour Final
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.10.16 Praggnanandhaa,R (2618) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Challengers Tour Final
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2021.11.06 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2710) Alekseenko,K
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.11.19 Piorun,K (2634) vs (2639) Keymer,Vincent
23rd European Teams
Caro-Kann Knight Classical
1/2-1/2 B18
2021.10.16 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2618) Praggnanandhaa,R
Challengers Tour Final
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.10.14 Naroditsky,D (2617) vs (2700) Keymer,Vincent
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2022.09.23 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2861) Carlsen,M
Julius Baer GenCup KO
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
0-1 A15
2022.09.23 Carlsen,M (2861) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2022.09.23 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2861) Carlsen,M
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.09.23 Carlsen,M (2861) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Indian Knight - Catalan
1/2-1/2 D02
2022.10.14 Keymer,Vincent (2700) vs (2651) Grandelius,N
Aimchess Rapid Prelim
English Sicilian
1-0 A20
2021.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2536) Mendonca,Leon Luke
Challengers Tour Final
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2021.10.15 Mendonca,Leon Luke (2536) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Challengers Tour Final
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2021.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2536) Mendonca,Leon Luke
Challengers Tour Final
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2022.09.22 Praggnanandhaa,R (2676) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A08
2021.11.14 Mamedov,Rau (2673) vs (2639) Keymer,Vincent
23rd European Teams
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
1/2-1/2 B19
2021.10.15 Mendonca,Leon Luke (2536) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Challengers Tour Final
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.10.15 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2536) Mendonca,Leon Luke
Challengers Tour Final
Slav Delmar
0-1 D12
2021.10.15 Mendonca,Leon Luke (2536) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
Challengers Tour Final
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.09.22 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2676) Praggnanandhaa,R
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Queen's Pawn Closed - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D04
2022.09.22 Praggnanandhaa,R (2676) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.09.19 Ivanchuk,V (2678) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein - Reshevsky
1-0 E46
2022.09.22 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2676) Praggnanandhaa,R
Julius Baer GenCup KO
Queen's Pawn Closed - Symmetrical
1-0 D04
2022.09.21 Carlsen,M (2861) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Anglo-Indian
1-0 A15
2022.09.19 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2668) Saric,Iv
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2022.09.21 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2725) Erigaisi,Arjun
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Reti - Dzindzikhashvili
1-0 E10
2022.02.21 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2642) Niemann,Hans Moke
Airthings Masters Prelim
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2022.09.19 Praggnanandhaa,R (2676) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Reti King's Indian - French
1-0 A08
2021.11.05 Navara,D (2691) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
0-1 D40
2022.09.19 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2759) Aronian,L
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.10.29 Kryvoruchko,Y (2686) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
1/2-1/2 B10
2022.09.21 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2764) Giri,A
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Symmetrical - Prague
1/2-1/2 D33
2022.09.20 Wojtaszek,R (2696) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Indian Knight - Catalan
0-1 D02
2022.02.21 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2700) Artemiev,V
Airthings Masters Prelim
Slav Delmar
0-1 D12
2022.02.21 Kosteniuk,A (2516) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2022.03.28 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2756) Dominguez Perez,L
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D26
2022.03.27 Dubov,Daniil (2711) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
Spanish Morphy - Moller
1/2-1/2 C78
2022.09.18 Niemann,Hans Moke (2688) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Anglo-Indian
1-0 A15
2021.11.18 Tisaj,Domen (2369) vs (2639) Keymer,Vincent
23rd European Teams
Catalan Irregular - Closed
0-1 E01
2022.06.17 Warmerdam,Max (2613) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
4th Prague Challengers
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.08.02 Subelj,Jan (2498) vs (2686) Keymer,Vincent
44th Olympiad 2022
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2022.03.25 Mamedyarov,S (2776) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
English Four Knights (Fianchetto)
1-0 A29
2022.03.24 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2711) Dubov,Daniil
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2022.03.23 Dominguez Perez,L (2756) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
Spanish Morphy - Moller
1/2-1/2 C78
2022.09.18 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2681) Navara,D
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Sicilian
1-0 A20
2022.06.16 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2541) Stocek,J
4th Prague Challengers
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.09.20 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2563) Yoo,Christopher Woojin
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Sicilian
1/2-1/2 A20
2022.03.22 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2776) Mamedyarov,S
FIDE Grand Prix 3 Pool B
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2022.02.21 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2773) Nepomniachtchi,I
Airthings Masters Prelim
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.11.13 Keymer,Vincent (2639) vs (2569) Bjerre,Jonas Buhl
23rd European Teams
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.09.20 Gelfand,B (2668) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
1/2-1/2 A15
2022.02.20 Esipenko,Andrey (2714) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
1-0 B10
2022.06.15 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2661) vs (2675) Keymer,Vincent
4th Prague Challengers
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2022.09.18 Le,Quang Liem (2728) vs (2693) Keymer,Vincent
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 A28
2022.06.14 Keymer,Vincent (2675) vs (2535) Krzyzanowski,M
4th Prague Challengers
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1/2-1/2 E60
2022.09.18 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2603) Adhiban,Baskaran
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
Reti - Dutch
1/2-1/2 A04
2022.09.20 Keymer,Vincent (2693) vs (2731) Duda,J
Julius Baer GenCup Prelim
English Mikenas - French
1-0 A18
2022.02.20 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2651) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
Airthings Masters Prelim
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2021.11.04 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2606) Ivic,Velimir
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2022.02.20 Carlsen,M (2865) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Benko's opening
1-0 A00
2021.10.28 Keymer,Vincent (2630) vs (2700) Xiong,Jeffery
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2022.08.09 Keymer,Vincent (2686) vs (2684) Gukesh,D
44th Olympiad 2022
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2022.02.20 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2772) Giri,A
Airthings Masters Prelim
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2022.02.23 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2773) Nepomniachtchi,I
Airthings Masters KO 2022
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D40
2022.02.23 Nepomniachtchi,I (2773) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters KO 2022
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
1-0 B92
2022.02.19 Mamedyarov,S (2767) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
0-1 D41
2022.02.23 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2773) Nepomniachtchi,I
Airthings Masters KO 2022
Reti King's Indian - Barcza
1/2-1/2 A07
2022.02.19 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2772) Aronian,L
Airthings Masters Prelim
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A08
2022.02.23 Nepomniachtchi,I (2773) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters KO 2022
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
1/2-1/2 B92
2022.02.19 Duda,J (2760) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.02.22 Hansen,Eric (2606) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2022.02.07 Dubov,Daniil (2720) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
1-0 B12
2022.02.06 Aronian,L (2772) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2022.02.22 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2709) Le, Quang Liem
Airthings Masters Prelim
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
0-1 A15
2022.02.05 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2727) Vidit,S
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D41
2022.02.19 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2799) Ding Liren
Airthings Masters Prelim
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2022.02.04 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2720) Dubov,Daniil
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
Slav Delmar
1/2-1/2 D12
2022.03.29 Mamedyarov,S (2776) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Catalan Irregular - Closed
1-0 E01
2022.03.29 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2776) Mamedyarov,S
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2022.03.29 Keymer,Vincent (2655) vs (2776) Mamedyarov,S
Semi-Slav Anti-Meran - Gambit
1-0 D44
2022.03.29 Mamedyarov,S (2776) vs (2655) Keymer,Vincent
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
1-0 E00
2022.02.10 Vidit,S (2727) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
1/2-1/2 A15
2022.02.09 Keymer,Vincent (2664) vs (2772) Aronian,L
FIDE Grand Prix 1 Pool C
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2022.02.22 Praggnanandhaa,R (2612) vs (2664) Keymer,Vincent
Airthings Masters Prelim
Caro-Kann - Advance
1/2-1/2 B12
2021.11.16 Parligras,M (2576) vs (2639) Keymer,Vincent
23rd European Teams
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2021.11.03 Grandelius,N (2662) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance (Bayonet)
1-0 B12
2021.10.27 Yu Yangyi (2704) vs (2630) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
1/2-1/2 B12
2021.09.29 Keymer,Vincent (2607) vs (2666) Grandelius,N
26th Sigeman & Co 2021
Gruenfeld Kemeri (Botvinnik) - Exchange
1-0 D72
2021.09.28 Short,N (2626) vs (2607) Keymer,Vincent
26th Sigeman & Co 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance
1/2-1/2 B12
2021.08.15 Saduakassova,D (2483) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.08.15 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2587) Liang,Awonder
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.08.15 Mendonca,Leon Luke (2537) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2021.08.14 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2505) Lei,Tingjie
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
1-0 A06
2021.08.14 Zhu,Jiner (2455) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2021.08.14 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2429) Daggupati,Balaji
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.08.14 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2404) Yip,Carissa
Kramnik Challenge 2021
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
1-0 E97
2021.08.13 Murzin,Volodar (2505) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
1-0 B10
2021.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2634) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined - Janowski
1/2-1/2 D31
2021.08.13 Khademalsharieh,S (2494) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
1/2-1/2 D45
2021.08.13 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2488) Maurizzi,Marc Andria
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D31
2021.08.12 Bjerre,Jonas Buhl (2550) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2021.08.12 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2507) Shuvalova,Polina
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.08.12 Yoo,Christopher Woojin (2466) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Caro-Kann Exchange - Panov
0-1 B13
2021.08.12 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2415) Sokolovsky,Yahli
Kramnik Challenge 2021
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2021.08.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2658) Kamsky,G
54th Biel GM 2021
Dutch - Hopton
0-1 A80
2021.08.03 Studer,N (2581) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM 2021
Nimzo-Indian Landau
0-1 E50
2021.09.05 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2630) Vocaturo,D
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.09.04 Demchenko,A (2597) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Caro-Kann - Knight (Tartakower)
1/2-1/2 B15
2021.09.03 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2654) Mamedov,Rau
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E94
2021.08.30 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2441) Vogel,Roven
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D37
2021.08.29 Saraci,Nderim (2455) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2021.09.02 Navara,D (2675) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
English Four Knights (Fianchetto)
0-1 A29
2021.08.28 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2643) Sarana,A
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2021.09.01 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2587) Gabuzyan,H
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Modern Benoni Classical (Argentine) - Fianchetto
1/2-1/2 A75
2021.08.27 Keymer,Vincent (2602) vs (2466) Loiseau,Q
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2021.08.31 Gajewski,G (2617) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.08.26 Player,E (2172) vs (2602) Keymer,Vincent
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
0-1 A04
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
1-0 A04
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
0-1 A04
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
1-0 D43
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
0-1 A04
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
1-0 D43
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Zukertort - Bled
0-1 A12
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
1-0 D43
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.07.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2632) Martirosyan,Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2021.07.07 Martirosyan,Haik M. (2632) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent Junior Speed
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1-0 D41
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2249) Abdurakhmonov,Mukhammadali
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.06 Gabrielian,A (2460) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2305) Jarovinsky,A
Titled Tuesday 6th July
1-0 A04
2021.07.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2643) Gustafsson,J
German Team Cup 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.07.03 Stevic,H (2579) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
German Team Cup 2021
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1/2-1/2 B11
2021.07.06 Priasmoro,Novendra (2502) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2442) Vykouk,Jan
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.06 Lodici,Lorenzo (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2021.07.06 Kukhmazov,A (2466) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2467) Mitrabha,G
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Reti Gambit
1/2-1/2 A09
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2260) Potapova,Margarita
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.06 Bartel,Mi (2246) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2021.07.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (1872) Onufrienko,Vladislav
Titled Tuesday 6th July
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2245) Flores Quillas,Diego Saul Rodri
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
1-0 A04
2021.06.06 Brunner,N (2418) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2432) Petriashvili,Nikoloz
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.06.06 Maghsoodloo,Parham (2698) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
1-0 B10
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2648) Lagarde,Max
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Nimzovich
0-1 A40
2021.06.06 Ivanchuk,V (2678) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Reti Gambit
0-1 A09
2021.06.06 Dias Huizar,A (2409) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
0-1 A45
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2665) Guseinov,G
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
0-1 A04
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2028) Razanadrakotoarisoa,Toavina
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.06.06 Emmenecker,P (2053) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
0-1 D43
2021.06.06 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (1796) Kachkachishvili,Lasha
Tetraktys Concept Mgmt Bl
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.18 Ponomariov,R (2631) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Germany Grand Prix 2021
1/2-1/2 B10
2021.07.17 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2608) Fridman,D
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.07.17 Bartel,Mat (2626) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.07.16 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2628) Meier,Geo
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.07.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2658) Kamsky,G
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1-0 E15
2021.07.15 Heimann,An (2599) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 E42
2021.07.14 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2662) Kasimdzhanov,R
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2021.07.14 Eljanov,P (2671) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2021.07.13 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2607) Kollars,Dmitrij
Germany Grand Prix 2021
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.07.31 Kamsky,G (2658) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Caro-Kann Exchange
1/2-1/2 B13
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2648) Lagarde,Max
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
0-1 A04
2021.07.31 Studer,N (2581) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2699) Alekseenko,K
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.07.31 Pichot,A (2630) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2675) Gelfand,B
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
1/2-1/2 A04
2021.07.31 Nihal,Sarin (2620) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Nimzovich - Classical
0-1 A01
2021.07.31 Lagarde,Max (2648) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Romanishin
1/2-1/2 A28
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2658) Kamsky,G
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2581) Studer,N
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.07.31 Alekseenko,K (2699) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
1-0 B10
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2630) Pichot,A
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.07.31 Gelfand,B (2675) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.07.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2620) Nihal,Sarin
54th Biel GM Blitz 2021
0-1 A04
2021.08.02 Nihal,Sarin (2620) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM 2021
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 E42
2021.07.30 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2630) Pichot,A
54th Biel GM 2021
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2021.07.29 Gelfand,B (2675) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM 2021
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.07.28 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2699) Alekseenko,K
54th Biel GM 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.07.27 Lagarde,Max (2648) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM 2021
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Capablanca
1/2-1/2 A28
2021.07.24 Lagarde,Max (2648) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.24 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2658) Kamsky,G
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.24 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2630) Pichot,A
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.24 Alekseenko,K (2699) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.24 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2581) Studer,N
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.25 Kamsky,G (2658) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2021.07.24 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2620) Nihal,Sarin
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.24 Gelfand,B (2675) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel Chess960 2021
2021.07.25 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2581) Studer,N
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.07.25 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2620) Nihal,Sarin
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
0-1 A04
2021.07.25 Pichot,A (2630) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
0-1 B10
2021.07.25 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2675) Gelfand,B
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2021.07.25 Alekseenko,K (2699) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2021.07.25 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2648) Lagarde,Max
54th Biel GM Rapid 2021
0-1 A80
2021.05.09 Postny,E (2582) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D41
2021.05.09` Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2603) Jobava,Ba
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.05.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2627) Deac,Bogdan-Daniel
EE May Blitz Open 2021
0-1 A04
2021.05.09 Bauer,Ch (2639) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Caro-Kann - Breyer
1/2-1/2 B10
2021.05.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2608) Santos Latasa,J
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.05.09 Maghsoodloo,Parham (2698) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Gambit
0-1 A09
2021.05.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2662) Shirov,A
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.05.09 Haussernot,C (2171) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2021.05.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2201) Pietrasanta,J
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.03.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2498) Csonka,B
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Reti Gambit
0-1 A09
2021.05.09 Perrin,Antoine (1972) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2021.05.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs Drevet,Pierre
EE May Blitz Open 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.23 Quintiliano Pinto,R (2469) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2495) Kazakouski,Valery
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2021.03.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2641) Motylev,A
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.05.11 Aditya,Mittal (2438) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Nimzo-Indian - Kmoch
1-0 E20
2021.03.23 Korchmar,V (2451) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Indian Knight - London
0-1 A46
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2572) Wagner,De
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Reti Symmetrical - Prague
1-0 D33
2021.03.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2487) Preotu,Razvan
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
0-1 A04
2021.05.11 Murzin,Volodar (2478) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 11th May
0-1 B10
2021.03.23 Jaracz,P (2456) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
0-1 B12
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2430) Mirzoev,A
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.05.11 Sethuraman,S (2644) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Caro-Kann - Advance (Short)
1-0 B12
2021.03.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2473) Iskusnyh,S
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Reti Zukertort - Alekhine
1-0 D45
2021.03.23 Gunina,V (2427) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2021.05.20 Svidler,P (2714) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Svidler vs. Challengers
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2481) Yang Kaiqi
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.04.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2458) Grigorian,Sp
TCh-GER Online Playoffs
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.03.23 Krysa,L (2527) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2021.05.11 Idani,P (2614) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Caro-Kann - Advance (Bayonet)
1-0 B12
2021.04.30 Gallasch,Jonas (2112) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
TCh-GER Online Playoffs
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2146) Annaberdiyev,B
Titled Tuesday 11th May
1-0 A04
2021.03.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2331) Vlassov,N
Titled Tuesday 23rd Mar
1-0 A04
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
1-0 E00
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Gambit
1/2-1/2 A09
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
0-1 D40
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
0-1 D41
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.06.07 Lazavik,Denis (2440) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D41
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2440) Lazavik,Denis
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian East Indian
1-0 A48
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian Knight
1/2-1/2 A46
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical - Alekhine
1-0 D45
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian - Alekhine
1-0 D45
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical - Alekhine
0-1 D45
2021.06.07 Pultinevicius,Paulius (2492) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2492) Pultinevicius,Paulius
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical - Romanishin
1-0 A17
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Caro-Kann Exchange - Rubinstein
0-1 B13
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
0-1 B10
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
1-0 A04
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Caro-Kann Exchange - Rubinstein
0-1 B13
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.06.07 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2021.06.07 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2489) Shuvalova,Polina
Junior Speed Qual Europe
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.05.11 Iskusnyh,S (2473) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
0-1 E00
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2665) Kamsky,G
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2298) Elgersma,Onno
Titled Tuesday 11th May
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2424) Saraci,Nderim
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2021.05.04 Tang,Andrew (2538) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Indian Knight - London
1-0 A46
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2463) Quparadze,G
Titled Tuesday 4th May
0-1 A04
2021.05.04 Mohammad Fahad,Rahman (2314) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2615) Piorun,K
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.03.29 Kuzubov,Y (2642) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC PlayB
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
0-1 E41
2021.03.29 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2598) Safarli,E
European Online CC PlayB
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.05.04 Lazavik,Denis (2439) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
0-1 D41
2021.03.29 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2413) Shahaliyev,Ismayil
European Online CC PlayB
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.03.29 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2647) Sasikiran,K
European Online CC PlayB
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.05.27 Laznicka,V (2647) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Hybrid Qual 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.05.26 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2647) Laznicka,V
European Hybrid Qual 2021
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2463) Diaz Camallonga,C
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.05.25 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2451) Rasik,V
European Hybrid Qual 2021
Gruenfeld - Szabo
1-0 E62
2021.05.25 Rasik,V (2451) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Hybrid Qual 2021
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2021.05.25 Rasik,V (2451) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Hybrid Qual 2021
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2021.05.24 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2451) Rasik,V
European Hybrid Qual 2021
King's Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E91
2021.05.04 Samadov,Read (2332) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 4th May
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
0-1 E00
2021.05.04 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2277) Arias,Juan Cruz
Titled Tuesday 4th May
1-0 A04
2021.05.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2799) Ding Liren
Ding vs. Challengers
1-0 A04
2021.03.28 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2021) De Vries,Leon
European Online CC GpC
Gruenfeld Kemeri (Margate)
1-0 D75
2021.03.28 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2247) Bouget,A
European Online CC GpC
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.28 Skuhala,Jernej (2351) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC GpC
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2021.03.28 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2423) Reuker,Jari
European Online CC GpC
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.04.19 Carlsen,M (2847) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Carlsen vs. Challengers
Nimzo-Indian Saemisch
1/2-1/2 E24
2021.03.27 Krejci,Jan2 (2540) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC GpC
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2021.03.27 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2069) Gallevci,Yagiz
European Online CC GpC
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.03.27 Vitiugov,N (2715) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC GpC
Indian Knight - London
1/2-1/2 A46
2021.03.27 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2120) Kirsch,L
European Online CC GpC
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.06.13 Mammadzada,G (2443) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2021.06.13 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2634) Abdusattorov,Nodirbek
Gelfand Challenge 2021
English Symmetrical - Four Knights
0-1 A35
2021.06.13 Shuvalova,Polina (2489) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
1/2-1/2 B92
2021.06.13 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2502) Murzin,Volodar
Gelfand Challenge 2021
English Anglo-Indian - King's Knight
0-1 A15
2021.06.12 Abdumalik,Z (2472) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Zagreb)
0-1 B91
2021.06.12 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2494) Khademalsharieh,S
Gelfand Challenge 2021
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2021.06.12 Lei Tingjie (2505) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2021.06.12 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2592) Liang,Awonder
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2021.06.12 Bjerre,Jonas Buhl (2542) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.06.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2395) Salimova,Nurgyul
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.04.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2455) Yoo,Christopher Woojin
Baer Polgar Challenge
Indian - Saemisch (Marienbad)
0-1 A50
2021.06.11 Praggnanandhaa,R (2608) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.04.11 Liang,Awonder (2592) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2021.06.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2418) Badelka,Olga
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.06.11 Mendonca,Leon Luke (2549) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
0-1 D41
2021.04.11 Salimova,Nurgyul (2397) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2021.06.11 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2578) Gukesh,D
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.04.10 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2608) Praggnanandhaa,R
Baer Polgar Challenge
Reti Symmetrical - Szabo
1-0 E62
2021.06.10 Zhu,Jiner (2462) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
0-1 B92
2021.03.31 Timofeev,Arty (2594) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC Final
0-1 B10
2021.04.10 Yip,Carissa (2430) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Poisoned Pawn)
0-1 B97
2021.06.10 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2457) Yoo,Christopher Woojin
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.04.10 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2505) Lei Tingjie
Baer Polgar Challenge
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2021.06.10 Nihal,Sarin (2620) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Caro-Kann - Advance (Bayonet)
1-0 B12
2021.04.10 Badelka,Olga (2433) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2021.06.10 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2500) Saduakassova,D
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2021.04.10 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2620) Nihal,Sarin
Baer Polgar Challenge
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1/2-1/2 D43
2021.06.10 Yip,Carissa (2430) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Gelfand Challenge 2021
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2021.03.31 Teclaf,Pawel (2507) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC Final
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2021.03.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2619) Ponkratov,P
European Online CC Final
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.04.09 Mammadzada,G (2443) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2021.04.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2478) Murzin,Volodar
Baer Polgar Challenge
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2021.04.09 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2627) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
1-0 B50
2021.04.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2494) Khademalsharieh,S
Baer Polgar Challenge
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2021.03.31 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2421) Socko,M
European Online CC Final
Queen's Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E18
2021.03.30 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2620) Van Wely,L
European Online CC Final
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.04.09 Abdumalik,Z (2472) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2021.04.08 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2549) Mendonca,Leon Luke
Baer Polgar Challenge
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2021.04.08 Zhu,Jiner (2459) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Spanish Morphy - Moller
1/2-1/2 C78
2021.04.08 Gukesh,D (2578) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
English Anglo-Slav
1-0 A11
2021.03.30 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2647) Sasikiran,K
European Online CC Final
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2021.04.08 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2550) Bjerre,Jonas Buhl
Baer Polgar Challenge
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2021.04.08 Shuvalova,Polina (2476) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Baer Polgar Challenge
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2021.03.30 Cheparinov,I (2667) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
European Online CC Final
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2021.03.05 Schimnatkowski,Lukas (2173) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
TCh-GER Online Liga 1 GpA
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
0-1 B12
2021.02.09 Welzel,P (2208) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
TCh-GER Online Liga 1 GpA
Indian Knight - Catalan
0-1 D02
2021.02.20 Collins,S IRL (2456) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Bunratty 2021 Online
Caro-Kann Exchange - Panov
0-1 B13
2021.02.20 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2485) Ghasi,A
Bunratty 2021 Online
1/2-1/2 A04
2021.02.20 Heidenfeld,M (2360) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Bunratty 2021 Online
Caro-Kann Knight Classical
0-1 B18
2021.02.20 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2011) Venkatesan,Kavin
Bunratty 2021 Online
English Ultra-Symmetrical (Mecking)
1-0 A39
2021.02.20 Cunningham,David vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Bunratty 2021 Online
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D37
2021.02.20 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (1882) Janusaitis,M
Bunratty 2021 Online
1/2-1/2 A04
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2476) Gavrilescu,David
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.15 Lagno,Kateryna (2546) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Caro-Kann Knight Classical
0-1 B19
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2436) Lazavik,Denis
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2535) Tristan,L
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.15 Shevchenko,Kirill (2599) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2581) Ivic,Velimir
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2422) Rakotomaharo,Fy Antenaina
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
1-0 A04
2020.12.15 Ozer,Omer Faruk (2317) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Caro-Kann Exchange
0-1 B13
2020.12.15 Horvath,Dominik (2446) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2020.12.15 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2473) Iskusnyh,S
Titled Tuesday 15th Dec
Reti Zukertort - Alekhine
1-0 D45
2020.12.22 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (1730) Dzhaparov,Medet
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.12.22 Kadric,D (2577) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2020.12.22 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2497) Jakubowski,K
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Queen's Indian Capablanca
1-0 E16
2020.12.22 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2344) Sevgi,V
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.12.22 Mohammad Fahad,Rahman (2319) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2020.12.22 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2070) Issani,Nameer
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.22 Shtyka,S (2175) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Van't Kruijs opening - Alekhine
0-1 D04
2020.12.22 Mingarro Carceller,S (2361) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2020.12.22 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2029) Bommini,Mounika Akshaya
Titled Tuesday 22nd Dec
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.10.13 Keymer,Vincent (2588) vs (2390) Baskin,R
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.12.20 Cardoso Cardoso,Jose Gabriel (2401) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Online World U16
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.12.20 Cardoso Cardoso,Jose Gabriel (2401) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Online World U16
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.12.20 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2401) Cardoso Cardoso,Jose Gabriel
FIDE Online World U16
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2020.12.19 Smit,Devon (1888) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
FIDE Online World U16
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2020.12.19 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (1888) Smit,Devon
FIDE Online World U16
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.10.13 Ivanisevic,I (2604) vs (2588) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct
English Agincourt - King's Knight
1-0 A13
2020.12.18 Gunnarsson,Arn (2420) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
English Agincourt - King's Knight
1-0 A13
2020.10.13 Keymer,Vincent (2588) vs (2374) Barp,Alberto
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.18 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2618) Moranda,W
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Semi-Slav - Alekhine
0-1 D45
2020.10.13 Oliveira,Si (2304) vs (2588) Keymer,Vincent
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct
Caro-Kann Exchange - Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 B13
2020.12.18 Gavrilescu,David (2476) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
0-1 B10
2020.12.18 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2379) Yatzenko,A
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.18 Krallis,Christos (2442) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D30
2020.10.13 Keymer,Vincent (2588) vs (2317) Alinasab,Mobina
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.12.18 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2393) Neuman,P
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2020.12.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2545) Sadhwani,Raunak
Levitov Christmas Q5
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.12.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2544) Smirnov,P
Levitov Christmas Q5
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.12.23 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2507) Triapishko,Alexandr
Levitov Christmas Q5
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.12.23 Bortnyk,Olexandr (2598) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q5
Caro-Kann - Accelerated Panov
1/2-1/2 B10
2020.12.18 Koc,P (2346) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
0-1 A45
2020.12.16 Taher,Yoseph Theolifus (2455) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q3
Indian - London
1-0 A46
2020.12.16 Narayanan,SL (2618) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q3
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
1-0 A06
2020.12.16 Le Tuan Minh (2514) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q3
Indian Knight - London
1-0 A46
2020.12.18 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2346) Hollan,Martin
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.12.12 Manu,David Suthandram R (2360) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q2
0-1 B10
2020.12.12 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2663) Sjugirov,S
Levitov Christmas Q2
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1/2-1/2 D37
2020.12.12 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2478) Rasulov,Vu
Levitov Christmas Q2
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.12.12 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2555) Lintchevski,D
Levitov Christmas Q2
1/2-1/2 A04
2020.12.12 Awatramani,Janak (2213) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q2
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Classical (Maroczy)
1/2-1/2 B18
2020.12.18 Can,Isik (2380) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
1-0 B19
2020.12.09 Sarana,A (2640) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q1
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.12.09 Panov,Ivan (2069) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q1
Caro-Kann Exchange - Panov
0-1 B13
2020.12.09 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2549) Harutyunian,T
Levitov Christmas Q1
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.12.09 Abdusattorov,Nodirbek (2627) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Levitov Christmas Q1
English Agincourt - King's Knight
0-1 A13
2020.12.18 Keymer,Vincent (2591) vs (2398) Bazeev,G
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2020.12.18 Ruperez Benito,A (2363) vs (2591) Keymer,Vincent
Euro Online Blitz Quali
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2020.10.31 Keymer,Vincent (2588) vs (2451) Parvanyan,Ashot
Tegernsee Masters 2020
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
1-0 E97
2017.10.22 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2723) Bacrot, E.
Bundesliga 2017-18
Queen's Gambit Declined - Classical
0-1 D37
2017.10.21 Commercon, S. (2255) vs (2413) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2017-18
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2016.08.23 Hertneck, G. (2469) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Open 2016
Slav Czech - Krause
0-1 D17
2016.08.22 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2572) Shengelia, D.
Vienna Open 2016
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 E15
2016.08.21 Arkell, K. (2464) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Open 2016
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2016.08.20 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2457) Stanec, N.
Vienna Open 2016
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1-0 D36
2016.08.20 Williams, Si1 (2443) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Open 2016
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2016.08.19 Keymer, Vincent (2348) vs (2236) Stigar, P.
Vienna Open 2016
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical - Rubinstein
1-0 D27
2016.08.18 Marzaduri, Riccardo (2128) vs (2348) Keymer, Vincent
Vienna Open 2016
Sicilian - Snyder (Queen's Fianchetto)
0-1 B20
2017.09.25 Tomazini, Z. (2395) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Mitropa Cup 2017
Sicilian Alapin - Smith-Morra
1-0 B22
2017.09.24 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2427) Kreisl, R.
Mitropa Cup 2017
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour - Blumenfeld
1/2-1/2 A61
2017.09.23 Plenca, Jadranko (2440) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Mitropa Cup 2017
1-0 B40
2017.09.22 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2459) Hoang Thanh Trang
Mitropa Cup 2017
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2015.08.14 Gevorgyan, I. (2206) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Prague Summer Open
0-1 D10
2017.09.21 Sonis, Francesco (2453) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Mitropa Cup 2017
Reti Gambit
1/2-1/2 A09
2015.08.13 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2225) Chkhaidze, Ni
2nd Prague Summer Open
English Ultra-Symmetrical (Mecking)
0-1 A39
2017.09.20 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2433) Gallagher, Jo
Mitropa Cup 2017
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1/2-1/2 E60
2017.09.19 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2487) Kriebel, T.
Mitropa Cup 2017
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour
0-1 A61
2015.08.12 Kociscak, J. (2462) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Prague Summer Open
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1-0 E32
2017.09.18 Mazur, Ste (2472) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Mitropa Cup 2017
Spanish Breyer - Borisenko
1-0 C95
2015.08.11 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2383) Studnicka, Toma
2nd Prague Summer Open
1/2-1/2 D70
2015.08.10 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2475) Teske, H.
2nd Prague Summer Open
Queen's Gambit Declined - Janowski
1-0 D31
2015.08.09 Vyskocil, N. (2376) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Prague Summer Open
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2015.08.09 Bogumil, T. (2139) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Prague Summer Open
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2015.08.08 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2191) Chekletsov, Ilya
2nd Prague Summer Open
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2015.08.07 Bassetti, Danilo (2004) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Prague Summer Open
Reti Zukertort - Catalan
0-1 D02
2017.09.17 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2503) Ider, B.
Mitropa Cup 2017
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian (Keres)
1-0 A40
2019.12.26 Degardin, S (2240) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
0-1 B92
2020.01.18 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2694) Anton Guijarro, D
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Queen's Gambit Declined
1/2-1/2 D30
2020.01.24 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2659) Mamedov, Rau
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Reti - Hungarian (Maroczy)
1/2-1/2 B27
2020.02.09 Keymer, Vincent (2518) vs (2259) Junge, R
Bundesliga 2019-20
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Classical (Stonewall)
1-0 A90
2020.04.18 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2293) Van Dael, Siem
Candidates FED U16 Online
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight)
1-0 A16
2020.04.19 Boyer, Mahel (2294) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Candidates FED U16 Online
French - Exchange
0-1 C01
2020.04.25 Lupulescu, C (2656) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
GER-ROU Online 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D40
2020.04.28 Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra (2272) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 28th Apr
French Advance Winawer - Bogolubov
0-1 C17
2020.05.05 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2219) Musovic, A
Titled Tuesday 5th May
1-0 A04
2020.05.12 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2335) Grochal, J
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.29 Belenkaya, D (2297) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Spassky (Lobron)
1-0 B19
2020.05.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2259) Patrelakis, Evaggelos
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.31 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2682) Sargissian, G
European Online KO Final
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2331) Jia, H
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
1-0 A04
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2315) Vovk, Or
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.06.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2308) Stromboli, E
Titled Tuesday 9th June
1-0 A04
2020.06.16 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2238) Mirzanurov, B
Titled Tuesday 16th June
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2017.08.21 Radovanovic, Mihajlo (2357) vs (2432) Keymer, Vincent
European U18 Teams Open
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2020.06.23 Miranda, Rafael (2284) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
French Tarrasch
0-1 C03
2020.06.30 Galaktionov, Artem (2319) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Indian Knight
1/2-1/2 A46
2020.06.30 Mohammad Fahad, Rahman (2319) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 30th June
French MacCutcheon - Lasker
0-1 C12
2015.07.19 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2200) Peczely, S.
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Queen's Indian - Russian
1-0 E12
2020.06.30 Vantika, Agrawal (2286) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Neo-Indian - Catalan Irregular
1-0 E00
2015.07.18 Pulpan, J. (2263) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Spanish Breyer - Borisenko
1-0 C95
2015.07.17 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2435) Korpa, B.
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Nimzo-Indian Classical
0-1 E32
2015.07.16 Reshef, O. (2410) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B52
2015.07.15 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2284) Gumularz, Szymon
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Reti Symmetrical - Chameleon
1-0 D11
2015.07.14 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2215) Kiss, Bali
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2015.07.13 Morozov, N. (2263) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
TCh-EUR Youth U18 2015
Nimzo-Indian Bernstein
0-1 E56
2020.07.19 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2649) Edouard, R
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
1/2-1/2 A04
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2719) Wojtaszek, R
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2213) Awatramani, Janak
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2242) Skatchkov, Valery
Titled Tue 4th Aug 10am
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2017.08.20 Tica, Sven (2368) vs (2432) Keymer, Vincent
European U18 Teams Open
Slav Delmar
0-1 D12
2017.08.19 Keymer, Vincent (2432) vs (2296) Kozusek, Daniel
European U18 Teams Open
Queen's Gambit Declined Ragozin
1-0 D38
2017.08.18 Swider, Pawel (1918) vs (2432) Keymer, Vincent
European U18 Teams Open
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2017.08.17 Keymer, Vincent (2432) vs (2370) Macovei, Andrei
European U18 Teams Open
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1-0 A58
2020.08.18 Rodchenkov, V (2321) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Indian Knight - Torre (Nimzovich)
0-1 A46
2020.08.25 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2252) Sihite, Chelsie Monica Ignesias
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Reti Symmetrical - Queen's Indian
1-0 A17
2020.09.01 Hua, L (2305) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein - Reshevsky
1/2-1/2 E46
2020.09.01 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2235) Hrabinska, M
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2020.09.01 Machidon, Cristi (2266) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
1-0 A45
2019.03.20 Movsesian, S (2627) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2020.10.03 Szustakowski, Antoni (2238) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2020.10.03 Liyanage, Ranindu Dilshan (2178) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2018.01.03 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2580) Donchenko, Alexa
14th Vandoeuvre Open 2018
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D26
2018.01.24 Perez Ponsa, F (2553) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Sicilian Paulsen - Reti
1-0 B41
2018.01.26 Huzman, A (2561) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D30
2018.01.29 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2524) Nihal, Sarin
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2018.01.31 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2580) Donchenko, Alexa
Gibraltar Masters 2018
English Agincourt
0-1 A13
2018.02.14 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2565) Gozzoli, Y
PRO League Group Stage
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian (Keres)
1-0 A40
2018.02.14 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2571) Moussard, J
PRO League Group Stage
Queen's Gambit Declined Ragozin
0-1 D38
2018.04.01 Buhmann, R (2588) vs (2403) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2018.04.01 Keymer, Vincent (2403) vs (2510) Valsecchi, A
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
English Anti-Benoni
1-0 A31
2018.04.02 Keymer, Vincent (2403) vs (2604) Papp, Ga
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
1-0 A41
2018.04.29 Zaragatski, I (2495) vs (2413) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2017-18
Reti Gambit - Polonaise
0-1 A09
2018.07.22 Nielsen, Thom2 (2111) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein (Normal)
0-1 E47
2018.05.01 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2621) Predojevic, B
Bundesliga 2017-18
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2018.05.11 Keymer, Vincent (2443) vs (2545) Kunin, V
1st Bamberg Open 2018
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1/2-1/2 E11
2018.05.12 Donchenko, Alexa (2587) vs (2443) Keymer, Vincent
1st Bamberg Open 2018
Reti Symmetrical - Yugoslav
0-1 A07
2018.05.13 Keymer, Vincent (2443) vs (2537) Danin, A
1st Bamberg Open 2018
English Anti-Benoni
1/2-1/2 A31
2017.08.05 Keymer, Vincent (2411) vs (2561) Nikolov, Mo
ZMDI Open 2017
King's Indian Saemisch
1/2-1/2 E81
2018.08.17 Lacasta Palacios, J (2102) vs (2493) Keymer, Vincent
20th Sants Open 2018
Benko's opening
0-1 A00
2018.07.16 Gumularz, Szymon (2461) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
European Youth U18 Teams
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
0-1 B92
2018.07.25 Urkedal, F (2552) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
0-1 D41
2018.07.27 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2536) Rasmussen, A
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour - Blumenfeld
1-0 A61
2018.10.20 Burrows, M (2121) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent IoM Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
0-1 B90
2018.11.11 Keymer, Vincent (2502) vs (2493) Hausrath, D
Bundesliga 2018-19
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2018.11.24 Keymer, Vincent (2502) vs (2465) Abel, D
Bundesliga 2018-19
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2017.07.31 Ovsejevitsch, S. (2602) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
ZMDI Open 2017
Sicilian - Snyder
1-0 B20
2019.01.12 Paehtz, E (2477) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.01.13 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2470) Kuipers, S
81st Tata Steel GpB
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2019.01.20 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2472) Saduakassova, D
81st Tata Steel GpB
English Mikenas - French
1-0 A18
2019.01.15 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2539) Praggnanandhaa, R
81st Tata Steel GpB
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.01.18 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2502) Van Foreest, Lucas
81st Tata Steel GpB
English Mikenas - French
1/2-1/2 A18
2019.02.02 Keymer, Vincent (2502) vs (2418) Ginsburg, G
Bundesliga 2018-19
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1-0 D36
2019.02.14 Droin, Augustin (2099) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
PRO League Group Stage
Sicilian Paulsen - Gipslis
0-1 B42
2019.03.26 Semjonovs, Ilja (2401) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
0-1 B90
2019.03.27 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2393) Ozen, Deniz
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2019.04.06 Keymer, Vincent (2502) vs (2411) Harff, M
Bundesliga 2018-19
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2019.05.31 Keymer, Vincent (2521) vs (2382) Miller, Ed
German Masters 2019
Gruenfeld - Szabo
1-0 E62
2019.07.30 Sachdev, T (2401) vs (2513) Keymer, Vincent
52nd Biel Master Open
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.07.31 Keymer, Vincent (2513) vs (2414) Rahul, Srivatshav P
52nd Biel Master Open
King's Indian Fianchetto (Yugoslav) - Gruenfeld
1-0 E64
2019.08.14 Nikolovski, Nikola (2409) vs (2513) Keymer, Vincent
17th Spilimbergo Open
Sicilian - Slow Sicilian
1-0 B20
2018.01.23 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (1906) Chibnall, Alana
Gibraltar Masters 2018
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight) - Bronstein
1-0 E62
2015.04.11 Goossens, H. (2168) vs (2364) Keymer, Vincent
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Giuoco Piano - Pianissimo
1/2-1/2 C54
2015.04.10 Keymer, Vincent (2364) vs (2269) Corvi, M.
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Dutch Indian
1/2-1/2 A81
2019.11.24 Keymer, Vincent (2518) vs (2434) Blohberger, Felix
Bundesliga 2019-20
Reti - Dutch
1-0 A04
2018.03.31 Riff, JN (2503) vs (2403) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
Sicilian Paulsen
1/2-1/2 B41
2019.12.27 Di Nicolantonio, L (2413) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Sicilian Open - Prins (Rauzer)
0-1 B55
2019.12.27 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2406) Joie, S
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2019.12.28 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2393) Laurent-Paoli, Pierre
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
English Ultra-Symmetrical - Ultra-Symmetrical
1-0 A37
2015.04.10 Buckels, Valentin (2111) vs (2364) Keymer, Vincent
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
1/2-1/2 D10
2015.04.09 Keymer, Vincent (2364) vs (2568) Kunin, V.
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Winawer
0-1 D25
2015.04.09 Commercon, S. (2216) vs (2364) Keymer, Vincent
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Slav Czech - Krause
0-1 D17
2019.12.29 Maurizzi, Marc Andria (2423) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Zagreb)
1/2-1/2 B91
2019.12.29 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2417) Travadon, Loic
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2015.04.08 Keymer, Vincent (2364) vs (2590) Danin, A.
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Gruenfeld Exchange
0-1 D85
2015.04.08 Keymer, Vincent (2364) vs (2104) Roesch, Mario
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1-0 E11
2015.04.07 Kopp, P. (2054) vs (2364) Keymer, Vincent
3rd Hofheim Spring Open
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2019.12.30 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2476) Malakhatko, V
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
1-0 A04
2018.05.12 Keymer, Vincent (2443) vs (2518) Noe, C
1st Bamberg Open 2018
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.01.13 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2498) Warmerdam, Max
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.02.08 Heinemann, T (2501) vs (2518) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2019-20
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2020.04.18 Makarian, Rudik (2442) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Candidates FED U16 Online
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2020.04.19 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2342) Shlyakhtenko, Robert
Candidates FED U16 Online
Benoni - Czech
1-0 A56
2020.04.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2476) Gavrilescu, David
GER-ROU Online 2020
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.04.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2440) Bulmaga, I
GER-ROU Online 2020
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.04.28 Dobrowolski, P (2413) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 28th Apr
French Open Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 C07
2020.04.28 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2350) Olund, Joar
Titled Tuesday 28th Apr
Reti Symmetrical - King's Fianchetto
1-0 A15
2020.04.28 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2467) Cvitan, O
Titled Tuesday 28th Apr
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.05.05 Maghalashvili, Da (2456) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2020.05.05 Reimanis, R (2421) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2020.05.05 Gubajdullin, A (2344) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 5th May
1-0 A45
2020.05.05 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2342) Glidzhain, G
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Reti Symmetrical - Szabo
1-0 E62
2020.05.05 Sarkar, J (2380) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Nimzo-Indian Leningrad
0-1 E30
2020.05.09 Lubbe, N (2443) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
1/2-1/2 A45
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2480) Hausrath, D
ch-GER Internet 2020
Indian East Indian - Bronstein
1-0 E62
2020.05.09 Vogel, Roven (2456) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.05.09 Schneider, Il (2479) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2020.05.09 Paehtz, E (2473) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
0-1 A45
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2409) Braun, Christi2
ch-GER Internet 2020
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.12 Siva, Mahadevan (2349) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2020.05.12 Yoo, Christopher Woojin (2455) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2020.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2415) Rahman, Zia
Titled Tuesday 26th May
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2429) Krush, I
Titled Tuesday 26th May
1-0 A04
2020.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2424) Lazavik, Denis
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.05.29 Kobo, Ori (2449) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
French MacCutcheon - Duras
0-1 C12
2020.05.29 Benkovic, P (2399) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.05.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2343) Voit, Daria
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.30 Kalezic, B (2451) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
French Advance - Paulsen
0-1 C02
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2351) Nitish, Belurkar
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Reti Symmetrical - Bronstein
1-0 E62
2020.06.09 Avila Pavas, Santiago (2393) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2020.06.09 Ogloblin, N (2346) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2020.06.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2346) Koc, P
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Reti - Wade
1-0 A04
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2449) Dardha, Daniel
C'Chartres Blitz Men
0-1 A04
2020.06.13 Stephan, V (2439) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E32
2020.06.13 Murzin, Volodar (2465) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
French Paulsen - Steinitz (Boleslavsky)
1-0 C11
2020.06.13 Maurizzi, Marc Andria (2433) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2020.06.16 Cerveny, M (2386) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 16th June
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2017.07.01 Meister, Jak (2433) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
88th ch-GER 2017
English Anglo-Slav - Panov (Botvinnik)
1/2-1/2 B13
2017.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2411) vs (2426) Kalinitschew, S.
88th ch-GER 2017
1-0 A41
2020.06.16 Buksa, N (2410) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 16th June
0-1 A45
2017.06.29 Donchenko, Alexa (2573) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
88th ch-GER 2017
Slav Czech - Krause
1-0 D17
2017.06.28 Kollars, Dmitrij (2510) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
88th ch-GER 2017
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2017.06.27 Keymer, Vincent (2411) vs (2683) Nisipeanu, LD.
88th ch-GER 2017
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1/2-1/2 E15
2017.06.26 Keymer, Vincent (2411) vs (2585) Huschenbeth, N.
88th ch-GER 2017
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Saduleto
1-0 D20
2020.06.23 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2481) Belyakov, B
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1-0 E63
2020.06.23 Isajevsky, A (2403) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
English Agincourt - King's Knight
0-1 A13
2020.06.23 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2434) Molina, Rob
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.23 Riehle, Marco (2347) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
Caro-Kann - Accelerated Panov
1-0 B10
2020.06.23 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2429) Shubin, Kirill
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2020.06.30 Martemianov, I (2365) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 30th June
French Paulsen - Rubinstein
0-1 C10
2020.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2465) Niemann, Hans Moke
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2358) Tsvetkov, Andrey
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2401) Ezat, M
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.07.07 Cardoso Cardoso, Jose Gabriel (2414) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein
1-0 E46
2020.07.07 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2449) Kobo, Ori
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1-0 A17
2020.07.07 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2403) Isajevsky, A
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.07.07 Vlasenko, M (2431) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2020.07.07 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2414) Srihari, L R
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2017.06.25 Langheinrich, F. (2364) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
88th ch-GER 2017
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2017.06.24 Keymer, Vincent (2411) vs (2319) Miller, Ed
88th ch-GER 2017
Budapest - Adler
1-0 A52
2017.06.23 Bussard, C. (2251) vs (2411) Keymer, Vincent
88th ch-GER 2017
Sicilian Paulsen
1/2-1/2 B42
2020.08.04 Lazavik, Denis (2424) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2402) Sipila, V
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Reti Gambit - Advance
1-0 A09
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2403) Isajevsky, A
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
1-0 A04
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2361) Papp, Levente
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.08.04 Horak, Martin (2341) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2343) Voit, Daria
Titled Tue 4th Aug 10am
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.08.04 Ljukin, S (2368) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 10am
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2020.08.18 Aditya, Mittal (2438) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Nimzo-Indian - Kmoch
0-1 E20
2020.08.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2465) Murzin, Volodar
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Reti Symmetrical - Szabo
1-0 E62
2020.08.18 Yanchenko, R (2467) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Aug
1-0 A45
2020.08.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2405) Sai, KG
Titled Tue 18th Aug
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1-0 E63
2020.05.31 Sargissian, G (2682) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
European Online KO Final
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 D41
2020.08.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2336) Toropov, P
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.08.25 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2451) Korchmar, V
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.08.25 Ezat, M (2401) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Nimzo-Indian Saemisch
0-1 E29
2020.08.25 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2336) Arman, D
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2020.09.01 Buksa, N (2410) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
0-1 A45
2018.12.21 Raja, Rithvik R (2415) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.09.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2347) Piceu, T
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2428) Bodnaruk, A
Speed Chess Super Swiss
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1-0 E63
2020.10.03 Svane, Frederik (2421) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Caro-Kann Exchange - Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 B13
2020.10.03 Barria Zuniga, D (2341) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
0-1 D43
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2391) Leiva, G
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2016.04.14 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2435) Loetscher, R.
Accentus Young Masters
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2016.04.13 Gledura, B. (2550) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Accentus Young Masters
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D30
2016.04.12 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2452) Froewis, G.
Accentus Young Masters
0-1 D32
2016.04.11 Hera, I. (2622) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Accentus Young Masters
Benko's opening
1-0 A00
2020.06.30 Mohan, Dave (1944) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2016.04.10 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2628) Bluebaum, M.
Accentus Young Masters
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2016.04.09 Vuilleumier, A. (2370) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Accentus Young Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1-0 B90
2016.04.08 Keymer, Vincent (2352) vs (2359) Gaehwiler, G.
Accentus Young Masters
King's Indian Schwarz
0-1 E70
2016.04.07 Demuth, A. (2550) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Accentus Young Masters
Slav Czech - Krause
1-0 D17
2016.04.06 Studer, N. (2438) vs (2352) Keymer, Vincent
Accentus Young Masters
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D30
2020.07.25 Harikrishna, P (2719) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2018.04.02 Rapport, R (2715) vs (2403) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
0-1 D53
2020.08.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (1939) Ponikarovsky, A
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2018.07.26 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2580) Svane, R
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1/2-1/2 D45
2018.07.29 Hammer, J (2631) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch
1-0 D41
2018.08.20 Keymer, Vincent (2493) vs (2670) Demchenko, A
20th Sants Open 2018
Indian - Saemisch (Marienbad)
0-1 A50
2020.08.25 Orozbaev, Eldiar (1973) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2020.09.01 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (1973) Orozbaev, Eldiar
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2018.10.21 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2664) Kovalev, Vl IoM Masters
English Hedgehog
1/2-1/2 A17
2018.10.24 Fridman, D (2600) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent IoM Masters
English Agincourt - Neo-Catalan Accepted
1-0 A13
2018.10.26 L'Ami, E (2639) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent IoM Masters
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D41
2018.10.28 Sutovsky, E (2633) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent IoM Masters
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B96
2018.11.10 Spoelman, W (2573) vs (2502) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2018-19
English Agincourt - King's Knight
1-0 A13
2018.11.25 Boensch, U (2553) vs (2502) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2018-19
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1/2-1/2 D53
2018.12.17 Indjic, A (2620) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Mieses opening
1-0 A00
2018.12.23 Xu, Xiangyu (2565) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2019.01.14 Esipenko, Andrey (2584) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2019.01.19 Gledura, B (2615) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2019.01.22 Bareev, E (2650) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Queen's Pawn Zukertort - Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 D02
2019.01.25 L'Ami, E (2643) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.02.14 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2596) Maze, S
PRO League Group Stage
Modern Benoni Fianchetto (Hastings) - Gruenfeld
1-0 A63
2019.02.14 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2604) Lagarde, Max
PRO League Group Stage
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 A40
2018.01.30 Serarols Mabras, Bernat (2235) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Catalan Irregular - Gambit
0-1 E01
2019.03.02 Kovalenko, I (2644) vs (2502) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2018-19
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Anglo-Scandinavian
1-0 D41
2019.03.25 Edouard, R (2658) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B51
2019.03.28 Georgiev, Ki (2595) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2019.04.24 Keymer, Vincent (2516) vs (2628) Meier, Geo
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2018.03.10 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2302) Polischuk, V
Bundesliga 2017-18
Benko Gambit Accepted - King Walk
1/2-1/2 A59
2019.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2521) vs (2599) Bindrich, F
German Masters 2019
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2019.05.27 Fridman, D (2644) vs (2521) Keymer, Vincent
German Masters 2019
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2019.05.28 Keymer, Vincent (2521) vs (2618) Bluebaum, M
German Masters 2019
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.06.01 Meier, Geo (2636) vs (2521) Keymer, Vincent
German Masters 2019
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2019.07.25 Gopal, G (2594) vs (2513) Keymer, Vincent
52nd Biel Master Open
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.07.26 Keymer, Vincent (2513) vs (2619) Martirosyan, Haik M.
52nd Biel Master Open
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1-0 E69
2019.07.28 Erdos, V (2603) vs (2513) Keymer, Vincent
52nd Biel Master Open
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2019.07.29 Keymer, Vincent (2513) vs (2625) Iturrizaga, E
52nd Biel Master Open
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
0-1 E11
2018.05.10 Loew, Gera (2202) vs (2443) Keymer, Vincent
1st Bamberg Open 2018
English Agincourt - Neo-Catalan Accepted
0-1 A13
2019.10.11 Saric, Iv (2667) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.10.12 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2662) Sjugirov, S
FIDE Grand Swiss
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2019.10.17 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2651) Motylev, A
FIDE Grand Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2019.10.18 Mareco, S (2634) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1-0 B90
2019.10.19 Zvjaginsev, V (2644) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
English Agincourt
1/2-1/2 A13
2019.10.20 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2624) Huschenbeth, N
FIDE Grand Swiss
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2019.10.21 Piorun, K (2643) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
Sicilian Paulsen - Polugaevsky
1-0 B42
2019.12.08 Keymer, Vincent (2518) vs (2596) Smeets, J
Bundesliga 2019-20
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2019.12.28 Bauer, Ch (2625) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
1-0 B20
2018.07.22 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2273) Matthiesen, M
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Reti Zukertort - Classical (Fianchetto)
1-0 D37
2018.07.23 Hartung Nielsen, J (2207) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
English Agincourt - Neo-Catalan Accepted
0-1 A13
2018.07.24 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2597) Andersen, Mad
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1/2-1/2 E60
2018.07.28 Agdestein, S (2581) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.01.11 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2650) Eljanov, P
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
0-1 D45
2020.01.14 Van Foreest, Lucas (2523) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1/2-1/2 B11
2020.01.16 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2635) Abdusattorov, Nodirbek
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2020.01.17 Saduakassova, D (2519) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D30
2020.01.19 Smeets, J (2585) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Open - Prins (Rauzer)
0-1 B55
2020.01.25 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2618) Nihal, Sarin
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Slav Rubinstein - Neo-Gruenfeld (Schlechter)
1/2-1/2 D70
2020.02.22 Keymer, Vincent (2518) vs (2547) Werle, J
Bundesliga 2019-20
English Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A30
2020.04.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2551) Istratescu, A
GER-ROU Online 2020
1/2-1/2 A04
2020.04.25 Nevednichy, V (2531) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
GER-ROU Online 2020
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2020.04.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2591) Parligras, M
GER-ROU Online 2020
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.04.25 Manolache, M (2541) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
GER-ROU Online 2020
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2615) Fridman, D
ch-GER Internet 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined - Classical (Fianchetto)
0-1 D37
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2532) Engel, Luis
ch-GER Internet 2020
Irregular Indian - Moscow
1-0 D38
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2621) Meier, Geo
ch-GER Internet 2020
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2613) Svane, R
ch-GER Internet 2020
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.05.12 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2504) Terry, R
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2020.05.31 Kovalev, Vl (2648) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
European Online KO Final
1/2-1/2 B10
2020.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2502) Nagy, Ga1
Titled Tuesday 26th May
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1-0 E69
2020.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2598) Bortnyk, Olexandr
Titled Tuesday 26th May
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.26 Rozum, I (2566) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 26th May
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2020.05.26 Kollars, Dmitrij (2586) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 26th May
French - Exchange
0-1 C01
2020.05.26 Nasuta, G (2558) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 26th May
French MacCutcheon - Lasker
0-1 C12
2020.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2565) Mikhalevski, V
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2495) Maiorov, N1
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2020.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2483) Mikaelyan, A
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
1-0 A04
2020.05.30 Buhmann, R (2580) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
French Tarrasch
0-1 C03
2020.05.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2483) Mikaelyan, A
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.05.30 Steinberg, N (2554) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
French - Exchange
1/2-1/2 C01
2020.06.02 Bortnyk, Olexandr (2598) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
0-1 A45
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2559) Erigaisi, Arjun
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.06.09 Shtembuliak, E (2620) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 9th June
English Agincourt - Exchange
0-1 D35
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2563) Gukesh, D
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Irregular Indian - Moscow
1-0 D38
2020.06.13 Medvegy, Z (2524) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2020.06.13 Guliyev, N (2529) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
French Paulsen - Steinitz (Boleslavsky)
1/2-1/2 C11
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2580) Studer, N
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.16 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2586) Kollars, Dmitrij
Titled Tuesday 16th June
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2020.06.16 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2592) Shevchenko, Kirill
Titled Tuesday 16th June
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.06.16 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2515) Harika, D
Titled Tuesday 16th June
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1/2-1/2 E68
2020.06.23 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2527) Sengupta, D
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
1-0 A04
2020.06.23 Dragnev, Valentin (2553) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
French - Hanham
1-0 C00
2020.06.23 Panarin, M (2562) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 23rd June
French Tarrasch
1/2-1/2 C03
2020.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2489) Caspi, I
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Reti - Improved Lisitsin
0-1 A04
2020.07.07 Ivanisevic, I (2604) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 7th July
English Agincourt - King's Knight
0-1 A13
2020.07.18 Wojtaszek, R (2719) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Benko's opening
1/2-1/2 A00
2020.07.18 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2719) Harikrishna, P
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
King's Pawn
1/2-1/2 C20
2017.04.17 Epishin, V. (2574) vs (2400) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Open 2017
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2017.04.16 Popovic, Du (2523) vs (2400) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Open 2017
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2017.04.16 Keymer, Vincent (2400) vs (2511) Lampert, J.
GRENKE Chess Open 2017
Queen's Gambit Declined
1/2-1/2 D31
2020.07.18 Studer, N (2580) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Queen's Pawn
0-1 D00
2020.07.19 Studer, N (2580) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
Irregular Indian
0-1 E10
2017.04.14 Keymer, Vincent (2400) vs (2610) Bosiocic, Mari
GRENKE Chess Open 2017
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2020.07.25 Studer, N (2580) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Slav - Classical Exchange
0-1 D10
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2580) Studer, N
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Irregular Indian - Moscow
0-1 D38
2020.07.27 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2580) Studer, N
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Nimzo-Indian - Kmoch
1-0 E20
2020.08.04 Salinas Herrera, P (2514) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1/2-1/2 B11
2020.08.04 Maze, S (2557) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2020.08.11 Nguyen, Hong Nhung (1697) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 11th Aug
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
1-0 B12
2020.08.18 Warmerdam, Max (2506) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2020.08.18 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2500) Santiago, Y
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.08.25 Dourerassou, J (2477) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Zagreb)
1/2-1/2 B91
2020.09.01 Vysochin, S (2501) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Caro-Kann - Maroczy
0-1 B12
2020.09.01 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2581) Wagner, De
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Reti Symmetrical - Prague
1-0 D33
2020.09.17 Studer, N (2573) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2020.09.17 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2580) Werle, J
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2020.09.19 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2481) Jakubowski, K
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Queen's Indian Capablanca
1-0 E16
2020.09.20 Smeets, J (2585) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2019.01.16 Chigaev, M (2604) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1/2-1/2 B90
2019.01.27 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2679) Maghsoodloo, Parham
81st Tata Steel GpB
Gruenfeld - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D71
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2557) Hansen, SuB
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2020.10.03 Mikhalevski, V (2560) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2020.10.03 Espinosa Veloz, E (2485) vs (2588) Keymer, Vincent
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
0-1 B90
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2469) Spangenberg, H
Speed Chess Super Swiss
0-1 A04
2018.02.14 Vachier Lagrave, M (2793) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
PRO League Group Stage
1-0 B40
2019.03.18 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2132) Risteski, Emil
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno) - Gruenfeld
1-0 E63
2019.04.07 Predojevic, B (2626) vs (2502) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2018-19
English Agincourt
1/2-1/2 A13
2018.10.22 Artemiev, V (2706) vs (2491) Keymer, Vincent IoM Masters
1-0 B50
2018.10.27 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2701) Gelfand, B IoM Masters
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2018.02.14 Maurizzi, Marc Andria (2018) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
PRO League Group Stage
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B23
2019.01.23 Keymer, Vincent (2500) vs (2687) Kovalev, Vl
81st Tata Steel GpB
English - Kotov (Robatsch)
0-1 A40
2019.01.26 Korobov, A (2699) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
81st Tata Steel GpB
English Agincourt - Exchange
1-0 D35
2019.02.14 Duda, J (2738) vs (2500) Keymer, Vincent
PRO League Group Stage
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2019.03.01 Wojtaszek, R (2749) vs (2502) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2018-19
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D30
2019.03.03 Keymer, Vincent (2502) vs (2692) Saric, Iv
Bundesliga 2018-19
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1/2-1/2 D45
2018.03.30 Keymer, Vincent (2403) vs (2664) Korobov, A
GRENKE Chess Open 2018
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.03.21 Grandelius, N (2694) vs (2509) Keymer, Vincent
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Poisoned Pawn)
1-0 B97
2016.01.06 Keymer, Vincent (2349) vs (2461) Teske, H.
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1/2-1/2 D37
2016.01.05 Kourousis, E. (2408) vs (2349) Keymer, Vincent
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2019.03.24 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2682) Eljanov, P
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
1/2-1/2 E11
2016.01.05 Keymer, Vincent (2349) vs (2572) Vorobiov, E.
28th Staufer-Open 2016
King's Indian
1/2-1/2 E61
2014.11.29 Mueller, Oli (2258) vs (2116) Keymer, Vincent
85th ch-GER 2014
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2014.11.28 Harff, M. (2273) vs (2116) Keymer, Vincent
85th ch-GER 2014
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2014.11.27 Keymer, Vincent (2116) vs (2322) Bodrozic, T.
85th ch-GER 2014
1-0 D10
2014.11.26 Breutigam, M. (2409) vs (2116) Keymer, Vincent
85th ch-GER 2014
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2014.11.25 Keymer, Vincent (2116) vs (2289) Mueller, Reinho
85th ch-GER 2014
Benoni - Hromádka
1-0 A56
2019.04.21 Anand, V (2774) vs (2516) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2019.04.23 Naiditsch, A (2695) vs (2516) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2019.04.26 Aronian, L (2763) vs (2516) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Sicilian Closed
1/2-1/2 B23
2019.04.27 Keymer, Vincent (2516) vs (2735) Svidler, P
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1/2-1/2 E15
2019.04.28 Vachier Lagrave, M (2773) vs (2516) Keymer, Vincent
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Sicilian Alapin
1-0 B22
2019.04.29 Keymer, Vincent (2516) vs (2693) Vallejo Pons, F
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour - Blumenfeld
0-1 A61
2019.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2521) vs (2667) Nisipeanu, LD
German Masters 2019
0-1 E11
2019.10.15 Le Quang Liem (2708) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2014.11.24 Boidman, Y. (2393) vs (2116) Keymer, Vincent
85th ch-GER 2014
0-1 B40
2014.11.23 Keymer, Vincent (2116) vs (2299) Reddmann, H.
85th ch-GER 2014
Nimzo-Indian Classical
0-1 E32
2014.11.22 Poetsch, H. (2498) vs (2116) Keymer, Vincent
85th ch-GER 2014
Sicilian Paulsen
1-0 B42
2014.11.21 Keymer, Vincent (2116) vs (2323) Thiel, T.
85th ch-GER 2014
Slav - Schlechter
1/2-1/2 D80
2016.01.04 Mueller, Constantin (2232) vs (2349) Keymer, Vincent
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Slav - Classical Exchange
0-1 D10
2016.01.04 Arnold, Max (2170) vs (2349) Keymer, Vincent
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Indian Knight
0-1 A46
2016.01.02 Kalinin, Oleksandr (2083) vs (2349) Keymer, Vincent
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Queen's Pawn Closed - Symmetrical
1-0 D04
2016.01.02 Keymer, Vincent (2349) vs (2139) Reschke, T.
28th Staufer-Open 2016
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2019.08.09 Keymer, Vincent (2513) vs (2223) De Francesco, K
17th Spilimbergo Open
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
0-1 E15
2020.01.26 Grandelius, N (2673) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2018.07.21 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (1904) Christensen, Tommy
Xtracon Chess Open 2018
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour
1-0 A61
2019.10.10 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2669) Kryvoruchko, Y
FIDE Grand Swiss
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2019.10.13 Eljanov, P (2663) vs (2506) Keymer, Vincent
FIDE Grand Swiss
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2019.10.14 Keymer, Vincent (2506) vs (2670) Leko, P
FIDE Grand Swiss
Slav - Classical Exchange
1/2-1/2 D10
2020.04.25 Deac, Bogdan-Daniel (2625) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
GER-ROU Online 2020
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.05.05 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2709) Le Quang Liem
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1/2-1/2 E15
2020.05.09 Bluebaum, M (2647) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein
0-1 E46
2020.05.09 Donchenko, Alexa (2646) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
ch-GER Internet 2020
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2020.05.12 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2709) Le Quang Liem
Titled Tuesday 12th May
0-1 A04
2020.05.12 Esipenko, Andrey (2682) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th May
English Agincourt - Exchange
0-1 D35
2020.05.12 Kovalev, Vl (2648) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Sicilian - Slow Sicilian
0-1 B20
2020.05.12 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2647) Bluebaum, M
Titled Tuesday 12th May
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.05.26 Jumabayev, R (2654) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 26th May
0-1 A45
2020.05.26 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2627) Abdusattorov, Nodirbek
Titled Tuesday 26th May
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.05.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2645) Kovalenko, I
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2020.05.31 Sargissian, G (2682) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
European Online KO Final
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.05.31 Kovalev, Vl (2648) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
European Online KO Final
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2020.06.02 Oparin, G (2652) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tues 2nd Jun Final
1-0 A04
2020.06.02 Oparin, G (2652) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tues 2nd Jun Final
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2682) Esipenko, Andrey
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.06.02 Sarana, A (2654) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
0-1 D41
2020.06.02 Korobov, A (2688) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.06.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2685) Matlakov, M
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2688) Korobov, A
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.06.09 Onischuk, V (2633) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 9th June
French - Schlechter
0-1 C01
2020.06.13 Bauer, Ch (2623) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2654) Mamedov, Rau
C'Chartres Blitz Men
0-1 A04
2020.06.13 Firouzja, Alireza (2728) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Indian Knight
1/2-1/2 A46
2020.06.13 Ivanchuk, V (2678) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Reti Gambit - Advance
1-0 A09
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2649) Edouard, R
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2676) Maghsoodloo, Parham
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D31
2020.06.13 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2655) Lagarde, Max
C'Chartres Blitz Men
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Nimzovich
1-0 A40
2020.07.07 Nakamura, Hi (2736) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
1-0 A06
2020.07.07 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2648) Kovalev, Vl
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2019.12.07 Hoenig, A (2200) vs (2518) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2019-20
Old Benoni
0-1 A43
2020.07.18 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2649) Edouard, R
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Queen's Pawn - Chigorin
1-0 D00
2020.07.18 Donchenko, Alexa (2646) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov
1-0 A40
2020.07.18 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2701) Adams, Mi
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Nimzovich - Symmetrical
1-0 A01
2020.07.18 Anton Guijarro, D (2703) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel Chess960 2020
Queen's Pawn
0-1 D00
2020.07.19 Wojtaszek, R (2719) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
English Mikenas - French
1-0 A18
2020.07.19 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2719) Harikrishna, P
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.07.19 Naiditsch, A (2626) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
Queen's Pawn Closed - Symmetrical
0-1 D04
2020.07.19 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2701) Adams, Mi
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2020.07.19 Anton Guijarro, D (2703) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Rapid 2020
Reti Gambit
0-1 A09
2020.07.21 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2703) Anton Guijarro, D
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2020.07.22 Adams, Mi (2701) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2020.07.23 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2626) Naiditsch, A
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2020.07.24 Harikrishna, P (2719) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Semi-Slav Meran
1-0 D47
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2703) Anton Guijarro, D
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Reti - Dutch
0-1 A04
2020.07.25 Anton Guijarro, D (2703) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Reti Zukertort - Mexican
1-0 A06
2020.07.25 Naiditsch, A (2626) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Caro-Kann Exchange - Panov (Botvinnik)
1-0 B13
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2626) Naiditsch, A
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1-0 E11
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2701) Adams, Mi
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.07.25 Adams, Mi (2701) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
1-0 B10
2020.07.25 Wojtaszek, R (2719) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2719) Harikrishna, P
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.07.25 Edouard, R (2649) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.07.25 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2649) Edouard, R
53rd Biel GMT Blitz 2020
1-0 A04
2020.07.28 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2719) Wojtaszek, R
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.07.29 Edouard, R (2649) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
53rd Biel GMT 2020
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B51
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2643) Kuzubov, Y
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.08.04 Sevian, Samuel (2660) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 2pm
English Agincourt - Old Semi-Slav Marshall (Slav Gambit)
1-0 D31
2020.08.04 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2647) Shirov, A
Titled Tue 4th Aug 10am
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2019.12.26 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2119) Sabatier, Mathis
16th Vandoeuvre Open 2019
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.08.25 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2709) Le Quang Liem
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.08.25 Paravyan, D (2653) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2020.08.25 Fedoseev, Vl3 (2678) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 25th Aug
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran (Hastings)
0-1 D43
2020.09.08 Bacrot, E (2673) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Reti Zukertort
1/2-1/2 A06
2020.09.08 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2673) Bacrot, E
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Dutch Indian - Semi-Leningrad
1-0 A81
2020.09.08 Bacrot, E (2673) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2020.09.08 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2673) Bacrot, E
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Gruenfeld
1-0 E69
2020.09.08 Bacrot, E (2673) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
0-1 B10
2020.09.09 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2612) Huschenbeth, N
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Janowski
1-0 D25
2020.09.09 Huschenbeth, N (2612) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Caro-Kann Knight Classical
0-1 B19
2020.09.09 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2612) Huschenbeth, N
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Janowski
1-0 D25
2020.09.09 Huschenbeth, N (2612) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2020.09.09 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2612) Huschenbeth, N
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Janowski
1/2-1/2 D25
2020.09.09 Huschenbeth, N (2612) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B51
2020.09.12 Narayanan, SL (2618) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2020.09.12 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2618) Narayanan, SL
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1-0 D37
2020.09.12 Narayanan, SL (2618) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Caro-Kann - Advance
0-1 B12
2020.09.12 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2618) Narayanan, SL
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
0-1 D37
2020.09.12 Narayanan, SL (2618) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1-0 B90
2020.09.12 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2618) Narayanan, SL
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Irregular Indian - Exchange Deferred
1/2-1/2 D37
2020.09.12 Narayanan, SL (2618) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Chess24 Banter QualD 2020
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
1-0 B11
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1/2-1/2 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Queen's Pawn Zukertort - Chameleon
1-0 D11
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Indian Knight
1/2-1/2 A46
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Nimzo-Indian - Kmoch
0-1 E20
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
0-1 D43
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.14 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2622) Martirosyan, Haik M. Junior Speed
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2020.09.14 Martirosyan, Haik M. (2622) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent Junior Speed
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1-0 D43
2020.09.16 Adams, Mi (2706) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Caro-Kann - Advance
1-0 B12
2020.09.19 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2686) Amin, B
ch-Schachbundesliga 2020
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1/2-1/2 E11
2020.01.12 Smirnov, Ant (2604) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1/2-1/2 B90
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2723) Svidler, P
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Modern - Tartakower
0-1 A41
2020.01.21 Keymer, Vincent (2527) vs (2636) Ganguly, S
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D36
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2660) Sevian, Samuel
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2657) Sarana, A
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2020.01.22 L'Ami, E (2606) vs (2527) Keymer, Vincent
82nd Tata Steel GpB
Queen's Gambit Declined
1/2-1/2 D30
2015.12.11 Bastian, H. (2323) vs (2324) Keymer, Vincent
86th ch-GER 2015
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B25
2015.12.10 Keymer, Vincent (2324) vs (2252) Fuellgrabe, T.
86th ch-GER 2015
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1-0 E11
2015.12.09 Hilverda, A. (2389) vs (2324) Keymer, Vincent
86th ch-GER 2015
Slav Czech - Krause
1-0 D17
2015.12.08 Keymer, Vincent (2324) vs (2435) Carow, J.
86th ch-GER 2015
Gruenfeld Exchange
1/2-1/2 D85
2020.04.18 Zhang, Di (2108) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Candidates FED U16 Online
Reti King's Indian - Yugoslav
1-0 A07
2019.04.20 Keymer, Vincent (2516) vs (2845) Carlsen, M
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Benoni - Fianchetto
0-1 A56
2019.04.22 Keymer, Vincent (2516) vs (2819) Caruana, F
GRENKE Chess Classic 2019
Bogo-Indian - Nimzovich
0-1 E11
2020.05.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2137) Eilenberg, Jonas
ch-GER Internet 2020
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.05.26 Tanaka, Taira Tyler (2106) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 26th May
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2015.12.07 Zude, E. (2393) vs (2324) Keymer, Vincent
86th ch-GER 2015
English Anglo-Slav
1/2-1/2 A11
2015.12.06 Keymer, Vincent (2324) vs (2204) Dorst, J.
86th ch-GER 2015
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1-0 A58
2020.05.29 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2193) Klimkowski, Jan
Euro Online +2300 Day 1
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno) - King's Fianchetto
1-0 E63
2015.12.05 Stern, R. (2539) vs (2324) Keymer, Vincent
86th ch-GER 2015
1-0 E20
2015.12.04 Keymer, Vincent (2324) vs (2192) Zuferi, E.
86th ch-GER 2015
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2015.12.03 Groeger, Stefan (2087) vs (2324) Keymer, Vincent
86th ch-GER 2015
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E32
2020.05.30 Tobak, Mikhail (2067) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Euro Online +2300 Day 2
French - Hanham
0-1 C00
2020.05.05 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2764) Giri, A
Titled Tuesday 5th May
Reti Zukertort
0-1 A06
2020.06.02 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2835) Caruana, F
Titled Tuesday 2nd June
Reti - Wade
1-0 A04
2020.07.07 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2777) Grischuk, A
Titled Tuesday 7th July
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.06.09 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2183) Palchuk, Andrii
Titled Tuesday 9th June
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2020.08.18 Grischuk, A (2777) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 18th Aug
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2020.06.16 Markidis, K (2148) vs (2558) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 16th June
French Advance - Paulsen
1/2-1/2 C02
2019.03.19 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2635) Lysyj, I
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2020.06.30 Keymer, Vincent (2558) vs (2185) Hoffmann, As
Titled Tuesday 30th June
Reti - Wade
1-0 A04
2019.05.30 Buhmann, R (2573) vs (2521) Keymer, Vincent
German Masters 2019
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1/2-1/2 B90
2020.08.11 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2151) Mahajan, Rushaan
Titled Tue 11th Aug
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2017.01.06 Fieberg, Samuel (2191) vs (2428) Keymer, Vincent
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Zagreb)
0-1 B91
2017.01.05 Keymer, Vincent (2428) vs (2240) Hecht, C.
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Gruenfeld Classical - Stockholm
0-1 D80
2017.01.05 Burmakin, V. (2526) vs (2428) Keymer, Vincent
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2017.01.04 Keymer, Vincent (2428) vs (2319) Wichmann, C.
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2017.01.04 Kersten, U. (2280) vs (2428) Keymer, Vincent
29th Staufer-Open 2017
0-1 B40
2017.01.03 Keymer, Vincent (2428) vs (2104) Richter, Gera
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Queen's Indian Fianchetto
1-0 E15
2017.01.03 Keymer, Vincent (2428) vs (2042) Staufenberger, B.
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Gruenfeld Classical - Stockholm
1-0 D80
2017.01.02 Schneider, Br (2070) vs (2428) Keymer, Vincent
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Sicilian Alapin
0-1 B22
2020.09.01 Markidis, K (2181) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
Caro-Kann - Two Knights
0-1 B11
2017.01.02 Jansen, Dirk Norbert (2166) vs (2428) Keymer, Vincent
29th Staufer-Open 2017
Sicilian Paulsen
1-0 B43
2015.11.05 Liang, Awonder (2365) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Spanish Breyer - Borisenko
1-0 C95
2015.11.04 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2432) Abdusattorov, Nodirb
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2015.11.03 Geshko, Aleksey (1976) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
0-1 B40
2019.07.24 Keymer, Vincent (2513) vs (2592) Petrosyan, M
52nd Biel Master Open
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2015.11.02 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2046) Vettese, Nicholas
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Bogo-Indian - Gruenfeld
1-0 E11
2015.11.01 Yang, Kevin S (1904) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E32
2015.10.31 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (1956) Kacharava, Nikolozi
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Queen's Gambit Declined Ragozin
1-0 D38
2015.10.29 Budisavljevic, Luka (2093) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Indian Knight - Rubinstein
1-0 A46
2015.10.28 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (2065) Gines Esteo, Pedro A
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Slav Alapin - Soultanbeiev
1/2-1/2 D16
2015.10.27 Wang, Wesley (2032) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Sicilian Center Game - Smith-Morra
0-1 B21
2020.10.03 Keymer, Vincent (2588) vs (2071) Zia, Tahsin Tajwar
Speed Chess Super Swiss
Reti Gambit
1-0 A09
2018.01.03 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2485) Lin Chen
14th Vandoeuvre Open 2018
Slav Two Knights - Chameleon
1/2-1/2 D11
2018.01.04 Kevlishvili, Robby (2451) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
14th Vandoeuvre Open 2018
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Lipnitsky
1-0 B90
2015.10.26 Keymer, Vincent (2347) vs (1965) Huang, Andy
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2015.10.25 Nilsen, Tobias Lang (1779) vs (2347) Keymer, Vincent
World Youth Boys U12 2015
Nimzo-Indian Classical
0-1 E32
2018.02.24 Maiwald, JU (2452) vs (2413) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2017-18
0-1 B20
2018.02.25 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2423) Lauber, A
Bundesliga 2017-18
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
0-1 A58
2018.03.11 Heinemann, T (2484) vs (2413) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2017-18
1/2-1/2 B40
2018.04.30 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2402) Raykhman, A
Bundesliga 2017-18
English - Snake
1/2-1/2 A10
2016.12.18 Wagner, De (2548) vs (2415) Keymer, Vincent
13th Vandoeuvre Open 2016
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2018.07.12 Buckels, Valentin (2353) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
European Youth U18 Teams
Reti King's Indian
0-1 A07
2018.07.13 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2350) Bronstein, Or
European Youth U18 Teams
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D41
2018.07.15 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2327) Subelj, Jan
European Youth U18 Teams
English Agincourt
0-1 A13
2018.07.17 Keymer, Vincent (2466) vs (2337) Banzea, Alexandru-Bogdan
European Youth U18 Teams
Gruenfeld - Exchange
1-0 D71
2018.07.18 Blohberger, Felix (2420) vs (2466) Keymer, Vincent
European Youth U18 Teams
Sicilian Moscow
0-1 B51
2018.08.21 Bofill Mas, A (2323) vs (2493) Keymer, Vincent
20th Sants Open 2018
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2018.08.25 Keymer, Vincent (2493) vs (2389) Veinberg, N
20th Sants Open 2018
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2017.12.10 Werle, J. (2526) vs (2413) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2017-18
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2017.12.09 Keymer, Vincent (2413) vs (2477) Saltaev, M.
Bundesliga 2017-18
Queen's Gambit Declined - Classical (Fianchetto)
1-0 D37
2018.10.23 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2345) Arakhamia-Grant, K IoM Masters
Gruenfeld - Gruenfeld
1-0 E60
2018.10.25 Keymer, Vincent (2491) vs (2380) Hoefelsauer, T IoM Masters
1-0 D10
2018.12.15 Garcia Ramos, Daniel (2304) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1/2-1/2 B90
2018.12.16 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2302) Bobadilla Viera, Jorge Samuel
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2018.12.18 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2336) Lillo Castay, V
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Reti Zukertort
1-0 A06
2018.12.19 Krishna Teja, N (2340) vs (2508) Keymer, Vincent
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Tarrasch - Exchange
1-0 D41
2016.11.27 Hilzinger, M. (2133) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
English Anglo-Slav
0-1 A11
2018.12.20 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2346) O'Donnell, Conor
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
English Agincourt - King's Knight
1-0 A13
2016.11.27 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2590) Kunin, V.
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2016.11.26 Henrich, T. (2221) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Slav - Classical Exchange
0-1 D10
2016.11.26 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2559) Sumets, A.
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Semi-Slav - Alekhine
0-1 D45
2016.11.25 Olsen, Filip Boe (2136) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Slav Czech - Krause
0-1 D17
2018.12.22 Keymer, Vincent (2508) vs (2258) Solozhenkina, Elizaveta
Sunway Sitges Open 2018
Reti Symmetrical
1-0 A05
2016.11.25 Keymer, Vincent (2419) vs (2080) Poghosyan, Tigran
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Gruenfeld Classical - Stockholm
1-0 D80
2016.11.24 Sanati, Charlotte (1961) vs (2419) Keymer, Vincent
Heusenstamm Schloss Open
Slav Dutch
0-1 D18
2017.11.25 Zarubitski, Viachasl (2344) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
0-1 B90
2019.03.22 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2384) Badelka, Olga
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1-0 D25
2020.08.04 Goryachkina, A (2582) vs (2568) Keymer, Vincent
Titled Tue 4th Aug 10am
Caro-Kann Exchange
1/2-1/2 B13
2019.03.29 Keymer, Vincent (2509) vs (2347) Pogosyan, Stefan
20th ch-EUR Indiv 2019
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2020.09.01 Keymer, Vincent (2568) vs (2328) Gabdrakhmanov, Azat
Titled Tuesday 1st Sept
1/2-1/2 A04
2017.11.24 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2321) Xu, Yining
World Junior Open 2017
Dutch Queen's Knight - Krause
1/2-1/2 A85
2017.11.22 Sanal, V. (2557) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2017.11.21 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2306) Sukovic, Andrej
World Junior Open 2017
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno)
1-0 E63
2017.11.20 Vaibhav, S. (2560) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2017.11.19 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2322) Brazdzionis, A.
World Junior Open 2017
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2017.11.17 Signorelli, Gaetano (2193) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
Sicilian Paulsen
1/2-1/2 B43
2017.11.16 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2567) Donchenko, Alexa
World Junior Open 2017
0-1 A41
2017.11.15 Silva, David (2285) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
0-1 B40
2017.11.14 Keymer, Vincent (2405) vs (2543) Xu, Xiangyu
World Junior Open 2017
Reti Zukertort - Schlechter
0-1 D90
2017.11.13 Zenari, Marco (1997) vs (2405) Keymer, Vincent
World Junior Open 2017
Sicilian Paulsen
0-1 B43
2016.10.30 Keymer, Vincent (2402) vs (1909) Amartuvshin, Ganzori
World Cadets U12 2016
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2016.10.29 Avila Pavas, Santiag (2154) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
Queen's Pawn - Mason
1/2-1/2 D00
2016.10.28 Keymer, Vincent (2402) vs (2324) Nihal, Sarin
World Cadets U12 2016
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1/2-1/2 A40
2016.10.27 Praggnanandhaa, R. (2442) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2016.10.26 Skatchkov, Valery (2104) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
0-1 D10
2018.01.25 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2167) Makka, I
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2016.10.24 Keymer, Vincent (2402) vs (2040) Petkov, Momchil
World Cadets U12 2016
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1-0 A58
2018.01.27 Keymer, Vincent (2408) vs (2191) Bendayan Claros, A
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2018.01.28 Gonzalez Gonzalez, A (2192) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
Gibraltar Masters 2018
Queen's Pawn
0-1 D00
2018.02.01 Bopp, T (2154) vs (2408) Keymer, Vincent
Gibraltar Masters 2018
1-0 A45
2016.10.23 Hong, Andrew Z (2296) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Adams
1-0 B90
2016.10.22 Keymer, Vincent (2402) vs (2084) Huang, Renjie
World Cadets U12 2016
1-0 D45
2016.10.21 Babazada, Khazar (2092) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B24
2016.10.20 Keymer, Vincent (2402) vs (2014) Sargsyan, Sargis Vac
World Cadets U12 2016
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
1-0 E15
2016.10.19 Ilyasli, Ughur (1831) vs (2402) Keymer, Vincent
World Cadets U12 2016
Sicilian - Snyder
0-1 B20
2019.11.23 Moehn, H (2370) vs (2518) Keymer, Vincent
Bundesliga 2019-20
Reti King's Indian
1/2-1/2 A07
2018.05.09 Winterholler, Christina (2044) vs (2443) Keymer, Vincent
1st Bamberg Open 2018
Sicilian Center Game - Smith-Morra
0-1 B21
2018.05.10 Keymer, Vincent (2443) vs (2127) Link, O
1st Bamberg Open 2018
Old Indian
1-0 A53
2014.04.26 Keymer, Vincent (2014) vs (2074) Buckels, Valentin
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
English Sicilian
1-0 A20
2014.04.26 Humburg, Philipp (2088) vs (2014) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
1-0 B40
2014.04.25 Keymer, Vincent (2014) vs (2103) Werner, Di
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
Philidor - Hanham (Schlechter)
0-1 C41
2014.04.25 Neelotpal, D. (2428) vs (2014) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D30
2014.04.24 Keymer, Vincent (2014) vs (2256) Rolle, E.
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
Modern Benoni King's Pawn
1-0 A65
2014.04.24 Manigk, S. (2218) vs (2014) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
Queen's Gambit Declined
1/2-1/2 D30
2014.04.23 Keymer, Vincent (2014) vs (2116) Hahn, F.
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1-0 E32
2014.04.23 Ruppert, W. (2136) vs (2014) Keymer, Vincent
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
1/2-1/2 B40
2014.04.22 Keymer, Vincent (2014) vs (2310) Yankelevich, L.
2nd Hofheim Spring Open 2014
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81

Vincent Keymer, PGN chess games