Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray Chess Games

Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 02:21:05 GMT+2
Player's activity: OFF
Player's name: Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray (PER) PER
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 20 years old (born in 2005)
Fide ID: 3843955 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1429
Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray Chess Games: 0
1428 (Rapid)
0 (Blitz)

Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Charts


Activity chart

Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2022-02-12 to 2022-02-13 CAMPEONATO REGIONAL JUVENIL CENTRO NORTE - CHANCAY 2022 SUB 18 ABS Peru 6 7 [-1] 1131
2021-12-17 to 2021-12-17 Torneo Navideño Peru 13 14 [-1] 1035
2021-10-16 to 2021-10-16 Campeonato Regional Escolar Centro Norte - sub 17 absoluto Peru 5 4 [+1] 1317
2020-01-18 to 2020-01-18 II Torneo de Rapidas de Huaral Peru 11 12 [-1] 1193
2019-12-15 to 2019-12-15 I CAMPEONATO REGIONAL DE AJEDREZ - MALA - SUB 17 Peru 9 11 [-2] 1215
2019-02-01 to 2019-02-03 CAMPEONATO REGIONAL JUVENIL CENTRO NORTE - Sub 14 ABSOLUTO Peru 5 5 [0] 1152
2019-03-17 to 2019-03-17 I IRT de Rápidas 10° Aniversario de la Escuela Municipal del Deporte de Huaral Peru 53 43 [+10] 1333
2019-08-24 to 2019-08-24 Campeonato Regional Centro Norte Blitz Peru 18 19 [-1] 1464
2019-08-17 to 2019-08-17 Torneo Selectivo Escolar de Huaral - Categoría sub 17 Peru 2 3 [-1] 1303
2019-08-23 to 2019-08-25 Campeonato Regional Escolar Centro Norte Sub 15 Absoluto Peru 6 6 [0] 1326
2018-10-26 to 2018-10-26 Torneo Relampago de ajedrez Confraternidad - Avanzado Peru 3 6 [-3] 1079
2018-11-25 to 2018-11-25 Torneo Cierre Escuela Deportiva Chancay 2018 - Categoría Libre Peru 6 6 [0] 1200
2018-01-06 to 2018-01-06 Torneo Selectivo Juvenil de Huaral 2018 Peru 7 7 [0] 1301
2017-11-18 to 2017-11-19 III TORNEO NACIONAL DE AJEDREZ ESCOLAR META 29 HUACHO - GRUPO JUVENILES Peru 10 17 [-7] 1109
2018-07-13 to 2018-07-13 CAMPEONATO REGIONAL ESCOLAR CENTRO NORTE - Categoría Sub 13 Absoluto Peru 4 3 [+1] 1207
2018-11-10 to 2018-11-11 Copa Alas Peruanas Premier Peru 112 89 [+23] 1157
2018-11-05 to 2018-11-05 Circuito Juvenil de Ajedrez - Sede Huaral Peru 3 2 [+1] 1388
2017-12-10 to 2017-12-10 I Festival Interdistrital de Ajedrez Meta 29 Ciudad de Huaral - Sub 12 Peru 6 6 [0] 1208
2017-07-29 to 2017-07-29 Torneo Fiestas Patrias 2017 - Sub 12 Peru 4 5 [-1] 1144
2017-04-13 to 2017-04-16 I IRT Ciudad de Huaral - Sub 2200 Peru 61 54 [+7] 1160

Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Chess Games

Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Chess Games

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Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray - Other possible chess games

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Deyvid Jhordy Rapray Rapray, PGN chess games

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