Lastra Alejandra Sanchez Chess Games

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 12:03:56 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Lastra Alejandra Sanchez (MEX) MEX
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 19 years old (born in 2006)
Fide ID: 5153654 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved:
Lastra Alejandra Sanchez Chess Games: 4
0 (Rapid)
0 (Blitz)

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Charts


Activity chart

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2021-05-07 to 2021-05-09 JUEGOS NACIONALES CONADE TABASCO ETAPA CERRADA - U16 F Mexico 6 6 [0] 0

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Chess Games

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Chess Games

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Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2019.02.17 SANCHEZ LASTRA , Alejandra (1102) vs (1136) CAMAS SANTAMARIA , Maria Luz
Olimpiada Estatal Tabasco 2019
Queen's Pawn Zukertort - Catalan
0-1 D02
2019.02.16 SANCHEZ LASTRA , Alejandra (1102) vs (1134) LIEWALD SUAREZ, Agatha Adaluz
Olimpiada Estatal Tabasco 2019
Indian East Przepiorka
1-0 A49
2019.02.16 SANCHEZ GARCIA , Barbara Estefania (1204) vs (1102) SANCHEZ LASTRA , Alejandra
Olimpiada Estatal Tabasco 2019
Sicilian Center Game
1-0 B21
2019.02.16 RODRIGUEZ ALBERTO , Lisseth Ariadna (1213) vs (1102) SANCHEZ LASTRA , Alejandra
Olimpiada Estatal Tabasco 2019
Italian - Pianissimo
1-0 C50

Lastra Alejandra Sanchez - Other possible chess games

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Lastra Alejandra Sanchez, PGN chess games