Bogdan Ciobanu Chess Games

Bogdan Ciobanu - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 02/09/2023 12:42:39 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Bogdan Ciobanu (ROU) ROU
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 55 years old (born in 1969)
Fide ID: 1269259 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1952
Bogdan Ciobanu Chess Games: 13

Bogdan Ciobanu - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Bogdan Ciobanu - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-05-26 to 2023-05-28 Cupa Pascaniului editia a XV-a Romania 14 22 [-8] 1688
2023-04-29 to 2023-04-30 Grand Prix Bucuresti - Campionatul International de sah rapid al Romaniei Romania 155 188 [-33] 1828
2022-11-03 to 2022-11-06 Cupa Iasului - Margareta Perevoznic Romania 12 25 [-13] 1445
2022-07-22 to 2022-07-24 Cupa Pascaniului Ed a XIV-a Romania 10 13 [-3] 1740
2022-06-14 to 2022-06-22 TROFEUL LITORALULUI -ed.XXXI- Eforie Nord - A- Open Romania 26 49 [-23] 1618
2022-06-14 to 2022-06-22 TROFEUL LITORALULUI -ed.XXXI- Eforie Nord - A- Open Romania 25 25 [0] 0
2022-02-20 to 2022-02-27 Campionatele Nationale ale Romaniei - Open Romania 54 67 [-13] 1294
2022-01-16 to 2021-01-16 One chess challenge - ediția a VI-a (Duminica 16 ianuarie 2022, ora 11.00) Romania 9 8 [+1] 1865
2021-12-10 to 2021-12-11 Campionatul National de Sah Rapid Open - 2021 Romania 53 56 [-3] 1733
2021-12-04 to 2021-12-04 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.22 Romania 6 13 [-7] 1714
2021-11-20 to 2021-11-20 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.21 (sâmbătă 20 noiembrie 2021, ora 17.00) Romania 6 15 [-9] 1679
2021-09-05 to 2021-09-05 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.20 (5 septembrie 2021) Blitz omologat FIDE Romania 14 8 [+6] 2013
2021-10-14 to 2021-10-17 Trofeul Cetatii Deva, editia 31 - Open A, Tindand cont de evolutia situatiei epidemiologice, va informam concursul de sah va fi anulat! Romania 11 11 [0] 0
2021-06-26 to 2021-07-03 TROFEUL LITORALULUI - ed. XXX - Eforie Nord - OPEN Romania 37 46 [-9] 1768
2021-06-26 to 2021-07-04 TROFEUL LITORALULUI-ed.XXX- Eforie Nord-OPEN Romania 38 38 [0] 0
2021-04-01 to 2021-04-04 CUPA PRIMAVERII POIANA TAPULUI OPEN 01- 04 APRILIE 2021 Romania 5 7 [-2] 2046
2020-08-22 to 2020-08-22 Memorialul Paul Segheato - ed. a IV-a Sah Rapid omologat FIDE Romania 5 4 [+1] 1833
2019-11-12 to 2019-11-23 World Senior Chess Championship 2019 - M50 Romania 113 55 [+58] 2141
2019-06-17 to 2019-06-26 TROFEUL LITORALULUI - Open - editia a XXIX-a Romania 36 30 [+6] 1881
2019-01-05 to 2019-01-13 First Saturday - Bucharest C1 + C2 - combinat Romania 5 3 [+2] 1903
2019-06-01 to 2019-06-01 Cupa Orasului Comarnic - editia a VIIa - 1 iunie 2019 Romania 9 11 [-2] 1612
2019-01-05 to 2019-01-11 First Saturday - Bucharest C1 - U2200 Romania 5 2 [+3] 1888
2019-06-01 to 2019-06-01 Cupa Orasului Comarnic - editia a VIIa - 1 iunie 2019 Romania 9 11 [-2] 1612
2019-09-01 to 2019-09-01 One chess challenge Romania 25 30 [-5] 1867
2019-02-12 to 2019-02-20 CAMPIONATUL NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL SEMIFINALA BUCURESTI Romania 19 19 [0] 1762
2018-12-15 to 2018-12-15 Open Bucuresti Centenar Sah Rapid Romania 14 23 [-9] 1838
2018-06-23 to 2018-06-30 FISCA 2018 - D - open Mesele 41-80 se joaca la RIO (langa Delta) Romania 72 60 [+12] 1944
2018-06-10 to 2018-06-10 Memorialul Paul Segheato - editia a II-a Romania 15 10 [+5] 1883
2018-09-24 to 2018-09-30 Campionatul National de sah AMATORI elo sub 2000 - 24-30 septembrie 2018 Romania 2 5 [-3] 1631
2017-08-14 to 2017-08-19 TROFEUL CARPATI - OPEN Romania 15 23 [-8] 1609
2017-06-19 to 2017-06-28 Festivalul International de Sah "Trofeul Litoralului", - 2017 - Turneul A The Seacost Trophy - Open - 27th edition Romania 45 62 [-17] 1909
2017-01-06 to 2017-01-15 Semifinala CN seniori 2017 - Bucuresti Romania 20 26 [-6] 1906

Bogdan Ciobanu - Chess Games

Bogdan Ciobanu - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Bogdan Ciobanu - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2022.02.22 Ciobanu,Bogdan (1933) vs (2064) Popescu,Daniel-Vasilica
ch-ROU 2022
Benko Gambit
0-1 A57
2022.02.21 Creanga,Robert-Ionut (2115) vs (1933) Ciobanu,Bogdan
ch-ROU 2022
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2022.02.20 Manea,Al (2355) vs (1933) Ciobanu,Bogdan
ch-ROU 2022
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2019.11.22 Kostiukov, A (2289) vs (1857) Ciobanu, Bogdan
World Senior 50+ 2019
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B52
2019.11.16 Ciobanu, Bogdan (1857) vs (2139) Holst, C
World Senior 50+ 2019
1/2-1/2 E11
2019.11.20 Jhunjhnuwala, N (2120) vs (1857) Ciobanu, Bogdan
World Senior 50+ 2019
Irregular Indian - Neo-Orthodox (Anti-Tartakower)
1/2-1/2 D55
2019.11.13 Mitrandzas, A (2065) vs (1857) Ciobanu, Bogdan
World Senior 50+ 2019
English Agincourt
1/2-1/2 A13
2019.11.14 Ciobanu, Bogdan (1857) vs (2046) Cetinkaya, V
World Senior 50+ 2019
Semi-Slav - Anti-Meran
1/2-1/2 D43
2019.11.15 Brown, Ste (1991) vs (1857) Ciobanu, Bogdan
World Senior 50+ 2019
0-1 A45
2019.11.19 Ciobanu, Bogdan (1857) vs (1953) Craciun, O
World Senior 50+ 2019
King's Indian Classical - Kazakh
1-0 E91
2019.11.12 Ciobanu, Bogdan (1857) vs (2196) Matthews, S
World Senior 50+ 2019
Old Indian Ukrainian (Two Knights)
0-1 A55
2019.11.18 Smolin, S1 (2103) vs (1857) Ciobanu, Bogdan
World Senior 50+ 2019
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2019.11.21 Ciobanu, Bogdan (1857) vs (2147) Zworestine, C
World Senior 50+ 2019
Dutch Ilyin-Genevsky - Winter
1-0 A97

Bogdan Ciobanu, PGN chess games