Matei-Andrei Coicev Chess Games

Matei-Andrei Coicev - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 02/09/2023 01:12:33 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Matei-Andrei Coicev (ROU) ROU
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 15 years old (born in 2009)
Fide ID: 1279688 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2230
Matei-Andrei Coicev Chess Games: 0

Matei-Andrei Coicev - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Matei-Andrei Coicev - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-08-05 to 2023-08-06 Timisoara Grand Prix Rapid - Memorialul Cristina Foisor Romania 122 89 [+33] 1980
2023-05-21 to 2023-05-21 Blitzul de la ora cinci, ed.39 (Duminica 21 mai 2023, ora 17.00) Romania 7 3 [+4] 2059
2023-07-16 to 2023-07-22 Romania Grand Prix Brasov - FIDE Circuit 2023 Romania 87 62 [+25] 1928
2023-05-13 to 2023-05-14 ONSS Faza Nationala SIBIU - Gimnaziu Baieti Romania 5 6 [-1] 1864
2023-04-29 to 2023-04-30 Grand Prix Bucuresti - Campionatul International de sah rapid al Romaniei Romania 113 90 [+23] 1942
2023-04-22 to 2023-04-23 Campionatul Capitalei de Sah Rapid 2023 - 22-23 Aprilie Romania 12 18 [-6] 1732
2023-04-03 to 2023-04-10 Campionatele Nationale ale Romaniei pentru Copii si Juniori Open 14 ani Clasic Romania 1 1 [0] 1996
2023-02-19 to 2023-02-26 Campionatul National Individual al Romaniei pe anul 2023 - Open Romania 52 43 [+9] 2106
2023-02-11 to 2023-02-11 Campionatul Capitalei de Juniori Sah Rapid U14 Romania 1 3 [-2] 1432
2023-02-11 to 2023-02-12 Campionatul Capitalei de Juniori Sah Rapid U14 Romania 1 1 [0] 0
2023-02-12 to 2023-02-12 Campionatul Capitalei de Juniori Sah Blitz U14 Romania 1 1 [0] 0
2023-01-08 to 2023-01-08 Blitzul de la ora cinci, ed.35 (8 ianuarie 2023, ora 17.00) Romania 10 9 [+1] 2002
2023-01-06 to 2023-01-08 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 51 (06-08 ianuarie 2023) Sah Clasic Elo<2400 Romania 11 4 [+7] 2047
2022-12-03 to 2022-12-03 Campionatul National de sah rapid pe echipe, open, Sebes 3 decembrie 2022 Romania 90 11 [+79] 2090
2022-11-27 to 2022-11-29 Divizia B Seria Recalificari 2022 Romania 7 13 [-6] 1755
2022-12-02 to 2022-12-02 Openul International al Romaniei la sah rapid, Sebes 2 decembrie 2022 Romania 53 41 [+12] 2055
2022-10-09 to 2022-10-09 Blitzul de la ora cinci, ed.32 (09 octombrie 2022, ora 17.00) Romania 12 8 [+4] 1887
2022-10-07 to 2022-10-09 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 50 Romania 8 7 [+1] 1983
2022-08-20 to 2022-08-28 Grand Prix Romania - etapa 3 (jucatori Elo mai mare sau egal 2200 si invitati) Romania 64 60 [+4] 2163
2022-07-30 to 2022-07-30 Festivalul International de Sah al Brasovului Blitz - 30.07.2022, ora 10.00 Romania 11 5 [+6] 1660
2022-09-06 to 2022-09-16 World Youth Chess Championships 2022 - Open 14 Romania 34 101 [-67] 1706
2022-07-17 to 2022-07-17 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.28 Romania 10 16 [-6] 1773
2022-07-24 to 2022-07-31 Festivalul International de Sah al Brasovului, Ed. a VI-a-Turneul A, ELO>1800 Romania 19 35 [-16] 1929
2022-08-08 to 2022-08-14 15th Arad Open - Festivalul International de Sah Arad Romania 18 11 [+7] 2143
2022-07-15 to 2022-07-17 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 48 Romania 5 3 [+2] 1990
2022-06-04 to 2022-06-11 Grand Prix Romania - 2nd leg Romania 45 37 [+8] 2173
2022-05-19 to 2022-05-22 Campionatul Capitalei 2022 Romania 6 7 [-1] 2001
2022-05-15 to 2022-05-15 Blitzul de la ora cinci - ed.26 (15.05.2022) Elo Blitz la World Trade Center Bucuresti Romania 8 10 [-2] 1900
2022-05-13 to 2022-05-15 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 46 Romania 9 3 [+6] 1844
2022-04-20 to 2022-04-20 Campionatele Nationale ale Romaniei pentru Copii si Juniori - Open 14 ani blitz Romania 4 14 [-10] 1615
2022-05-07 to 2022-05-08 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Editia a IV a - 7-8 mai 2022 - Turneul A - OPEN Sah clasic Romania 5 3 [+2] 2051
2022-04-30 to 2022-05-01 Super Chess Rapid Romania 96 51 [+45] 2040
2022-04-11 to 2022-04-18 Campionatele Nationale ale Romaniei pentru Copii si Juniori - Open 14 ani Clasic Romania 5 6 [-1] 2019
2022-03-13 to 2022-03-13 Campionatul National de Blitz - OPEN Romania 58 52 [+6] 1995
2022-03-11 to 2022-03-12 Campionatul National de Sah Rapid - OPEN Romania 60 46 [+14] 1808
2022-02-20 to 2022-02-27 Campionatele Nationale ale Romaniei - Open Romania 49 47 [+2] 1925
2022-04-03 to 2022-02-06 Blitzul de la ora cinci, ed.25 (03 aprilie, ora 16.30) Romania 8 8 [0] 0
2022-01-16 to 2021-01-16 One chess challenge - ediția a VI-a (Duminica 16 ianuarie 2022, ora 11.00) Romania 10 25 [-15] 1434
2022-01-22 to 2022-01-23 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a V a - 22-23 ianuarie 2022 Turneul A - OPEN - ELO<2400, sah clasic Romania 6 7 [-1] 1799
2022-01-09 to 2021-12-29 Blitzul de la ora cinci, ed.24 (9 ianuarie 2022) Romania 5 5 [0] 0
2022-01-07 to 2022-01-09 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 44 (7-9 ianuarie 2022) Elo<2400 Romania 9 4 [+5] 1975
2021-12-10 to 2021-12-11 Campionatul National de Sah Rapid Open - 2021 Romania 69 51 [+18] 2118
2021-12-12 to 2021-12-12 Campionatul National de Sah Blitz Open - 2021 Romania 60 30 [+30] 1936
2021-12-10 to 2021-12-10 Campionatul National de Sah Dezlegari Open - 2021 Romania 24 24 [0] 0
2021-11-20 to 2021-11-20 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.21 (sâmbătă 20 noiembrie 2021, ora 17.00) Romania 16 4 [+12] 1739
2021-12-03 to 2021-12-05 European Online Rapid School Championships - U13 Ecuador 2 4 [-2] 1939
2021-11-19 to 2021-11-21 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 41 (19-21 noiembrie 2021) Sah Clasic elo<2200 Romania 6 16 [-10] 1797
2021-11-07 to 2021-10-31 Memorialul Victor Tacu ed. a V-a, Sah Rapid , 7 noiembrie 2021 Romania 20 21 [-1] 1661
2021-07-24 to 2021-11-20 Campionatul National pe echipe - Divizia B - Bucuresti Romania 40 21 [+19] 0
2021-09-03 to 2021-09-05 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean ed.40 (03-05 septembrie 2021) Sah Clasic elo<2200 Romania 3 9 [-6] 1820
2021-08-14 to 2021-08-14 One chess challenge editia a IV-a - Sah Rapid omologat FIDE (14 august 2021) 10min +12sec / jucator World Trade Center Bucuresti, sala New York Romania 27 5 [+22] 1983
2021-08-01 to 2021-08-01 14th Arad International Chess Open - BLITZ Romania 36 24 [+12] 1924
2021-07-30 to 2021-08-06 14th Arad International Chess Open - Arad Open ULTIMA RUNDA DE LA ORA 9.00!!! Romania 49 31 [+18] 2108
2021-07-13 to 2021-07-18 Campionatele Nationale de sah pe echipe juniori U12-SAH CLASIC-Iasi Romania 21 2 [+19] 1819
2021-07-04 to 2021-07-04 Blitzul de la ora cinci - ed.18, 04 iulie 2021 Romania 16 13 [+3] 1654
2021-07-02 to 2021-07-04 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 38 - Sah Clasic Elo<2200 - 02-04 iulie 2021 Romania 6 2 [+4] 1847
2021-06-12 to 2021-06-12 CN echipe sah rapid 2021 - masculin (open) Romania 21 38 [-17] 1837
2021-06-12 to 2021-06-12 Campionatul National de șah rapid și blitz pe echipe -Masculin Romania 30 30 [0] 0
2021-06-05 to 2021-06-06 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Editia a III a - Turneul A - OPEN - 5-6 iunie 2021, sah clasic Romania 10 3 [+7] 2009
2021-06-23 to 2021-06-30 FISCA 2021 - Turneul D (Open) Romania 32 14 [+18] 1905
2021-05-12 to 2021-05-12 Campionatul national de sah pentru copii 2021 - baieti 12 ani BLITZ Romania 1 1 [0] 1587
2021-05-11 to 2021-05-11 Campionatul national de sah pentru copii 2021 - baieti 12 ani SAH RAPID Romania 2 1 [+1] 1687
2021-05-05 to 2021-05-05 Campionatul National individual copii - dezlegari - baieti 12 ani ORA 17.30 Romania 1 1 [0] 0
2021-05-05 to 2021-05-10 Campionatul national de sah pentru copii 2021 - baieti 12 ani Romania 1 1 [0] 1685
2021-05-29 to 2021-05-29 CUPA 1 IUNIE POIANA TAPULUI BLITZ ultima inscriere pe 29.05.2021 la ora 15.00! Romania 10 7 [+3] 1643
2021-05-28 to 2021-05-31 CAMPIONATUL NATIONAL DE AMATORI CU ELO SUB 2000 Romania 6 2 [+4] 1975
2021-04-18 to 2021-04-18 Memorialul Paul Segheato ed. a V-a Romania 11 12 [-1] 1885
2021-02-28 to 2021-02-28 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.15 (28 februarie 2021) Hotel Marshal Garden***** Romania 14 11 [+3] 1797
2021-02-26 to 2021-02-28 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 35 (26-28 februarie 2021) Hotel Marshal Garden***** Romania 7 6 [+1] 1770
2021-02-19 to 2021-02-21 SEMIFINALA CAMPIONATULUI NATIONAL SENIORI 19-21.02.2021 BUCURESTI Romania 2 6 [-4] 1843
2021-03-04 to 2021-03-07 CUPA MARTISORULUI OPEN 04 - 07 MARTIE 2021 Romania 3 2 [+1] 1920
2021-02-07 to 2021-01-24 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.14 - In Memoriam Serban Neamtu Romania 14 7 [+7] 1824
2021-02-05 to 2021-02-07 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 34 - In Memoriam Serban Neamtu - Romania 12 19 [-7] 1817
2021-01-21 to 2021-01-24 CUPA UNIRII OPEN 21.01- 24.01.2021 Romania 3 1 [+2] 1873
2021-01-17 to 2021-01-17 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed. a XIII-a Elo Blitz Romania 24 11 [+13] 1852
2021-01-15 to 2021-01-17 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 33 Romania 15 26 [-11] 1966
2020-12-20 to 2020-12-20 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed.a XII-a la Hotel Marshal Garden***** Romania 30 21 [+9] 1753
2020-12-18 to 2020-12-20 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 32 Romania 21 26 [-5] 2043
2020-11-30 to 2020-11-30 CUPA MOS NICOLAE - BLITZ 30.11.2020 BRAN Romania 17 16 [+1] 1601
2020-11-07 to 2020-11-07 Festivalul de sah Satori Art Slobozia -BLITZ, Amara, 07 noiembrie Romania 8 1 [+7] 1747
2020-11-06 to 2020-11-08 Festivalul de sah Satori Art Slobozia U2200, ed VIII-a, Amara, 6-8 noiembrie Romania 20 21 [-1] 1090
2020-11-28 to 2020-12-01 CUPA MOS NICOLAE OPEN 28.11.-01.12 BRAN Romania 10 4 [+6] 1850
2020-10-27 to 2020-11-02 Campionatul National de Sah ELISABETA POLIHRONIADE - editia a XII-a echipe mixte copii si juniori U12 - ONLINE Romania 34 10 [+24] 1676
2020-10-18 to 2020-10-20 Blitzul de la ora cinci ed. a XI-a Romania 19 6 [+13] 1807
2020-10-16 to 2020-10-18 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 31 Romania 12 5 [+7] 1864
2020-09-20 to 2020-12-20 Blitzul de la ora cinci - ed. a X-a - Blitz omologat FIDE Romania 24 11 [+13] 1817
2020-07-11 to 2020-07-11 Romania - USA, youth match Romania 21 55 [-34] 0
2020-06-14 to 2020-06-14 Romania's International Online Chess Championship - Blitz O14 Romania 18 2 [+16] 1756
2020-06-12 to 2020-06-13 Romania's International Online Chess Championship - Rapid O14 Romania 27 1 [+26] 1671
2020-06-01 to 2020-06-09 Cireșar 2020 - Tournament B (U12) Details and Registration Moldova 3 5 [-2] 1477
2020-05-23 to 2020-05-23 AUSTRIA-ROMANIA online youth Austria 36 36 [0] 0
2020-03-07 to 2020-03-08 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a IV a - Turneul A-Open, ELO<2200 Sah Clasic, 6 runde, 7-8 martie 2020 Romania 16 15 [+1] 1805
2020-06-24 to 2020-06-24 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 29 Elo 2200 Romania 13 5 [+8] 1766
2020-02-02 to 2020-02-02 Mega Mall ChessCraft Arena - Etapa I - 2 februarie 2020 - U14, Rapid, FIDE Romania 2 4 [-2] 1516
2020-01-26 to 2020-01-26 Blitzul de la ora cinci - editia a IX-a la Rin Grand HOTEL**** Romania 28 10 [+18] 1998
2019-02-23 to 2019-02-24 Festivalul Sahului Bucurestean - Editia a III a - 23-24 feb 2019 - B - U14 Sah clasic Romania 5 2 [+3] 1485
2019-05-26 to 2019-05-26 Mega Mall Chesscraft Arena - 2nd Phase -U14 Romania 7 7 [0] 1490
2019-02-08 to 2019-02-10 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 19 Romania 53 50 [+3] 1664
2019-05-19 to 2019-05-19 Chess Junior Masters 5 - U10 19 mai 2019, Bucuresti, Journey Pub Romania 1 1 [0] 1606
2019-07-20 to 2019-07-20 CNEJ - blitz- open U10 Romania 35 13 [+22] 1416
2019-07-18 to 2019-07-19 CNEJ - rapid - open U10 Romania 37 1 [+36] 1979
2019-11-24 to 2019-11-24 ChessCraft Arena - 4th Phase - 24 noiembrie 2019, Sah rapid, U14, FIDE Romania 6 9 [-3] 1500
2019-09-28 to 2019-09-29 Festivalul International de Sah Florin Gheorghiu, B-U14, 28-29.09.2019 Ed. a II a, Sah clasic, 6 runde Romania 3 1 [+2] 1739
2019-03-23 to 2019-03-24 Cupa Satori Art Slobozia, sub 10 ani, 23-24 martie 2019 Romania 1 1 [0] 1586
2019-07-13 to 2019-07-18 Campionatele Nationale pe echipe de copii - open U10 Romania 39 2 [+37] 1612
2019-08-12 to 2019-08-17 TROFEUL CARPATI - Editia a V-a Turneul A - OPEN Romania 32 31 [+1] 1595
2019-08-09 to 2019-08-11 Festivalul de sah Pro Logos Galati, editia a V-a, 9-11 august 2019, elo sub 1600 Romania 15 7 [+8] 1542
2019-12-22 to 2019-12-22 Blitzul de la ora cinci - ed. a VIII-a la Rin Grand Hotel**** sala Berlin Romania 53 46 [+7] 1790
2019-06-16 to 2019-06-16 ChessCraft Arena - 3rd Phase Romania 3 2 [+1] 1504
2019-04-22 to 2019-04-22 C.N. dezlegari 2019 - baieti 10 ani Romania 2 2 [0] 0
2019-04-24 to 2019-04-25 CNIJ 2019 - Blitz - U10 Romania 13 4 [+9] 1440
2019-10-28 to 2019-11-03 Romanian International Chess Open - B, Alba Iulia 28.10-03.11.2019 Romania 49 32 [+17] 1744
2019-10-27 to 2019-10-27 Romanian International Chess Open - Blitz Romania 55 47 [+8] 1750
2019-10-27 to 2019-10-27 Memorialul Mihail Breaz - 27 octombrie 2019 - Alba Iulia - U10+U12+U18 Romania 3 1 [+2] 1786
2019-04-23 to 2019-04-24 CNIJ 2019 - Rapid - U10 Romania 2 18 [-16] 1311
2019-07-26 to 2019-07-30 Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2019, editia a XII-a - U1600 Romania 12 4 [+8] 1562
2019-08-15 to 2019-08-15 TROFEUL CARPATI - editia a V-a Turneul D - echipe Romania 17 24 [-7] 0
2019-06-22 to 2019-06-29 Festivalul International de Sah FISCA 2019 turneul B - U10 SE JOACA LA COMPLEX GALAXY SPRE PLAJA JUPITER Romania 1 1 [0] 1523
2019-06-01 to 2019-06-01 Carrefour te invită să descoperi lumea! - Bucuresti, 1 iunie 2019 - U12 Romania 5 9 [-4] 1338
2019-04-15 to 2019-04-22 Campionatele Nationale de sah pentru copii, juniori si tineret 2019 - U10 Romania 2 3 [-1] 1359
2019-10-05 to 2019-10-06 Cupa Cristim ediția a VIII-a, 5-6 Octombrie, grupa U10 Romania 1 3 [-2] 1478
2019-06-08 to 2019-06-08 Cupa FAN Courier ed. a IX-a - 10 ani Romania 1 1 [0] 1531
2019-10-19 to 2019-10-20 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open, Ed. a II a - Turneul B - U14 - 19-20 Oct. 2019 Sah clasic, 6 runde Romania 3 4 [-1] 1575
2019-11-29 to 2019-12-01 Campionatul Capitalei 2019 la Rin Grand Hotel Romania 16 7 [+9] 1790
2019-03-16 to 2019-03-17 Campionatul Capitalei pentru Copii si Juniori Baieti 10 ani Romania 1 1 [0] 1610
2019-12-20 to 2019-12-22 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 28 Romania 41 27 [+14] 1952
2017-11-11 to 2017-11-12 ChessCraft - Editia a III a - 11-12 Noiembrie 2017 - Turneul C - U08 Romania 9 15 [-6] 1119
2018-12-08 to 2018-12-09 FANTASTIC Chess Junior Masters U10 Romania 8 13 [-5] 1375
2018-08-06 to 2018-08-10 Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2018 Open U10 Romania 2 1 [+1] 1878
2018-09-28 to 2018-09-28 Campionatul Capitalei - Baieti U10 la Hotel CARO Romania 1 1 [0] 1466
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-21 Bitcoin Romania Chess Open - Turneul C - U10 - 20-21 Oct. 2018 Romania 1 1 [0] 1528
2018-10-27 to 2018-10-28 Cupa Cristim editia a VII-a 27-28 octombrie 2018 - U10 Romania 4 3 [+1] 1450
2018-08-13 to 2018-08-18 Trofeul Carpati 2018 - U12 Romania 9 6 [+3] 1478
2018-06-27 to 2018-06-27 FISCA 2018 - G Recompensa Romania 68 53 [+15] 1424
2018-06-23 to 2018-06-30 FISCA 2018 - C - U14 Romania 76 34 [+42] 1363
2017-12-09 to 2017-12-10 Cupa "SocialXChange & Chess" editia a VI-a - 8 ani Romania 2 7 [-5] 1197
2018-05-12 to 2018-05-13 Cupa Academiei de Sah Editia a IV a 12-13 Mai 2018 - Turneul C - U10 Romania 7 9 [-2] 1266
2018-10-14 to 2018-10-14 Veranda Mall Chess Contest - Autumn Edition - 14 Octombrie 2018 - U8-U14 Romania 7 2 [+5] 1551
2017-12-01 to 2017-12-02 Campionatele Nationale Individuale de Sah 2017 - Sah Rapid Open Romania 122 89 [+33] 1455
2017-10-29 to 2017-11-03 Campionatul National de Sah pe Echipe Mixte Juniori categoria U08 Romania 19 12 [+7] 1133
2018-07-20 to 2018-07-20 Campionatele Nationale pe echipe de copii U10 - sah blitz - 2018 Romania 14 11 [+3] 1396
2018-07-18 to 2018-07-19 Campionatele Nationale pe echipe de copii U10 - sah rapid - 2018 Romania 15 7 [+8] 1385
2018-11-10 to 2018-11-11 ChessCraft - Editia a IV a - 10-11 Noiembrie 2018 - Turneul C - U10 Sah clasic Romania 1 6 [-5] 1336
2018-09-22 to 2018-09-22 Cupa Viitorii Campioni - Turneul C - Sah Rapid baieti U12 Romania 2 2 [0] 1538
2018-07-13 to 2018-07-18 Campionatele Nationale pe echipe de copii U10 - sah clasic - 2018 Romania 18 36 [-18] 1216
2018-08-06 to 2018-08-10 Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2018 Open U10 Romania 2 1 [+1] 1878
2017-10-15 to 2017-10-15 Veranda Mall Chess Contest - Autumn Edition - 15.10.2017 - U8-U14 Romania 38 20 [+18] 1293
2018-11-25 to 2018-12-02 WORLD YOUTH UNDER-16 CHESS OLYMPIAD-2018 Turkey 205 196 [+9] 1343
2018-02-02 to 2018-02-10 Concursul National Scolar de Sah ELISABETA POLIHRONIADE 2018 Baieti U09 Romania 14 15 [-1] 1228
2017-11-24 to 2017-11-24 JUNIOR KINGS TOURNAMENT BAIETI 8 ANI Romania 7 13 [-6] 1159
2018-04-03 to 2018-04-03 Campionatul National Individual de Sah - DEZLEGARI copii si juniori Baieti 10 ani Romania 65 65 [0] 0
2018-12-21 to 2018-12-23 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 17 Romania 35 43 [-8] 0
2018-06-29 to 2018-06-29 FISCA 2018 - H echipe Romania 6 74 [-68] 1372
2017-10-07 to 2017-10-08 Cupa CRISTIM - editia a VI-a copii U08 Romania 11 5 [+6] 1342
2018-04-05 to 2018-04-06 CNIJ blitz 2018 - U10 Romania 35 8 [+27] 1516
2018-04-04 to 2018-04-05 CNIJ rapid 2018 - U10 Romania 50 33 [+17] 1320
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-11 Festivalul International de Sah Arad 2018 Open U1600 Romania 63 8 [+55] 1603
2018-05-25 to 2018-05-27 Cupa „SocialXChange&Chess” editia a 7-a U14 Romania 11 10 [+1] 1302
2017-12-03 to 2017-12-03 Campionatele Nationale Individuale de Sah 2017 - Blitz Open Romania 132 133 [-1] 1199
2017-12-01 to 2017-12-02 Campionatele Nationale Individuale de Sah 2017 - Sah Rapid Open Romania 122 89 [+33] 1455
2018-03-27 to 2018-04-03 Campioantele Nationale de sah pentru copii, juniori si tineret 2018 - U10 Romania 52 41 [+11] 1287
2018-03-02 to 2018-03-02 Cupa Bibliotecii Judetene ANTIM IVIREANUL 2018 (Elo<2000) Romania 40 29 [+11] 1403
2018-10-09 to 2018-10-09 Blitzul de la ora cinci - editia a III-a Romania 30 29 [+1] 1397
2018-08-16 to 2018-08-17 Trofeul Carpati 2018 - Turneul H Romania 12 7 [+5] 1553
2018-02-08 to 2018-02-09 Concursul National Scolar de Sah ELISABETA POLIHRONIADE 2018 Baieti U09 SAH RAPID Romania 15 24 [-9] 1123
2017-11-02 to 2017-11-02 In memoriam ELISABETA POLIHRONIADE Turneu de Sah Blitz pe Echipe Mixte Juniori - categoria U08 Romania 15 6 [+9] 1330
2018-02-05 to 2018-02-05 Concursul National Scolar de Sah ELISABETA POLIHRONIADE 2018 Baieti U09 BLITZ Romania 8 8 [0] 1249
2017-09-17 to 2017-09-17 Memorialul George-Emil Pessi Romania 110 95 [+15] 1544
2017-09-23 to 2017-09-24 Open Bucuresti - U12 Romania 34 25 [+9] 1137
2017-08-04 to 2017-08-06 CUPA MUNICIPIULUI BUZAU-U10-turneul C Romania 23 15 [+8] 1217
2017-07-22 to 2017-07-27 Campionatul National de Sah pe Echipe de juniori Baieti U08 - Sah Clasic Romania 71 17 [+54] 1237
2017-07-27 to 2017-07-28 Campionatul National de Sah pe Echipe de juniori Baieti U08 - Sah Rapid Romania 58 13 [+45] 1255
2017-07-29 to 2017-07-29 Campionatul National de Sah pe Echipe de juniori Baieti U08 - Blitz Romania 54 32 [+22] 1122
2017-07-09 to 2017-07-09 Memorialul Paul Segheato Romania 92 87 [+5] 1299
2020-09-18 to 2020-09-20 Weekend Sahist Bucurestean 30 Romania 9 11 [-2] 1730
2019-09-14 to 2019-09-15 Open Bucuresti - turneu FIDE Romania 56 60 [-4] 1601

Matei-Andrei Coicev - Chess Games

Matei-Andrei Coicev - Chess Games

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