Stephane Coletta Chess Games

Stephane Coletta - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 02/09/2023 01:17:11 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Stephane Coletta (SUI) SUI
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 48 years old (born in 1976)
Fide ID: 1309056 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2054
Stephane Coletta Chess Games: 1

Stephane Coletta - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Stephane Coletta - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-05-18 to 2023-05-21 Bundesturnier 2023 - Hauptturnier 1 Switzerland 56 72 [-16] 1881
2023-03-24 to 2023-03-26 Championnat Suisse Junior & Open de la Broye 2023 4ème manche qualificative U16 & Open A Switzerland 31 66 [-35] 1549
2023-02-17 to 2023-02-19 21. Burgdorfer Stadthaus-Open Kat. A Switzerland 43 44 [-1] 1828
2022-12-26 to 2022-12-30 46. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Allgemein Switzerland 17 5 [+12] 1981
2021-10-31 to 2021-10-31 25e Tournoi du Comptoir broyard (Mémorial Jean-Paul Rohrbach) Open A (>1800 Elo) Switzerland 12 19 [-7] 1960
2020-02-07 to 2020-02-07 1. Open FIDE Rapide Lausanne Switzerland 16 26 [-10] 1854
2020-01-26 to 2020-01-26 31ème Activ Chess du CEG Switzerland 14 24 [-10] 1885
2019-11-24 to 2019-11-24 24e Tournoi du Comptoir broyard (Mémorial Jean-Paul Rohrbach) Open A Switzerland 19 14 [+5] 2032
2019-12-26 to 2019-12-30 43. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Allgemeines Turnier Switzerland 24 50 [-26] 1855
2019-07-13 to 2019-07-19 SEM 2019: Hauptturnier I Switzerland 2 18 [-16] 1816
2018-07-28 to 2018-07-28 Blitz Tournament Biel International Chess Festival Switzerland 94 89 [+5] 1928
2019-02-15 to 2019-02-17 18. Burgdorfer Stadthaus-Open Switzerland 49 24 [+25] 2074
2018-12-26 to 2018-12-30 42. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Switzerland 22 17 [+5] 1952

Stephane Coletta - Chess Games

Stephane Coletta - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Stephane Coletta - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2002.04.04 Coletta, Stephane vs (2498) Miezis, N.
Modern Benoni - Snake
0-1 A60

Stephane Coletta, PGN chess games