Frey,Fabian Chess Games

Frey,Fabian - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 05:22:38 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Frey,Fabian (SUI) SUI
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 21 years old (born in 2003)
Fide ID: 1336487 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2255
Frey,Fabian Chess Games: 0

Frey,Fabian - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Frey,Fabian - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-05-18 to 2023-05-21 Bundesturnier 2023 - Hauptturnier 1 Switzerland 9 11 [-2] 2195
2023-03-30 to 2023-03-31 BASEL EASTER Festival 2023 - MASTER Switzerland 31 31 [0] 2216
2023-03-30 to 2023-03-31 LOCARNO Swiss Lake Open - April 2023 Switzerland 3 5 [-2] 2125
2023-03-30 to 2023-03-31 SGM - Schweizerische Gruppenmeisterschaft 2022-2023 Switzerland 134 12 [+122] 2281
2022-12-26 to 2022-12-30 46. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Meisterturnier Switzerland 20 17 [+3] 2222
2022-10-07 to 2022-10-09 25. BASEL II - SCHACHFESTIVAL 10.2022 Switzerland 19 5 [+14] 2376
2022-07-17 to 2022-07-17 Blitz Tournament (QBT) Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 48 73 [-25] 1605
2022-07-13 to 2022-07-22 Master Tournament (MTO) Biel International Chess Festival 2022 Switzerland 97 78 [+19] 2154
2022-07-23 to 2022-07-23 Swiss Blitz Championship (BTO) Switzerland 27 8 [+19] 2059
2022-03-26 to 2022-03-26 Trainingsturnier Luzern Gruppe A 26. März 2022 Switzerland 5 9 [-4] 2015
2022-03-26 to 2022-03-26 Trainingsturnier Luzern 26./27. März 2022 Switzerland 5 5 [0] 0
2022-03-13 to 2022-03-08 Schweizer Jugend-Rapidmeisterschaft 2022 Switzerland 4 4 [0] 0
2022-05-06 to 2022-05-08 20. Burgdorfer Stadthaus-Open Switzerland 19 17 [+2] 2056
2021-12-26 to 2021-12-30 45. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Meisterturnier Switzerland 31 49 [-18] 2008
2021-10-31 to 2021-10-31 Schweizer Blitzmeisterschaft 2021 Switzerland 25 30 [-5] 1963
2021-10-30 to 2021-10-30 Schweizer Rapidmeisterschaft 2021 Switzerland 26 24 [+2] 2016
2021-02-19 to 2021-02-20 2021 World Corporate Championship East B 34 66 [-32] 2046
2021-02-19 to 2021-02-21 2021 World Corporate Championship List of Entries 239 239 [0] 0
2019-10-05 to 2019-10-12 26. Zuoz Open Switzerland 7 10 [-3] 1949
2019-02-23 to 2019-02-23 DreiKäseHoch Zug Open Switzerland 6 8 [-2] 1859
2019-07-27 to 2019-07-27 Swiss Blitz Chess Championship (BTO) Switzerland 88 59 [+29] 1983
2019-07-21 to 2019-07-21 Swiss Rapid Chess Championship (RAP) Switzerland 88 52 [+36] 2140
2019-06-07 to 2019-06-10 Finalturnier U16 vom 7. - 10.6.2019 in Ittigen Haus des Sports Switzerland 5 4 [+1] 1997
2019-12-26 to 2019-12-30 43. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Meisterturnier Switzerland 61 45 [+16] 2076
2019-04-06 to 2019-04-06 1. SATURDAY NIGHT BLITZ IN THALWIL / Zürich Switzerland 10 8 [+2] 1764
2019-02-08 to 2019-02-10 10. STEIN AM RHEIN OPEN Switzerland 9 6 [+3] 1981
2019-08-24 to 2019-08-24 Badi Open 2019 24.08.2019 Switzerland 5 6 [-1] 1908
2019-07-11 to 2019-07-19 SEM 2019: Meisterturnier Switzerland 44 29 [+15] 2152
2019-12-13 to 2019-12-15 Adelboden Open 2019 Switzerland 7 6 [+1] 2076
2018-12-15 to 2018-12-15 2. Soorser Blitzmeisterschaft Switzerland 19 22 [-3] 1787
2018-11-30 to 2018-12-02 2. Quali-Turnier U16/Sarganserländer Open A vom 30.11 - 2.12.2018 in Sargans Switzerland 9 4 [+5] 2167
2019-01-18 to 2019-01-20 3. Qualifikationsturnier U16-Open vom 18. - 20.1.2019 in Unterägeri Switzerland 6 12 [-6] 1822
2019-04-19 to 2019-04-22 2. Zürcher Osteropen Switzerland 31 28 [+3] 2074
2017-12-26 to 2017-12-30 41. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Allgemeines Turnier Switzerland 141 66 [+75] 1815
2018-01-19 to 2018-01-21 3. Qualifikationsturnier U16/Open vom 19. - 21.1.2018 in Zürich-Wollishofen Switzerland 32 36 [-4] 1744
2018-08-03 to 2018-08-05 DAVOS OPEN 2018 Switzerland 12 8 [+4] 2012
2018-10-06 to 2018-10-12 25. Zuoz Open Switzerland 26 17 [+9] 2074
2018-09-28 to 2018-09-30 1. Qualifikationsturnier U16 / Open vom 28. - 30.9.2018 in Muttenz Switzerland 25 15 [+10] 1585
2018-12-26 to 2018-12-30 42. Zürcher Weihnachtsopen Switzerland 19 10 [+9] 1996
2016-11-04 to 2016-11-06 04.-06.Nov. in Wil: CH-Quali 2017, 1.Turnier U14 Switzerland 20 22 [-2] 1545
2017-09-08 to 2017-09-10 1. Qualifikationsturnier U16/Open vom 8. - 10.9.2017 in Bettingen Switzerland 29 30 [-1] 1612
2017-06-04 to 2017-06-04 18. Jugendschach-Open Belp Blitzturnier Switzerland 5 11 [-6] 1579
2017-06-03 to 2017-06-05 18. Jugend-Open Belp 2017 Switzerland 9 9 [0] 1676
2017-01-13 to 2017-01-15 2. Qualifikationsturnier U14 vom 13.-15.1.2017 in Therwil Switzerland 19 22 [-3] 1605
2016-12-16 to 2016-12-16 Innerschweizer Schülereinzelmeisterschaft Switzerland 1 2 [-1] 1639
2015-11-13 to 2015-11-15 Quali zur CH-Meisterschaft, U14 Switzerland 20 18 [+2] 1563

Frey,Fabian - Chess Games

Frey,Fabian - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
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Frey,Fabian - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
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Frey,Fabian, PGN chess games

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