Elsa Maria Kristinardottir Chess Games

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 06:21:50 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Elsa Maria Kristinardottir (ISL) ISL
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 35 years old (born in 1989)
Fide ID: 2300370 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1910
Elsa Maria Kristinardottir Chess Games: 16

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2021-12-28 to 2021-12-28 Jólahraðskákmót SA Iceland 11 6 [+5] 1708
2021-10-17 to 2021-11-07 Haustmót SA Iceland 2 3 [-1] 1552
2021-10-01 to 2022-03-06 Icelandic Team Championship 2021-22 - 3rd league Iceland 23 18 [+5] 2203
2021-05-21 to 2021-05-24 Minningarmót um Gylfa Þórhallsson Iceland 25 17 [+8] 1974
2020-12-19 to 2020-12-23 European Women On-line Chess Club Cup 2020 Ecuador 142 142 [0] 0
2020-01-12 to 2020-02-03 Skákþing Akureyrar a-flokkur Iceland 5 7 [-2] 1686
2019-09-22 to 2019-10-20 Haustmót SA Iceland 2 2 [0] 1760
2019-07-11 to 2019-07-11 Sumarmot vid Selvatn 2019 Iceland 9 9 [0] 1881
2019-10-27 to 2019-10-27 Hausthraðskákmót SA Iceland 5 4 [+1] 1671
2018-12-27 to 2018-12-27 Jólahraðskákmót SA 2018 Iceland 3 10 [-7] 1880
2018-09-23 to 2018-10-14 Haustmót SA 2018 Iceland 5 5 [0] 1735
2018-04-27 to 2018-04-29 Skákþing Norðlendinga 2018 - lett mot Iceland 10 8 [+2] 1728
2017-10-21 to 2018-03-03 Icelandic Team Championship 2017-18 - 3. Divison Iceland 103 14 [+89] 2047
2018-08-10 to 2018-08-10 Baccalá bar open Iceland 15 11 [+4] 1995
2018-03-18 to 2018-03-18 Hraðskákmót Akureyrar Iceland 4 11 [-7] 1723
2018-04-29 to 2018-04-29 Hraðskákmót Norðlendinga Iceland 2 3 [-1] 1943
2107-11-08 to 2107-11-08 Baccalá Bar mótið Iceland 10 18 [-8] 1670
2015-03-27 to 2015-04-05 Icelandic Chess Championship 2015 Candidate Section Iceland 19 11 [+8] 1784
2016-09-30 to 2017-03-04 Icelandic Team Championship 2016-17 - 2nd division Iceland 18 55 [-37] 1563
2016-09-30 to 2017-03-04 Icelandic Team Championship 2016-17 - 3rd division Iceland 89 139 [-50] 0
2016-09-30 to 2017-03-04 Icelandic Team Championship 2016-17 - 2nd division Iceland 18 55 [-37] 1563
2016-11-11 to 2016-11-13 Framsýnarmótið 2016 Iceland 11 9 [+2] 1823
2016-08-25 to 2016-08-25 Hraðskákmót Norðlendinga 2016 Iceland 8 3 [+5] 2129
2016-09-18 to 2016-10-13 Haustmót SA 2016 a-flokkur Iceland 1 4 [-3] 1846
2016-08-26 to 2016-08-28 Skakthing Norðlendinga 2016 Iceland 14 16 [-2] 1727
2015-03-14 to 2015-03-14 Reykjavik Open 2015 Blitz tournament Iceland 46 27 [+19] 2110
2015-01-08 to 2015-02-26 Nóa Síríus mótið - Gestamót Hugins og Breiðabliks 2015 Iceland 36 27 [+9] 2018
2014-10-03 to 2015-03-21 Icelandic Team Championship 2014-15 - 3rd division Iceland 10 32 [-22] 1833
2015-03-23 to 2015-03-25 Framsýnarmót Hugins 2015 Iceland 3 3 [0] 1784
2014-11-03 to 2014-11-03 Atskákmót Reykjavíkur 2014 Iceland 12 12 [0] 1861
2014-12-27 to 2014-12-27 Atskákmót Skákklúbbs Icelandair - Íslandsmótið í atskák 2014 Iceland 44 55 [-11] 1671
2014-08-21 to 2014-08-21 Huginn Blitz Tournament 2014 Iceland 9 7 [+2] 1990
2014-01-06 to 2014-01-06 Hellir Iceland 5 1 [+4] 1761
2014-03-17 to 2014-03-17 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis 17. mars 2014 Iceland 6 2 [+4] 1945
2014-03-04 to 2014-03-12 N1 Reykjavik Open 2014 Iceland 193 144 [+49] 1879
2014-05-23 to 2014-06-01 Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section Iceland 16 16 [0] 1837
2014-01-09 to 2014-02-20 Nóa Siríus mótið 2014 (Gestamót GM Hellis og Breiðabilks) Iceland 57 51 [+6] 1847
2013-12-16 to 2013-12-16 Friðriksmót Landsbankans - Íslandsmótið í hraðskák 2013 Iceland 42 48 [-6] 1850
2013-12-02 to 2013-12-02 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis 2. desember 2013 Iceland 6 4 [+2] 1776
2013-09-15 to 2013-10-18 Gagnaveitumótið - Haustmót TR 2013 - C flokkur Iceland 7 1 [+6] 1849
2013-10-21 to 2013-10-21 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis Iceland 8 2 [+6] 1666
2013-11-25 to 2013-11-25 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis 25. nóv. 2013 Iceland 6 7 [-1] 1691
2013-12-16 to 2013-12-16 Friðriksmót Landsbankans - Íslandsmótið í hraðskák 2014 Iceland 50 33 [+17] 2031
2013-12-02 to 2013-12-02 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis 17. febrúar 2014 Iceland 6 2 [+4] 2075
2013-11-25 to 2013-11-25 Hraðkvöld GM Hellis 3. feb. 2014 Iceland 5 1 [+4] 1980
2013-10-28 to 2013-10-28 Hraðkvold GM Hellis Iceland 6 7 [-1] 1502
2013-08-19 to 2013-08-19 Hellir Bliztournament 2013 Iceland 12 8 [+4] 1824
2013-10-28 to 2013-10-28 Hraðkvold GM Hellis 10. febrúar 2014 Iceland 7 5 [+2] 1760
2013-05-31 to 2013-06-08 Icelandic Open Championship 2013 Iceland 36 27 [+9] 1783
2013-08-29 to 2013-08-29 Minningarmót um Guðmund Arnlaugsson Iceland 39 41 [-2] 1834
2013-04-11 to 2013-04-11 Hraðskákmót Skákskólans Iceland 14 12 [+2] 1829
2013-01-07 to 2013-01-07 Ungmennaæfing Skákdeildar Breiðabliks Iceland 3 6 [-3] 1640
2013-01-03 to 2013-02-11 FASTUS mótið 2013 - Gestamót Goðans-Máta Iceland 30 19 [+11] 2083
2012-12-16 to 2012-12-16 Friðriksmót Landsbankans - Íslandsmótið í hraðskák 2011 Iceland 59 53 [+6] 1779
2012-10-11 to 2012-10-11 Alþjóðlegt geðheilbrigðismót 2012 Iceland 39 34 [+5] 1847
2012-09-23 to 2012-10-17 Tölvuteksmótið 2012 - Haustmót TR B flokkur Iceland 9 10 [-1] 0
2013-02-23 to 2013-02-23 Even Steven 2013 Iceland 35 34 [+1] 1854
2013-02-19 to 2013-02-27 Reykjavik Open 2013 Iceland 184 162 [+22] 1742
2012-10-19 to 2012-10-31 Icelandic Women Championship 2012 Iceland 5 5 [0] 1729
2012-03-30 to 2012-04-08 Áskorendaflokkur Íslandsmótsins í skák 2012 Iceland 15 20 [-5] 1641
2012-08-13 to 2012-08-13 Minningarmót um Hauk Angantýsson Iceland 14 12 [+2] 1828
2012-08-22 to 2012-08-22 Upphitunarmót Ólympíufaranna 2012 Iceland 31 33 [-2] 1766
2012-07-30 to 2012-07-30 Don Roborto 50 ára Iceland 24 12 [+12] 1993
2011-11-04 to 2011-11-18 Skákþing Íslands 2011 - Kvennaflokkur Iceland 5 1 [+4] 2028
2011-12-18 to 2011-12-18 Friðriksmót Landsbankans - Íslandsmótið í hraðskák 2011 Iceland 55 47 [+8] 1960
2012-03-06 to 2012-03-13 Reykjavik Open 2012 Iceland 165 150 [+15] 1762
2011-08-21 to 2011-09-07 Meistaramót Hellis 2011 Iceland 22 23 [-1] 1564
2011-10-13 to 2011-10-13 Stórmót í tilefni alþjóðlegs geðheilbrigðisdags Iceland 26 5 [+21] 2049
2011-06-06 to 2011-06-06 Hraðkvöld 6. júní 2011 Iceland 5 4 [+1] 1638
2011-10-22 to 2011-10-29 Open Liberec 2011 12. ročník mezinárodního šachového festivalu Czech Republic 79 78 [+1] 1715
2011-05-02 to 2011-05-02 Hellir Iceland 6 3 [+3] 1800
2011-03-09 to 2011-03-16 MP Reykjavik Open 2011 Iceland 148 152 [-4] 1848
2010-03-31 to 2010-04-10 Icelandic Chess Championship - Candidate Section Iceland 16 13 [+3] 1636
2011-05-30 to 2011-05-30 Hraðskákmót Hellis Iceland 16 8 [+8] 1723
2010-12-19 to 2010-12-19 Friðriksmót Landsbankans - Íslandsmótið í hraðskák 2010 Iceland 45 42 [+3] 1784
2010-08-23 to 2010-09-08 Meistaramót Hellis 2010 Iceland 10 10 [0] 1767
2010-11-22 to 2010-11-22 Atskákmót Reykjavíkur Iceland 14 7 [+7] 1968
2010-10-28 to 2010-10-28 Stórmót í tilefni alþjóðlegs geðheilbrigðisdags Iceland 35 26 [+9] 1950
2009-09-25 to 2010-03-06 Icelandic Team Champ 3 div 2009-2010 Iceland 1 18 [-17] 1516
2010-06-10 to 2010-06-16 Íslandsmót kvenna 2010 Iceland 4 6 [-2] 1520
2010-05-28 to 2010-05-30 Meistaramót Skákskólans 2010 Iceland 8 15 [-7] 1528
2010-05-31 to 2010-05-31 Hraðskákmót Hellis 2010 Iceland 13 10 [+3] 1854
2009-11-07 to 2009-11-08 Unglingameistaramót Íslands 2009 Iceland 6 4 [+2] 1762
2009-12-19 to 2009-12-19 Friðriksmót Landsbankans 2009 Iceland 55 27 [+28] 2185
2009-08-29 to 2009-09-06 Skákþing Íslands-áskorendaflokkur 2009 Iceland 19 31 [-12] 1534
2009-09-20 to 2009-10-14 TR Championship 2009 C-Group Iceland 2 5 [-3] 1580
2009-05-05 to 2009-05-05 Bodsmot Hauka 2009 B-urslit Iceland 6 8 [-2] 0
2009-05-22 to 2009-05-24 Icelandic Chess school Championship 2009 Iceland 5 8 [-3] 1736
2009-04-16 to 2009-04-30 Bodsmot Hauka 2009 hopur 3 Iceland 6 6 [0] 1665
2009-02-21 to 2009-02-22 Jón Þorsteinsson Memorial 2009 Iceland 40 46 [-6] 1964
2009-01-11 to 2009-01-30 Reykjavik Championship 2009 Iceland 33 29 [+4] 1846
2007-08-25 to 2007-08-25 Icelandic Women Championship 2007 - A class Iceland 8 6 [+2] 1640
2007-11-18 to 2007-11-28 WORLD YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP 2007 (18G) Turkey 57 54 [+3] 1742
2008-01-06 to 2008-01-06 Reykjavik Championship 2008 Iceland 42 38 [+4] 1877
2008-02-02 to 2008-02-23 Hellir Chess Club Championship Iceland 16 12 [+4] 1812
2008-03-20 to 2008-03-25 Scandinavian Ladies Open 2008 Sweden 103 103 [0] 1822
2008-03-03 to 2008-03-11 Reykjavik Open 2008 Iceland 90 87 [+3] 1958
2007-10-12 to 2008-03-01 Icelandic Team Championship 2007-2008 4. div Iceland 174 122 [+52] 0
2008-05-30 to 2008-06-01 Icelandic Chess School Championship Iceland 15 11 [+4] 1816
2008-08-27 to 2008-09-04 Icelandic Chess Championship 2008 - Challengers Iceland 20 29 [-9] 0
2008-10-13 to 2008-10-24 Icelandic Championship 2008 - Women A Iceland 1 3 [-2] 1798
2008-11-13 to 2008-11-25 38th Chess Olympiad 2008 Women Germany 406 440 [-34] 1805
2008-12-21 to 2008-12-22 Unglingameistaramót Íslands 2008 Iceland 13 17 [-4] 1709

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Chess Games

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2015.11.21 Puuska, Heini (1967) vs (1887) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
Queen's Pawn Closed - Rubinstein
1-0 D05
2015.11.20 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1887) vs (2202) Milovic, Aleksandra
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
0-1 B01
2015.11.17 Koskela, Niina (2204) vs (1887) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
Caro-Kann - Breyer
1-0 B10
2015.11.16 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1887) vs (2040) Bengtsson, Jessica
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
0-1 B30
2015.11.15 Morozova, Iuliia (1995) vs (1887) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
Queen's Pawn Closed - Neo-Gruenfeld (Schlechter)
1-0 D70
2015.11.14 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1887) vs (2277) Rogule, Laura
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
0-1 B30
2015.11.13 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1887) vs (2348) Yildiz, Betul Cemre
European Team Chess Championship 2015 - Women section
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2014.05.31 Thorhallsson, Gylfi (2132) vs (1830) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
Caro-Kann Panov - Panov
1/2-1/2 B14
2014.05.29 Kjartansson, David (2342) vs (1830) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
English Agincourt
1-0 A13
2014.05.28 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1830) vs (1620) Einarsson, Oskar Long
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B52
2014.05.26 Kravchuk, Mykhaylo (1474) vs (1830) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
Queen's Gambit Albin
0-1 D08
2014.05.24 Teitsson, Magnus (2184) vs (1830) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
Queen's Gambit Albin (Fianchetto)
1-0 D09
2014.05.23 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1830) vs (1000) Haraldsson, Brynjar
Icelandic Chess Championship 2014 - Candidate Section
Giuoco Piano
1-0 C53
2008.10.22 Thorsteinsdottir, Hallgerdur (1915) vs (1776) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Championship 2008 -
Caro-Kann Exchange
1-0 B13
2008.10.16 Helgadottir, Sigridur Bjorg (1595) vs (1776) Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria
Icelandic Championship 2008 -
English Bogolubov - New York
0-1 A12
2008.10.14 Kristinardottir, Elsa Maria (1776) vs (1654) Finnbogadottir, Tinna Kristin
Icelandic Championship 2008 -
Sicilian Paulsen
1-0 B41

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Elsa Maria Kristinardottir, PGN chess games