Michael Lee Chess Games

Michael Lee - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 11:02:18 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Michael Lee (USA) USA
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 31 years old (born in 1993)
Fide ID: 2026562 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2435
Michael Lee Chess Games: 16

Michael Lee - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Michael Lee - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05 PNWCC Winter Norm Invitational United States 2 6 [-4] 2454
2019-12-26 to 2019-12-30 PNWCC FIDE Open WOW United States 15 13 [+2] 2309
2018-08-17 to 2018-08-21 2018 U.S. Masters Championship (185925) United States 37 35 [+2] 2407

Michael Lee - Chess Games

Michael Lee - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2017.08.04 Lee, Michael A (1630) vs (1330) Dupuis, Denis K
104th British Championships
Two Knights - Open (Dubois)
1/2-1/2 C55
2017.08.03 Chung, Ethan (1348) vs (1630) Lee, Michael A
104th British Championships
Four Knights - Scotch
1-0 C47
2017.08.02 Lee, Michael A (1630) vs (1502) Parry, Samuel A
104th British Championships
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23
2017.08.01 Jaufarally, Mohammud N (1450) vs (1630) Lee, Michael A
104th British Championships
Queen's Pawn Zukertort - London
1/2-1/2 D02
2017.07.31 Lee, Michael A (1630) vs (1397) Volovich, Julia
104th British Championships
French - Hanham
0-1 C00
2015.12.06 Klingher, Bernard (1375) vs (65) Lee, Michael
7th CSC London Chess Classic
Indian Knight
1-0 A46
2015.12.06 Lee, Michael (65) vs (1100) Verma, Shlok
7th CSC London Chess Classic
French - Steiner
0-1 C00
2015.12.05 Lee, Michael (65) vs Luisa Cagia, Maria
7th CSC London Chess Classic
1-0 B20
2015.12.05 Morris, Brian (96) vs (65) Lee, Michael
7th CSC London Chess Classic
Budapest - Rubinstein
1-0 A52
2015.12.04 Corrigan, James (107) vs (65) Lee, Michael
7th CSC London Chess Classic
1-0 B01
2015.07.27 Mathurin, Antoine vs (34) Lee, Michael
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
0-1 B02
2015.07.27 Lee, Michael (34) vs Raphael-Hall, Christie
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Saduleto
1-0 D20
2015.07.26 Lokwani, Lakshya vs (34) Lee, Michael
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
King's Knight - Scotch
1-0 C44
2015.07.26 Lee, Michael (34) vs (77) Venkatanarayanan, Siddharth V
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
0-1 D10
2015.07.26 Sahinoz, Giulio O (93) vs (34) Lee, Michael
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1-0 E21
2015.07.26 Lee, Michael (34) vs (73) Graves-Brown, Mason
2015 British Chess Championships: Under 9
Queen's Gambit - Exchange
1-0 D35

Michael Lee - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Michael Lee, PGN chess games