Pedro Leon Chess Games

Pedro Leon - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 11:38:37 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Pedro Leon (VEN) VEN
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 39 years old (born in 1985)
Fide ID: 3916626 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved:
Pedro Leon Chess Games: 3

Pedro Leon - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Pedro Leon - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2022-02-25 to 2022-02-25 CLUB DE AJEDREZ CHILE - Blitz 25 Febrero 2022 Chile 5 14 [-9] 1140
2019-01-12 to 2019-01-12 400° Mall Florida Center Chile 9 20 [-11] 1744
2016-04-19 to 2016-04-19 IRT Rápido "Copa Colegio de Abogados 2016" San Felipe - Yaracuy Venezuela 5 16 [-11] 1393
2016-06-04 to 2016-06-04 IRT. Rapido MF. Franklin Palomo (Patrocinado por Buho 21) Inscripción Bs. 2000,00 GERMAN CHACIN 04166204377 Venezuela 11 14 [-3] 1565
2016-04-09 to 2016-04-09 Torneo Abierto de Ajedrez Rápido "Rey de Reyes 2016" Venezuela 10 10 [0] 1687
2016-03-12 to 2016-03-12 IRT Invitacional Rápido "Copa Club MF Francisco Ordonez" San Felipe - Yaracuy Venezuela 3 13 [-10] 1246
2016-03-28 to 2016-03-28 IRT Rapido "Copa Dia del Yaracuy 2016" Venezuela 7 12 [-5] 1418
2016-02-13 to 2016-02-13 Torneo Abierto de Ajedrez Activo "Copa 321° Aniversario de Chivacoa 2016" Venezuela 7 5 [+2] 1624
2015-12-12 to 2015-12-12 Gran Prix de Ajedrez Rápido 2015 5ta Válida Abierto Venezuela 5 8 [-3] 1500
2015-11-28 to 2015-11-28 IRT Rapido Copa Jose Mujica Alcalde del Municipio Independencia Estado Yaracuy Venezuela 36 22 [+14] 1669
2015-11-07 to 2015-11-07 I IRT Abierto Copa "VII Aniversario de PROYECMEGAR C. A. 2015" Chivacoa Edo Yaracuy. Venezuela 50 26 [+24] 1664
2015-09-20 to 2015-09-20 2da Válida Torneo Abierto Rápido Copa Freddy Bazán 2015 San Felipe - Yaracuy Venezuela 18 9 [+9] 1762
2015-10-17 to 2015-10-17 Gran Prix de Ajedrez Rápido Yaracuy 2015 3ra Válida Abierto Venezuela 12 12 [0] 1388
2015-09-19 to 2015-09-19 Gran Prix de Ajedrez Rápido Yaracuy 2015 2da Válida Abierto Venezuela 19 11 [+8] 1617
2014-06-22 to 2014-06-22 IRT Blitz "Copa Semana Del Abogado 2014" San Felipe Estado Yaracuy Venezuela 14 25 [-11] 1287
2013-07-06 to 2013-07-06 7mo IRT Blitz de Noche Mision Sucre - Yaracuy 2013 Venezuela 18 23 [-5] 1290
2013-07-04 to 2013-07-07 7mo IRT Mision Sucre - Yaracuy 2013 Venezuela 50 47 [+3] 1325
2013-05-04 to 2013-05-04 IRT Blitz "Homenaje al E. N. José Peña" San Felipe Estado Yaracuy Venezuela 27 19 [+8] 1586
2013-06-15 to 2013-06-15 IRT Blitz "Homenaje al E. N. Luís Betancourt" San Felipe Estado Yaracuy Venezuela 12 19 [-7] 1443
2013-04-27 to 2013-04-28 2do Torneo Internacional "Sambil Barquisimeto Venezuela 101 70 [+31] 1556
2013-02-23 to 2013-02-23 I IRT OAV Blitz "C.C. Buenaventura 2013" Venezuela 42 29 [+13] 1578

Pedro Leon - Chess Games

Pedro Leon - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2013.07.05 Leon, Pedro vs Silvera, Gustavo
7mo IRT Mision Sucre - Yaracuy 2013
1-0 D70
2011.07.04 Vidaller De Pedro, Leon (1635) vs (2193) Accattato Martin, Mario
IV Torneo Ciudad de Huesca
0-1 A41
2011.06.20 Vidaller De Pedro, Leon (1635) vs (2218) Lana Rodriguez, David
IV Torneo Ciudad de Huesca
French - Exchange
0-1 C01

Pedro Leon - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Pedro Leon, PGN chess games