Felicitas Orsatti Chess Games

Felicitas Orsatti - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 10:35:43 GMT+2
Player's activity: OFF
Player's name: Felicitas Orsatti (ARG) ARG
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 34 years old (born in 1990)
Fide ID: 117455 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1754
Felicitas Orsatti Chess Games: 0

Felicitas Orsatti - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Felicitas Orsatti - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2022-11-11 to 2022-11-13 Circ. Prov. de ajedrez PRIX DEL CENTRO - Fecha 9 U18 Abierto Olavarria Argentina 25 16 [+9] 1521
2019-07-14 to 2019-07-14 Club Argentino de Ajedrez - Torneo "Por un Sueño" - Domingo 14/07 17 hs. Suizo 7R 7+3 -Lo recaudado será destinado para que Majo pueda ir al Panamericano Argentina 133 81 [+52] 1403
2019-11-11 to 2019-12-16 TORNEO POR EQUIPOS "A.B.A.D. 2019" Argentina 30 33 [-3] 0
2020-01-10 to 2020-01-12 CLUB ARGENTINO DE AJEDREZ - IRT SUB2200 "VACACIONES 2020" - $15.000 EN PREMIOS! Clasifica Camp Arg Amateur - Viernes 10 al Domingo 12 de Enero VÁLIDO ELO FIDE Argentina 34 34 [0] 1585
2015-07-31 to 2015-07-31 Festejo 12° Aniversario www.Ventajedrez.com Argentina 74 95 [-21] 1286
2015-05-03 to 2015-05-03 Festival Aniversario Club Argentino de Ajedrez - Torneo femenino Argentina 11 6 [+5] 1502
2013-08-02 to 2013-08-02 10° Aniversario www.Ventajedrez.com Argentina 57 62 [-5] 1324
2013-07-01 to 2013-07-12 Abierto Grafica Yael-Torre Blanca 2013 Argentina 51 33 [+18] 1653
2013-03-21 to 2013-03-21 Blitz "Copa Vicente Lopez" con el Ex Campeon Mundial Veselin Topalov Argentina 111 117 [-6] 1692
2012-06-02 to 2012-06-02 Blitz Internacional con Alexei Shirov en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Argentina 86 89 [-3] 1764
2012-07-29 to 2012-07-29 Torneo-festejo 9no Aniversario www.ventajedrez.com Argentina 72 36 [+36] 1970
2011-06-11 to 2011-06-11 Judit Polgár en Martelli Argentina 92 105 [-13] 1497
2008-08-13 to 2008-08-13 Torneo Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl 2008 Austria 16 19 [-3] 1801

Felicitas Orsatti - Chess Games

Felicitas Orsatti - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
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Felicitas Orsatti - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
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Felicitas Orsatti, PGN chess games

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