Leandro Perdomo Chess Games

Leandro Perdomo - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 03:18:22 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Leandro Perdomo (ARG) ARG
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 39 years old (born in 1985)
Fide ID: 109746 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2478
Leandro Perdomo Chess Games: 537

Leandro Perdomo - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Leandro Perdomo - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-06-11 to 2023-06-11 XV Copa AFA Cultura - Domingo 11 de Junio Categoria Mayor Argentina 16 16 [0] 2360
2012-06-13 to 2012-06-16 Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino Brazil 1 1 [0] 2586
2023-06-17 to 2023-06-17 VII Aberto do Brasil SESC Caioba - BLITZ Brazil 8 8 [0] 2425
2023-06-17 to 2023-06-18 VII Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá - RAPIDO Brazil 8 12 [-4] 2186
2023-06-18 to 2023-06-25 VII Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá - CONVENCIONAL Brazil 13 11 [+2] 2367
2013-05-27 to 2013-05-30 Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino Brazil 2 2 [0] 2410
2023-04-18 to 2023-04-23 Magistral Milton Matone Brazil 3 8 [-5] 2360
2023-03-30 to 2023-03-31 1º Festival GAZIT BRASIL 2023 - Internacional Shopping - Rápido FIDE R$1.000,00! - 3ª Etapa XXIV Circuito Vale-Paraibano - 16 de abril de 2023 - Guarulhos/SP Brazil 1 1 [0] 2240
2023-03-24 to 2023-03-24 CLUB ARGENTINO DE AJEDREZ - Blitz por parejas "Día de la memoria, la verdad y la justicia" - Viernes 24 de marzo 19hs. Argentina 8 1 [+7] 2453
2023-05-07 to 2023-05-07 II BLZ Cidade Maravilhosa 2023 Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2557
2023-05-02 to 2023-05-07 II Rio Chess Open 2023 Brazil 9 15 [-6] 2204
2023-03-05 to 2023-03-11 ZONAL 2.5 ABSOLUTO Paraguay 9 10 [-1] 2306
2023-02-03 to 2023-02-11 VI Abierto de Montevideo "COPA MARCEL DUCHAMP 2023" - financially supported by FIDE Open Aid Project Uruguay 5 9 [-4] 2312
2022-12-17 to 2022-12-17 Torneo Rápido Ciudad de Arrecifes "Don José Erviti" $80.000 en Premios - Válido al ELO FIDE - Suizo 7 rondas. 12min + 3seg - Sábado 17 de Dic 10 hs. Argentina 1 2 [-1] 2218
2022-11-14 to 2022-11-14 JASC 2022 - Rapido - Masculino Tabuleiro 2 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2363
2022-11-14 to 2022-11-14 JASC 2022 - Blitz - Masculino Tabuleiro 2 Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2355
2022-11-15 to 2022-11-20 JASC 2022 - Equipes STD - Masculino Brazil 90 25 [+65] 2454
2022-11-06 to 2022-11-06 Campeonato por Equipos de FAOGBA 2022 Argentina 13 3 [+10] 2459
2022-10-12 to 2022-10-12 Blitz Internacional ProAm 100 años FADA - 3.000 U$D Miercoles 12 de Octubre Argentina 11 73 [-62] 2005
2022-09-17 to 2022-09-18 IRT. ABIERTO - CIR. DE AJEDREZ MINERO ARGENTINO - SEDE CATAMARCA - $ 800.000,00 Argentina 4 12 [-8] 2134
2022-10-07 to 2022-10-07 IRT BLITZ - Copa Gualeguaychú 1ª ed.- ADAG 2022 Argentina 1 1 [0] 0
2022-10-07 to 2022-10-07 IRT RÁPIDAS - Copa Gualeguaychú 1ª ed.- ADAG 2022 Argentina 1 1 [0] 1806
2022-09-10 to 2022-09-10 1° TORNEO POR EQUIPOS "TRABAJADORES de la SANIDAD" ATSA BS AS 2022 Argentina 119 5 [+114] 2314
2022-08-28 to 2022-08-28 III Liga Rapida por Equipo de FAOGBA 4º ETAPA Domingo 28 de agosto 15 hs Argentina 29 5 [+24] 2402
2022-08-20 to 2022-08-21 Campeonato Provincial por Equipos AAPC 2022 Argentina 29 7 [+22] 1964
2022-08-13 to 2022-08-13 Irt Blitz de Agosto en Gualeguaychú 2022 - contacto: 3446362665 Invitado especial el Maestro Internacional Leandro Perdomo -Cupo de 26 jugadores Argentina 1 1 [0] 2503
2022-10-15 to 2022-10-15 1er torneo rapido CIUDAD DE CASTELLI - $150.000 pesos en premios - 15 DE OCTUBRE - comienza a las 11 hs.- CATEGORIA LIBRE Argentina 1 3 [-2] 2332
2022-07-09 to 2022-07-09 AJEDREZ MARTELLI VIII Abierto Blitz MI Leonardo Fusco In Memoriam Argentina 2 2 [0] 2432
2022-07-03 to 2022-07-03 III Liga Rapida por Equipo de FAOGBA 3º ETAPA Domingo 3 de julio 15 hs Argentina 73 3 [+70] 2488
2022-05-08 to 2022-05-08 TORNEO BLITZ "100 ANIVERSARIO CLUB DEPORTIVO DE PUERTO SAJONIA" Bolsa de Premios: GS. 4.000.000 - Domingo 8 de Mayo 15:00 hs. Paraguay 1 7 [-6] 2216
2022-05-03 to 2022-05-09 ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022 Paraguay 6 2 [+4] 2403
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-01 "25° Abierto Ciudad de Chascomus" - 180.000 pesos en premios en 1 dia - 25 premiados Argentina 7 27 [-20] 2203
2022-05-11 to 2022-05-15 Internacional de Ajedrez de Rio Negro - Cipolletti 11 al 15 de Mayo 600.000 en premios - Presencia Estelar de Mareco, Pichot y Flores entre otros Argentina 11 10 [+1] 2293
2022-06-02 to 2022-06-12 96º Final Campeonato Argentino Superior Absoluto - 02 al 12 de Junio 2022 Argentina 7 15 [-8] 2387
2022-04-03 to 2022-04-03 III Liga Rapida por Equipo de FAOGBA Argentina 43 1 [+42] 2919
2022-04-01 to 2022-04-01 Club Argentino de Ajedrez -Torneo rapido viernes 01-04-2022 - $6400 en premios - 9 RONDAS - RITMO 7 min. + 3 seg. Argentina 1 1 [0] 2269
2022-03-26 to 2022-03-26 Blitz sabatino Club Argentino de Ajedrez - $6400 en PREMIOS Argentina 1 1 [0] 2506
2022-03-12 to 2022-03-12 CAVP - Blitz Homenaje a Jorge Rubinetti 2022 Argentina 1 5 [-4] 1857
2022-04-02 to 2022-04-02 TORRE BLANCA - Blitz 50° Aniversario - Torre Blanca - 2022 - Sábado 2 de Abril 15 hs. Suizo 8 rondas. 3min + 2seg. Argentina 8 4 [+4] 2535
2022-04-02 to 2022-04-02 TORRE BLANCA - Rápido 50° Aniversario - Torre Blanca - 2022 - Sábado 2 de Abril 18 hs. Suizo 6 rondas. 7min + 3seg. Argentina 3 3 [0] 2429
2022-02-26 to 2022-02-28 IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022 IRT abierto. $25000 pesos en premios. Argentina 1 2 [-1] 2067
2022-02-05 to 2022-02-05 Blitz de los sabados - Club Argentino de Ajedrez $3800 en premios Argentina 1 1 [0] 2144
2022-02-12 to 2022-02-19 V Abierto de Montevideo "COPA MARCEL DUCHAMP 2022" Uruguay 9 11 [-2] 2376
2021-12-30 to 2021-12-30 VI Torneio Xadrez com Musica - Resultados Portugal 2 3 [-1] 2548
2021-12-30 to 2021-12-30 VI Torneio Xadrez com Música (Online) Portugal 1 1 [0] 0
2021-12-11 to 2021-12-11 Festival Blitz de FAOGBA "Copa Marcel Duchamp" Torneo Superior Argentina 1 1 [0] 2301
2021-11-21 to 2021-11-25 Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - JASC - Masculino - 2021 Brazil 50 11 [+39] 2333
2021-11-20 to 2021-11-20 JASC - RAPIDO - INDIVIDUAL - TABULEIRO 3 Brazil 1 2 [-1] 2248
2021-10-09 to 2021-10-09 Torneo Nacional 70º Aniversario del Circulo de Ajedrez de Rio III - BLITZ - Argentina 5 4 [+1] 2440
2021-10-09 to 2021-10-10 Torneo Nacional 70º Aniversario del Circulo de Ajedrez de Rio III - ABIERTO - Argentina 5 8 [-3] 2259
2021-10-15 to 2021-10-17 III Abierto presencial Internacional de Villa Constitucion 150.000 en premios 15 al 17 de Octubre de 2021 - con la particpacion de Alan Pichot y Diego Flores Argentina 6 15 [-9] 2237
2021-09-04 to 2021-09-05 XI OPEN INTERNACIONAL CIDADE DE MANGUALDE Portugal 1 2 [-1] 2161
2021-07-19 to 2021-07-25 CN Equipas 1ª divisão 2020/21 Portugal 32 17 [+15] 2424
2021-05-26 to 2021-05-28 I ABERTO DE XADREZ BLITZ ARENA LIAGA DE XADREZ ON-LINE Brazil 1 1 [0] 0
2021-08-19 to 2021-08-24 II Open de Xadrez Terras de Trás-os-Montes Portugal 12 27 [-15] 2308
2021-05-06 to 2021-06-06 ABERTO FEMAF DE XADREZ BLITZ ON-LINE 2021 Brazil 3 3 [0] 0
2021-07-25 to 2021-07-31 VIII TORNEIO INTERNACIONAL CIDADE DE FAMALICÃO ( 25 a 31 de Julho de 2021 ) Portugal 5 4 [+1] 2400
2021-08-24 to 2021-08-29 GUIMARÃES CHESS OPEN 2021 - 24/08 - 29/08 Portugal 17 10 [+7] 2436
2020-12-17 to 2020-12-17 II Bahia Open-Absoluto Brazil 7 7 [0] 0
2020-09-23 to 2020-09-27 Bahia Open Absoluto - Final Brazil 8 8 [0] 0
2020-09-23 to 2020-09-27 Bahia Open Absoluto Brazil 5 5 [0] 0
2020-09-26 to 2020-09-26 3º OPEN INTERNACIONAL CHESSPORTUÑOL Brazil 5 5 [0] 0
2020-08-10 to 2020-08-10 CAMPEONATO MARANHENSE DE XADREZ BLITZ ONLINE ETAPA III Brazil 2 2 [0] 0
2020-09-23 to 2020-09-27 Bahia Open Absoluto Brazil 5 5 [0] 0
2021-01-20 to 2021-01-20 Floripa Super Blitz 2021 Brazil 4 3 [+1] 2424
2020-08-30 to 2020-08-30 Sundays with Unity : Monthly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 30th August - Mega Event ) United States 284 284 [0] 0
2020-08-10 to 2020-08-10 CAMPEONATO MARANHENSE DE XADREZ BLITZ ONLINE ETAPA II Brazil 2 2 [0] 0
2020-08-08 to 2020-08-08 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL Brazil 4 3 [+1] 2494
2020-07-26 to 2020-07-26 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 26 th July ) United States 70 70 [0] 0
2020-07-30 to 2020-07-30 CAMPEONATO MARANHENSE DE XADREZ ON-LINE ETAPA 01 Brazil 1 1 [0] 0
2020-07-19 to 2020-07-19 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 19th July ) United States 70 70 [0] 0
2020-07-12 to 2020-07-12 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 12th July ) United States 86 86 [0] 0
2020-07-05 to 2020-07-05 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 5th July ) United States 101 101 [0] 0
2020-06-28 to 2020-06-28 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 28th June ) United States 116 116 [0] 0
2020-07-11 to 2020-07-11 I Aberto Xadrez Forte - 11 de Julho de 2020 - Lichess.org Brazil 7 7 [0] 0
2020-06-21 to 2020-06-21 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament United States 108 108 [0] 0
2020-06-06 to 2020-06-06 I Copa Naciones Ordum 2020 - Absoluto Portugal 12 115 [-103] 2565
2020-06-06 to 2020-06-06 I Copa Naciones Ordum 2020 Portugal 12 12 [0] 0
2020-05-31 to 2020-05-31 1º Abierto Blitz Online del Círculo de Ajedrez de Ushuaia - 31 de mayo de 2020 a las 15hs Argentina 10 10 [0] 0
2020-05-16 to 2020-05-17 I Campeonato Brasileiro de Xadrez Online por Equipes U8000 Brazil 60 1 [+59] 2926
2020-03-06 to 2020-03-08 Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020 R$ 5.000,00 Brazil 4 5 [-1] 2307
2019-12-28 to 2019-12-28 Club Argentino de ajedrez- BLITZ SABADO 28/12/19 5 MIN. + 2 SEG. - 11 RONDAS - 18:30 PUNTUAL Argentina 1 2 [-1] 2463
2019-12-27 to 2019-12-27 JAQUE MATE - Blitz fin de año 2019 (Viernes 27.12.2019) Argentina 1 1 [0] 2417
2020-01-22 to 2020-01-22 Floripa Super Blitz 2020 Brazil 7 4 [+3] 2524
2020-01-20 to 2020-01-26 VI Floripa Chess Open 2020 Brazil 10 25 [-15] 2192
2019-04-13 to 2019-04-13 19º Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez - 2ª Etapa ABSOLUTO (MARAVILHA/SC) ID CBX 4775/19 - ID FIDE 214960 Brazil 1 2 [-1] 2138
2019-08-12 to 2019-08-18 V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto Open Master - Válido para Norma de GM/WGM - MI/WMI R$ 25.000,00 em premios Brazil 9 8 [+1] 2503
2019-05-18 to 2019-05-18 19º Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez - 4ª Etapa ABSOLUTO (FRAIBURGO/SC) ID CBX 4825/19 - ID FIDE 216278 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2085
2019-09-07 to 2019-09-07 I Nikity Blitz 2019 Brazil 5 1 [+4] 2489
2019-09-04 to 2019-09-08 Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019 Brazil 10 3 [+7] 2441
2019-11-02 to 2019-11-02 59º JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina 2019 - 3ª TAB. RAPIDO MASCULINO Brazil 2 2 [0] 2365
2019-11-02 to 2019-11-02 59º JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina 2019 - 3ª TAB. BLITZ MASCULINO Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2898
2019-04-27 to 2019-04-27 19º Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez - 3ª Etapa ABSOLUTO (ITÁ/SC) ID CBX 4804/19 - ID FIDE 216278 Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2671
2019-08-11 to 2019-08-11 Memorial Hermes Kaminski 2019 - IRT BLITZ Torneio Blitz - ID FIDE 224934 Brazil 8 3 [+5] 2374
2019-08-10 to 2019-08-10 Memorial Hermes Kaminski 2019 - IRT RPD Torneio Rapido ID FIDE 224933 Brazil 5 6 [-1] 2271
2019-09-28 to 2019-09-29 Final Catarinense Rápido S14 S16 S18 S20 Abs Fem Brazil 1 5 [-4] 2051
2019-09-28 to 2019-09-28 Final Catarinense Blitz S14 S16 S18 S20 Abs Fem Brazil 1 1 [0] 2281
2018-12-28 to 2018-12-28 JAQUE MATE - TORNEO BLITZ DE FIN DE AÑO (2018) Argentina 1 2 [-1] 2309
2019-11-03 to 2019-11-08 59ª JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - MASCULINO Brazil 25 32 [-7] 2183
2019-04-20 to 2019-04-20 Capacitação Pais & Professores - FENAC 2019 - 20 de janeiro - 9h às 12h FT-IM Cesar Umetsubo & IM Leandro Perdomo Brazil 1 1 [0] 0
2019-12-21 to 2019-12-21 CAMPEONATO ARGENTINO RÁPIDO 2019 SOCIEDAD ITALIANA DE MERLO 30 mil pesos en Premios Argentina 2 2 [0] 2520
2019-12-22 to 2019-12-22 CAMPEONATO ARGENTINO BLITZ 2019 SOCIEDAD ITALIANA DE MERLO 30 mil pesos en Premios Argentina 5 16 [-11] 2377
2019-03-16 to 2019-03-16 ID 4729/19 - 19º Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 1ª Etapa ABSOLUTO (SEARA/SC) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2201
2019-12-07 to 2019-12-13 III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER Válido para o GP Fide America Brazil 11 9 [+2] 2445
2018-04-13 to 2018-04-15 Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018 Brazil 7 7 [0] 2240
2018-01-06 to 2018-01-14 I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018 Brazil 8 1 [+7] 2414
2019-02-08 to 2019-02-10 Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019 Brazil 3 1 [+2] 2277
2018-04-21 to 2018-04-21 1º Torneio Blitz de Lacerdópolis - SC Brazil 1 1 [0] 1939
2019-01-20 to 2019-01-20 Capacitação Pais & Professores - Floripa Chess Open 2019 - 20 de janeiro - 14h FT-IM Cesar Umetsubo & IM Leandro Perdomo Brazil 1 1 [0] 0
2019-01-21 to 2019-01-27 V Floripa Chess Open 2019 Brazil 8 6 [+2] 2398
2018-10-27 to 2018-10-27 Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 8ª Etapa ABSOLUTO Chapecó/SC Brazil 1 1 [0] 2520
2018-11-15 to 2018-11-15 Campeonato Brasileiro de Rápido 2018 Brazil 2 4 [-2] 2352
2018-11-15 to 2018-11-15 Campeonato Brasileiro de Blitz 2018 Brazil 5 6 [-1] 2279
2018-09-07 to 2018-09-07 58ª JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - 4ª TAB. RÁPIDO MASCULINO Brazil 2 2 [0] 2475
2018-05-26 to 2018-05-26 Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 2a Etapa Absoluto (Torneio: ID FIDE 188848 / ID CBX 4319/18) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2508
2018-09-07 to 2018-09-07 58ª JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - 4ª TAB. BLITZ MASCULINO Brazil 2 5 [-3] 2252
2018-07-14 to 2018-07-14 Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 4a Etapa Absoluto - TAÇA SICOOB CREDIAL (Torneio: ID FIDE 193089 / ID CBX 4383/18) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2602
2018-11-14 to 2018-11-20 II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER Brazil 7 11 [-4] 2366
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-20 ID 4522/18 - Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 7ª Etapa ABSOLUTO Brazil 1 1 [0] 2496
2018-08-01 to 2018-08-05 Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018 Brazil 8 16 [-8] 2407
2018-09-08 to 2018-09-13 58ª JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - MASCULINO Brazil 29 5 [+24] 2416
2017-12-17 to 2017-12-17 Final Aberta do Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez BLZ 2017 ID FIDE 175238 ID CBX 4079/17 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2340
2017-12-16 to 2017-12-17 Final Aberta do Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez RPD 2017 ID FIDE 175237 ID CBX 4078/17 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2241
2018-05-15 to 2018-05-15 Desafio 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional - 15 de maio Brazil 6 5 [+1] 2435
2018-06-30 to 2018-06-30 I FIDE BLZ de Concordia SC Brazil 5 4 [+1] 2339
2018-09-01 to 2018-09-01 I Copa Marco Maldaner de Xadrez RPD Brazil 1 1 [0] 2535
2018-05-16 to 2018-05-20 Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional Brazil 12 11 [+1] 2455
2018-11-24 to 2018-11-24 Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 9ª Etapa ABSOLUTO (ID FIDE 203642 - ID CBX 4613/18) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2418
2018-03-02 to 2018-03-04 Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas Brazil 4 3 [+1] 2418
2017-09-29 to 2017-10-01 III Torneio Internacional de Xadrez RPD de Concordia SC 2017 Brazil 2 3 [-1] 2352
2018-06-16 to 2018-06-16 Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2018 - 3a Etapa Absoluto (Torneio: ID FIDE 188955 / ID CBX 4323/18) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2597
2018-02-22 to 2018-02-25 62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta Brazil 1 1 [0] 2458
2018-01-14 to 2018-01-14 Super 10 Blitz FIDE 2018 Brazil 1 2 [-1] 2415
2018-06-29 to 2018-07-01 IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia Brazil 8 2 [+6] 2442
2017-11-04 to 2017-11-10 57ª JASC - Jogos Abertos de Santa Catarina - MASCULINO Brazil 19 4 [+15] 2032
2017-09-02 to 2017-09-02 VI Etapa Circuito Regional Oeste de Xadrez 2017 - ABSOLUTO - CONCÓRDIA/SC Brazil 1 1 [0] 2742
2018-01-19 to 2018-01-25 IV Floripa Chess Open 2018 Brazil 12 6 [+6] 2553
2018-01-26 to 2018-01-31 V Floripa Chess Masters 2018 Brazil 3 5 [-2] 2401
2017-10-14 to 2017-10-15 1º Aberto Internacional de Xadrez de Forquilhinha Aberto SC de Xadrez Rápido (FCX) - Etapa de Forquilhinha - SC Brazil 2 2 [0] 2372
2017-08-04 to 2017-08-06 V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina - R$7.000,00 Brazil 3 3 [0] 2355
2016-04-21 to 2016-04-24 III Open Internacional STD de Maraba - Etapa Aberto do Brasil - Premiação Total R$ 8.000,00 Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2587
2017-08-11 to 2017-08-13 Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão Brazil 2 2 [0] 2277
2017-11-24 to 2017-11-26 IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053 80 ANOS DE ENSINO E PRÁTICA DE XADREZ - 5º Clube Escola do Brasil Brazil 1 2 [-1] 2198
2014-11-23 to 2014-11-27 Jogos Abertos do Interior - São Paulo - 2014 Xadrez Masculino - Especial Brazil 2 21 [-19] 2211
2017-07-01 to 2017-07-06 ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017 Brazil 6 2 [+4] 2413
2017-04-28 to 2017-05-01 IRT VIVA CAÍSSA 2017 Brazil 3 3 [0] 2213
2017-07-28 to 2017-07-30 Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017 Brazil 8 6 [+2] 2413
2017-07-07 to 2017-07-09 II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha Brazil 3 4 [-1] 2200
2017-05-20 to 2017-05-20 IRT XADREZ BLITZ – CXC/FEXPAR 20/05 Brazil 2 2 [0] 2349
2017-05-15 to 2017-05-20 ITT Norma de Mestre Internacional Circuito CBX FEXPAR 2017 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2465
2017-05-12 to 2017-05-14 Aberto do Brasil de Curitiba - IEP & Copel Telecom - R$10 mil 12 a 14/05 Brazil 7 3 [+4] 2468
2017-01-27 to 2017-02-01 IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017 Brazil 9 6 [+3] 2397
2017-03-24 to 2017-03-26 Zonal CBX-MA (XV IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhense de Xadrez LMX/FEMAX 2017 - Santa Luzia // ID FIDE: 155300 / ID CBX: 3624/17) Brazil 1 1 [0] 2369
2017-03-03 to 2017-03-05 I Open Cidade de Parauapebas CXCP Brazil 1 1 [0] 2368
2017-01-22 to 2017-01-22 Floripa Super Blitz 2017 Brazil 5 10 [-5] 2252
2017-01-20 to 2017-01-26 III Floripa Chess Open 2017 Brazil 17 14 [+3] 2483
2020-03-14 to 2020-03-14 Circuito Leste de Xadrez RPD 2020 - etapa Sao Jose - [Foi Suspenso na 4a rodada por decisão da Secretaria de Saúde de São José] Brazil 1 1 [0] 2672
2020-10-31 to 2020-11-02 Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - ID CBX 5264/20 & ID FIDE 248593 Brazil 1 5 [-4] 2238
2016-06-23 to 2016-06-26 ABERTO DO BRASIL de Canoinhas / Tres Barras - 62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Taca Santa Catarina - ID CBX 3073 e ID FIDE 130563 Brazil 5 3 [+2] 2341
2016-07-08 to 2016-07-10 II Torneio Internacional de Xadrez de Concordia/SC 2016 Brazil 7 13 [-6] 2217
2015-11-21 to 2015-11-21 Open Internacional Faculdade Padrao BLZ 4a Etapa Campeonato Goiano Absoluto BLZ Brazil 2 2 [0] 2373
2016-02-13 to 2016-02-13 Circuito ASCADE de Xadrez Rápido 2016 - Etapa Fevereiro Brazil 2 1 [+1] 2566
2016-01-16 to 2016-01-22 II FLORIPA CHESS OPEN 2016 Brazil 11 8 [+3] 2435
2016-01-23 to 2016-01-28 Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016 Brazil 8 1 [+7] 2449
2016-01-18 to 2016-01-18 FLORIPA SUPER BLITZ 2016 Brazil 7 6 [+1] 2379
2015-11-06 to 2015-11-08 TACA SANTA CATARINA 2015 - ID CBX 2934/15 - ID FIDE 124286 Aberto do Brasil de Blumenau - TROFEU JOSE FLESCH Brazil 2 2 [0] 2341
2015-09-05 to 2015-09-05 Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX ID FIDE #119649 ID CBX #2846 Brazil 2 4 [-2] 2305
2015-09-26 to 2015-09-26 Goias Cup BLZ 2015 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2631
2015-06-27 to 2015-06-27 FBX FIDE Blitz 2015 ID FIDE #117661 - ID CBX #2783 - R$800,00 em prêmios Brazil 1 1 [0] 2255
2015-04-30 to 2015-05-03 1° ABERTO DO BRASIL DO CLUBE DE XADREZ DA CIDADE VELHA Brazil 3 2 [+1] 2457
2015-04-24 to 2015-04-26 II Open Internacional de Xadrez de Maraba 2015 Brazil 2 3 [-1] 2327
2015-05-15 to 2015-05-15 Regional Centro Oeste 2015 ID FIDE #111711 - R$3 mil em prêmios Brazil 3 2 [+1] 2371
2014-12-13 to 2014-12-13 Campeonato Goiano de Xadrez RPD Absoluto 2014 - Memorial ''Ely Miranda'' Brazil 3 1 [+2] 2383
2014-09-19 to 2014-09-21 ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho Brazil 1 1 [0] 2393
2019-07-05 to 2019-07-13 XIV American Continental Chess Championship 2019 Brazil 24 23 [+1] 2397
2014-10-10 to 2014-10-12 III OPEN INTERNACIONAL DE XADREZ DE CASTANHAL – CBX/FIDE ID FIDE 102390 - ID CBX 2456/14 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2336
2014-08-20 to 2014-08-24 IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14 Brazil 5 8 [-3] 2401
2014-05-16 to 2014-05-18 XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil Brazil 5 3 [+2] 2423
2014-05-01 to 2014-05-04 Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014 Brazil 8 11 [-3] 2250
2014-04-21 to 2014-04-21 Campeonato Paulista de Blitz 2014 Brazil 5 3 [+2] 2485
2014-03-20 to 2014-03-23 II Copa Cidade de Vitoria Brazil 6 3 [+3] 2501
2014-07-16 to 2014-07-21 III ITT LXSBC 2014 Brazil 5 1 [+4] 2505
2014-05-10 to 2014-05-10 2ª Etapa do Campeonato Goiano de Xadrez RPD - Aberto de Firminopolis Brazil 1 1 [0] 2918
2014-02-22 to 2014-02-22 1ª Etapa do Campeonato Goiano de Xadrez RPD – Aberto de Trindade Brazil 1 3 [-2] 2400
2014-03-27 to 2014-03-27 Festival de Xadrez Shopping Cidade Jardim - Torneio por Equipes Brazil 4 1 [+3] 2194
2013-09-14 to 2013-09-14 Aberto de Rio Verde de Xadrez Rapido Brazil 2 1 [+1] 3012
2013-04-20 to 2013-04-20 Jogos Universitarios Goianos - Masculino Brazil 4 1 [+3] 2109
2013-08-16 to 2013-08-18 Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013 Brazil 3 4 [-1] 2392
2013-05-17 to 2013-05-19 XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil Brazil 5 10 [-5] 2364
2013-07-14 to 2013-07-19 II ITT LXSBC-2013 Brazil 9 4 [+5] 2319
2013-10-22 to 2013-10-28 JAP´S (A) - Relâmpago Masculino Tab 1 Brazil 1 3 [-2] 1902
2013-10-22 to 2013-10-28 JAP´S (A) - Rápido Masculino Tab 1 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2387
2013-09-20 to 2013-09-22 Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013 ID CBX 2074/13 - ID FIDE 84555 Brazil 4 3 [+1] 2426
2013-06-07 to 2013-06-09 Aberto do Brasil 2013 – II OPEN INTERNACIONAL DE CASTANHAL ID CBX 1992/13 - ID FIDE 81104 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2272
2013-09-26 to 2013-09-29 ABERTO DO BRASIL DE MOGI DAS CRUZES Brazil 5 7 [-2] 2352
2012-11-07 to 2012-11-13 III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Bahia - ID FIDE 73687 Brazil 5 1 [+4] 2413
2012-10-11 to 2012-10-14 TORNEIO REGIONAL CENTRO OESTE 2012 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2401
2012-11-29 to 2012-12-02 Aberto do Brasil de Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil 9 12 [-3] 2342
2012-09-21 to 2012-09-23 Aberto do Brasil Cidade de Goiania 2012 Brazil 4 2 [+2] 2405
2012-10-26 to 2012-10-28 Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012 Brazil 3 3 [0] 2456
2012-04-06 to 2012-04-06 I Torneio Aberto do Brasil BLITZ- Taça cidade de Fortaleza Brazil 9 8 [+1] 2365
2012-04-05 to 2012-04-08 II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza Brazil 11 11 [0] 2446
2012-05-19 to 2012-05-20 Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012 Brazil 3 1 [+2] 2605
2012-04-20 to 2012-04-22 Zonal Goias 2012 Brazil 1 1 [0] 2272
2012-08-20 to 2012-08-25 World University Chess Championship 2012 - Men Portugal 10 20 [-10] 2230
2011-09-26 to 2011-10-01 FPX 70 Anos Brazil 8 4 [+4] 2294
2011-06-30 to 2011-07-03 Aberto do Brasil - Etapa Maringá IdFide 58061/IdCbx 1196 Brazil 8 5 [+3] 2324
2011-08-02 to 2011-08-08 ITT Bahia - Circuito do Nordeste Brazil 3 4 [-1] 2403
2011-07-15 to 2011-07-17 Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil 2011 Brazil 1 11 [-10] 2245
2011-08-09 to 2011-08-14 Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife Brazil 10 4 [+6] 2295
2011-08-16 to 2011-08-21 Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa Brazil 5 2 [+3] 2477
2011-07-29 to 2011-07-31 Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube Brazil 3 2 [+1] 2302
2011-08-26 to 2011-08-31 Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal Brazil 1 4 [-3] 2336
2011-03-04 to 2011-03-07 IRT Club de Ajedrez Posadas Argentina 4 8 [-4] 2304
2011-03-13 to 2011-03-13 Blitz Copa DIESA Paraguay 3 2 [+1] 2367
2011-01-28 to 2011-02-06 ITT - Final do Circuito da Convergência 2010 Brazil 7 2 [+5] 2454
2011-03-09 to 2011-03-18 ITT Copa DIESA Paraguay 3 3 [0] 2399
2011-04-20 to 2011-04-24 ABERTO DO BRASIL BIENAL PROFESSOR JOÃO BRAGA 2011 Brazil 12 14 [-2] 2378
2011-01-15 to 2011-01-22 ITT Clássico Rio de Janeiro da ALEX Brazil 10 7 [+3] 2250
2009-08-17 to 2009-08-17 Panamericano por Equipos 2009 Brazil 17 29 [-12] 1742
2009-09-17 to 2009-09-20 Regional Sudeste 2009 Brazil 6 7 [-1] 2376
2009-07-25 to 2009-07-26 Tournament Principal Salon Chess Netherlands Antilles 46 62 [-16] 0
2009-07-25 to 2009-07-26 Nacional Blitz aHS Netherlands Antilles 46 39 [+7] 0
2009-07-25 to 2009-07-26 Blitz Tournament Chess AHO Netherlands Antilles 46 47 [-1] 0
2009-02-01 to 2009-02-08 Magistral Memorial Felix Alexander Sonnenfeld Brazil 4 3 [+1] 2447
2008-02-29 to 2008-03-09 LENDAS DO XADREZ - TAÇA ALBERTO MASCARENHAS Austria 8 3 [+5] 2386
2008-08-23 to 2008-08-31 Torneio Internacional da Amizade Brazil 5 2 [+3] 2482

Leandro Perdomo - Chess Games

Leandro Perdomo - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2022.10.30 Zuriel, Marisa (2130) vs (2432) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT IV Abierto internacional de Ajedrez - CADA 2022 - MAR DE AJO - 28/29/30 OCT.
King's Knight - Scotch Gambit
1/2-1/2 C44
2022.10.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2432) vs (2234) Contin, Daniel
IRT IV Abierto internacional de Ajedrez - CADA 2022 - MAR DE AJO - 28/29/30 OCT.
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1/2-1/2 E21
2022.10.29 Tomeo, Ivan (2250) vs (2432) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT IV Abierto internacional de Ajedrez - CADA 2022 - MAR DE AJO - 28/29/30 OCT.
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2022.10.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2432) vs (1854) Fuentes, Agustin
IRT IV Abierto internacional de Ajedrez - CADA 2022 - MAR DE AJO - 28/29/30 OCT.
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2022.06.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (2388) Sorin, Ariel
Old Indian
0-1 A53
2022.06.11 Bertona, Fernando (2410) vs (2436) Perdomo, Leandro
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2022.06.10 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (2272) Fiorito, Joaquin
Semi-Slav Meran
1/2-1/2 D47
2022.06.09 Peralta, Fernando (2600) vs (2436) Perdomo, Leandro
King's Indian Yugoslav - Normal
1/2-1/2 E97
2022.06.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (2274) Miranda, Rafael
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2022.06.07 Fernandez, Maria Florencia (2192) vs (2436) Perdomo, Leandro
2022.06.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (2329) Spata, German
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1/2-1/2 A40
2022.06.05 Della Morte, German (2367) vs (2436) Perdomo, Leandro
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2022.06.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (2246) Tomeo, Ivan
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein
1-0 E46
2022.06.03 Cuberli, Emiliano (2128) vs (2436) Perdomo, Leandro
Spanish Berger - Keres
0-1 C96
2022.06.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2436) vs (1929) Jorge, Cristian
Budapest - Rubinstein
1-0 A52
2022.05.09 Perdomo, Leandro (2441) vs (2342) Latorre, Matias
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
Slav Two Knights - Alekhine
1/2-1/2 D15
2022.05.07 Perdomo, Leandro (2441) vs (2321) Blit, Jacques
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
1/2-1/2 A41
2022.05.06 Latorre, Manuel (2316) vs (2441) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
English - Ultra-Symmetrical (Reversed Botvinnik)
1/2-1/2 A36
2022.05.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2441) vs (2422) Diaz Hollemaert, Nahuel
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
Nimzo-Indian Bernstein
1/2-1/2 E53
2022.05.05 Latorre, Matias (2342) vs (2441) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
Benko's opening
0-1 A00
2022.05.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2441) vs (2434) Matsuura, Everaldo
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1/2-1/2 D45
2022.05.04 Blit, Jacques (2321) vs (2441) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
1/2-1/2 A45
2022.05.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2441) vs (2316) Latorre, Manuel
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
Gruenfeld Exchange (Classical)
1/2-1/2 D86
2022.05.03 Diaz Hollemaert, Nahuel (2422) vs (2441) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT 100 Aniversario del Club Deportivo Sajonia 2022
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E94
2022.02.28 Zamudio, Jose (2029) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022
Scotch - Scotch Golmayo (Meitner)
1/2-1/2 C45
2022.02.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (1591) Alvarez, Jesus Esteban
IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2022.02.27 Hakanson, Ian (1907) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022
Spanish Closed - Lenzerheide
1/2-1/2 C92
2022.02.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (1632) Kisiel, Hernan
IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022
Semi-Slav - Stoltz
1-0 D45
2022.02.26 Rehe, Octavio David (1287) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT abierto. Copa "Ciudad de Oberá". Misiones- 26, 27 y 28 de febrero de 2022
2022.02.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2285) Coppola, Claudio
V Abierto de Montevideo
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1/2-1/2 A58
2022.02.18 Spata, German (2300) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
V Abierto de Montevideo
King's Indian Classical - Gligoric
1/2-1/2 E92
2022.02.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2319) Vazquez, Facundo
V Abierto de Montevideo
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1/2-1/2 D21
2022.02.16 Perez Ponsa, Federico (2553) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
V Abierto de Montevideo
King's Indian Schwarz (Makogonov)
1-0 E71
2022.02.15 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2507) Lima, Darcy
V Abierto de Montevideo
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2022.02.14 Vitoux, Colomban (2372) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
V Abierto de Montevideo
English - Taimanov
0-1 A25
2022.02.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2226) Larrea, Manuel
V Abierto de Montevideo
King's Indian Schwarz (Makogonov)
1-0 E71
2022.02.13 Escofet, Jaime (1981) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
V Abierto de Montevideo
Spanish Morphy - Exchange
0-1 C68
2022.02.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (1712) Elena, Eduardo
V Abierto de Montevideo
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury - Lasker
1-0 D53
Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2621) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Spanish Morphy - Wormald
1/2-1/2 C77
Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2621) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D31
Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2621) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1-0 E20
Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2621) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Spanish Morphy - Wormald
1-0 C77
Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2621) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
0-1 E20
Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2621) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Spanish Morphy - Wormald
1-0 C77
Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2621) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2621) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Spanish Morphy - Wormald
1/2-1/2 C77
2020.08.01 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2371) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E94
2020.08.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2371) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Queen's Gambit Declined Orthodox (Rubinstein)
1-0 D61
2020.08.01 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2371) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E69
2020.08.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2371) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.08.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2189) De Oliveira, Gustavo Alfredo Bue
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D55
2020.08.01 De Oliveira, Gustavo Alfredo Bue (2189) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Indian East Indian
0-1 A48
2020.08.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2189) De Oliveira, Gustavo Alfredo Bue
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2020.08.01 De Oliveira, Gustavo Alfredo Bue (2189) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto Online 2020 - FASE FINAL
Indian East Indian
1-0 A48
2020.11.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2067) Urquiza, Marcello De Albuquerque
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
English Symmetrical
1-0 A30
2020.11.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (1923) Silva, Marcelo Dos Santos
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
Benko's opening
1-0 A00
2020.11.01 Do Valle Cardoso, Lucas (2301) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
Spanish Closed
1-0 C85
2020.11.01 Marra, Eduardo Da Costa (2210) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C84
2020.10.31 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (1996) Ichimura G. Barbosa, Larissa Y.
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
King's Indian Saemisch - Accelerated Byrne
1-0 E80
2020.10.31 Pereira, Thiago (1775) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Taubaté 2020 - 31 de outubro, 01 e 02 de novembro de 2020
0-1 A45
2020.03.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (2548) Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1/2-1/2 E21
2020.03.08 Molina, Roberto Junio Brito (2433) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
English - Taimanov
1/2-1/2 A25
2020.03.07 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1995) Fontoura, Rogerio Lemos
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.03.07 Romao, Cristian Da Silva (1939) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
0-1 C77
2020.03.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1948) Gazola, Vanessa Ramos
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower - Charousek
1/2-1/2 D58
2020.03.06 Reinaldo Dos Santos, Julio (1823) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Caxambu 2020
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
2019.12.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2474) vs (2578) Supi, Luis Paulo
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower (Exchange) - Charousek
1/2-1/2 D59
2019.12.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2474) vs (2248) Gauche, Charles
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Queen's Pawn Zukertort
1-0 D02
2019.12.11 Diamant, Andre (2533) vs (2474) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Bishop's Opening Berlin
1-0 C24
2019.12.10 Galego, Luis (2483) vs (2474) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Indian East Indian
1/2-1/2 A48
2019.12.09 Perdomo, Leandro (2474) vs (2225) Terao, Juliana Sayumi
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2019.12.08 Amura, Claudia (2234) vs (2474) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E74
2019.12.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2474) vs (2098) Moura, Eduardo Eugenio Chaves
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
1-0 A41
2019.12.07 Moyses Sobrinho, Elias (1931) vs (2474) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
2020.01.26 Takano, Nicholas Ryo (2041) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2020.01.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2178) Zuriel, Marisa
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Benko Gambit Accepted - King Walk
1/2-1/2 A59
2020.01.25 Carvalho, Guillermo (2198) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Indian East Przepiorka
1/2-1/2 A49
2020.01.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2104) Souza, Rafael Cabral De
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
1-0 A50
2020.01.23 Ribeiro, Matheus Mendes Domingues (2139) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
King's Indian Schwarz (Makogonov) - Snake
1/2-1/2 E71
2020.01.23 Ribeiro, Regina (1890) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Reti Symmetrical - Barcza
0-1 A05
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs De Arruda, Leandro Formes
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.01.21 Labussiere, Yago (2125) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
Irregular Queen's Pawn
1-0 A40
2020.01.22 Menna Barreto, Luiz Ney (2304) vs (2464) Perdomo, Leandro
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2464) vs (2425) Molina, Roberto Junio Brito
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2464) vs (2648) Bachmann, Axel
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Queen's Gambit Accepted
0-1 D20
2020.01.22 Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2582) vs (2464) Perdomo, Leandro
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
1/2-1/2 C77
2020.01.22 Santiago, Yago De Moura (2512) vs (2464) Perdomo, Leandro
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
0-1 A45
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2464) vs (2654) Shirov, Alexei
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2020.01.22 Labussiere, Yago (1741) vs (2464) Perdomo, Leandro
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
King's Indian Modern
0-1 E94
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2464) vs (2116) De Carvalho, Christopher
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1-0 E20
2020.01.22 Lage, Pedro Ferreira (1975) vs (2464) Perdomo, Leandro
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Reti Symmetrical - King's Fianchetto
0-1 A15
2020.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2464) vs (1878) Gamarra, Ramon
Floripa Super Blitz 2020
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2020.01.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (1974) Heinechen, John
VI Floripa Chess Open 2020
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2019.09.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (2633) Bachmann, Axel
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1-0 E21
2019.09.07 Torella, Rodolfo (2058) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2019.09.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (2171) Da Silva, Paolo Ghiu M. Rego
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2019.09.06 Rego, Vinicius V. De Almeida (2317) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E95
2019.09.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1948) Okamura, Milton Kasuo
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2019.09.05 Rego, Sandro Da Silva (1984) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Indian - Trompowsky
1/2-1/2 A45
2019.09.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1816) Feller, Gabriela Luisa Vicente
Aberto Brasil - I Niterói Chess Open 2019
Slav Delmar - Amsterdam
1-0 D12
2019.06.02 Castro Silva, Alex (1928) vs (2465) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil STD CONTAUD 2019
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2019.06.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2465) vs (2282) Brito, Luismar
Aberto do Brasil STD CONTAUD 2019
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1-0 D36
2019.06.01 Leitao, Rafael (2617) vs (2465) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil STD CONTAUD 2019
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1-0 E74
2019.06.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2465) vs (2111) De Vjunior, Liduino Furtado
Aberto do Brasil STD CONTAUD 2019
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2019.05.31 Perdomo, Leandro (2465) vs (1478) Da Costa, Gabriel Magalhaes
Aberto do Brasil STD CONTAUD 2019
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov
1-0 A40
2019.08.18 Mareco, Sandro (2640) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Schwarz (Makogonov)
1/2-1/2 E71
2019.08.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2157) Librelato, Kathie Goulart
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower - Neo-Orthodox
1-0 D58
2019.08.16 Garcia Palermo, Carlos (2429) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Saemisch
1/2-1/2 E81
2019.08.15 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2236) Cruz, William Ferreira Da
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Classical - Petrosian (Stein)
1-0 E92
2019.08.14 Hernandez Guerrero, Gilberto (2547) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2019.08.14 Molina, Roberto Junio Brito (2454) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Schwarz (Makogonov)
1/2-1/2 E71
2019.08.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2559) Felgaer, Ruben
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2019.08.13 Terao, Juliana Sayumi (2227) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Modern
0-1 E94
2019.08.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2149) Carstens Dobuchak, Thiago
V Aberto do Brasil SESC Caiobá Copel Pura Energia 2019 - 12 a 18 agosto
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2019.02.10 Piccoli, Lucas Fonseca (2058) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
English - Snake
0-1 A10
2019.02.10 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1970) Lage, Pedro Ferreira
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
Slav Delmar
1/2-1/2 D12
2019.02.09 Caldeira, Adriano (2156) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
Two Knights - Blackburne
1/2-1/2 C58
2019.02.09 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (2122) Moura, Eduardo Eugenio Chaves
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
Tarrasch Rubinstein - Prague
1-0 D34
2019.02.08 Deus Filho, Joaquim De (1900) vs (2469) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
Bishop's Opening
0-1 C23
2019.02.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2469) vs (1819) Zambotti, Eduardo Lopes
Aberto do Brasil Etapa Poços de Caldas 2019
Slav Rubinstein - Neo-Gruenfeld (Schlechter)
1-0 D70
2018.11.20 Souza Neves, Andrey M. (2074) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Spanish Morphy - Mackenzie
0-1 C77
2018.11.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2349) Brito, Luismar
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1/2-1/2 D31
2018.11.19 Lima, Darcy (2550) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
0-1 A45
2018.11.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2018) Urquiza, Marcello De Albuquerque
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2018.11.17 Almeida, Gianluca Jorio (2109) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
English - Taimanov
1-0 A25
2018.11.17 Romanishin, Oleg M (2435) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Indian East Przepiorka
1-0 A49
2018.11.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2526) Di Berardino, Diego Rafael
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
King's Indian Saemisch
1/2-1/2 E81
2018.11.14 Campos, Alexandre Ferreira (2076) vs (2476) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
Reti Symmetrical - Classical
0-1 E67
2018.11.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2476) vs (2036) Torella, Rodolfo
II Open Internacional DUCHAMP in Rio - Grupo MASTER
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2018.07.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2401) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower - Charousek
1-0 D58
2018.06.30 El Debs, Felipe De Cresce (2537) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2018.06.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (2103) Dos Santos Junior, Haroldo Cunha
IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2018.06.29 Fernandes, Mauricio Santos (1863) vs (2468) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia
Spanish Closed
0-1 C84
2018.06.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2468) vs (1494) Lazzarin, Luiz Henrique
IV Torneio STD Internacional de Concordia
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D53
2019.01.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2470) vs (2293) De Borba, Guilherme
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1-0 E20
2019.01.26 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2407) vs (2470) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1/2-1/2 E68
2019.01.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2470) vs (2170) Madeira, Wagner Martins
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1-0 A58
2019.01.25 Rodrigues, Edgar (2312) vs (2470) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Two Knights - Blackburne
1/2-1/2 C58
2019.01.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2470) vs (2168) De Lima, Alexsandro Barros
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
King's Indian Orthodox
1-0 E86
2019.01.24 Muniz, Rafael (2236) vs (2470) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2019.01.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2470) vs (2126) Osipi, Jair
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2019.01.22 Lopes Fo, Jorge Antonio Ferreira (2122) vs (2470) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E96
2019.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2470) vs (1976) Reichert, Thiago Da Cruz
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1-0 E20
2019.01.21 Lunelli, Neuri Antonio (1767) vs (2470) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Open 2019
Indian East Przepiorka - Classical
0-1 E67
2018.08.05 Rodriguez Vila, Andres (2487) vs (2478) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1-0 C55
2018.08.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2478) vs (2631) Granda Zuniga, Julio E
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
0-1 E20
2018.08.04 Garcia Palermo, Carlos (2390) vs (2478) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
0-1 E74
2018.08.03 Perdomo, Leandro (2478) vs (2301) Rodrigues, Edgar
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Caro-Kann Knight Classical - Modern
1-0 B18
2018.08.03 Martins, Carlos (2258) vs (2478) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Four Knights - Scotch (Tarrasch)
1/2-1/2 C47
2018.08.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2478) vs (2381) Languidey, Simon Alejandro
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined - Charousek
1/2-1/2 D31
2018.08.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2478) vs (2067) Moreira, Ronaldo Alonso
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
1-0 A41
2018.08.01 Jesus Filho, Jose Carlos (1772) vs (2478) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Copel Telecom SESC Caioba 2018
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2018.04.15 Quevedo Naissinger, Willian (2037) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018
Indian East Indian - London
1/2-1/2 A48
2018.04.15 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2399) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2018.04.14 De Borba, Guilherme (2284) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018
Reti Symmetrical - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 A05
2018.04.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (1946) Dalanhol, Joao Vitor
Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018
King's Indian Saemisch (Panno-Ruban) - Panno
1-0 E84
2018.04.13 Martins, Sara Cristina Stacheski (1787) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Catarinense de Xadrez por Equipes 2018
Scotch - Scotch Golmayo
0-1 C45
2018.05.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2454) Cubas, Jose Fernando
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2018.05.19 Sunye Neto, Jaime (2486) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical)
1/2-1/2 E69
2018.05.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2545) Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2018.05.18 Matsuura, Frederico (2245) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2018.05.17 Calcado, Acyr Rogerio (2105) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
King's Knight - Scotch Gambit
0-1 C44
2018.05.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (2637) Mareco, Sandro
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
0-1 E20
2018.05.16 Guerrero, Alvaro (2137) vs (2463) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
King's Indian Schwarz - Kramer
0-1 E70
2018.05.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2463) vs (1842) Boabaid, Jorge Alberto Duardes
Aberto do Brasil das 3 Fronteiras - Itaipu Binacional
Queen's Gambit Declined Orthodox (Rubinstein)
1-0 D61
2018.02.25 Borges, Guilherme Deola (2216) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
King's Indian Schwarz
0-1 E70
2018.02.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2155) Dos Santos Junior, Haroldo Cunha
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2018.02.24 Souza Junior, Vanderval Borges D (2002) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Spanish Exchange (Gligoric) - Exchange
0-1 C69
2018.02.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (2415) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Queen's Gambit Declined - Lasker (Modern)
1/2-1/2 D56
2018.02.23 Bassani, Jaison Jose (2030) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Two Knights - Open (Dubois)
0-1 C55
2018.02.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2447) vs (1962) Zimmermann, Kleber Renato P.
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2018.02.22 Albiero, Marco Antonio Batista (1470) vs (2447) Perdomo, Leandro
62 Campeonato Catarinense Absoluto STD 2017 Final Aberta
Sicilian Accelerated Dragon
0-1 B34
2018.03.04 Perdomo , Leandro (2466) vs (2170) Campos, Igor Ribeiro
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2018.03.04 Perdomo , Leandro (2466) vs (2518) Di Berardino , Diego Rafael
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
King's Indian Saemisch (Panno-Ruban) - Panno
1/2-1/2 E84
2018.03.03 Brito , Luismar (2346) vs (2466) Perdomo , Leandro
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
Dunst (Sleipner, Heinrichsen) opening
1/2-1/2 A00
2018.03.03 Perdomo , Leandro (2466) vs (2057) Moreira, Ronaldo Alonso
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
Slav Dutch
1-0 D19
2018.03.02 Tamarozi, Isabelle (1950) vs (2466) Perdomo , Leandro
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
0-1 C77
2018.03.02 Perdomo , Leandro (2466) vs (1827) Boabaid, Jorge Alberto Duardes
Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 etapa Pocos de Caldas
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2018.01.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2316) Aranha Filho, Alvaro Z.
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Benko Gambit Accepted - King Walk
1/2-1/2 A59
2018.01.13 Chauca, Jose (2065) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Spanish Chigorin - Panov
0-1 C99
2018.01.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2328) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2018.01.11 Santos Filho, Tadeu Sousa (2071) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2018.01.10 Rangel, Daniel (2278) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Scotch - Scotch Potter
0-1 C45
2018.01.09 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2355) Limp, Eduardo Thelio
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2018.01.08 Guimaraes, Wagner Peixoto (2217) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
King's Indian Classical - Gligoric
0-1 E92
2018.01.07 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2239) Teixeira, Ricardo Da Silva
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 A84
2018.01.06 Von Buelow, Georg (2361) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
I Festival de IRTs da ALEX - ITT do Rio de Janeiro 2018
King's Indian Classical - Gligoric
1/2-1/2 E92
2018.01.25 Matsuura, Everaldo (2492) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
English Closed Sicilian - Taimanov
1/2-1/2 A26
2018.01.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2602) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2018.01.24 Carneiro, Vitor Roberto Castro (2432) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2018.01.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2657) Granda Zuniga, Julio E
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Owen
1-0 A40
2018.01.22 Pacheco, Daniel (2241) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
0-1 E74
2018.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2529) Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric (Bronstein)
1/2-1/2 E55
2018.01.21 Miranda Jr, Roberto Calheiros De (2191) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
King's Indian
0-1 E61
2018.01.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2217) Guimaraes, Wagner Peixoto
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D35
2018.01.20 Madeira, Wagner Martins (2163) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
Scotch - Scotch Golmayo
0-1 C45
2018.01.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2080) Araujo, Sergio Murilo
IV Floripa Chess Open 2018
1-0 A41
2018.01.31 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2415) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
1-0 E68
2018.01.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2360) Languidey, Simon Alejandro
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Queen's Gambit Declined - Charousek
1/2-1/2 D31
2018.01.30 Mandetta, Joao Danilo (2357) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
English Closed Sicilian - Botvinnik
1/2-1/2 A26
2018.01.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2492) Matsuura, Everaldo
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2018.01.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2516) Di Berardino, Diego Rafael
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Gruenfeld Saemisch - Landau
0-1 D83
2018.01.28 Moyses Sobrinho, Elias (1901) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
2018.01.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2251) Gauche, Charles
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Polish
1-0 A40
2018.01.26 Rodriguez Vila, Andres (2459) vs (2449) Perdomo, Leandro
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C92
2018.01.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2449) vs (2472) Cubas, Jose Fernando
V Floripa Chess Masters 2018
Gruenfeld Saemisch - Landau
1-0 D83
2017.08.13 Rothebarth, Ana Vitoria De Pau (2080) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
Spanish Berger - Keres
1/2-1/2 C96
2017.08.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (2244) Moraes, Nelson Da Silva
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Rubinstein
1-0 A84
2017.08.12 El Debs, Felipe De Cresce (2531) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1-0 E74
2017.08.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (1881) Arenillas, Ramses
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
Queen's Gambit Declined Exchange - Exchange
1-0 D36
2017.08.11 De Souza Monteiro, Marcos Paul (1974) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
2017.08.11 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (1794) Assuncao, Darlane Brito
Aberto do Brasil Alter do Chão
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2017.11.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2452) vs (1751) Oliveira, Danyel Angelo Aquino
IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053
Slav Delmar - Exchange
1-0 D12
2017.11.26 Gauche, Charles (2249) vs (2452) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E73
2017.11.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2452) vs (2186) Bueno, Alfeu Junior Varela
IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053
Irregular Queen's Pawn - English
1/2-1/2 A40
2017.11.25 Lazzarotto, Marcio (1881) vs (2452) Perdomo, Leandro
IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053
Four Knights - Scotch
0-1 C47
2017.11.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2452) vs (1724) Da Silveira, Robson Gustavo M.
IRT MXC CLÁSSICO 2017 - FIDE 175020 - CBX 4053
King's Indian Orthodox
1-0 E85
2017.07.09 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2050) Chauca, Jose
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2017.07.09 Miranda, Max Alessandro Montei (1836) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
0-1 B02
2017.07.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2304) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
Modern Benoni Pawn Storm (Taimanov)
0-1 A67
2017.07.08 Leitao, Nicolau (2107) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
King's Indian
1/2-1/2 E90
2017.07.07 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (1952) De Souza Monteiro, Marcos Paul
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
Slav Delmar
1-0 D12
2017.07.07 Assuncao, Darlane Brito (1790) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
II Aberto do Brasil do Clube de Xadrez da Cidade Velha
Indian East Indian - London
0-1 A48
2017.07.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (1952) De Souza Monteiro, Marcos Paul
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
1-0 A41
2017.07.05 Veiga, Emerson De Sousa (2102) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Two Knights - Italian
0-1 C55
2017.07.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2624) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg (Fischer)
1/2-1/2 E44
2017.07.04 Chauca, Jose (2050) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Spanish Chigorin - Panov
0-1 C99
2017.07.03 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2107) Leitao, Nicolau
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Nimzo-Indian Bernstein
1-0 E58
2017.07.03 De Araujo, Jaylson Javier Silva (2057) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Benko's opening
1/2-1/2 A00
2017.07.02 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2312) Cruz, Ricardo Benares De Sa L.
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Slav Rubinstein - Neo-Gruenfeld (Schlechter)
1/2-1/2 D70
2017.07.01 Moraes, Nelson Da Silva (2233) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Scotch - Scotch Potter
0-1 C45
2017.07.02 Rodi, Luis Ernesto (2304) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
ITT Circuito MI CBX/Norte-Belem - CXCV - FEXPA 2017
Spanish Morphy - Exchange (Alekhine)
1/2-1/2 C68
2017.07.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2662) Bachmann, Axel
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1/2-1/2 D25
2017.07.30 Carvalho, Herbert Abreu (2155) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
Spanish Morphy - Exchange (Alekhine)
0-1 C68
2017.07.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2516) Supi, Luis Paulo
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2017.07.29 Cantarino Neto, Mario Ribeiro (1989) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
King's Indian Modern
0-1 E94
2017.07.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2466) vs (2093) Oliveira, Leonardo Tadeu De Al
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2017.07.28 Cabral Teske, Luiz Fernando (1907) vs (2466) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2017
Two Knights - Blackburne
0-1 C58
2017.05.19 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2294) CRUZ, William Ferreira Da
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
King's Indian
1-0 E90
2017.05.19 DEL PUERTO, Rodrigo (2183) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
English - Ultra-Symmetrical
0-1 A36
2017.05.18 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2232) DE BORBA, Guilherme
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric (Bronstein)
1-0 E55
2017.05.18 CADILHAC, Igor Tokuichi Kikuch (2243) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
Four Knights Brentano
0-1 C49
2017.05.17 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2314) PALOZI, Paulo Ricardo
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
Slav Rubinstein - Neo-Gruenfeld (Schlechter)
1/2-1/2 D70
2017.05.16 MARTINS, Carlos (2226) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
Scotch - Scotch Schmid (Mieses)
1/2-1/2 C45
2017.05.16 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2396) STAMENKOVIC, Dragan
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
1/2-1/2 D10
2017.05.15 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2288) VILLALBA, Marcelo
International Title Tournament - ITT - Curitiba - 15 a 21 de maio
1/2-1/2 E00
2017.05.01 NOGUEIRA, Claudio Dos Santos (1647) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
Reti Symmetrical - Barcza
0-1 A05
2017.05.01 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (1691) TAIRA, Erick Hideki
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2017.04.30 DELGADO RAMIREZ, Neuris (2603) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
Spanish Morphy - Wormald
1-0 C77
2017.04.30 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (2515) DIAMANT, Andre
King's Indian Schwarz - Semi-Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E73
2017.04.29 FELIX, Raimundo Nascimento (1866) vs (2462) PERDOMO, Leandro
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B24
2017.04.29 PERDOMO, Leandro (2462) vs (1795) LABUSSIERE, Yago
King's Indian Saemisch - Steiner
1-0 E81
2017.08.06 Pirola, Claudionor Alcides Lim (2104) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
Four Knights - Scotch
0-1 C47
2017.08.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (2159) Parente, Renan Braz
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
1-0 D10
2017.08.05 Alves Da Silva, Thiago (1977) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2017.08.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (1833) Correa, Luca Soares
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
Old Indian Ukrainian (Two Knights) - Ukrainian
1-0 A54
2017.08.04 Librelato, Kathie Goulart (2048) vs (2457) Perdomo, Leandro
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
Spanish Berger - Keres
1-0 C96
2017.08.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2457) vs (1855) Frankental, David
V Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez - Taça Cidade de Teresina
1-0 D43
2017.03.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2462) vs (2114) Leitao, Nicolau
XI IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhese de Xadrez 2016 - Etapa de São Luis
Nimzo-Indian Three Knights
1-0 E21
2017.03.26 Guimaraes, Marcelo Cunha (2177) vs (2462) Perdomo, Leandro
XI IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhese de Xadrez 2016 - Etapa de São Luis
Spanish Chigorin
0-1 C97
2017.03.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2462) vs (1908) Silva, Valdecir Batista
XI IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhese de Xadrez 2016 - Etapa de São Luis
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1-0 D21
2017.03.25 Guara Neto, Argemiro Braga (2031) vs (2462) Perdomo, Leandro
XI IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhese de Xadrez 2016 - Etapa de São Luis
Sicilian Accelerated Dragon - Simagin
1/2-1/2 B34
2017.03.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2462) vs (1787) Sousa, Antonielson Do Vale
XI IRT LMX - Circuito Maranhese de Xadrez 2016 - Etapa de São Luis
King's Indian Saemisch - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 E80
2017.02.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2287) Cunha, Lucas Aguiar
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1-0 E41
2017.01.31 Rodriguez Vila, Andres (2468) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1-0 C55
2017.01.31 Cubas, Jose Fernando (2469) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Two Knights Anti-Lange - Open (Scotch)
1/2-1/2 C56
2017.01.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2218) Trois, Francisco R.T.
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Indian - Schlechter
1/2-1/2 D80
2017.01.29 Guimaraes, Diogo Duarte (2219) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Spanish Morphy - Exchange
1/2-1/2 C68
2017.01.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2615) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
0-1 E20
2017.01.28 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2407) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2017.01.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2452) Shumyatsky, Victor
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2017.01.27 Molina, Roberto Junio Brito (2440) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
IV Floripa Chess Masters 2017
Gruenfeld - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 E60
2017.01.26 Shirov, Alexei (2683) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Spanish Closed - Anti-Marshall
1-0 C88
2017.01.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2567) Milos, Gilberto
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2017.01.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2496) Barbosa, Evandro Amorim
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Gruenfeld Exchange
1/2-1/2 D85
2017.01.24 Supi, Luis Paulo (2513) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E68
2017.01.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (1860) Volkmann, Andre Jordi
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2017.01.23 Almeida Junior, Alvaro Alves D (1959) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
0-1 A45
2017.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2307) Maia, Luciano Malta
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Nimzo-Indian - Steiner
1/2-1/2 E20
2017.01.21 Granda Zuniga, Julio E (2644) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Gruenfeld - Nimzovich
1/2-1/2 E60
2017.01.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2459) vs (2177) Starke, Bruno Orlando
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1-0 D31
2017.01.20 Arias, Juan Carlos (2130) vs (2459) Perdomo, Leandro
III Floripa Chess Open 2017
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
2016.04.24 Moraes, Nelson Da Silva (2214) vs (2440) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional STD
Scotch - Scotch Schmid
1/2-1/2 C45
2016.04.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2440) vs (2021) Chaves, Allysson Pereira
III Open Internacional STD
King's Indian Schwarz
1-0 E73
2016.04.23 Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag (2570) vs (2440) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional STD
King's Indian Classical - Petrosian (Stein)
0-1 E92
2016.04.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2440) vs (2344) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
III Open Internacional STD
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2016.04.22 Lemos, Dawton Almino (2187) vs (2440) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional STD
Spanish Morphy - Gruenfeld
0-1 C77
2016.04.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2440) vs (1981) Laranjeira, Marcio Muniz
III Open Internacional STD
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2016.04.21 Leao, Flavio Sanchez (1840) vs (2440) Perdomo, Leandro
III Open Internacional STD
Scotch - Scotch Golmayo
0-1 C45
2016.01.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2222) Sztokbant, Bernardo Vainzoff
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower - Neo-Orthodox
1-0 D58
2016.01.27 Kropff, Ricardo (2224) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Indian East Indian
1/2-1/2 A48
2016.01.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2035) Goncalves, Davi Sulzbacher
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Gruenfeld Saemisch - Landau
1-0 D82
2016.01.26 Pereira, Silvio Cunha (2305) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Spanish Closed (Steenwijker) - Solid Worrall
1/2-1/2 C86
2016.01.25 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2412) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Gruenfeld Kemeri (Bogolubov)
1/2-1/2 D78
2016.01.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2153) Nery Junior, Jose Antonio
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Modern Benoni
1-0 A60
2016.01.24 Vargas, Gabriela (2091) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
0-1 E73
2016.01.23 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2307) Mandetta, Joao Danilo
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Dutch - Raphael
1/2-1/2 A80
2016.01.23 Cunha, Lucas Aguiar (2315) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Magistral Lourenco Joao Cordioli 2016
Four Knights Spanish
0-1 C48
2015.09.05 Mendes, Antonio Daniel Nobre (2052) vs (2428) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
King's Indian Four Pawns
0-1 E76
2015.09.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2428) vs (2605) Delgado Ramirez, Neuris
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2015.09.05 Valle, Adriano (2244) vs (2428) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E96
2015.09.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2428) vs (2091) Coutinho, Sidnei Bissacot
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
Queen's Gambit Declined - Exchange
1-0 D35
2015.09.05 Felix, Raimundo Nascimento (1962) vs (2428) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
Spanish Morphy - Exchange (Alekhine)
0-1 C68
2015.09.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2428) vs (1718) Oliveira, Wanderson Francisco
Aberto do Brasil 50 anos da FBX
French - King's Knight
1-0 C00
2016.01.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2293) Aranha Filho, Alvaro Z.
1-0 E11
2016.01.21 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2412) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Indian - Trompowsky
1/2-1/2 A45
2016.01.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2610) Bachmann, Axel
Old Benoni
1/2-1/2 A43
2016.01.20 Matsuura, Frederico (2321) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Reti Symmetrical - King's Fianchetto
0-1 A15
2016.01.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2231) Lemos, Dawton Almino
King's Indian Classical - Kazakh
1-0 E91
2016.01.19 Torres, Douglas Da Silva (2133) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
English Ultra-Symmetrical - Russian
1/2-1/2 A37
2016.01.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (1979) Goncalves, Ruan Lucas Alves
King's Indian Schwarz - Semi-Averbakh
1-0 E73
2016.01.17 Madeira, Wagner Martins (2146) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
Scotch - Scotch Schmid
1/2-1/2 C45
2016.01.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2430) vs (2002) Lazzarotto, Marcio
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2016.01.16 Panazzolo, Paulo Victor (1821) vs (2430) Perdomo, Leandro
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2015.05.15 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (2130) POTTKER, Gustavo Sartori
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric
1-0 E54
2015.05.15 NASCIMENTO, Davi Da Silva (2088) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Indian East Indian
0-1 A48
2015.05.15 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (2592) DELGADO RAMIREZ, Neuris
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Queen's Indian Fianchetto - Nimzovich
0-1 E15
2015.05.15 JAPIASSU, Ricardo De Villa Nov (1924) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Nimzovich - Classical
0-1 A01
2015.05.15 FREIRE, Andrey Carvalho (2061) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Four Knights - Scotch
0-1 C47
2015.05.15 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (1790) DE ARAUJO, Mauro R. Peixoto
Regional Centro Oeste 2015
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1-0 E32
2015.05.03 CHANG, Suzana (2022) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
Spanish Morphy - Treybal
0-1 C77
2015.05.03 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (2361) RODI, Luis Ernesto
1-0 A80
2015.05.02 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (2053) MARTINS, Clauber Figueiredo
Queen's Gambit Declined
1-0 D31
2015.05.02 MEKHITARIAN, Krikor Sevag (2572) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
Two Knights - Blackburne
1-0 C58
2015.05.01 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (2073) DE ARAUJO, Jaylson Javier Silva
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2015.05.01 DA SILVA, Cleber Alex (2037) vs (2419) PERDOMO, Leandro
King's Indian Four Pawns
0-1 E76
2015.04.30 PERDOMO, Leandro (2419) vs (1915) LOPES JUNIOR, Ubiratan dos Santos
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D55
2015.03.08 de Toledo, James Mann (2394) vs (2358) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Indian East Przepiorka
1/2-1/2 A49
2015.03.07 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2358) vs (2407) Díaz Hollemaert, Nahuel Carlos Federico
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2015.03.07 El Debs, Felipe de Cresce (2439) vs (2358) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
King's Indian Classical - Gligoric
1/2-1/2 E92
2015.03.01 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2358) vs (2448) Pelikian, Jefferson
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Queen's Gambit Declined Tartakower - Neo-Orthodox
1-0 D58
2015.03.01 Vescovi, Giovanni Portilho (2578) vs (2358) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Spanish Chigorin
1-0 C97
2015.02.28 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2358) vs (2280) Limberg, Estacio Vermelho
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D35
2015.02.28 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2358) vs (2533) Leitao, Rafael Dualibe
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - Categoria Especial
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein (Normal)
0-1 E47
2015.04.26 Guimaraes, Marcelo Cunha (2217) vs (2424) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
Four Knights
1/2-1/2 C47
2015.04.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2424) vs (1894) De Sousa, Werlles Milhomem
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
Neo-Indian - Exchange
1-0 D51
2015.04.25 Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag (2568) vs (2424) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
1-0 D70
2015.04.25 Perdomo, Leandro (2424) vs (2352) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
Reti - Dutch
1/2-1/2 A04
2015.04.24 Do Nascimento, Pablo Salermo M (2007) vs (2424) Perdomo, Leandro
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
Spanish Closed - Anti-Marshall
0-1 C88
2015.04.24 Perdomo, Leandro (2424) vs (1652) Costa, Edvaldo Da Cruz
II Open Internacional de Maraba 2015
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav Noteboom
1-0 D31
2014.10.12 PERDOMO, Leandro (2422) vs (1878) DO NASCIMENTO, Carlos Augusto Xavier
1-0 A41
2014.10.12 VEIGA, Emerson de Sousa (2070) vs (2422) PERDOMO, Leandro
King's Indian Classical
1/2-1/2 E91
2014.10.11 PERDOMO, Leandro (2422) vs (2052) DE ABREU, Nilton Silva
1-0 E00
2014.10.11 DE ARAUJO, Jaylson Javier Silva (2002) vs (2422) PERDOMO, Leandro
English - Snake
0-1 A10
2014.10.10 PERDOMO, Leandro (2422) vs (1940) SANTOS, Gleydson Jose Barbosa
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Pillsbury
1-0 D51
2014.10.10 LOPES PEREIRA, Eder (1668) vs (2422) PERDOMO, Leandro
King's Indian Schwarz (Fianchetto) - Panno
0-1 E72
2014.09.21 Macedo, Maximo Iack (2353) vs (2414) Perdomo, Leandro
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
King's Indian
1/2-1/2 E90
2014.09.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2414) vs (2285) Brito, Luismar
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2014.09.20 Lemos, Dawton Almino (2094) vs (2414) Perdomo, Leandro
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
King's Knight - Scotch Gambit
0-1 C44
2014.09.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2414) vs (2175) Amorim, Daniel Madson De Medei
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2014.09.19 Xavier, Lucca Lucas (2020) vs (2414) Perdomo, Leandro
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
Spanish Exchange (Gligoric) - Exchange
0-1 C69
2014.09.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2414) vs (1791) Lemos, Anderson Willian Pereir
ABERTO DO BRASIL-IX Memorial Aderson Borges de Carvalho
Queen's Gambit Declined Orthodox (Rubinstein)
1-0 D61
2014.08.24 MEKHITARIAN, Krikor Sevag (2568) vs (2414) PERDOMO, Leandro
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
King's Indian
1/2-1/2 E90
2014.08.24 PERDOMO, Leandro (2414) vs (2289) ABDALLA, Luiz Guilherme Aurell
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2014.08.23 DELGADO RAMIREZ, Neuris (2602) vs (2414) PERDOMO, Leandro
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
1-0 C77
2014.08.23 CUBAS, Jose Fernando (2455) vs (2414) PERDOMO, Leandro
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
1/2-1/2 C77
2014.08.22 PERDOMO, Leandro (2414) vs (2322) PROUDIAN, Armen
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric (Bronstein)
1-0 E55
2014.08.22 GAUCHE, Charles (2230) vs (2414) PERDOMO, Leandro
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
0-1 A02
2014.08.21 PERDOMO, Leandro (2414) vs (2096) MEDEIROS JR, Francisco De Assi
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric
1-0 E54
2014.08.21 BARBOSA, Jefferson Lucas Munho (1967) vs (2414) PERDOMO, Leandro
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
Spanish Exchange (Gligoric) - Exchange
0-1 C69
2014.08.20 PERDOMO, Leandro (2414) vs (1589) CISZ, Isadora Bernardo
IV Aberto do Brasil de Xadrez Cidade de Maringá 2339/14
1-0 D10
2014.07.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2403) vs (2370) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
Queen's Gambit Chigorin
1/2-1/2 D07
2014.07.20 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2348) vs (2403) Perdomo, Leandro
Indian East Indian - London
0-1 A48
2014.07.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2403) vs (2295) Rodrigues, Edgar
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1-0 D31
2014.07.19 Proudian, Armen (2317) vs (2403) Perdomo, Leandro
Spanish Closed
0-1 C84
2014.07.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2403) vs (2159) Zampronha, Wladimir Camilo
Old Indian Ukrainian (Two Knights) - Ukrainian
1-0 A54
2014.07.18 Languidey, Simon Alejandro (2316) vs (2403) Perdomo, Leandro
King's Knight - Ponziani Jaenisch (Gunsberg)
1/2-1/2 C44
2014.07.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2403) vs (2127) Batista, Renato Luiz
Slav Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 D11
2014.07.17 Fernandez, Daniel (2407) vs (2403) Perdomo, Leandro
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
1/2-1/2 E97
2014.07.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2403) vs (2229) Marra, Eduardo Da Costa
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2014.05.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (2178) Caetano, Hugo Zanotti Mendonca
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1-0 D31
2014.05.18 Delgado Ramirez, Neuris (2589) vs (2405) Perdomo, Leandro
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Spanish Morphy - Treybal
1-0 C77
2014.05.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (2051) Fiaes, Mario Henrique Andrade
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg (Fischer)
1-0 E44
2014.05.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (2120) Torres, Douglas Da Silva
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1-0 E41
2014.05.16 Lima Neto, Pedro (2085) vs (2405) Perdomo, Leandro
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2014.05.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (1876) De Lima Jr, Antonio Jose Romao
XIX Memorial CEL PM Francisco Alves – Aberto do Brasil
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein (Normal)
1-0 E47
Calcado, Acyr Rogerio (2200) vs (2347) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Spanish Chigorin
0-1 C97
Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2347) vs (2389) Stamenkovic, Dragan
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D55
Medeiros, Thauane Ferreira (2018) vs (2347) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Indian - Trompowsky
0-1 A45
Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2347) vs (1975) de Souza, Felipe Mazim
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav Noteboom
1-0 D31
Proudian, Armen (2184) vs (2347) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C84
Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2347) vs (2557) Flores, Diego
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Benoni - Hromádka
0-1 A56
da Mata, Luis Carlos (2151) vs (2347) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Campeonato Paulista Interclubes Categoria Especial - 2014
Spanish Exchange (Gligoric) - Exchange
0-1 C69
2014.03.23 Matsuura, Everaldo (2459) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
English - Snake
1/2-1/2 A10
2014.03.23 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2404) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
Indian - Trompowsky
1/2-1/2 A45
2014.03.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2393) vs (2446) Santiago, Yago De Moura
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian (Keres)
1/2-1/2 A40
2014.03.22 Rocha, Wellington Carlos (2361) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
0-1 E97
2014.03.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2393) vs (2585) Mareco, Sandro
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric
1/2-1/2 E54
2014.03.21 Ribeiro, Andre Machado (2150) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
0-1 E73
2014.03.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2393) vs (1899) Campos, Tarcisio Kieffer
II Copa Cidade de Vitoria
Queen's Gambit - Marshall
1-0 D06
2014.05.04 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (2161) Bruce, Shannon Hill
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein (Normal)
1-0 E47
2014.05.03 De Paula, Rafael Figueiredo (2236) vs (2405) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
1/2-1/2 A45
2014.05.03 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (2065) Farias, Sergio Roberto Alves
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D55
2014.05.02 Barbosa, Jefferson Lucas Munho (1934) vs (2405) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B23
2014.05.02 Fonseca, Luis Ernesto Serra (2047) vs (2405) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
Sicilian - Hungarian
1-0 B27
2014.05.01 Perdomo, Leandro (2405) vs (1897) Ferreira, Jose Carlos
Aberto do Brasil CONTAUD 2014
Dutch Staunton
1-0 A83
Da Cruz, William Ferreira (2200) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2393) vs (2219) Martins, Carlos
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
1/2-1/2 A41
Borges, Vitor Hugo Moreira (2109) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
King's Indian
1/2-1/2 E90
Silva, Nivaldo Antonio vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
0-1 A45
Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2393) vs (2313) Egoroff, Jomar
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
Queen's Gambit Declined Orthodox (Rubinstein)
1-0 D61
Caetano, Hugo Zanotti Mendonça (2137) vs (2393) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
JAP´S (A) - Convencional Masculino
King's Indian Saemisch - Steiner
0-1 E81
2013.09.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2272) Abdalla, Luiz Guilherme Aurell
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav Noteboom
1/2-1/2 D31
2013.09.29 Barbosa, Evandro Amorim (2454) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Scotch - Scotch
1/2-1/2 C45
2013.09.28 Terao, Juliana Sayumi (2148) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
0-1 C77
2013.09.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2168) Pires, Marcos Vinicius Torsani
King's Indian Schwarz - Semi-Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E73
2013.09.27 Sztokbant, Bernardo Vainzoff (2230) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Spanish Chigorin - Panov
1/2-1/2 C99
2013.09.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2089) Brandao, Renan Alves
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg (Fischer)
1-0 E44
2013.09.26 Dias Da Silva, Adriano (1995) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Sicilian Alapin
0-1 B22
2013.09.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2278) Languidey, Simon Alejandro
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1-0 D55
2013.09.22 Alfaro, William (2167) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E69
2013.09.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2240) Aranha Filho, Alvaro Zimmerman
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
Nimzo-Indian Gligoric (Bronstein)
1/2-1/2 E55
2013.09.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (2118) Garkauskas, Otto Dmitry
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
Reti King's Indian
1-0 A07
2013.09.20 Mandetta, Joao Danilo (2169) vs (2391) Perdomo, Leandro
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
King's Indian Saemisch
1/2-1/2 E81
2013.09.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2391) vs (1946) Goncalves, Marcus Vinicius M
Campeonato Paulista Absoluto 2013
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2013.08.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2388) vs (2388) Stamenkovic, Dragan
Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013
Slav Modern Exchange
1/2-1/2 D14
2013.08.17 Silva Sobrinho, Agostinho Jose (2172) vs (2388) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013
King's Indian Schwarz - Kramer
0-1 E70
2013.08.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2388) vs (2168) Januario, Severino Pereira
Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2013.08.16 Abreu, Nilton Silva (2058) vs (2388) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013
Indian East Indian - Torre
0-1 A48
2013.08.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2388) vs (1879) Cardoso Da Silva, Roberto
Aberto do Brasil Taça Cidade de Teresina - Memorial Luiz Rego 2013
Indian - Schlechter
1-0 D80
2013.07.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2400) vs (2276) Languidey, Simon Alejandro
Slav Modern Exchange
1/2-1/2 D14
2013.07.18 Santos, Marcus Vinicius Moreira (2337) vs (2400) Perdomo, Leandro
Sicilian Yugoslav Dragon - Rauzer
1/2-1/2 B76
2013.07.18 Rodi, Luis Ernesto (2363) vs (2400) Perdomo, Leandro
Scotch - Scotch Schmid (Mieses)
1/2-1/2 C45
2013.07.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2400) vs (2120) Batista, Renato Luiz
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1/2-1/2 D27
2013.07.16 Zampronha, Wladimir Camilo (2159) vs (2400) Perdomo, Leandro
Scotch - Scotch Schmid (Mieses)
1/2-1/2 C45
2013.07.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2400) vs (2398) Fernandez, Daniel
Queen's Gambit Albin - Alapin
1/2-1/2 D08
2013.07.15 Aranha Filho, Alvaro Z. (2286) vs (2400) Perdomo, Leandro
Indian East Indian
1/2-1/2 A48
2013.07.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2400) vs (2308) Quintiliano Pinto, Renato R.
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1/2-1/2 D31
2013.07.14 Carneiro, Vitor Roberto Castro (2238) vs (2400) Perdomo, Leandro
English - Ultra-Symmetrical
0-1 A36
2013.05.30 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2397) vs (1832) Parente, Renan Braz
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2013.05.29 Languidey, Simon Alejandro (2270) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Spanish Exchange (Gligoric) - Exchange
1/2-1/2 C69
2013.05.29 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2397) vs (2377) Martins, Vinicius Tine
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein (Normal)
1-0 E48
2013.05.28 Terao, Rodrigo Akira (2401) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C84
2013.05.28 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2397) vs (2182) Souza, Rafael Cabral De
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Modern Benoni Knight's Tour
1-0 A61
2013.05.27 Veiga, Emerson De Sousa (2036) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C84
2013.05.27 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2397) vs (1938) Gomes, Jordan Rodrigues
Liga do Desporto Universitario - Masculino
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury - Franco-Indian
1-0 D55
2013.06.09 PERDOMO, Leandro (2398) vs (2036) VEIGA, Emerson de Sousa
Aberto do Brasil 2013 – Memorial Alcides Carlos Moreira
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg (Fischer)
1/2-1/2 E44
2013.06.08 REIS, Renan do Carmo (2266) vs (2398) PERDOMO, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil 2013 – Memorial Alcides Carlos Moreira
Spanish Chigorin
1/2-1/2 C97
2013.06.08 PERDOMO, Leandro (2398) vs (2050) DE ABREU, Nilton Silva
Aberto do Brasil 2013 – Memorial Alcides Carlos Moreira
1-0 E00
2013.06.07 MAIA, Jose Pereira (2047) vs (2398) PERDOMO, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil 2013 – Memorial Alcides Carlos Moreira
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2013.06.07 PERDOMO, Leandro (2398) vs (1537) FARIAS, Sergio Luiz Cardoso
Aberto do Brasil 2013 – Memorial Alcides Carlos Moreira
Queen's Gambit - Marshall
1-0 D06
2013.04.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2397) vs (1899) Santos, Luciano Da Silva
Jogos Universitarios Goianos - Masculino
Sicilian Moscow
1/2-1/2 B52
2013.04.20 Cavalcante, Diego Xavier (1698) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro
Jogos Universitarios Goianos - Masculino
Spanish Morphy - Exchange (Alekhine)
0-1 C68
2013.04.20 Garcia, Gabriel Gonzaga (1912) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro
Jogos Universitarios Goianos - Masculino
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2013.05.19 Amancio, Arnaldo Regis (1940) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
King's Indian
0-1 E61
2013.05.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2397) vs (1790) De Sousa, Leonardo Santos
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
Queen's Indian Capablanca
1/2-1/2 E16
2013.05.18 Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag (2551) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
Spanish Closed
1-0 C84
2013.05.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2397) vs (2079) Santos, Anderson Guerra Dos
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
King's Indian Orthodox
1-0 E86
2013.05.17 Azevedo, Edmundo Roberto Ramos (1986) vs (2397) Perdomo, Leandro
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
Indian East Indian - London
0-1 A48
2013.05.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2397) vs (1784) Da Silva, Jose Gomes
XVII Memorial Francisco Alves - Aberto do Brasil
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Pillsbury - Exchange
1-0 D51
2012.11.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2385) vs (2363) Santiago, Yago De Moura
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Slav Modern Exchange
1/2-1/2 D14
2012.11.12 Zallio, Luciano De Souza (2123) vs (2385) Perdomo, Leandro
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2012.11.11 Perdomo, Leandro (2385) vs (2199) Barata, Adriano Albiani
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1-0 A58
2012.11.11 De Oliveira, Hebert Silva (2140) vs (2385) Perdomo, Leandro
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
King's Indian Classical
0-1 E91
2012.11.10 Perdomo, Leandro (2385) vs (2354) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Slav Czech - Krause
1/2-1/2 D17
2012.11.10 Fiaes, Mario Henrique Andrade (2082) vs (2385) Perdomo, Leandro
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Indian East Indian
1/2-1/2 A48
2012.11.09 Pingas, Blas Mariano (2232) vs (2385) Perdomo, Leandro
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Four Knights Spanish - Rubinstein (Exchange)
0-1 C48
2012.11.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2385) vs (2424) Reis, Paulo F. Jatoba De Olivei
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2012.11.07 Marrero Lopez, Yaniet (2305) vs (2385) Perdomo, Leandro
III Circuito CBX 2012 - Nordeste, Norma MI - etapa Salvador
Bishop's Opening
1/2-1/2 C23
2012.10.28 Santos, Marcus Vinicius Moreir (2340) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
Sicilian Accelerated Dragon - Exchange
1/2-1/2 B34
2012.10.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (2364) Santiago, Yago De Moura
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2012.10.27 Marra, Eduardo Da Costa (2259) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2012.10.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (2256) Gattass, Allan
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
Gruenfeld Exchange
1/2-1/2 D85
2012.10.26 Franca, Elizeu Cleber Dos (2020) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2012.10.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (1858) Carmo, Jose Arlindo
Aberto do Brasil Contaud 2012
Dutch Staunton - Balogh
1-0 A82
2012.10.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (2140) Abrantes, Tiago Garrido
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2012.10.14 Rodrigues Da Silva, Evandro (2187) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Indian East Indian
0-1 A48
2012.10.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (2133) Lucena, Lincoln
Irregular Indian
1/2-1/2 E10
2012.10.13 De Paula, Rafael Figueiredo (2107) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Spanish Chigorin
0-1 C97
2012.10.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (2078) Faria, Fillipe Marinho
Queen's Gambit Declined - Lasker (Modern)
1-0 D56
2012.10.12 Nery Junior, Jose Antonio (2069) vs (2376) Perdomo, Leandro
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
0-1 C55
2012.10.11 Perdomo, Leandro (2376) vs (1927) Bassani, Eduardo
Queen's Indian Classical
1-0 E18
2012.06.16 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (2241) Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
1-0 D32
2012.06.15 De Paula, Rafael Figueiredo (2029) vs (2377) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
Spanish Berger
0-1 C96
2012.06.15 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (2364) Terao, Rodrigo Akira
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
Gruenfeld Three Knights (Hungarian)
1-0 D93
2012.06.14 Martins, Vinicius Tine (2326) vs (2377) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
King's Indian Modern
1/2-1/2 E94
2012.06.14 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (2291) Bueno, Alfeu Junior Varela
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2012.06.13 Xavier, Lucca Lucas (2011) vs (2377) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
King's Indian
0-1 E61
2012.06.13 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (1883) Santos, Gleydson Jose Barbosa
Liga do Desporto Universitário 2012 Masculino
Queen's Gambit Declined Orthodox (Rubinstein)
1-0 D61
2012.05.20 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (1679) Luz, Heitor Carvalho
Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E83
2012.05.20 Sergio Filho, Claudio Santos (1920) vs (2377) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012
Vienna Falkbeer - Mieses
0-1 C26
2012.05.19 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (1882) Bernardes, Rafael Esteves
Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2012.05.19 Almeida, Douglas de Castro (1789) vs (2377) Perdomo, Leandro Daniel
Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012
Scotch - Scotch
0-1 C45
2012.05.19 Perdomo, Leandro Daniel (2377) vs (1756) Correa, Lorenna Martins
Jogos Universitários Goianos 2012
Queen's Gambit Accepted
1-0 D20
2012.04.22 Mariano, Marceley Martins (2088) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
Zonal Goias 2012
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
1/2-1/2 C77
2012.04.22 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (2032) De Paula, Guilherme Bueno
Zonal Goias 2012
Dutch Staunton
1/2-1/2 A83
2012.04.21 De Paula, Rafael Figueiredo (2041) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
Zonal Goias 2012
Spanish Closed - Ragozin
0-1 C92
2012.04.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (2039) Rezende, Guilherme Vilela
Zonal Goias 2012
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
1-0 E41
2012.04.20 Silva, Vitor De Souza Martins (1953) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
Zonal Goias 2012
0-1 A45
2012.04.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (1840) Correa, Lorenna Martins
Zonal Goias 2012
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical
1-0 D27
2012.04.08 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (2222) Bouwman, Marcelo Wanderley
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2012.04.08 Umetsubo, Cesar Hidemitsu (2235) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
Indian East Indian - London
1/2-1/2 A48
2012.04.07 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (2399) Barbosa, Evandro Amorim
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
Gruenfeld Three Knights (Burille)
1/2-1/2 D94
2012.04.07 Cubas, Jose Fernando (2518) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
Two Knights - Modern Bishop
1/2-1/2 C55
2012.04.06 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (2190) Carvalho, Jose Jorge De
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
Queen's Gambit Albin - Alapin
1-0 D08
2012.04.06 Fiaes, Mario Henrique Andrade (2069) vs (2372) Perdomo, Leandro
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
King's Indian Saemisch
0-1 E81
2012.04.05 Perdomo, Leandro (2372) vs (1880) Rapouso, Ricardo Luis Borba
II Torneio Aberto do Brasil - Taça cidade de Fortaleza
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2011.08.31 Macedo, Maximo Iack (2309) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
King's Indian Classical - Anderssen
1/2-1/2 E92
2011.08.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2187) Molina, Jorge
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Tarrasch - Schara
1/2-1/2 D32
2011.08.30 Silveira Filho, Neri Da Silva (2237) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
King's Knight - Hungarian
0-1 C44
2011.08.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2098) Pinto, Carlos Henrique Lopes
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Dutch Staunton
1/2-1/2 A83
2011.08.28 Cavalcanti, Francisco De Assis (2291) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Indian East Indian
1/2-1/2 A48
2011.08.28 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2072) Macedo, Maximo Valerio
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Dutch Staunton - Alekhine
1-0 A83
2011.08.27 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2383) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
English Anglo-Indian (Queen's Knight)
1/2-1/2 A16
2011.08.27 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2416) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1/2-1/2 D53
2011.08.26 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2314) Barreto Filho, Carlos Alberto
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma MI - etapa Natal
Budapest - Rubinstein
1/2-1/2 A52
2011.08.21 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2161) Rodrigues Da Silva, Evandro
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Queen's Gambit Declined Pillsbury
1/2-1/2 D55
2011.08.21 Molina, Jorge (2187) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
King's Knight - Scotch Relfsson
0-1 C44
2011.08.20 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2237) Santiago, Yago De Moura
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Queen's Gambit Declined - Janowski
1-0 D31
2011.08.20 Cavalcanti, Francisco De Assis (2291) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Spanish Morphy - Anderssen
1/2-1/2 C77
2011.08.19 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2280) Barbosa, Paulo Eduardo E Silva
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E81
2011.08.19 Brito, Luismar (2250) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Spanish Closed - Bogolubov
0-1 C91
2011.08.18 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2416) Rodi, Luis Ernesto
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Slav Czech - Wiesbaden
1/2-1/2 D17
2011.08.17 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2383) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Two Knights - Blackburne
1/2-1/2 C58
2011.08.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2107) Souza, Marcos Valerio A
Circuito CBX Norma de MI - Etapa Joao Pessoa
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2011.08.14 De Almeida Jr, Benone Lopes (2176) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
King's Indian Yugoslav - Taimanov
0-1 E97
2011.08.14 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2227) Asfora, Marco Antonio H
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
King's Indian Orthodox
1/2-1/2 E86
2011.08.13 Molina, Jorge (2187) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2011.08.13 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2077) Miranda Neto, Jayme Amorim
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2011.08.12 Brito, Luismar (2250) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Dunst (Sleipner, Heinrichsen) opening
1-0 A00
2011.08.12 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2237) Santiago, Yago De Moura
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Pillsbury - Exchange
1/2-1/2 D51
2011.08.11 Rodi, Luis Ernesto (2416) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Indian - Trompowsky
1/2-1/2 A45
2011.08.10 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (1980) Lima, Luiz Alexandre De Souza
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov (Robatsch)
1-0 A40
2011.08.09 Stamenkovic, Dragan (2383) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Circuito CBX 2011 Norma de MI - Etapa Recife
King's Indian - Szabo
1/2-1/2 E62
2011.07.31 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2498) Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
1/2-1/2 D43
2011.07.31 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2231) Caldeira, Adriano
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
King's Indian Saemisch (Panno-Ruban) - Panno
1-0 E84
2011.07.30 De Paula, Rafael Figueiredo (1901) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
Spanish Closed (Steenwijker) - Sharp Worrall
1/2-1/2 C86
2011.07.30 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (1937) Arruda Filho, Ivo Pereira De
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
King's Indian Saemisch
1-0 E80
2011.07.29 Campos, Otavio Moraes (1825) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
King's Indian Fianchetto (Classical) - Classical
0-1 E68
2011.07.29 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (1783) Freitas, Vilmar
Aberto do Brasil Jatai Atletico Clube
Slav Rubinstein
1-0 D11
2011.07.17 De Paiva, Pedro Henrique (2246) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Spanish Closed - Anti-Marshall
1-0 C88
2011.07.17 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2265) Mascarenhas, Alberto Pinheiro
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2011.07.16 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2007) Alvarenga de Carvalho, Miguel Angelo
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
1-0 D31
2011.07.16 Dos Santos, Haroldo Cunha (2224) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Indian East Indian - London
1-0 A48
2011.07.15 Perdomo, Leandro (2384) vs (2053) Rodrigues, Nei Jorge
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Benko Gambit
1-0 A57
2011.07.15 Yunes, David Teles (1923) vs (2384) Perdomo, Leandro
Aberto do Brasil Xadrez Brasil
Center Game - Paulsen
0-1 C22
2011.06.30 PERDOMO, Leandro Daniel (2384) vs (1987) FLORIANOVITZ, Derlei Alex
Aberto do Brasil - Etapa Maringá IdFide 58061/IdCbx 1196
1-0 D43

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