Murillo Angel Perez Chess Games

Murillo Angel Perez - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 03:54:36 GMT+2
Player's activity: OFF
Player's name: Murillo Angel Perez (MEX) MEX
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 26 years old (born in 1998)
Fide ID: 5158877 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1978
Murillo Angel Perez Chess Games: 9

Murillo Angel Perez - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Murillo Angel Perez - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2020-10-26 to 2020-10-28 FISU World University Championship 2020 Mind Sports Online 223 384 [-161] 1352
2019-04-02 to 2019-04-02 Universiada Etapa Regional (Región 3) Rama Varonil Mexico 5 17 [-12] 1248

Murillo Angel Perez - Chess Games

Murillo Angel Perez - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Murillo Angel Perez - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2020.10.28 Rosales Schulz,Robin (2133) vs (1963) Perez,Murillo Angel
FISU World University
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
0-1 A58
2020.10.28 Voloshynskyi,Liubomyr (2118) vs (1963) Perez,Murillo Angel
FISU World University
0-1 B33
2020.10.28 Cadilhac,Igor Tokuichi Kikuchi (2323) vs (1963) Perez,Murillo Angel
FISU World University
0-1 B33
2020.10.27 Perez,Murillo Angel (1963) vs (1895) Gamage,Chathulanka
FISU World University
King's Indian Yugoslav (Aronin) - Normal
1-0 E98
2020.10.27 Perez,Murillo Angel (1963) vs (2205) Meylan,A
FISU World University
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Franco-Indian
1-0 A40
2020.10.27 Porras Chavarria,Steve (1825) vs (1963) Perez,Murillo Angel
FISU World University
Sicilian - Rossolimo
0-1 B30
2020.10.26 Perez,Murillo Angel (1963) vs (2308) Gracia Alvarez,Gerardo An
FISU World University
1-0 A56
2020.10.26 Damaceno,Mateus Lima (2136) vs (1963) Perez,Murillo Angel
FISU World University
0-1 A04
2020.10.26 Perez,Murillo Angel (1963) vs (2426) Suarez Gomez,Julio
FISU World University
Queen's Gambit Declined
0-1 D30

Murillo Angel Perez, PGN chess games