Harry Press Chess Games

Harry Press - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 02/09/2023 10:30:56 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Harry Press (AUS) AUS
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 27 years old (born in 1998)
Fide ID: 3215539 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2152
Harry Press Chess Games: 83
2092 (Rapid)
2033 (Blitz)

Harry Press - Charts


Activity chart

Harry Press - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2022-06-11 to 2022-06-13 2022 NSW Open Australia 8 10 [-2] 1882
2022-04-14 to 2022-04-18 2022 O2C Doeberl Cup Premier Australia 19 23 [-4] 2057
2021-06-12 to 2021-06-14 2021 NSW Open Australia 9 3 [+6] 2175
2021-06-12 to 2021-06-14 2021 NSW Open Australia 9 9 [0] 0
2021-04-01 to 2021-04-05 2021 O2C Doeberl Cup Premier Australia 25 22 [+3] 2043
2015-04-02 to 2015-04-06 O2C Doeberl Cup 2015 Premier Australia 68 53 [+15] 1995
2017-01-23 to 2017-01-27 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 - Challenger A United Kingdom 70 18 [+52] 2174
2016-12-28 to 2017-01-05 Hastings Masters 2016/17 United Kingdom 85 68 [+17] 2062
2017-01-06 to 2017-01-08 12th 4NCL Congress Major United Kingdom 26 4 [+22] 2146
2016-12-12 to 2016-12-16 8th CSC London Chess Classic Weekday U2050 United Kingdom 32 19 [+13] 2077
2016-12-17 to 2016-12-18 8th CSC London Chess Classic Super Rapidplay United Kingdom 235 173 [+62] 2069
2015-06-06 to 2015-06-08 2015 NSW Open Australia 28 12 [+16] 1799
2015-07-04 to 2015-07-10 Oceania Zonal 2015 Australia 56 53 [+3] 1946
2015-03-06 to 2015-03-09 2015 ACT Championship Australia 4 4 [0] 1625
2015-01-17 to 2015-01-25 2015 Australian Junior Championships Under 18 Open Australia 5 7 [-2] 1766
2014-04-18 to 2014-04-21 O2C Doeberl Cup 2014 Major Australia 6 18 [-12] 1889
2014-04-23 to 2014-04-27 Sydney International Open 2014 Australia 58 54 [+4] 1765
2014-03-21 to 2014-03-30 2014 ACT Championship Australia 6 10 [-4] 1736
2013-03-29 to 2013-04-01 2013 O2C Doeberl Cup Major Australia 16 9 [+7] 2027
2013-04-03 to 2013-04-07 Sydney International Open 2013 Australia 55 48 [+7] 1962
2013-06-08 to 2013-06-10 NSW Open 2013 Australia 38 13 [+25] 1949
2013-02-15 to 2013-02-24 2013 ACT Championship Australia 7 3 [+4] 1739
2012-04-06 to 2012-04-09 Doeberl Cup Major 2012 Australia 33 18 [+15] 1928
2012-01-15 to 2012-01-23 2012 Queenstown International New Zealand 95 112 [-17] 1835
2011-04-27 to 2011-05-01 2011 Sydney International Challengers Australia 29 1 [+28] 1960
2011-02-17 to 2011-02-26 2012 ACT Championship Australia 8 16 [-8] 1606

Harry Press - Chess Games

Harry Press - Chess Games

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Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2017.01.08 David, Ivan (1869) vs (1826) Press, Harry
12th 4NCL Congress
1/2-1/2 A45
2017.01.08 Press, Harry (1826) vs (1890) Cowan, Richard M
12th 4NCL Congress
Gruenfeld Exchange
1-0 D85
2017.01.07 Heald, Carl (1915) vs (1826) Press, Harry
12th 4NCL Congress
Nimzo-Indian Noa
0-1 E34
2017.01.07 Press, Harry (1826) vs (1565) Robinson, Brian
12th 4NCL Congress
Queen's Gambit Declined - Classical (Fianchetto)
1-0 D37
2017.01.05 SPICE, Alan P (2081) vs (1826) PRESS, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Dunst (Sleipner, Heinrichsen) opening - Nimzovich Napoleon
1-0 A00
2017.01.04 PRESS, Harry (1826) vs (2124) BURROWS, Martin P
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Nimzo-Indian Noa
1-0 E37
2017.01.03 KRUEGER, Norbert (2046) vs (1826) PRESS, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Sicilian Alapin
1/2-1/2 B22
2017.01.02 PRESS, Harry (1826) vs (1965) BATCHELOR, Paul A
Hastings Masters 2016/17
King's Indian Saemisch - Panno
1/2-1/2 E83
2016.12.16 Borkowski, Marek (2040) vs (1826) Press, Harry
8th CSC London Chess Classic
1/2-1/2 A56
2016.12.15 Salewski, Bernd (2029) vs (1826) Press, Harry
8th CSC London Chess Classic
0-1 A45
2016.12.14 Press, Harry (1826) vs (1933) Bhopal, Raj
8th CSC London Chess Classic
Sicilian Closed
0-1 B23
2017.01.01 HAND, Freddie (2205) vs (1826) PRESS, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein - Reshevsky
1-0 E46
2016.12.13 Hayward, Alan (1987) vs (1826) Press, Harry
8th CSC London Chess Classic
0-1 A45
2016.12.31 PRESS, Harry (1826) vs (2182) GAUDEAU, Valentin
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2016.12.12 Press, Harry (1826) vs (2037) Dupre, Paul D
8th CSC London Chess Classic
Gruenfeld Exchange - Modern
1/2-1/2 D85
2016.12.30 BRITTON, Richard L (2139) vs (1826) PRESS, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Spanish Chigorin
1-0 C97
2016.12.29 PRESS, Harry (1826) vs (2131) BYRON, Alan M
Hastings Masters 2016/17
King's Indian Orthodox
1/2-1/2 E85
2016.12.28 SUGDEN, John N (2071) vs (1826) PRESS, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016/17
Sicilian Closed
1/2-1/2 B25
2015.07.10 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1963) Goundar, Sanmogam
Oceania Zonal 2015
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E74
2015.07.09 Prasad, Lalit (1921) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Bishop's Opening Berlin - Lange
1/2-1/2 C55
2015.07.08 Press, Harry (1889) vs (2023) Xuan, Thomas
Oceania Zonal 2015
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
1/2-1/2 B92
2015.07.07 Press, Harry (1889) vs (2002) Narenthran, Tharmaratnam
Oceania Zonal 2015
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2015.07.07 Chek, Adrian Carl (2050) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
0-1 E41
2015.07.06 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1453) Chiara, Vince
Oceania Zonal 2015
Sicilian Yugoslav Dragon
1-0 B78
2015.07.05 Fancy, Stuart (2049) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Vienna Falkbeer - Nimzovich
1-0 C27
2015.07.05 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1686) Baterowicz, Mark
Oceania Zonal 2015
Old Benoni - Anderssen
1-0 B40
2015.07.04 Solomon, Stephen J (2365) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Spanish Closed - Marshall
1-0 C89
2015.03.09 Press, Harry (1898) vs (1692) Egan, Bill
2015 ACT Championship
Queen's Gambit Accepted Classical - Steinitz
1/2-1/2 D26
2015.03.09 Yuan, Ziqi (1185) vs (1898) Press, Harry
2015 ACT Championship
Polish Sokolsky opening
0-1 A00
2015.03.08 Press, Harry (1898) vs (1851) De Noskowski, Adrian
2015 ACT Championship
Irregular Queen's Pawn - Kotov
0-1 A40
2015.03.08 Reading, Jeremy (1960) vs (1898) Press, Harry
2015 ACT Championship
1-0 A04
2015.03.07 Press, Harry (1898) vs (1790) Butler, Brian J
2015 ACT Championship
Slav Dutch
1-0 D18
2015.03.07 Danaswara, Indis (1061) vs (1898) Press, Harry
2015 ACT Championship
Nimzo-Indian Leningrad
0-1 E30
2015.03.06 Press, Harry (1898) vs (1124) Cunningham, Cam
2015 ACT Championship
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg
1-0 E43
2014.03.30 Press, Harry (1888) vs (1723) Suptut, Jeff
2014 ACT Championship
Reti Symmetrical
0-1 A05
2014.03.30 Brown, Andrew (2245) vs (1888) Press, Harry
2014 ACT Championship
Indian - Trompowsky
1-0 A45
2014.03.29 Press, Harry (1888) vs (1899) De Noskowski, Adrian
2014 ACT Championship
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf - Byrne
1-0 B90
2014.03.29 Press, Harry (1888) vs (2338) Ikeda, Junta
2014 ACT Championship
Sicilian Paulsen - Polugaevsky
0-1 B42
2014.03.23 Chibnall, Alana (1896) vs (1888) Press, Harry
2014 ACT Championship
Sicilian Macdonnell - Tal
0-1 B21
2014.03.23 Press, Harry (1888) vs (1081) Cunningham, Cam
2014 ACT Championship
Vienna Falkbeer
1-0 C27
2014.03.22 Butler, Brian J (1831) vs (1888) Press, Harry
2014 ACT Championship
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf
1/2-1/2 B94
2014.03.22 Press, Harry (1888) vs (1459) Hathiramani, Dillon
2014 ACT Championship
Reti Symmetrical
1/2-1/2 A05
2014.03.21 Bruer, Matthew (761) vs (1888) Press, Harry
2014 ACT Championship
Clemenz (Mead's, Basman's or de Klerk's) opening
0-1 A00

Harry Press - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2022.04.16 Lane,G (2332) vs (2114) Press,Harry
O2C Doeberl Cup 2022
Spanish Closed - Bogolubov
1-0 C91
2022.04.15 Press,Harry (2114) vs (2460) Ikeda,J
O2C Doeberl Cup 2022
Sicilian Moscow
1-0 B52
2022.04.15 Press,Harry (2114) vs (2043) Banerjee,N
O2C Doeberl Cup 2022
1/2-1/2 B01
2021.04.01 Press,Harry (2089) vs (2452) Ikeda,J
O2C Doeberl Cup 2021
0-1 B06
2021.02.21 Patterson,Miles (1944) vs (2076) Press,Harry
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
English - Snake
0-1 A10
2021.02.14 Press,Harry (2076) vs Amer,Abdulmalk
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
Spanish Closed
1/2-1/2 C84
2021.01.31 Press,Harry (2076) vs (1709) Archer,Saffron
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
Spanish Closed
1-0 C84
2021.01.24 Litchfield,Frederick (2081) vs (2076) Press,Harry
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1/2-1/2 A58
2021.01.17 Press,Harry (2076) vs (1752) Pearce,Tim
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
Caro-Kann - Two Knights (Mindeno)
1-0 B11
2021.01.10 Dunn,Paul (1396) vs (2076) Press,Harry
ACTJCL Sunday Summer 2021
Indian East Przepiorka
0-1 A49
2015.07.10 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1963) Goundar, S.
Oceania Zonal 2015
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1/2-1/2 E74
2015.07.08 Press, Harry (1889) vs (2023) Xuan, Thomas
Oceania Zonal 2015
Sicilian Scheveningen Najdorf (Opecensky)
1/2-1/2 B92
2015.07.07 Press, Harry (1889) vs (2002) Narenthran, T.
Oceania Zonal 2015
Slav Rubinstein
0-1 D11
2015.07.07 Chek, A. (2050) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein
0-1 E41
2015.07.06 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1453) Chiara, Vince
Oceania Zonal 2015
Sicilian Yugoslav Dragon
1-0 B78
2015.07.05 Fancy, S. (2049) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Vienna Falkbeer - Nimzovich
1-0 C27
2015.07.05 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1686) Baterowicz, M.
Oceania Zonal 2015
Old Benoni - Anderssen
1-0 B40
2015.07.04 Solomon, SJ. (2365) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Spanish Closed - Marshall
1-0 C89
2015.07.05 Press, Harry (1889) vs (1686) Baterowicz, M.
Oceania Zonal 2015
Old Benoni - Anderssen
1-0 B40
2015.07.04 Solomon, SJ. (2365) vs (1889) Press, Harry
Oceania Zonal 2015
Spanish Closed - Marshall
1-0 C89
2015.06.06 Zhao Zong Yuan (2548) vs (1881) Press, Harry
NSW Open 2015
Irregular Indian
1-0 E10
2017.01.05 Spice, A. (2081) vs (1826) Press, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Dunst (Sleipner, Heinrichsen) opening - Nimzovich Napoleon
1-0 A00
2017.01.04 Press, Harry (1826) vs (2124) Burrows, M.
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Nimzo-Indian Noa
1-0 E37
2017.01.03 Krueger, N. (2046) vs (1826) Press, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Sicilian Alapin
1/2-1/2 B22
2016.12.29 Press, Harry (1826) vs (2131) Byron, A.
Hastings Masters 2016-17
King's Indian Orthodox
1/2-1/2 E85
2017.01.02 Press, Harry (1826) vs (1965) Batchelor, Paul A
Hastings Masters 2016-17
King's Indian Saemisch - Panno
1/2-1/2 E83
2017.01.01 Hand, Freddie (2205) vs (1826) Press, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Nimzo-Indian St. Petersburg Rubinstein - Reshevsky
1-0 E46
2016.12.31 Press, Harry (1826) vs (2182) Gaudeau, V.
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Dutch - Hopton
1-0 A80
2016.12.30 Britton, R. (2139) vs (1826) Press, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Spanish Chigorin
1-0 C97
2016.12.28 Sugden, J. (2071) vs (1826) Press, Harry
Hastings Masters 2016-17
Sicilian Closed
1/2-1/2 B25
2016.12.17 Bok, B. (2598) vs (1826) Press, Harry
London Classic Superrapid
Benko Gambit Accepted - Half-Accepted
1/2-1/2 A58
2012.01.16 Tang, J. (2030) vs (1884) Press, Harry
Queenstown Classic
Nimzo-Indian Classical
1-0 E32
2012.01.15 Press, Harry (1884) vs (2345) Dive, RJ.
Queenstown Classic
Alekhine Modern
1/2-1/2 B04
2012.01.23 Press, Harry (1884) vs (1672) Mitchell, R.
Queenstown Classic
0-1 B07
2012.01.22 Fuatai, F. (2031) vs (1884) Press, Harry
Queenstown Classic
Sicilian Paulsen - Reti
1-0 B41
2012.01.21 Press, Harry (1884) vs Janisz, Andrew
Queenstown Classic
King's Indian Schwarz - Averbakh
1-0 E74
2012.01.20 Press, Harry (1884) vs (2008) Lester, G.
Queenstown Classic
King's Indian Fianchetto (Panno) - King's Fianchetto
0-1 E63
2012.01.19 Watson, Je (1571) vs (1884) Press, Harry
Queenstown Classic
Indian Knight - Rubinstein
0-1 A46
2012.01.18 Kempen, L. (1999) vs (1884) Press, Harry
Queenstown Classic
1-0 A56
2012.01.17 Press, Harry (1884) vs Zhang, Leon
Queenstown Classic
Sicilian Closed
1-0 B23

Harry Press, PGN chess games