Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras Chess Games

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 03/09/2023 01:43:29 GMT+2
Player's activity: OFF
Player's name: Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras (VEN) VEN
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 23 years old (born in 2001)
Fide ID: 3964000 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 1680
Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras Chess Games: 7

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Charts


Activity chart (Standard games)

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2022-02-05 to 2022-02-05 XX Juegos Deportivos Nacionales 2022 - Rapido Masculino Venezuela 49 49 [0] 1287
2022-02-05 to 2022-02-05 XX JDN RAPIDO MASCULINO POR EQUIPOS Venezuela 49 49 [0] 0
2022-02-01 to 2022-02-04 XX Juegos Deportivos Nacionales 2022 - Clasico Masculino Venezuela 34 66 [-32] 964
2022-02-04 to 2022-02-04 XX Juegos Deportivos Nacionales 2022 - Blitz Masculino Venezuela 54 54 [0] 0
2020-07-26 to 2020-07-26 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 26 th July ) United States 689 689 [0] 0
2020-07-12 to 2020-07-12 Sundays with Unity : Weekly International Open Online Blitz Tournament ( 12th July ) United States 837 837 [0] 0
2019-05-11 to 2019-05-11 Tercera Valida Circuito IRT Blitz Club de Ajedrez Abogados de Merida MAYO 2019 Sabado 11 de Mayo Incripcion 3000 BsS INFO 04147579358 Venezuela 9 5 [+4] 1632
2019-02-23 to 2019-02-23 Primera Valida Circuito IRT Blitz Club de Ajedrez Abogados de Merida Febrero 2019 23 de Febrero 9 RONDAS Venezuela 19 8 [+11] 1626
2019-01-12 to 2019-01-12 IRT Blitz Calentando Motores Merida 2019, Sabado 12 de Enero Info:04263718985 Venezuela 14 17 [-3] 1366
2019-01-12 to 2019-01-12 IRT Blitz Calentando Motores Merida 2019, Sabado 12 de Enero Info:04263718985 Venezuela 14 17 [-3] 1366
2019-10-11 to 2019-10-11 IRT Blitz "Dia de la Resistencia Indigena" Tovar-Merida, Viernes 11 de Octubre Inscripcion 10.000 Bs Contacto: 04147579358 Venezuela 8 4 [+4] 1794
2019-02-07 to 2019-02-08 XXIX IRT BLITZ FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival San Cristóbal 10 Febrero - Resultados! Venezuela 45 22 [+23] 1622
2019-08-14 to 2019-08-18 I GRAN TORNEO NACIONAL POR EQUIPOS Venezuela 114 99 [+15] 1510
2019-05-04 to 2019-05-04 IRT Rapido Tovar Mayo 2019 Sabado 4 de Mayo INFO 04147579358 Venezuela 3 3 [0] 1538
2019-06-05 to 2019-06-05 IRT Blitz TOVAR Junio 2019 RANKING FINAL Venezuela 5 1 [+4] 1636
2019-02-07 to 2019-02-08 XXIX IRT BLITZ FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival - San Cristobal 7-9 de febrero *Inscripciones_Abiertas!_BsS:1500*. ¡Existe buen Paquete de Alojam y Aliment.! Venezuela 45 22 [+23] 1622
2019-02-06 to 2019-02-10 XXIX IRT RAPIDO FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival San Cristóbal 7-9 Febrero - Resultados! Venezuela 80 23 [+57] 1625
2019-02-06 to 2019-02-10 XXIX IRT CLASICO FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival San Cristóbal 6-10 Febrero - Resultados! Venezuela 53 47 [+6] 1638
2019-02-06 to 2019-02-10 XXIX IRT RAPIDO FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival - San Cristobal 6-10 de febrero https://ajedrezfiss.blogspot.com, https://fva.com.ve - 04147373500 04127640129 Venezuela 80 23 [+57] 1625
2019-02-06 to 2019-02-10 XXIX IRT CLASICO FISS 2019 Rising Stars Festival - San Cristobal 6-10 de febrero https://ajedrezfiss.blogspot.com, https://fva.com.ve - 04147373500 04127640129 Venezuela 53 47 [+6] 1638
2019-02-22 to 2019-02-23 Primera Valida Circuito IRT Sub2200 Clasico Club de Ajedrez Abogados de Merida Febrero 2019 22 y 23 de Febrero 5 RONDAS Incripcion 3000 BsS INFO 04147579358 Venezuela 9 7 [+2] 1552
2019-08-22 to 2019-08-25 Campeonato Nacional Juvenil Absoluto FVA 2019 Venezuela 13 20 [-7] 1342
2018-09-14 to 2018-09-14 IRT Blitz Copa OI Julio Cesar Paredes Venezuela 20 20 [0] 1282
2018-10-25 to 2018-10-25 IX FESTIVAL PANAMERICANO DE AJEDREZ ESCOLAR BLITZ Sub 17 Absoluto Venezuela 25 27 [-2] 1288
2018-09-11 to 2018-09-11 IRT Clasico IRON LOCK Merida 2018 Venezuela 9 5 [+4] 1501
2018-10-23 to 2018-10-28 IX FESTIVAL PANAMERICANO DE AJEDREZ ESCOLAR Sub 17 Absoluto Venezuela 56 42 [+14] 1600
2018-08-31 to 2018-08-31 Torneo Blitz Copa Vacaciones 2018 Venezuela 7 3 [+4] 1641
2018-07-05 to 2018-07-08 ABSOLUTO SUB 17 NACIONAL ESCOLAR FVA 2018 Venezuela 14 15 [-1] 1316
2018-04-28 to 2018-05-03 XVI FESTIVAL CAC DE LA JUVENTUD MERIDA 2018 CLASICO Sub 18 A www.fva.com.ve Venezuela 28 25 [+3] 1380
2007-09-18 to 2007-09-18 Torneo Blitz Copa Vinotinto Venezuela 10 4 [+6] 1758

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Chess Games

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Chess Games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
2018.07.08 Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander (1501) vs (1573) Echeto Hernandez, Moises
Spanish Morphy - Classical
0-1 C70
2018.07.07 Vargas Castaneda, Kevin Andres (1081) vs (1501) Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander
Sicilian - Labourdonnais
0-1 B32
2018.07.07 RAMIREZ RONDON, JOSNIEL NIXXON vs (1501) Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander
Sicilian - Labourdonnais
0-1 B32
2018.07.06 Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander (1501) vs PERDOMO MARQUEZ, MAGDIEL ETNAM
Spanish Steinitz
1-0 C62
2018.07.06 Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander (1501) vs Ascanio Morales, Brayan Miguel
Queen's Gambit Declined - Old Semi-Slav
0-1 D31
2018.07.05 Ubertin Gomez, Katherin Rossmary (1558) vs (1501) Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander
English Agincourt
1/2-1/2 A13
2018.07.05 Ramirez Contreras, Williams Alexander (1501) vs (1999) Salazar Olchowski, Gabriel Anton
Indian East Indian
0-1 A48

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras - Other possible chess games

Date Players & Opening Result ECO View
No results No results No results No results No results

Williams Alexander Ramirez Contreras, PGN chess games