Hao Wang Chess Games

Hao Wang - Chess Player Overview

Last update: 02/09/2023 08:38:01 GMT+2
Player's activity: ON
Player's name: Hao Wang (CHN) CHN
Player's photo: (Search in Google Images)
Age: 36 years old (born in 1989)
Fide ID: 8602883 (FIDE card)
Highest FIDE Elo achieved: 2763
Hao Wang Chess Games: 2388
2692 (Rapid)
2628 (Blitz)

Hao Wang - Charts


Activity chart

Hao Wang - Chess Tournaments

Date Chess tournament name Initial ranking Final ranking Performance
2023-01-26 to 2023-01-27 Examen Team Victoria Cámara Mexico 17 10 [+7] 2564
2023-01-26 to 2023-01-27 Examen Team Eduardo Arizpe Mexico 7 12 [-5] 2564
2022-12-18 to 2022-12-20 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Rapid Azerbaijan 2 4 [-2] 2667
2022-12-22 to 2022-12-23 Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022, Blitz Azerbaijan 2 5 [-3] 2608
2022-07-10 to 2022-07-11 Erik Jasso Team 12 11 [+1] 2491
2022-07-10 to 2022-07-11 Jeronimo Hernandez Team 17 11 [+6] 2577
2022-10-07 to 2022-10-07 Carlos Carballo Team 17 11 [+6] 2577
2022-07-11 to 2022-07-11 Gwendolyne Palacios Team 17 10 [+7] 2577
2022-07-10 to 2022-07-10 FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ TEAM 17 11 [+6] 2577
2022-07-10 to 2022-07-11 NAYELI BENITEZ SUIZO TEAM 7 12 [-5] 2577
2022-07-10 to 2022-07-10 FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ TEAM 17 11 [+6] 2577
2022-07-11 to 2022-07-12 MIGUEL JIMENEZ TEAM 17 11 [+6] 2577
2022-08-17 to 2022-08-25 28th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 1 25 [-24] 2607
2022-03-16 to 2022-03-16 3 PROGRAMA DE TITULACION examen pablo Mexico 14 22 [-8] 2454
2021-10-11 to 2021-10-15 Chess Super League 2021 - League Stage India 1 8 [-7] 2743
2020-03-17 to 2021-04-27 2020-2021 FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament Latvia 7 8 [-1] 2670
2020-03-17 to 2021-04-27 2020 FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament 7 8 [-1] 2670
2020-12-15 to 2020-12-16 2020年中国国际象棋电视快棋赛 男子组 China 1 3 [-2] 2744
2020-12-03 to 2020-12-09 11th China Hainan Danzhou Super Grandmaster Chess Tournament China 8 7 [+1] 2673
2020-05-05 to 2020-05-09 dfsf 2 1 [+1] 0
2020-05-05 to 2020-05-09 Online Nations Cup 2 21 [-19] 2667
2019-12-11 to 2019-12-22 Grand Prix Jerusalem 2019 - Rapid Games Israel 8 9 [-1] 2713
2019-05-17 to 2019-05-18 2019 IMSA World Masters Championship Men Blitz China 11 6 [+5] 2751
2019-05-14 to 2019-05-16 2019 IMSA World Masters Championship Men Rapid China 1 12 [-11] 2668
2019-06-19 to 2019-06-27 2019 Chinese Chess Team Tournament Men China 36 20 [+16] 2566
2019-07-29 to 2019-08-06 2019 Belt and Road China Hunan International Chess Open Category A China 3 5 [-2] 2749
2019-12-29 to 2019-12-30 2019 King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Championship Blitz Open Russia 24 16 [+8] 2726
2019-12-26 to 2019-12-28 2019 King Salman World Rapid & Blitz Championship Rapid Open Russia 17 28 [-11] 2778
2019-03-15 to 2019-03-18 Hail International Rapid Chess Tournament for men Saudi Arabia 1 1 [0] 2452
2019-10-10 to 2019-10-21 FIDE Chess.com Grand Swiss 2019 United Kingdom 15 1 [+14] 2900
2019-06-06 to 2019-06-15 20. A.Karpov Intl Tournament Russia 7 5 [+2] 2679
2019-03-07 to 2019-03-13 9th HDBank International Chess Tournament 2019 - Masters Vietnam 1 1 [0] 2767
2019-11-01 to 2019-11-02 第四届全国智力运动会国际象棋 男子团体快棋 China 12 22 [-10] 2568
2019-03-22 to 2019-03-30 3rd Sharjah Masters International Chess Championship - 2019 United Arab Emirates 1 2 [-1] 2761
2019-10-25 to 2019-10-29 第四届全国智力运动会国际象棋 男子个人 China 3 8 [-5] 2739
2019-02-20 to 2019-02-27 Aeroflot Open 2019 A Russia 3 4 [-1] 2729
2019-06-30 to 2019-07-07 The 10th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament China 2 5 [-3] 2726
2019-04-16 to 2019-04-25 The 2nd Guotai Cup the Belt and Road International Open 2019 - Open China 1 2 [-1] 2654
2020-01-21 to 2020-01-30 Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2020 - Masters United Kingdom 3 2 [+1] 2792
2019-04-09 to 2019-12-07 "众弈杯"2019年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 沈阳站(19-22轮) China 25 3 [+22] 2758
2019-04-09 to 2019-12-07 2019 Chinese Chess League Division A R19-R22 China 25 3 [+22] 2758
2019-06-19 to 2019-06-27 2019年全国国际象棋锦标赛(团体) 男子组 China 36 20 [+16] 2566
2017-12-14 to 2017-12-15 2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games Men-Basque China 6 7 [-1] 2779
2017-12-12 to 2017-12-13 2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games Men-Blitz China 5 8 [-3] 2733
2018-12-29 to 2018-12-30 King Salman World Blitz Championship 2018 Open Russia 10 69 [-59] 2669
2017-12-10 to 2017-12-11 2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games Men-rapid China 6 5 [+1] 2783
2018-12-26 to 2018-12-28 King Salman World Rapid Championship 2018 Open Russia 7 19 [-12] 2772
2018-06-07 to 2018-06-08 2018 China Blitz Chess Championships Men China 2 2 [0] 2730
2018-06-06 to 2018-06-07 2018 China Rapid Chess Championships Men China 1 3 [-2] 2694
2018-11-03 to 2019-04-21 Extraliga 2018/2019 Czech Republic 38 105 [-67] 0
2018-12-10 to 2018-12-18 17th Asian Continental Chess Championships (2nd Manny Pacquiao Cup) - OPEN Philippines 1 17 [-16] 2566
2018-04-12 to 2018-04-19 2nd Sharjah Masters International Chess Championship United Arab Emirates 1 3 [-2] 2774
2018-03-10 to 2018-03-15 8th HDBank Cup International Open Chess 2018 - Masters Vietnam 2 5 [-3] 2646
2018-05-26 to 2018-06-04 The 1st Longtou Cup the Belt and Road Chess Open China 1 1 [0] 2703
2018-10-20 to 2018-10-28 Chess.com Isle of Man International Chess Tournament - Masters United Kingdom 12 6 [+6] 2820
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 4 6 [-2] 2726
2018-10-12 to 2018-10-18 34th European Club Cup Greece 194 157 [+37] 2652
2017-12-29 to 2017-12-30 King Salman World Blitz Championship 2017 Open Saudi Arabia 19 4 [+15] 2832
2017-12-26 to 2017-12-28 King Salman World Rapid Championship 2017 Open Saudi Arabia 9 11 [-2] 2814
2018-08-07 to 2018-08-15 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters United Arab Emirates 4 6 [-2] 2726
2018-08-20 to 2018-08-26 15th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysian Open 2018 Malaysia 1 1 [0] 2788
2017-11-11 to 2017-11-19 Campionatul national pe echipe - SUPERLIGA OPEN Romania 19 19 [0] 2690
2018-01-23 to 2018-02-01 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2018 - Masters United Kingdom 10 13 [-3] 2710
2018-08-10 to 2018-08-10 25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Blitz United Arab Emirates 1 4 [-3] 2644
2018-06-19 to 2018-06-25 2018年全国国际象棋锦标赛(团体) 男子组 China 19 9 [+10] 2626
2018-06-19 to 2018-06-25 2018 Chinese Chess League Men China 19 9 [+10] 2626
2017-11-18 to 2018-04-08 Extraliga 2017/2018 Czech Republic 53 85 [-32] 2693
2017-04-18 to 2017-12-05 2017 Chinese Chess League Division A Round 19-22 China 65 16 [+49] 2659
2017-04-18 to 2017-12-05 “映美杯”2017年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 第六站(三乡盛桐站) China 65 16 [+49] 2659
2014-11-18 to 2014-11-20 4th Chinese Chess Master Rapid Championship (Men) China 3 1 [+2] 2759
2017-05-21 to 2017-05-21 "Sichuan Airlines Cup" 2017 Asian Continental Chess Championships Open_Blitz China 1 11 [-10] 2589
2017-06-06 to 2017-06-14 2017 Chinese Chess League Men China 24 58 [-34] 0
2017-06-06 to 2017-06-14 2017年全国国际象棋锦标赛(团体) 男子组 China 24 58 [-34] 0
2017-07-09 to 2017-07-18 The 8th Danzhou Super Chess Grandmaster Tournament "HAIMA FAMILY CUP" China 3 5 [-2] 2765
2016-10-08 to 2017-04-02 tht Extraliga 2016/2017 Czech Republic 94 86 [+8] 2737
2017-05-12 to 2017-05-20 "Sichuan Airlines Cup" 2017 Asian Continental Chess Championships Open China 6 1 [+5] 2817
2017-03-12 to 2017-03-17 7th HDBank Cup International Open Chess 2017 - Masters Vietnam 5 3 [+2] 2725
2017-04-08 to 2017-04-16 17th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2017 Thailand 1 7 [-6] 2515
2017-03-23 to 2017-03-31 1st Sharjah Masters international Chess championship 2017 United Arab Emirates 5 1 [+4] 2783
2016-12-06 to 2016-12-11 2016 PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL OPEN Open Division Philippines 1 1 [0] 2693
2016-12-06 to 2016-12-11 2016 PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL OPEN Open Division Philippines 1 1 [0] 2693
2016-12-13 to 2016-12-18 2016 PSC- PUREGOLD INTERNATIONAL CHESS CHALLENGE Open Division Philippines 1 1 [0] 2733
2016-04-12 to 2016-12-05 “映美杯”2016年中国国际象棋甲级联赛 第六站(深圳华阳体育站) China 60 13 [+47] 2644
2016-11-19 to 2016-11-27 Campionatul national pe echipe - SUPERLIGA OPEN Romania 66 19 [+47] 2655
2016-11-06 to 2016-11-12 32nd European Club Cup 2016 Open Section Serbia 42 4 [+38] 2642
2020-03-17 to 2020-04-03 2020 FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament (unfinished) Russia 7 5 [+2] 2775
2016-08-21 to 2016-08-29 23rd Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament United Arab Emirates 2 15 [-13] 2619
2016-10-01 to 2016-10-09 Chess.com Isle of Man International - Masters United Kingdom 7 21 [-14] 2381
2016-07-08 to 2016-07-17 "People's Daily Online Cup" Danzhou The 7 Chess Grandmaster Tournament China 4 10 [-6] 2646
2016-06-18 to 2016-06-19 Eurasian Blitz Chess Cup of the President of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 6 19 [-13] 2750
2016-03-08 to 2016-03-13 6th HDBank Cup International Open Chess 2016 - Masters tournament Vietnam 1 1 [0] 2889
2015-11-20 to 2015-11-22 5th Chinese Chess Master Rapid Championship (Men) China 3 5 [-2] 2656
2015-12-23 to 2015-12-30 Al Ain Classic 2015 United Arab Emirates 2 1 [+1] 2944
2015-08-25 to 2015-09-23 第三届全国智力运动会国际象棋比赛 男子个人快棋 China 8 13 [-5] 2643
2015-04-12 to 2015-04-19 15th Bangkok Chess Club Open 2015 Thailand 1 4 [-3] 2692
2015-05-18 to 2015-05-29 2015 Chinese chess championship(men) China 11 3 [+8] 2663
2014-04-12 to 2014-12-09 2014年中国国际象棋甲级联赛(第四站) China 8 35 [-27] 2620
2014-04-12 to 2014-12-09 2014 Chinese Chess League Division A China 8 26 [-18] 2698
2018-01-24 to 2018-01-26 2018年第二届"博弈杯" 中国青少年国际象棋国际公开赛 China 2 14 [-12] 2479
2014-08-20 to 2014-08-28 21st Abu Dhabi Int. Chess Festival Masters Tournament Abu Dhabi 2014 United Arab Emirates 1 20 [-19] 2551
2014-06-16 to 2014-06-18 FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014 United Arab Emirates 20 21 [-1] 2721
2014-06-19 to 2014-06-20 FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014 United Arab Emirates 40 44 [-4] 2709
2013-10-07 to 2013-10-16 Kings Tournament - 7th edition Romania 1 2 [-1] 2775
2013-10-20 to 2013-10-26 29th European Club Cup 2013 Greece 10 46 [-36] 2756
2013-07-04 to 2013-07-16 FIDE GRAND PRIX 2012-13 Beijing 2013 China 7 10 [-3] 2715
2013-09-26 to 2013-09-26 TEMPORAL Netherlands Antilles 11 10 [+1] 2711
2013-02-14 to 2013-02-14 Aeroflot blitz Russia 9 49 [-40] 2661
2012-08-28 to 2012-09-09 40th Chess Olympiad 2012 Open Turkey 11 132 [-121] 2761
2012-04-28 to 2012-10-09 2012年度“弈诚杯”中国国际象棋甲级联赛 China 7 40 [-33] 2543
2012-11-22 to 2012-12-04 FIDE Grand Prix 2012 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 8 2 [+6] 2813
2013-02-16 to 2013-02-17 Aeroflot rapid knock out final Russia 9 7 [+2] 2757
2012-04-28 to 2012-12-23 2012 "Yicheng cup"Chinese Chess League Division A(Games-download) China 7 39 [-32] 2571
2012-05-21 to 2012-05-21 2012 Asian Team Chess Championship Men -Blitz China 1 53 [-52] 0
2012-05-17 to 2012-05-26 2012(Zaozhuang-China) Asian Nations Chess Cup Men section China 1 17 [-16] 2860
2012-03-26 to 2012-08-26 Curso Master de Swiss Manager 2012 Categoria Absoluta Mexico 19 20 [-1] 2518
2011-12-09 to 2011-12-11 Sportaccord World Mind Games Rapid - Men China 5 1 [+4] 2968
2011-12-12 to 2011-12-13 Sportaccord World Mind Games Blitz - Men China 7 13 [-6] 2601
2010-08-05 to 2010-08-05 Yinzhou Cup The 7the China-Russia Chess Match China 1 2 [-1] 2841
2011-12-14 to 2011-12-16 Sportaccord World Mind Games Blindfold - Men China 5 5 [0] 2725
2010-05-24 to 2010-06-04 2010 全国国际象棋锦标赛(男子个人甲组) China 6 1 [+5] 2679
2010-05-24 to 2010-06-04 2010 china chess individual tournament group A China 6 1 [+5] 2679
2011-08-15 to 2011-08-21 The 26th Summer universiade Individual Men China 1 2 [-1] 2723
2011-07-17 to 2011-07-26 Yinzhou Cup 2011 World ChessTeam Championship China 2 4 [-2] 2854
2011-05-15 to 2011-05-24 2nd Hainan Danzhou Chinese Top Grandmaster Chess Tournament China 3 5 [-2] 2694
2011-04-12 to 2011-04-23 RUS Chmp. 2011 Team Men Open tournament Russia 10 44 [-34] 2776
2011-04-12 to 2011-04-23 CURSO MASTER SWISS MANAGER - TORNEO POR EQUIPOS Mexico 10 42 [-32] 2776
2011-04-12 to 2011-04-23 CURSO MASTER DE SWISS MANAGER Mexico 10 42 [-32] 2771
2010-09-21 to 2010-10-03 39th Chess Olympiad 2010 Open Russia 20 18 [+2] 2783
2010-11-18 to 2010-11-24 Asian Games - Team Standard chess - Men China 7 37 [-30] 2627
2010-11-25 to 2010-11-26 Asian Games - Men Team Semi Final & Final China 3 1 [+2] 0
2010-02-22 to 2010-03-02 2010 Olympic Tournament Chinese Team Selection Round Robin China 5 1 [+4] 2689
2010-05-05 to 2010-05-14 40th International Tournament Bosna 2010 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1 [0] 2796
2010-06-11 to 2010-06-20 中国海南儋州首届国际象棋特级大师超霸赛 China 4 4 [0] 2691
2010-06-11 to 2010-06-20 1st Hainan Danzhou Super Grand Master Chess Tournament China 4 4 [0] 2691
2009-11-01 to 2009-11-03 3rd ASIAN INDOOR GAMES - MEN RAPID PRELIMINARY Vietnam 2 1 [+1] 2945
2009-05-04 to 2009-12-14 2009 Torch Real Estate Cup China Chess League Divesion A China 1 4 [-3] 2733
2009-09-17 to 2009-09-24 Chinese Chess King China 4 2 [+2] 2747
2009-05-26 to 2009-06-06 Ê×½ìÖйú¡¤ÐË»¯È«¹ú¹ú¼ÊÏóÆå½õ±êÈü£¨¸öÈ˼××飩 ÄÐ×Ó×é China 9 2 [+7] 2754
2009-05-25 to 2009-06-06 2009 China Championship Men China 9 2 [+7] 2754
2009-05-08 to 2009-05-18 39th International Chess Supertournament Bosna 2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 3 [-1] 2725
2009-04-17 to 2009-04-28 2009 International Chess Zone Tournament ( Zone China) Men China 3 2 [+1] 2629
2007-08-04 to 2007-08-10 Peoples Chess Festival 2007 Sweden 2 2 [0] 2731
2007-09-19 to 2007-09-29 VI ASIAN INDIVIDUAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP Austria 3 2 [+1] 2709
2007-10-26 to 2007-10-27 2nd Asian Indoor Games (Team Rapid Chess) Macau Singapore 6 36 [-30] 2523
2007-10-03 to 2007-10-16 WORLD U-20 CHAMPIONSHIP/Juniors Armenia 1 3 [-2] 2658
2007-11-03 to 2007-11-03 2nd Asian Indoor Games - Team Blitz Chess Macau Singapore 6 7 [-1] 2610
2008-01-03 to 2008-01-09 Asian Team Chess Championship 2007 India 23 6 [+17] 2708
2008-03-03 to 2008-03-11 Reykjavik Open 2008 Iceland 2 1 [+1] 2721
2008-10-17 to 2008-10-17 1st World Mind Sport Games - Final Men Team Rapid China 4 3 [+1] 2639
2008-10-17 to 2008-10-17 1st World Mind Sport Games - Men Team Rapid China 4 5 [-1] 2746
2008-10-14 to 2008-10-14 1st World Mind Sport Games - MenTeam Blitz Final China 4 8 [-4] 2468
2008-10-13 to 2008-10-13 1st World Mind Sport Games - Men Team Blitz China 4 1 [+3] 2848
2008-10-05 to 2008-10-07 1st World Mind Sport Games - Individual Rapid preliminary - Men China 4 5 [-1] 2751
2008-10-04 to 2008-10-04 1st World Mind Sport Games - Individual Blitz preliminary - Men China 4 9 [-5] 2666
2008-11-13 to 2008-11-25 38th Chess Olympiad 2008 Open Germany 30 328 [-298] 2635
2008-03-26 to 2008-12-10 2008Äê¡°»ð¾æµØ²ú±­¡±È«¹ú¹ú¼ÊÏóÆå¼×¼¶ÁªÈü Austria 5 9 [-4] 2571
2006-12-26 to 2006-12-30 3rd Singapore Masters International Open Tournament 2006 2 2 [0] 2722
2005-04-04 to 2005-04-12 Dubai Open 2005 49 1 [+48] 2723
2004-10-14 to 2004-10-31 36th Chess Olympiad 2004 Open Men"s section Spain 68 624 [-556] 2468
2003-10-23 to 2003-11-02 World Youth Chess Championship 2003 - Boys-14 Greece 32 4 [+28] 2468
1925-12-08 to 1931-12-08 1st Asian Club Cup United Arab Emirates 8 11 [-3] 2683
2023-03-30 to 2023-03-31 第四届全国智力运动会国际象棋 男子个人 China 3 38 [-35] 0

Hao Wang - Chess Games

Hao Wang - Chess Games

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